Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 715: 715

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"What? The breath of origin? "

"Are you sure you feel right?"

"Really? We have just arrived at the seventh world. Can we have such a big surprise? "

All the ten ancient people were excited, but at the same time they were a little incredible.

The origin is so rare. It is the foundation of a world. The leakage of origin is too serious for a world. Unless there is a crack in the world, it is impossible to appear.

I just came to the seventh world, and the seventh world doesn't seem to have much problem. Why does the origin appear? This is unscientific.

The supreme Gu Zhe, who was also the second step, frowned and said, "are you sure?"

"Are you doubting what I said?"

Gu Debai smiled coldly, and then said proudly: "I am naturally sensitive to spirit and can find things that ordinary people can't find. Although the origin trace here is extremely obscure, it still can't escape my perception. Otherwise, why do you think Gu Zu asked me to be the leader? Just because I have a skill! "

"Come with me. The next step is to witness miracles!"

After saying that, he took the lead and went in one direction.

Soon, they came to a place in the chaos, where there was no trace of stars in hundreds of millions of miles, which was an empty chaos.

Gu zhe felt it carefully and didn't find any original breath.

He asked, "where is the origin?"

However, Gu Debai was shining with his eyes and said, "here... Is an original path!"

Another second step, the supreme ancient Hunter urged, "what's going on?"

"This breath is hidden in the road and integrated with the law. It is a powerful hidden magic power. Ordinary people can't detect it, but they can't escape my eyes!"

Gu Debai first boasted about himself, and was very happy. Then he said, "I'll disturb the avenue and make it manifest."

When he finished, he raised his hand, attached to the palm of his hand and grabbed at the emptiness in front of him.

Where his palm passed, the space trembled like piercing an invisible membrane, and then in the void, a strange breath gradually overflowed.

The breath made the hearts of the ancient people tremble, and then the eyes showed ecstasy.

"Yes, it's the breath of origin, the breath of origin!"

"Hahaha, I found the trace of origin when I first came to the seventh world. This seventh world is our blessed land!"

"The origin is so close to us. If you give the origin to the ancient ancestor soon, the ancient ancestor will be happy!"

"Just, what's the matter with this path? What do you think, Taoist friend Gu de Bai? "

All the people of the ancient family looked at Gu Debai, obeyed his orders and were convinced.

Gu De's white eyes showed a wise light, "if I guess right, someone is stealing the origin of the seventh world!"

Gu zhe was surprised and said, "no wonder the breath is so obscure and the clever means is amazing."

Ancient hunting asked, "what shall we do, ancient Taoist friend?"


Gu De's white eyes were slightly heavy, and a smile appeared at the corners of his mouth. "The so-called snipe and clam fight for profit. We'll stay here and watch each other steal the source of the seventh world. When the source passes here, we'll grab it directly!"

"Hahaha, this is really wonderful!"

"It's better to come early than coincidentally. It seems that we came at the right time!"

"Wait for the source."

The ancient people showed a comfortable smile and looked forward to it.

Gu de Bai ordered: "well, hurry to restrain your breath, carefully stare at this area, and never let go of any source!"

Immediately, the ancient people hid their breath and waited for the rabbit.

Soon, a very weak Qi engine suddenly appeared, just like the shaking of ordinary laws. It was not noticeable at all. If the ancient people hadn't raised their divine consciousness to the limit, they couldn't find this breath.

In their perception, a group of phagocytic insects that are almost integrated with the world fly slowly from a distance, just like fish integrating into the water and silently moving in one direction.

"Good guy, no wonder you can steal the origin. It turned out to be a legendary source eater!"

"Phage worms are not recognized by the seven realms. Who can make them appear?"

"No matter who they are, it's their bad luck to be caught by our ancient people!"

"Hahaha, don't worry so much. Wait, we'll plunder the source from the source eater. It's refreshing."

The people of the ancient clan watched the source eaters go away, and their hearts became more hot.

At the same time.

The Lord of angels and Alina also got Li nianfan's return and were preparing to leave.

