Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 643: 643

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"Clean up the portal?"

"It's up to you?"

All of a sudden, Gou long stood up and shocked everyone, especially the dragon people. They thought they had heard wrong, and then there was a burst of ridicule.

"Old man, I thought you were very smart before. Now how can you be a hero when you are old?"

"Are you mistaken? Please take a look at your body before you speak. You are prisoners

"If you don't have strength, don't be a BB. You'll be dead!"

However, the dragon's eyes were bright and said excitedly: "ha ha, that's a good thing! I knew that my dragon people are still bloody! The dragon clan is just a shame. From then on, they will be expelled from the ranks of the dragon clan! "

"The little girl and the old man are good. They dare to stand up in this situation. I am not a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death!"

"Chaos is because of this kind of people, there is hope!"

"The little girl of the dragon family is good. I hope the Phoenix family can have such descendants."

"Good, good! You can rest assured that although we have become energy bodies, we will protect you even if we fight to death! "

Many energy bodies open their mouths.

Just now, the sudden betrayal of the dragon clan is a heavy blow to the morale!

These energy bodies fight to guard chaos and die in the catastrophe. It is conceivable that they are obsessed with it. However, just now, they are betrayed by the dragon clan. Their mentality is conceivable, and they even doubt whether the chaos has changed and there is no hope.

Fortunately, Long'er and Gou long came out in time to calm their wavering heart.

Dragon son stares big eyes, crisp living way: "everybody elder rest assured, we will protect you well!"

"Ha ha ha, good, good!" The Dragon energy body laughs and feels more gratified, "you will be my little princess of the dragon clan in the future."

On one side, the old man of the dragon clan sneered, "it's so naive and ridiculous!"

"Protect them? What do you mean? What's your specialty? "

A group of war five dregs, they are still tied, I really don't know how to think.

The old man of the dragon clan suddenly smiles, turns to guzhan and flatters him and says: "the elder of the ancient clan, this little girl is not simple. She can be said to be the future of the dragon clan! With the blood of the chaotic dragon, she is likely to become the supreme dragon in the future. She is the enemy of the ancient dragon. She must be removed when she is weak! "

"What? Does she have the blood of chaos dragon? "

The Dragon energy body trembles wildly and looks at Long'er, staring at him.

A moment later, it trembled more and more severely, excited to the face all twisted, roared: "it's chaos dragon blood, she has the supreme posture, it's the future of our dragon race!"

"Ha ha ha, it's a pity that the future will be broken!"

Gu Zhan sneered, his eyes sharp as a knife, and said, "the dragon clan has done a good job. They have given me such a big gift. Then I will promise you to be my mount."

"Thank you very much, my Lord The dragon people were very happy and immediately saluted, "no, thank you, master."

Gu Zhan was full of murders and said, "next, it's up to you to kill that little girl!"

"Yes, sir The people of the dragon clan looked at Long'er and immediately looked ferocious.

"Who dares?"

"Stop it!"

"Let go of that little girl, come at me!"

"Dragon clan, you are the sinners of dragon clan!"

Those energy body suddenly urgent, roar unceasingly, on the body's strength crazy explosion seed, erupts the unprecedented strength.

Gu Zhan coldly raised his hand, "suppress it for me!"

The energy body of the ancient race laughs and makes the chaotic creatures full of despair. They can only watch it.

Dragon people slowly approaching, joking: "little girl, do you have any last words?"

"No Long er smiles, "big black dog, help me."

The spirit of great Haydn came, "can we do it at last?"

It took a look at the rope tied to its body, as if looking at a toy, and then the dog opened its mouth, biting the rope and sucking!

The rope that binds the people is like noodles. It is sucked into the stomach, and then slowly steps forward, looking at the people of the dragon family indifferently.

The dragon clan was confused by the operation of Da Hei. They all showed an incredible look.

"This bald dog ate our dragon rope?"

"I see! They just pretended before, but we didn't catch them

"These people are not normal. Be careful!"

"Go ahead and try their depth!"

The three elders of the dragon clan frowned, folded up their heart of looking down, and attacked big black hair together!

