Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 637: 637

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"Who is it?"

"Who is it?"

The sudden laughter surprised the people, and their faces changed slightly. They looked up at the void.

Originally in order to fight for the position of the water purifier, the friars also stopped, a face of vigilance.

When Taoist Jun saw the jade, his face immediately changed and he exclaimed, "they are ancient people!"

"What? Ancient people

"It is said that their appearance represents the arrival of chaos catastrophe. Is it true or not?"

"The ancient people, who feed on chaotic creatures, like to swallow the origin of the world!"

"They are born to be the strongest!"

Those who can be here can also be regarded as a large gate with a long history in chaos, so they know a lot of secrets.

During the exchange, many disciples suddenly changed their faces and were terrified.

Gu Yu's red eyes were cold in the night. He said with a sneer, "ha ha, after the ages, there are still people who can remember us."

Gu Yun also said with a strange smile: "Shenyu is a large hunting ground. Gathering the prey together saves us a lot of trouble."

They are tall and powerful, which makes the space vibrate and roar. Even if they just stand in the void, they still give people endless pressure.

Looking at people's eyes, it is more like a hunter scanning the prey, full of banter and killing, which makes people feel cold.

Gu Yu also saw Tiangong and others, and his eyes were even colder. He said in a low voice: "master, there may be an unknowable secret hidden behind that group of people. It was them who took out a God called chocolate at the beginning, which greatly increased the strength of the Spirit Lord, and Gu Ming of our family also died because of it!"

One of the ancient people said in a low voice: "to kill our people, we must die!"

Gu Yun also nodded: "no matter what the secret is, we must dig it out to prepare for the coming of our family and sweeping chaos!"

Another ancient man pointed to the air purifier and said in surprise, "if you don't talk about chocolate, look over there."

Looking in the direction he pointed out, the other three ancient tribes made a light sound at the same time.

"This thing can spray out the spirit of chaos? You can't even find it in the chaotic sea! "

"Ordinary water can turn into chaotic spring after one pass. What treasure is this?"

"No, there really is something we don't know in the realm of God!"

At the same time, they realized the extraordinary thing, and were deeply shocked.

Whether it's that chocolate, or what we see now, even they are unheard of, which can be summed up in two words, that is magic.

But the next moment, they reached a consensus, greedy way: "grab treasure, dig secrets, never let chaos grow!"


"This precious physics belongs to our ancient people!"

Gu Yu shot at the first time.

He raised his hand, the target is the air purifier and water purifier, not to mention the origin of these two magic weapons, it must be right.

"Stop it

Taoist Junjun gave a big drink, and immediately raised his hand to play a magic formula to meet Gu Yu. The others were not slow either. Several magic formulas converged into a vision to protect the air purifier and water purifier.

"Hum, the light of firefly, dare to strive for glory?"

The four people of the ancient clan were cold and fierce. They raised their hands without any scruples and gathered a huge hand to cover the sky, enveloping everyone in it!

Boom boom!

As soon as the giant hand appeared, it formed a huge storm, toppling down from the sky and destroying the earth!

"All disciples, listen! In this cross clan war, between life and death, I will give up all the previous grudges and join hands in killing it! "

There was an old man who took the lead in flying. His old body was tall and straight, and his white beard was flying. His rickety body became tall, and he rushed to the ancient clan alone.

He is an old monk, rising from the ruins after the great disaster, setting up the orthodoxy, teaching countless disciples, inheriting the amazing will!

After him, dozens of younger brothers followed closely, and their mana was like a rainbow, crossing the heaven and earth, almost rushing into the starry sky!

However, compared with the power of the ancient people, they are too small, just like the moths fighting the fire. They will disappear in the flutter at any time.

"There's no reason to let the old man charge. Let me come first!"

Xiao Chengfeng laughs, and his sword roars. It turns into a streamer and rushes towards the ancient clan!

"Don't be impulsive, let's work together!" cried Taoist Jun

All the disciples follow the patriarch and rise up without thinking. There are more than ten thousand people in the mighty team. The rolling mana forms a huge wave and wants to turn the world upside down!

