Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 700: 700

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"What relatives like is strength. I'm willing to go if my relatives hate me. Personal injury brings worries to relatives. If virtue hurts, relatives will be ashamed... "

A lot of strange breath surrounded Nannan and others, which made their hearts sink, and their mana became peaceful from their original mania.

Nannan has a high understanding. She can't help recalling her actions in her mind. It's like entering a strange space and seeing her heart.

With the enhancement of her strength, although she is not evil, many of her actions can also be described as lawlessness. In her heart, she claims to be justice, but in the eyes of others, she is a little devil.

Nannan whispered to her heart, "I followed my brother and came into contact with endless luck. My strength and vision improved rapidly, but it made me expand!"

"This expansion makes me put aside the original rules in my heart and make me feel superior to others. In the past, I was mortal and friendly to people, but now, when I face mortals again, I actually look down and forget my original intention!"

The roar of her mind was like a quick awakening. She suddenly thought of a lot and woke up!

"If it continues, my expansion will get out of control. At that time, people will become cold-blooded and harm ordinary people!"

A little cold sweat spilled over Nannan's forehead and she was afraid for a while.

Although the disciple rules failed to improve her strength, it was more useful to her than anything!

It pulled her back from the brink of doom!

Only by keeping this heart can we really understand the road, otherwise it will be destroyed!

Dragon son is also quiet.

She bit her lips and her eyes were annoyed. "I'm a bear child."

If it is an ordinary bear child, it is a headache at most, but the strength of Long'er is extremely terrible, and the destructive power of this bear child is terrible.

She began to reflect, "many of my behaviors will make people feel afraid and bring great harm to people."

Daji and other women also have deep feelings.

"The original true road should be based on the original heart and deviate from the most basic self. It is doomed to go astray and become a devil!"

"If you lose your self-discipline, you will inevitably be lost in the pursuit of Avenue and power in the future, harming others and yourself."

"If you are as powerful as a childe and don't have the same strong heart, how can you voluntarily become a mortal and be kind to others? The childe's state of mind is really unimaginable. "

"I seem to know what a real strong person is. A strong person does not surpass any rules, but has the power of self-discipline!"

"Childe, this is to mention us!"

The value of this book is immeasurable, more precious than the most precious treasure of the road!

Spiritual cultivation is also necessary, but it is often overlooked. This book is the cornerstone of spiritual cultivation!

It deserves to be something that can be taken out from the expert's sundry room. It's really awesome!

Everyone realized that his admiration for Li nianfan was like a surging river, which could not be restrained.

"Brother, we will seriously copy it a hundred times!"

"Well, me too, a hundred times!"

Nannan and Long'er looked at Li nianfan at the same time, and their little faces were full of seriousness.

Li nianfan smiled happily, "this attitude is very good. Children can be taught."

Then he set his eyes again on the pile of angel feathers.

Hey, this is really a nerve racking problem!

How can I compensate others?

The hair has been pulled out. Is it difficult to return it?.

Finally, he moved a small stool, sat down next to the angel's feathers and began to weave.

Several feathers seemed to come alive in his hands, strung together bit by bit. On the way, he went to the backyard, folded a wicker from the willow in the backyard and practiced the feathers into a circle.

Soon, a headring made of angel feathers was formed.

Li nianfan walked out of the courtyard, stood at the door, looked at the angel curled up crying from a distance, sighed and walked over.

He opened his mouth and said, "well... I'm sorry, it's my lax discipline. I didn't expect such a thing to happen. I apologize to you on behalf of them."

Don't want to know that the feathers of angels must be very important, not to mention that the other party is still a woman. It's really too much to do.

The battle Angel stared at Li nianfan with red and swollen eyes, with hate flowing out. He turned his head and didn't look at him with a cold hum.

"I know it's a little late to remedy, but please accept my apology."

As he spoke, Li nianfan handed over the head ring.

The war Angel looked at the head ring and was a little distracted for a moment.

This ring is really beautiful, yes, but——

She can't be more familiar with the smell above. It's her feathers!

"Woo woo..."