Facing the attack, Da Hei bared his teeth, slowly raised the dog's paw, and slapped at the dragon clan!


With the introduction of the big black dog claw, a huge virtual shadow of the dog claw emerges, arousing endless spiritual power, sweeping through the virtual air!

"The Dragon breathes in the dark!"

The three elders of the dragon clan felt the pressure, and their faces were dignified. They took the lead and showed their original shape. They opened their mouths and spewed out black and ink.

Behind them, a group of dragons naturally follow closely!

In a flash, the fierce black fire confluence, like a black ocean, Fanyong Pengbai, from a distance looks like a black sky, overwhelming.

This is the unique Shenyan of the dragon clan. It contains the power of destruction, but it is still alive, enough to burn a small world!

The big black dog's paw collided with the black flame, like a huge wall, with irresistible power, in the black flame of the impact, the powerful storm is to break the black flame, blow to pieces!

Then all the way, straight straight to the dragon clan suppression and go!

The whole dragon clan is trembling, like a rootless duckweed, one by one flying in the air and being blasted out by Da Hei.

A dog, actually suppressed their joint attack!

"So strong, that dog is so strong!"

"It's terrible. It's not something that we can deal with at all!"

"NIMA, if we had known they were so strong, we would have taken refuge in some ancient people!"

"My Lord, help

The people of the dragon clan are extremely frightened. They are all injured. They can only count on the people of the ancient clan.

At the same time, their hearts twitch, never thought there is such a big lump of pig eat tiger existence, oneself and others will not stand in the wrong line.

"Bald dog, I seem to remember."

Gu Zhan's eyes suddenly revealed the meaning of thinking, "are you from the divine realm? Gu Ming was killed by you!"

He heard that Gu Yu had mentioned it, and it was mainly about the weird and terrible existence, which made the things that jiemeng and Gu clan did fall short.

Dahei said casually, "Gu Ming? I don't know, but the ancient people did kill them. "

Taoist Junjun gave a cold smile and said, "ha ha, not to mention Gu Ming, the ancient people who just went to the divine realm have all been destroyed."

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"Gu Yu, they are dead, too?"

Gu Zhan's brow was slightly wrinkled, and his eyes were twinkling with cold light. "It seems that there is a conspiracy against our ancient people brewing in the divine realm, but it's just a waste of effort. Let's kill you first today!"

At the end of the speech, he raised the butcher's knife in his hand and cut it straight at Da Hei!

"Let's kill together!"

"Think that with a little more people, we can turn the tables?"

"Cataclysm is the home of our ancient people. This battlefield is also the home of our ancient people. You are doomed to be suppressed!"

The ancient people's energy body is also an instant riot, with the intention of killing boiling and coming to Long'er and others.

The dragon people took a deep breath, recovered their injuries, and rushed into the battlefield with a roar!

The energy bodies of chaotic creatures are overjoyed and excited.

"Ha ha ha, turn for the better, turn for the better!"

"It turns out that they are hidden masters. God bless me, dragon clan!"

"I didn't expect that chaos not only gave birth to chaos dragon blood, but also gave birth to such a magical local dog. It's really amazing!"

"This group of people are of extraordinary origin. We don't have to lose!"

"It's time to fight back. Let's go with me!"

"Kill the ancient people, protect chaos!"

Xiao Chengfeng had already rushed into the ancient people's energy body with a long sword in his hand. He roared excitedly: "get out of the way, let me kill you!"

The sword spirit is so powerful that it directly pulls the hatred around.

The body of the giant spirit God is directly huge, holding a huge axe, and cutting to a group of people, roaring: "come on, let's compare who can cut more people!"

Erlang Shen, holding a three pointed and two edged sword, said with a proud smile, "ha ha, are you gone with the wind? You want to compete with me? "

"Uncles, don't kill, leave it to me!"

The girl holds an ancient energy body in one hand, and there is a black whirlpool on her hands, which looks like a black hole and contains a strong pulling force.

The two ancient energy bodies looked at the girl in horror and felt that their power was rapidly leaving them.