They are all the masters of each sect, and they are also the talented elites of each sect. At this time, they gather together and form a force of astonishment, lighting up the night sky!

On their heads, the giant hands of the ancient people slowly fell.

This hand is no longer a virtual shadow, but just like the essence, it is made of golden light, which makes the canyon vibrate, the rocks collapse and the earth crack!


Two forces, one up and one down impact together, just like a sudden burst of fireworks in the night sky, releasing a burst of dazzling light.

Everything on the field is swept away like a strong wind. It is annihilated in an instant. The boundary of fighting method is also directly wiped away. In the canyon, gravel is like rain, flying in the air.

Taoist Junjun and others all fell from the sky like rain for a while.

"Your strength is not worthy of your momentum."

An ancient people disdained sneer, he slowly took a step, raised his hand to the falling people, cold way: "broken empty!"

"Click, click!"

The void is broken like a mirror. Black cracks appear all over the body, engulfing the body protection mana. Many disciples scream and are directly engulfed or torn by the cracks!

Between the great power and anger of the realm of heaven, one after another, they played their own magic power of law, making the void twist for a while.

However, all these laws and powers were dissolved by the ancient people.

The realm of the way of heaven is the same as the heaven. It is very difficult for us to take the next step.

Therefore, even if it is the same realm of heaven, the gap is very different.

Although there are only four people in the ancient clan, their strength is far from being comparable to the general power of heaven. It can be said that they are equivalent to the strength of the four sword masters who held the sword cliff and touched the edge of the road.

On the side of Taoist Junjun, although there are 16 great powers in the realm of heaven, they are not rivals at all. They are almost crushed!

But at this time, Huang Deheng, the emperor of Luotian Dynasty, with a dignified face, raised his hand to take out a pagoda which was like a pile of sand, and put it into the air!

"Gather sand to form a tower, condense all kinds of forces, and gather them together!"

He said in a loud voice, "everyone in the realm of heaven, pour mana into my sand gathering Tower!"

Other suzerain masters are even busy: "listen to him, pour in!"

All of them were shocked immediately and poured their strength into the sand gathering tower without reservation.

Huang Deheng pinches a Dharma formula to the sand gathering tower. Immediately, there is sand and dust flying in the void. With the sand and dust, these forces flow into the 16 great powers of the heaven realm, such as Taoist Jun, and make their momentum increase at this moment.

Gather the scattered power into one place, in order to break out the most powerful attack!

Nuwa said: "everyone, use the killing move together!"

"The holy flame burns the sky!"

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"Cut off the eight wastelands!"

"Yin and yang are in disorder!"


There is no way to find the magic power of law. It comes directly to the bodies of the four ancient tribes. There are sacred fires burning, and the collapse of space, smashing and annihilating their bodies!

The space around them is constantly annihilating and reborn.

Everyone held their breath, staring at the scene, heart almost stopped.

They are searching for the origin of ancient people's life, trying to completely annihilate them!

However, the four ancient ethnic groups are still standing intact in front of the public.


At first, the old man's pupils contracted and growled, "all disciples, run, live as much as you can!"

Here are all gifted children. If they can live more, they will have more hope.

"Can food run away with legs?"

Ancient people disdain the mouth, raise a Yang, his hands appeared a golden statue.

It was a head with a mouth wide open, suspended above the ancient people.

The statue exudes brilliance, not dazzling, but incomparably deep, with a sense of massiness. It is like a mountain suppressing this void, which makes all people tremble and their bodies are incarcerated inexplicably.

Invisible threads come from the mouth of the statue and surround everyone. They are like tongues and straws, sucking everyone's life!

Gu Yu looked down at the hostages and asked, "come on, where did you get these treasures from?"

Taoist Jun responded coldly, "it's the existence you can't afford to offend! This time, you ancient people will not be rampant for long! "

His confidence comes from the master. The reason why the catastrophe was terrible before was that there was no master!

Huang Deheng is also hard airway: "we will not say!"

"Ha ha ha, fun."

