Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 641: 641

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"Ancient call?"

The people in the heavenly palace immediately set their eyes on AO Cheng, showing a thoughtful look.

Ao Cheng nodded, with a trace of sympathetic sadness in his tone, "yes, it comes from the direction of chaos. It's a very long war spirit, with unyielding and despair, whining."

"I feel this call is very important. It's asking for help, otherwise something bad will happen."

Nu Wa guessed: "from the depths of chaos, it can't be the ancient battlefield."

The ancient people are looking for the ancient battlefield, and they may have found it during this time. The voice comes from the ancient battlefield.

Taoist Junjun also said: "since it contains the ancient flavor, so ancient, it is really possible to be an ancient battlefield."

Yang Jian nodded, "it's good that we don't have to let the big devil lead us. It's not too late. Let's go."

Taoist Junjun said, "this matter has something to do with the dragon people. I'm afraid we have to go to the master and talk to miss Long'er and the ancestors of the dragon people."

At the same time, in the courtyard.

"Woo woo"

Long er is in tears sitting in his seat.

Li nianfan sat on one side with a helpless face. He didn't know what had happened.

"What happened? Why did you cry all of a sudden?" he said

During this period of time, I haven't seen Long'er suffer any grievances. I won't fight with her, will I?

"Brother, I feel an inexplicable call, coming along with the power of blood. It's definitely an ancestor of the dragon clan. It's being bullied and asking us for help. I just want to cry, Wuwuwuwu..."

Long'er sobbed and cried. Li nianfan was distressed by his small appearance.

In fact, she was also influenced by the vicissitudes of life of the ancestors of the Dragon nationality. She felt the tragedy of the ancient catastrophe and couldn't help crying.

"The call of the Dragon ancestors?"

Li nianfan brows slightly pick, his previous life read a novel, came to Xiuxian world also know a lot of secret luck, naturally know what this represents.

Maybe it's something like inheritance. Maybe it has a lot to do with Long'er.

It can't be said that Long'er is going to this trip.

On one side, the girl could not help but excitedly said: "brother, let me go with Long'er to find out."

Her eyes were bright and eager to try.

Li nianfan felt a headache. Since it was a distress signal, it must be accompanied by danger. Even the ancestors of the Dragon nationality were cold. This is not for fun.

Although he knew that the cultivation of Nannan and Longnan was not weak, he could not help worrying about their safety.

Do you want Daji and Huofeng to accompany them?

Just as Li nianfan pondered, there was a call outside the door, "is your majesty at home? Taoist Jun asked to see him. "

Li nianfan said, "come in."

Jun Jun Taoist entered the courtyard, saluted and said, "I've seen your majesty."

Li nianfan said with a smile: "Xiao Bai, pour tea for Jun Daoyou."

Taoist Junjun went straight to the theme and said, "Lord Shengjun, I've come here to tell you something about longer."


Li nianfan's face moved, waiting for the following.

Taoist Junjun immediately said, "we just got news from the Dragon King of Donghai, the father of longer girl. The ancestors of the ancient dragon people are asking for help. It seems that something important is calling for the dragon people."

Li nianfan nodded and said, "you know, Long'er has already told me. What are you going to do with it?"

"It's very important at this time. We are going to explore it together," said Taoist Jun

Li nianfan's expression relaxed. When he was sleepy, someone would give him a pillow. Originally, he was worried about Long'er's safety. With Tiangong's care, he would be more relieved.

He said with a smile: "it should be true. It's better to send more experts."

Taoist Junjun suddenly felt awe inspiring. It seems that the experts attach great importance to this matter, but the experts in the heavenly palace are limited

But at this time, he saw the big black dog in the sun's ear suddenly erect, as if he had received an order, and then he began to run back to the yard.

Taoist Junjun immediately realized that he was in ecstasy. As expected, the master had some arrangements. It would be more stable if Uncle Gou and Gou long went there.

He said with a smile, "don't worry, my Lord. That's for sure."

Long'er and nan'nan immediately began to pack their bags and said, "brother, then we'll leave."