This time, not only got a large number of head rings, but also got a osmanthus cake, which surprised the Lord of angels and Alina.

Alina said, "father, those dung stealing insects are coming again."

The Lord of the angel couldn't help sighing: "tut tut Tut, batch by batch, only a few minutes of rest in the middle. It's really diligent. It's not easy for Yunqian mountain and Zheng mountain."

Alina nodded deeply, "yes, their heart to the Tao is moving."

The Lord of the angel said, "if you don't know an expert, feces are treasures."

After a battle over jinkela, there were only more than 20 source eaters flying back. The Lord of angels and Alina followed silently, full of sobs.

Suddenly, their faces suddenly changed, hurriedly restrained their breath, hid, and looked forward in surprise.

But I saw that when the group of phagocytes came home full, suddenly ten big men came out in front.

"Grab it, don't let go of any!"

They were excited and laughed wildly, and immediately extended a poisonous hand to the phage.

"Hiss -"

The Lord of the angel took a breath, his face changed wildly, and hurriedly pulled Alina back.

Ning Zhong said, "it's the people of the ancient family. The people of the ancient family are coming to grab shit!"

Alina couldn't help saying, "it's too difficult for those people in yunqianshan. Someone will rob them if they eat shit."

The Lord of the angel made a quick decision and said, "go, regardless of them, go and talk to the heavenly palace first."

He didn't dare to stay here for a long time. Now the ancient people pay attention to the source eaters, so they can't find them. It's not necessary to wait.

On the other hand, the ancient people all opened their mouths and smiled happily.

They held a lump in their hands and stared with bright eyes.

"This is the origin. Sure enough, let's wait!"

"Hahaha, it takes no time to find a place to wear iron shoes. This wave is called white whoring!"

"I have a question, why is this origin so smelly? It's really hard to accept."

"Nonsense, the original taste is naturally unusual."

Gudebai stood up. He was very calm and said, "it's quiet. This is only the first wave. It's not worth so excited!"

Gu zhe immediately said excitedly, "Gu de Bai Taoist friend, do you mean there are others in the follow-up?"

"That's nature."

Gu Debai smiled, "this path has obviously been formed for some time, which shows that phage insects often come. We just need to stay here, and there will certainly be new phage insects coming to the door, which is equivalent to the source sending them to the door!"

The ancient philosopher smiled and said, "ancient Taoist friends have great ideas!"

Gu lie looked at the lump in his hand, couldn't help licking his lips and said, "you say, how do we deal with these origins?"

As soon as he asked this question, all the ancient people were silent.

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Originally, this problem should not appear at all. It must have been brought to Gu Hui by default. Since I asked, it means that I have other thoughts.

After all, this is the origin. I'm sorry if I don't deprive myself of one layer after passing through my own hands.

In silence, Gu zhe whispered, "this source doesn't know if there is a problem. I think we have to test the poison for Gu Zu first."

Gu De's white eyes lit up suddenly and said immediately, "this is... Very true!"

"It's my duty to test the poison for the ancient ancestor!"

"There must be something strange about this thing. I'd like to give myself a taste!"

"In that case, what are we waiting for? Hurry to test the poison for Guzu."

Gu lie smiled and raised a lump in his hand. Lang said, "the reason why we can get the origin so easily this time is all the credit of Gu de Bai Daoyou. I suggest that we respect Gu de Bai Daoyou together!"

"Come on, let's do it together!"

The big guy enjoyed himself and ate happily.

Half of the source is shared by them.

"It is worthy of being the source. I have felt a dry and hot gas rising in my body."

"I feel my stomach churning and reacting violently."

"This is my first time to eat the source. It tastes unique and feels really wonderful."

"Well, everyone quickly wipe the corners of your mouth. Don't leave any traces. I'll contact Guzu!"

Gu Debai solemnly reminded him, then took out the magic mirror, and the rolling mana rushed towards the mirror.

Above the mirror, a halo surged, and after a moment, it was connected by Gu Hui.

Gu Hui's face appeared on the mirror and frowned, "Gu Debai, you've just passed. What's the matter with me?"