Gu Yun sneered, "do you really think we are asking you? I'm just teasing you. After smoking you, we can also know the answer we want! "

"Come on, it's time for dinner!"

The light of the statue began to deepen, the big mouth began to emit bleeding red light, and finally formed a vortex, began to devour people.

"Fight with them!"

Hua Nong Ying's delicate body trembles. She doesn't want to sit and wait to die. She directly burns up her whole body's mana and forcibly breaks out of repression, breaking out her own attack.

The other 15 great powers in the realm of the way of heaven are also like this. They are red eyed and want to fight!

"Lie down!"

The four people of the ancient clan joined hands to form a giant hand, just like Wuzhishan. They suppressed them on the spot and pressed them to the ground!

"The ancient clan is too strong."

"Is it over?"

They are unwilling to bite their teeth, and their eyes are about to crack.

"Stop it

A cold voice suddenly sounded, containing a trace of ethereal, just like the sound of nature in the void.

People in despair were shocked and looked up.

But see, in the night, two beautiful shadow step on the void slowly come.

Daji was wearing a pure white dress. The pure white ribbon fluttered with the breeze, and the moonlight fell on her body, making her body shrouded in a halo. She looked like a Moon Fairy, proud and beautiful.

Fire phoenix is wearing a red dress, barefoot and walk, like a beautiful flame, burning in the night sky, face shocking.

In a flash, no matter the ancient people or the public, they all fixed their eyes on them.

"Who came here to die?"

Seeing Daji and Huofeng, Gu Yu immediately brightened her eyes and said with a smile, "these two foods need to be tasted carefully."

Gu Yun nodded again and again, "yes, I've come to Shenyu. It's a great harvest!"

Another of the ancient people was surprised and speculated: "I feel the threat from her two. Their cultivation is not weak. They should be the source of the unknown of the divine realm!"

Taoist Jun and others were very excited.

"Daji fairy, Huofeng fairy!"

All the people in the heavenly palace looked at them blankly, exclaimed with excitement, and couldn't help tears.

The two fairies are the people who accompany the master. They are coming to us now. Is it the will granted by the master?

Their confidence immediately rose, we were saved, and this wave stabilized.

Other people also have ups and downs, but they don't know the strength of Daji and Huofeng, and their faces are complicated for a time.

"They are ancient people. Their strength is unfathomable. Be careful, two fairies!"

"Don't worry about us, your lives are the most precious!"

"Two fairies, are you here to save us?"

They spoke one after another, expecting, hoping and caring.

Daji shook his head and said indifferently, "you are too noisy. I'm afraid it will make you sleep. I'll come here to have a look."

Huofeng glanced around and frowned: "the competition venue specially for the young master has been destroyed. You are... Unforgivable!"

"Unforgivable? Come and have a try

The ancient people were angry and laughed. His magic power surged and pointed at the statue. Suddenly, a strange air locked Daji and Huofeng, and imprisoned heaven and earth. There were also two silk threads attacking Daji and Huofeng!

Daji and Huofeng are still standing quietly in the same place, and the space around them is rippling with layers of ripples, which not only breaks the confined space, but also directly scatters the two silk threads!

"How can it be? They actually blocked my ancient family's God biting statue

"The rhythm of the main road, they can produce the rhythm of the main road around them!"

"We can't let them grow up, or they will become the supreme and the enemy of our ancient clan in the future."

"It's the source of instability in chaos. Kill them at all costs!"

The eyes of the four of the ancient people were dignified to the extreme, and they screamed out one after another.

Others can't help but wonder at this scene.

It is worthy of being able to accompany the senior people. The strength is really unfathomable, which makes these four ancient people extremely shocked.

Four ancient clans at the same time, they no longer have before calm and arrogant, both hands, take out their own magic weapon, toward Daji and Huofeng kill!

At the same time, the image of the God of biting heaven spurted out endless silk threads, just like innumerable tentacles, winding from all directions to Daji and Huofeng!

Daji's face remained unchanged, and the ring on his ring finger gave off a halo

"You are too weak!"

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