Li nianfan said with a smile: "OK, be careful."


In chaos.

Many figures go straight in one direction.

They are all big and have different shapes. Some have four hooves, horns on their heads, some have wings on their backs, and some have scales on their bodies, like lizards and mirrors.

They are all monsters in chaos. At the same time, they are more or less monsters with dragon blood!

It also received the call of the ancestors of the Dragon nationality, so as to rush to the ancient battlefield.

Those who dare to follow the call, without exception, are all the dragon people who boast of noble blood, and they are also the overlord in the world of all sides, with strong strength.

When they came to the eternal battlefield, they suddenly felt a mighty pressure on them, which shocked their bodies and made them feel the suppression of blood.

"We are the chaos dragon family. We are the oldest dragon family bred by chaos. Thousands of dragon families should respect us!"

The three elders face the crowd. They are all dressed in flowing black robes. The pupils in their eyes are brown. The characteristics of their pupils are looming. They are extremely noble and ferocious.

Behind them, there are also 15 people of the dragon family. A strong breath overflows from them and flows around, as if they are invincible.

The dragon people are all rebellious and unruly. Immediately, the dragon people said haughtily, "respect you? Why? "

One of the elders of the dragon clan immediately looked at the man who was talking. His posture flashed, and he turned into a huge silver dragon, suddenly disappeared in the same place!


The man who just yelled was cold all over the body. He felt a great crisis and showed his original shape without thinking. It was a dragon horse with a dragon face, antlers and hooves. His feet were moving and his posture was like the wind.

But the next moment, the silver dragon like a flash of lightning, white light cut chaos, then swallow the dragon horse into the belly!

The Dragon turned into a human again, sneering: "just a dragon horse, born to be ridden goods, in front of my dragon clan, what qualifications to speak?"

All this happened so fast that the people of Longma changed their faces one after another. They could not help but step back, full of fear.

They can't believe that their leader died so directly that the atmosphere couldn't breathe.

Other dragon people are also worried.

Originally, I thought that the dragon clan was exaggerating. I didn't expect that its strength was so unfathomable. Coupled with the invisible suppression of blood, I'm afraid it's really a very old dragon clan.

The dragon and horse people have always been good at speed, but they can't escape at all. Other dragon people don't think their speed can be faster.

The Dragon elder continued: "in this entrance, it should be the battlefield of the great calamity before the ages. The signal must be sent by the most powerful dragon people. When you enter it, you should respect the dragon people."

One of the dragon people said in a voice, "what if it's a chance?"

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"Of course, it belongs to the dragon clan!"

The old dragon man smiles and then says, "you can rest assured that our dragon clan has existed for the longest time. If we are satisfied with your performance, we will let you join the dragon clan. At that time, there will be many benefits, enough to make your blood evolve!"

The eyes of many dragon people flicker slightly, and they all choose to default.


The Dragon elder was just about to lead the team into the ancient battlefield, but he felt something in his heart and looked in a direction.

But Taoist Jun and others came late.

"I'm not a dragon."

The first reaction of all the dragon people is disdain. It's really the shame of the dragon people that some dragon people will unite with other people.

Especially when I saw that there was a bald dog in the group, someone couldn't help laughing.

Can this bring you something? Dragon people don't want face?

After that, the eyes fell on the two dragon people.

Gou long looks like an old man with a bent body. There is no threat in his breath. He is a kind little old man.

As for Long'er, he is still innocent, and his strength is very objective.

However, the three elders of the dragon clan changed their faces at the same time. They stared at Long'er with their eyes fixed on him. They were short of breath and said, "this, this is..."

At the first sight of seeing Long'er, they actually felt the blood pressure!

What's the concept?

The power of blood in Long'er's body is even stronger than that of their dragon clan!

It's just how could it be?

They are the dragon race, the oldest in the chaos. They are born strong, and their future is worthy of the first. They always claim to be the most noble race.

Today, however, they actually see a more noble dragon blood!

"Chaos dragon blood, this is absolutely chaos dragon blood!"

There is a long old high exhaled voice, the voice is a little sharp, eyes burning staring at Long'er.