He felt a little confused and angry.

This front foot just left? I immediately used the magic mirror. Is it funny?

Who gave them the courage to harass me like this?

Gudebai respectfully said, "back to Guzu, we have got the origin."

There was silence at the other end of the mirror.

Gu Hui thought he had heard wrong. After a moment, he said, "what illusion did you get?"

This is the ultimate task. You just sent it out, and you told me you've finished it?

I don't want face?

Gudebai smiled and said, "Lord Guzu, we really have the origin, so we can send it to you."

He was extremely excited. The more he couldn't believe it, the better he did this time. It was so beautiful.

Gu Hui nodded and said, "OK, pass it on."

Then, gudebai aimed the magic mirror at the source, shone down with a burst of brilliance, and sucked them into the mirror.

As like as two peas in the first world, Gu Hui's face is full of uncertainty. His hands also have a mirror of the same shape, shining brilliance.

He held his breath and waited silently.

Soon, the lump of things slowly emerged from the mirror in Gu Hui's hand.

In an instant, a stench came to Gu Hui's face, turning Gu Hui's eyes white and almost suffocating.

"Gu Debai sent me a piece of shit?!"

Gu Hui was shocked and hard to accept for a time.

But soon, he regained his mind, stared at the lump and said in surprise, "no, this is not an ordinary piece of shit!"

"No, it's not shit, but... Origin?!"

"It's really the origin!"

Gu Hui's head was buzzing with melon seeds, which was even more shocking than when he just saw this shit.

How is this possible?

Goodbury, didn't they just get to the seventh world? How can we get the source directly?

But then there was a burst of ecstasy in his heart.

With this, he has gathered together the origin of the three realms and can leave the first realm and go to other realms!

Immediately, his body flashed across the space and appeared at the deepest place of the ancient family, next to the stone tablet.

Asked, "I got the origin of the seventh world! What should I do? "

Around the stone tablet, the dark gray breath floated, which also seemed very surprised. When he noticed the lump in Gu Hui's hand, he was stunned.

A wisp of divine knowledge came out, "it's really the origin. Your ancient people are very efficient."

Gu Hui said excitedly, "I swallowed it directly. Can I go to other circles?"

The divine sense of the stone tablet came out again, "just eating such a little... Is not enough."

Gu Hui frowned, "what do you mean? Didn't you say that as long as you gather together the origin of the three realms, you can break away from the first realm? "

The stone tablet said: "it's true, but the lump in your hand is only stained with a trace of the original flavor. It's not the real origin at all. Unless you can eat more, you can't achieve that effect."

"I see."

Gu Hui's eyes twinkled and returned to the original place. He took out the magic mirror and contacted Gu Debai.

Gudebai: "see Guzu."

Gu Hui praised: "you did a good job this time, and the things you brought back are also very good. It was greatly beyond my expectation to get the source in such a short time."

Goodbai replied, "this is what we should do."

Gu Hui asked, "where did you get this source? Can you still get it? "

"Back to Guzu, this time we also occupied the stool..."

At that moment, goodeby told me what had happened.

"Phage? It seems that some people take great pains to plunder the origin, but in the end, they just make wedding clothes for my ancient family! "

Gu Hui sneered and then said, "so there will be more in the future?"

Gu de nodded and said, "Gu Zu, there must be!"

Gu Hui smiled and said, "hahaha, good! I need a lot. You collect it. "

Gu Debai and others were full of energy and immediately said, "Gu Zu, don't worry, we will do our best!"

Gu Hui nodded with satisfaction and said, "well, it's a matter of great importance. After it's done, you can't do without your benefits!"

In the fourth world.

Tianji Pavilion.

Yunqianshan and others are looking forward to it, frowning deeper and deeper.

Yun Qianshan sighed, "Hey, it seems to be a failure. The whole army was destroyed for the first time."

Zheng Shan analyzed and said: "I think it's the origin of many times of theft, which has aroused the vigilance of the fourth world and made the prevention more strict."

"Damn, I can't eat this meal!"

"Let's continue to refuel. There will be harvest next time!"

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