Seeing her feathers become like this, she was sad again and couldn't help crying.

Li nianfan rubbed his head with a headache, coughed and said, "take this with you and leave a souvenir."

Finally, the war Angel held out his hand, took the headring and rubbed it with guilt.

My poor feather, I'm sorry for you.

I... I want to go home

Li nianfan promised, "don't worry, I'll let them let you go."

Then he turned and walked to the quadrangle.

Of course he won't let go of the angel directly.

After all, now the angel's mood is obviously unstable, and she must also have accomplishments. She doesn't even have a person to protect herself. If she tries hard, I'll be cold.

In terms of life and death, Li nianfan's mind is still very clear.

A moment later, the girl ran out, opened the cage and said, "sister angel, you go."

"I want to remind you not to think about revenge on us. The consequences will be very serious! And... You shouldn't feel bad if your brother gave you such a big gift. "

The angel of war's breath stagnated and waited for the girl angrily.

You pulled out all my hair and threatened me.

And said you gave me a big gift?

Just this headring?

This ring is worth a few hairs of mine!

The battle angel's chest can't stand the ups and downs, but she knows the situation clearly and knows that this is not the time to talk hard. These people can't afford to provoke themselves, so she'd better run back and say it again.


With a cold hum, she turned into a light and left.

In the past, she must have spread her white wings. Now, she can only gather her meat wings and be humiliated

At the same time, in the courtyard.

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Li nianfan continued to sit between the remaining Angel feathers and worked hard to weave them.

He planned silently in his heart, "make up the cushion first. The cushion made of this feather must be very comfortable, and it means that I can roll Angel feathers at any time. It feels really good."

Sin, sin.

Angel sister, don't blame me for buttoning so many feathers. Just leave some for a souvenir. It's no use giving you more

At the same time.

The news of the total annihilation of the cloud family finally spread to the fourth world, which immediately caused an uproar.

This time, there are eight supreme masters of the avenue, including the black-and-white Dharma protectors of Youyun family. These two are not ordinary supreme masters of the avenue, and their strength is unfathomable!

Not to mention, they also bring a lot of great powers in the realm of heaven and many Hunyuan great Luo Jinxian!

How powerful is the seventh world?

Tianji Pavilion.

Deep in the hall.

The slightly closed eyes of the old Pavilion master slowly opened, and the black hole in the pupil became more profound, revealing the color of thinking.

"It seems that the person who entered the world in the seventh world has become quite a climate, which makes the strength of the Seventh World improve by leaps and bounds."

"Just... According to the news said by Shinto, there are not many experts in the seventh world. What method is used to stop the attack?"

"The root should still be in that strange quadrangle, which is the center of entering the world. Experts are likely to hide in it! It's a pity that they can't even find out the specific situation in the quadrangle and die. "

The old Pavilion master was ready to move and continued: "next, we must pay attention to the seventh world. If you want to plunder the power of the source, you have to borrow the layout of the group of people in the fourth world!"

After that, another phagocytic insect slowly flew out and flew towards the outside world.

Cloud house.

The ancestors of the cloud family have already left the pass, and have released news about the seventh world. They discuss important news about the seventh world, so that the angels, Tiandi Pavilion and Tianji Pavilion can get together.

This quartet represents the most detached force in the fourth world.

The Tianji Pavilion is in the Eastern Emperor, the angels are in the western regions, the cloud family is in the south, and the Tiandi Pavilion is in the North!

Similarly, they all have extraordinary combat power.

A strong man with the shape of a mountain came laughing, "hahaha, yunqianshan, do you want us to avenge you in such a hurry?"

"When it's good to rush first, now I'm bullied, so I run back and cry for my father and mother?"

His tone was full of ridicule, and he was obviously dissatisfied with the cloud family's first move into the seventh world.

This strong man is Zheng Shan, the leader of Tiandi Pavilion!

With a cold face, yunqianshan hummed, "Zheng Shan, don't say you didn't send someone to follow secretly. Your people are back?"

"All right, you two stop talking nonsense!"

