Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 647: 647

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Li nianfan picked out the seeds of Pitaya and cut them into small pieces for everyone to share.

It's really a familiar taste, but there are some flaws.

Li nianfan said: "the cultivation technology of Pitaya is not up to standard. The taste and taste are not good enough. When I plant a new pitaya, you will naturally find the difference."

Everyone doubted that he was there and nodded together.

For Li nianfan, of course, they won't return it. Moreover, there is a big gap between this pitaya and other fruits of Li nianfan. After all, the energy bodies of the chaotic creatures are condensed together, and the grade is not up to it.

The energy body of chaotic creatures: "then I'll go?"

"So much dragon meat, it's too much."

Li nianfan ponders for a moment, thinking that dullele is not as good as zhonglele. By the way, he sells his personal feelings and consolidates his feelings with many friends.

She said with a smile: "Lady Nuwa, how about this? I've made these dragon meat into bacon during this period of time. Then you can come and get them and give them to some people who have turned off the machine, such as Xia Dynasty, Lingshan Buddhism and so on. We are all old friends. Let's eat them together."

Nuwa nodded in surprise and said, "OK, Lord Shengjun, thank you on behalf of us."

In the following days, Li nianfan's courtyard was busy.

We need to remove the scales for more than a dozen dragons, and then we need to cramp and peel them, cut them into pieces and make them into bacon. The amount of work is not small.

This made Li nianfan feel a sigh. His Siheyuan felt like a dragon slaughterhouse. He came up when he forced Gedun. In his previous life, I'm afraid he didn't dare to dream about it.

This is a dragon. It's really special. It's like a dream.

It's absolutely a legend that ordinary people can do this step, which has won honor for many riders.

"It's said that the whole body of the Dragon nationality is a treasure, so I can't waste it. This scale can be used to make clothes. If it's dragon blood, try to make it into a medicine bath or develop a new wine making method to make dragon blood wine come true. There are also Dragon tendons... By the way, make it into bow and arrow. Don't you come up with your own equipment

Li nianfan is happy in his heart. He plans to amuse himself.

By the way, in addition to that, we need to sew the black underpants for Dahei. This dog is really not easy. Since it's behind its buttock hole, why don't we sew a mosaic.

Ha ha ha

At this time, in Lingshan.

Dressed in cassock and sitting in the middle of a crowd of bald heads, the great demon is being baptized by the Buddhist scriptures, reciting the confession scriptures and making atonement for his past deeds.

He looked at the shiny bald heads around him, with a face of lovelessness, and followed the monks with his fate.

Ah, I think Buddhism was the biggest enemy of the demons in those days. Luohe even destroyed Buddhism. Now he has fallen into the hands of a bald donkey. It's sad and lamentable.

Well, well, since we can't fight, we have to join them.

It's better to be here than to be worried outside. Just muddle along.

At the same time, above a star in chaos.

This is a dragon star, huge and incomparable, with endless dragon power encouragement. The most powerful dragon people are all over the world, and the roar shakes the stars.

This is where the dragon clan is!

The head of the dragon clan has a bright silver dragon horn. It is born with two eyes of the dragon clan. It is sitting on the throne of the dragon clan. It is extremely dignified and powerful. It makes many dragon clan become ministers.

Inside the hall, there are five elders of the dragon clan, each with a dignified face.

The dragon clan leader said in a deep voice, "haven't we heard from the three elders we sent out yet?"

"Hui head, No." A dragon elder replied, "but I've already asked people to check it. There will be results soon.".


The dragon clan leader clapped the Dragon chair and yelled: "what a waste!"

"Last time, didn't you promise to come over to report that the three elders caught a dragon girl with chaotic dragon blood, which is the highest blood genius of our dragon family, and will soon be able to bring back to marry the prince? Are you kidding me? "

His tone was cold and disagreeable.

As much hope as disappointment.

Originally, he had planned the wedding. If the Dragon girl was really good, the person to marry could be changed from the prince to himself.

I thought the dragon clan would rise up like never before. I'm waiting for the good news. Unexpectedly, since the news came last time, the three elders were dead, and there was no news.