The dragon people also found that Long'er was extraordinary. Some of them even wanted to kneel down and were shocked.

"Since ancient times, even the Dragon Emperor of my dragon clan has no such blood! If the Dragon Emperor's blood is the best, then the Dragon Girl's is the best

"Terror, there are such dragon blood in the world. It's the blessing of our dragon family!"

"It's a natural treasure of the dragon people. Maybe it will grow into the supreme dragon people and become our leader in the future."

Long er's brow slightly a wrinkly, big eyes can't help a stare, ferocious way: "see what?"

Gou long said in a low voice, "let's practice the art of collecting breath. You are always lazy. It's not so good now."

The three elders of the dragon clan came to Long'er, and one of them said excitedly, "I don't know where you are from?"

Taoist Jun answered truthfully, "we come from the realm of God."

"Divine realm?"

The man's eyes flashed slightly. The divine realm has always been magical and has endless possibilities. This dragon girl may have got some adventure, and then degenerated to this point. Once she grows up, it will be extremely terrible.

This kind of good thing, we must take advantage of!

The three elders of the dragon clan are silent. They look at each other and don't need to say much. They have reached a consensus.

This dragon girl must be a member of the dragon family!

The old dragon man said, "my name is Tianfeng. We are members of the dragon family. We are the oldest dragon family in chaos. The whole dragon family respect us. Would you like to marry the prince of the dragon family?"

His tone is natural, with a trace of satisfaction, and he doesn't think Long'er will refuse.

In his opinion, Long'er didn't get along very well. She and the humble old man, two dragon people, also called a bald dog for foreign aid. If they could be liked by the dragon people, they would be too excited to sleep.

When other dragon people heard this, they naturally guessed what the dragon family was up to. They were very envious. They also wanted their own race to marry Long'er. They knew they couldn't compete with the dragon family.

"Marry, marry?"

Long er's eyes widened and his head shook like a rattle. "It's impossible!"

She refused?

The faces of the three elders of the dragon clan suddenly darkened, and their eyes twinkled as they gazed at Long'er.

An old man immediately said in a deep voice: "my dragon clan is the most noble dragon clan in chaos. No one is qualified to marry you except us! Who will you marry if you don't marry our prince? "

Long er's marriage to the dragon clan is the dragon of the dragon clan. The blood of the little dragon born must be noble. It's exciting to think about it.

The girl couldn't help but scolded directly: "you are sick. If you don't marry, you can't marry. Get out of my way!"

"No one dares to refuse me

The old man of the dragon clan said coldly, "come on, take them down for me!"


Immediately, the dragon clan surrounded Taoist Jun and others in the middle.

The three elders of the dragon clan have sharp eyes and are determined to win.

No matter whether she agrees or not, this dragon girl must be taken back. It's a big deal. It's hard to use raw rice to cook mature rice. Besides, her friends are around her. If you take her back and use it to coerce her, she will obey!

This time, I'm really a member of the dragon family. I met such a dragon girl. I'm sure I'll be rewarded when I take her back.

Just getting this girl is the most precious treasure. It's worth the trip!

They couldn't help smiling when they thought of their pride.

The mana in Nannan's body is ready to fight. "Why do you want to use it? Who is afraid of whom? "

The dragon family sneered, "take them!"

"Wait a minute."

Gou long suddenly burst out to stop.

Cang old way: "everybody is harmonious and makes money, have something to discuss slowly, we are willing you to go."

"The person who knows the current affairs is a hero, or an old man. You can see through it. Otherwise, how can we say that an old man is like a treasure at home?"

The old man of the dragon clan burst out laughing, "once we start, you will die or be disabled. That's not good-looking!"

Another old man came out with a rope in his hand. "Just in case, let's tie you up, and you can avoid the pain of skin and flesh."

Gou long sighed: "OK, come on."

"Ha ha, you are wise."

With a wave of the old dragon's hand, the rope flashed and lengthened. They tied their hands around their waists and strung them together.

"Let's go into the ancient battlefield with us!"

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