The Lord of the angel family opened his mouth. There was a trace of anxiety in his eyes and said, "I sent my daughter, and the war Angel Alina also went to the seventh world. She also didn't come back!"

"The war Angel didn't come back?"

As soon as this remark came out, yunqianshan and Zheng Shanju were surprised.

Zheng Shanning said seriously, "if you add war angels, it is the supreme of the nine roads!"

Moreover, the name of the war angel is almost unknown in the fourth world.

The so-called war angel is born for war, with unparalleled natural combat power. It is the most gifted existence in the angel family, and the birth conditions are extremely harsh. The angel family spent countless years to cultivate a war angel!

She is the beloved daughter of the Lord of angels and the Supreme Master of the road. In terms of strength, I'm afraid she is stronger than the black-and-white Dharma protector!

Zheng Shan said, "it seems that we didn't pay enough attention to the seventh world before, but it doesn't make sense. You and I all know that the seventh world was fought by the ancient people and suffered heavy losses. It's impossible to recover so quickly!"

Yunqianshan suddenly said, "don't say war angel, do you know what price I paid?"

The Lord of the angel asked, "have you arranged a back hand?"

"I let the black-and-white Dharma protector bring my first skeleton!"

Yunqianshan's tone was full of solemnity, "however, the bones of the first generation were destroyed!"

As soon as this word came out, the pupils of the Lord of angels and Zheng Shan contracted violently.

They know more about the first skeleton of yunqianshan than others. It is because they know more that they are more shocked.

In the supreme realm of the avenue, there are actually three realms!

Because the gap between the three realms is too large, it is no longer divided into the early stage, the middle stage and the late stage, but into the first step, the second step and the third step!

Step by step!

This represents the pace of entering the Tao!

All three of them have stepped into the second step of existence.

In the second step, this is a broader field. Even if the avenue is added, it is difficult to be erased. This is an indescribable realm, strong enough to regard the ordinary Avenue as the supreme ant.

That skeleton is the first skeleton of Yunqian mountain and the skeleton of the second step!

Even if you stand and let others fight casually, the skeleton will not be hurt. If anyone can refine the skeleton into an external incarnation, he can fight against the Supreme Master of the road!

Now, the skeleton was destroyed in the seventh world!

This means that the seventh world must also have the supreme right to step into the second step!

Zheng Shan asked, "what happened?"

"Because of some accidents, although I came to the seventh world, I didn't see much news."

Yunqianshan paused and continued: "the main reason why my first skeleton was destroyed is because of the chaotic fire spirit root! Moreover, there are those three chaotic Phoenix! "

The angel Lord's eyes showed a strange color and said in surprise: "the chaotic God Phoenix is only active in the chaotic sea. How can there be three in the seventh world? There are also chaotic fire spirit roots. Even if these gods have not appeared in the fourth world, there are even in the seventh world. "

Zheng Shan said in a deep voice, "it seems that the water in the seventh world is very deep."

"No matter how deep the water is, it will eventually be measured."

Yunqianshan smiled and said, "according to my inference, in order to destroy my first skeleton, the seventh world even took out the chaotic fire spirit root. Obviously, they have no second step supreme! If we go out, we will surely succeed! "

The angel Lord and Zheng Shan pondered and hesitated.

Although they are powerful, they also cherish their lives and will not rush without brains.

The destruction of the Murong family, the capture of the origin of the third world, the destruction of the black-and-white Dharma protector, and the destruction of yunqianshan I are enough to show that the seventh world is not simple.

The most important thing is that they know too little about the seventh world!

Yunqianshan thought he had seen through the seventh world and continued: "think again, a full number of three chaotic Phoenix appeared abnormally in the seventh world. The only possibility is that the seventh world has unimaginable treasures attracting them!"

As soon as this word came out, the Lord of angels and Zheng Shan were moved.

However, just then, several phagocytes flew over, and a ethereal voice echoed in the void.

"Sorry, I'm late! Yunqianshan, you think of the Seventh World superficially. If you want to deal with the seventh world, you have to see me! "

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