How can this not make people angry.


At this time, the children of the dragon clan came running from outside. They looked pale and panicked: "we found, found, found..."

The patriarch said in a cold voice: "if you find anything, say it quickly!"

"I found that the breath of the three elders moved in a wide range, and fell into a dead silence, as if they had no vitality."

The disciple cried sadly, "they... Are dead."

Many elders suddenly look gloomy and angry.

"Good courage, who in the end dare to kill my dragon clan!"

"The range of movement is very large. Didn't you carry away the corpse of my dragon clan?"

"I can't bear it. It's provocation!"

"Follow the past, there's no mercy to kill!"

Their tone is arrogant, invincible and full of killing.

But the patriarch didn't say anything. He squinted and sat on the Dragon chair. After the discussion, he said in a deep voice: "where do you know their breath now?"

The disciple said, "it's definitely in the divine realm, but we didn't dare to explore deeply. Besides, as far as I know, none of the other dragon people in the chaos has returned."

The patriarch nodded and said, "according to the news sent back by the three elders, is the blood of the people's chaotic dragon from the divine realm? It seems that it's not easy! "

"This time, we dragon people will go to the ancient battlefield only when we listen to the call, but only the dragon people in the divine realm are alive."

After a pause, he continued: "to contact other dragon tribes in the chaos, that is to say, the inheritance in the ancient battlefield was obtained by the God domain, and... Also killed all the Dragon tribes who went there. Our dragon clan is willing to lead them to seek justice!"

"Yes, sir The disciples of the dragon clan immediately took the order.


Many dragons in chaos are all informed by the dragon clan.

"How can I do that? I, the Longma people, must go to seek justice when I kill my people!"

"What is the inheritance in the ancient battlefield? It must be important to seize it!"

"The divine realm? Just go to have a look, I dragon people join hands to step down the divine realm! "

"It seems that the dragon people in the divine realm are gone with the wind. We are the orthodox dragon people!"

"Since the dragon clan takes the lead, our dragon clan will surely be able to run through chaos and be impeccable!"

Immediately, many dragon people responded and began to accumulate their strength, making a undercurrent surging in the chaos, pointing directly at the divine realm!

In the twinkling of an eye, five days passed quietly.

Li nianfan's bacon has been finished, and tuotian palace has given it to many friends.

Of course, Tiangong is indispensable for the quota. On the same day, Tiangong held a small-scale pan peach bacon meeting to taste the bacon made by experts.

The most exciting part of the party was the Kirin people, whose mouths were about to smile.

After all, they don't deal with the Dragon by nature.

"Is this the dragon in chaos? It's worthy of being the dragon family. Judging from the meat quality, it's a wonderful dragon family! "

"Yes, I think the Kirin and the dragon used to be enemies, but now they are eating dragon meat in chaos. It's so cool! Ha ha ha... "

"It's good to follow an expert. Well, it's delicious!"


Bitter feelings are in the family.

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Qin Chongshan was carrying a bundle of bacon, and his old face was smiling. He followed Qin Yun's sister and brother, swallowing heavily.

"It's a great blessing that an expert can think of us when he makes bacon."

"How can we bother an expert to remember, wuwuwu --"

"Come on, I really want to make some delicious food. I'm so greedy."

"First of all, I'd like to show my sincerity by praying piously."


As a Buddha, Jiechi leads a group of bald people to look at a bundle of bacon in front of them and fall into dullness.

Later, Qi said, "Amitabha."

They're monks. They don't eat meat.

It's hard for them that the master brought them bacon?

"I see."

Jie Chi opened his mouth and said, "this bundle of bacon sent by an expert is fragrant, fragrant and full of treasures. It's clearly used to test our Buddha's heart. We only see it but don't eat it. Reciting sutras to it is absolutely beneficial to the cultivation of our heart."

"Isn't that torture?"

The devil was so stupid that his saliva flowed, "I'll be crazy! If I want to eat meat, I can lick it. I don't care if this monk is not right! Please... "

Poor as he, or the first time to smell so delicious, where can bear.