"How could that be? How does she have the ability to absorb energy? "

"No, you are the food of our ancient people. This is the ability of our ancient people. You should not be able to directly absorb energy from us!"

They don't want to believe that.

"Pooh! You are the food! My girl's food

The girl opens her mouth directly, swallowing the magic power, and her pupils turn black. In a flash, she absorbs the two ancient energy bodies!

"Wow, there's a lot of energy!" The girl smiles and looks at the ancient energy body around her as if she is looking at food.

Xiao Chengfeng laughed, "ha ha ha, well done, let them taste the taste of food!"

"Come on, girl, the food is ready!"

With the roar of the giant spirit God, the axe in his hand swept out. The powerful force was like the autumn wind sweeping the leaves. It directly rolled up the five ancient energy bodies and flew backwards to think of the girl.


With a little smile, she raised her hand and pinched a magic formula. Taking her as the center, she immediately condensed into a black hole, "the whale swallows heaven and earth!"

This black hole has a very strong power to absorb. All the forces between heaven and earth, including the laws, are absorbed by the black hole and rush away!

Even the surrounding ancient energy bodies rely on their own strength to resist this sucking force. Those who are not strong enough will be directly sucked in by the suction!

"Powerful, is this the skill of swallowing demons? It is worthy of being created under the guidance of experts. "

Erlangshen and others were shocked and envied.

They've heard of famous names, but it's the first time that they've seen Nannan use the heaven swallowing magic skill in this way. It's really against the heaven. No wonder the experts still tell Nannan to keep her heart and not to use it at will.

It's different to follow an expert and be instructed by an expert.

People's hearts are sour.


Long er is flat flat mouth, appear some not open-minded, "go on like this, the daughter elder sister's cultivation will soon surpass me."

She held a scoop in her hand and sprinkled it around like water.

The water in the ladle immediately covered the surroundings and turned into a cage of water waves, which locked the ancient clan Neng together.

Then, they are thrown one by one to the black hole condensed by Nannan.

The reason why they are relaxed is that they are dealing with opponents in the realm of heaven.

On the other hand, Da Hei and Gu Zhan were together, but they fought back and forth, which shocked Gu Zhan and even doubted his life.

It's too strong. The bald dog is much stronger than Gu Yu described!

If it didn't hide its strength last time, its accomplishments would have grown too fast in such a short time.

You know, the strength of the ancient war was originally strong in the realm of heaven, and many energy bodies absorbed in the battlefield, the strength of which was further, and the way of heaven was perfect, but they could not suppress the big black.

It's incredible.

Taoist Junjun and Nu Wa are fighting with the ancient energy body in the realm of heaven.

As for Gou long, he was still old and bent, like an old man who was about to decay, standing on the field weakly.

The three dragon elders present a triangle situation and surround Gou long, all of which show a cynical smile.

"We can't deal with that dog. I don't believe we can't deal with this old man."

"Let's just let it go

The three old men's bodies flashed, and their mana was powerful and powerful. They rushed to gou long together!

However, as they approached Gou long

"Pa Pa Pa!"

Three crisp slaps sounded almost at the same time, and the figures of the three elders flew out faster than when they were impacted. Along the way, blood was raging, teeth were flying, half of their faces were stopped, and they were miserable to the extreme.

They fell to the ground, looking at Gou blankly, but saw that he still kept just the appearance, as if he didn't move.

All of a sudden, their heart and liver were trembling and their limbs were cold.

Iron plate, this old man is the real iron plate.

We're dead without even seeing how he does it!

The three elders of the dragon clan trembled with fright. They were anxious to pee. They did not dare to see Gou long. Instead, they ran to guzhan in confusion.

"My Lord, help

"That old man is the scariest!"

Gu Zhan is fighting with Da Hei, and the more he fights, the more headache he has. Looking at the miserable situation of the old dragon, and then looking at the battlefield, his heart suddenly claps.

At this time, an ancient energy body quickly left the battlefield and went straight to a place, running and shouting, "ancient war, retreat quickly, follow me!"

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