For Li nianfan, it was just a simple incident of sending bacon.

However, it has caused quite a stir in the divine realm, and all parties are paying attention to it.

It's natural to be excited to receive bacon and show off to others. It's not only bacon, but also a glory and a gift!

What I didn't receive was a sigh in my heart. It seems that my relationship with the master is not enough. I have to lick harder

Time is like water, and three days have passed.

On this day, the night is as cool as water.

In addition to chaos, the power of terror is converging. A lot of powerful pressure condenses in the sky, making the space vibrate and ripple.

The head of the dragon clan leads the team himself and stands at the forefront of the team. He looks at Shenyu deeply.

In addition to revenge, he is also for the Dragon girl who bears the blood of the chaotic dragon!

She must belong to the dragon family!

He agitated: "everyone, the status of the divine realm is lofty. Taking this opportunity, it's time for our dragon people to step into this world and conquer this world together!"

"That's right. In the chaos, break through the power of our dragon clan!"

"Let's see what's different in the realm of God!"

"The Shenzhou area is a mixture of good and bad, and forces from all sides gather together. Don't cause too much shock first. Let's find out the situation."

The dragons deliberated for a while, and then entered the divine realm together.

As soon as they entered the divine realm, they were really attracted by the conditions of this world, but then, shocked by the vastness of the divine realm, they were confused and said, "where should we go first?"

The head of the dragon clan had a cold face. He closed his eyes and felt it carefully.

He is searching for the breath of dragon!

Soon, his eyes must have fixed on a direction, and he said in a voice: "everyone, follow me!"

The others did not speak and followed in silence.

Soon, there came a group of mountains, each of which was glittering with golden light. Golden temples were built, and the light of Buddha was shining and the singing of Buddha was endless.

"It's noisy. It's noisy!"

The brows of the dragon people are all wrinkled, and the terrible pressure comes from them. In an instant, all the temples are directly wiped away, and the voice of Buddha singing is suppressed until it disappears!

"What's the matter? What's going on? "

"It's a terrible smell. Be careful, there's an enemy attack!"

"Look at the sky, many people, it's not good!"

"Go and invite the Buddha!"

A group of dragon floating on the sky, eyes banter at the foot of the group of bald panic running to tell, feel a burst of funny.

"A large group of bald donkeys are really crawling on the ground like ants."

"In the night, so many heads are really bright."

"It seems that there are no experts. We can kill them easily."

"Why? No, do you feel the breath of dragon

The brows of many dragon people suddenly wrinkled, and their eyes were fixed in one place.

There, a bunch of bacon is put there quietly.

"That... That Bacon is my dragon meat? It can't be wrong

"It seems to be the flesh of the dragon clan. Who is so bold?"

"It's delicious. This bacon is absolutely delicious."



The sound of swallowing one after another.

The head of the dragon clan was also staring at the bundle of bacon, raised his hand and immediately caught it in front of him.

In a flash, the smell of bacon became stronger, which made his throat roll violently.

"Yes, this is the dragon meat of my dragon clan, and... It's also an elder of my dragon clan!"

In his tone, he was indignant, "he was made into bacon!"

While saying that, he can't help but open his mouth and bite up.

After a pause, he choked: "and it's so delicious..."

Tears, down his cheek

Only he himself knew that it was delicious to tears.

He sobbed and wept, biting it again, while eating, he scolded, "too much, too much, how can you be so cruel?"

Seeing that he was eating less and less bacon, the elder of the dragon clan could not see it any more. He said, "leave some for me!"

"And us! We've all come together at some point. It's a part of the meeting. "

"Never thought that the dragon meat of the dragon clan is so fragrant?"

"I seem to have found a great event."

"I have a bold idea."

The other dragon people are eager to see through. They are eager to snatch.


At this time, a Buddhist Chant came. Jie Chi bathed himself in the light of the Buddha and walked over.

Behind him are a group of tall monks, all of whom are half dressed in cassocks, showing their strong muscles, and they look like they have great visual impact.

It's the great dragon army of Buddhism!

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