Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 722: 722

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A huge black hole emerges, like a black eye, deep and unknown.

Endless power surrounds it. It seems that the world collapses and the earth breaks, with endless destructive power.

This is not only an extremely strange scene, but also a place of crisis. Even friars from the realm of heaven will feel endless pressure here, and below the realm of heaven, they will definitely be broken by the overflowing Avenue!

Gu Debai, Yun Qianshan and others were suspended in front of the black hole, looking different and thinking.

Yunqianshan suddenly said, "ancient white Taoist friends, the third world is full of origin. Don't you want to go in for this great opportunity?"

"Of course I'll go in!"

Gu Debai smiled. Obviously he had made a decision and said, "in those years, my ancient people and their predecessors entered the third world and didn't return. I just went to meet them. Maybe they have something in the third world!"

Yunqianshan frowned and fell into hesitation.

But at this time, a monster behind him said, "I also want to go to the third world. When my grandfather went in, I want to find it and avenge us!"

It is full of grief and anger, with a pair of dark sheep horns on its head, which is the chaotic God sheep family.

At that time, their ancestors had entered the supreme realm of the avenue. If they had the opportunity in the third world, they might now enter the second step of the supreme realm.

The seventh world regards them as game. We must ask the seventh world for an explanation!

"My ancestors went away and didn't return. I'm going to the third world!"

Another demon family spoke. It had black feathers all over its body and its eyes were like electricity. It was a mixed sky three legged crow!

Another demon clan urn said, "me too! Selling teammates to be game to survive is a disgrace to my old cow all his life. This revenge will be rewarded! "

The Lord of angels looked at them silently and shook his head secretly.

It's not enough to be a game. I'm in a hurry to send my grandfather to be a game. This is great filial piety!

Gu Debai said, "Yun Qianshan Taoist friend, what about you?"

Yun Qianshan shook his head and said, "I won't go."

You are all looking for Lao Zu one by one. What am I going to do? When you really find your father, won't I be in danger?

Gu de Bai smiled coldly and disdained to say, "I knew you were afraid."

He looked at the boundary channel, rolled his mana and said, "people of the ancient family, enter the third world with me!"

After that, he took the lead in charging, took a step, stared at the turbulent flow of the avenue and stepped out of the boundary channel!

"We'll go too!"

As soon as the eyes of those monsters were frozen, they also had powerful mana and rushed into the boundary channel one after another.

Soon, there were only a few people left on the field, such as yunqianshan and the Lord of angels.

"Oh, what a fool!"

Looking at the boundary channel, yunqianshan smiled coldly and said sarcastically: "the third world is chaotic and full of unknowable risks. Now I go back, and the risks and benefits are not equal. Now, as soon as the ancient people leave, of course, I choose to enjoy the original fragrance of the seventh world alone! Although the original breath is weak, the victory lies in stability! "

Before, the ancient people cut off their original path and made them empty. At this time, as soon as they left, the opportunity came.

Thinking of the original delicious food, he couldn't wait. He didn't eat it for a long time. He missed it very much.

Then he looked at the Lord of angels and said, "Tianhua Taoist friend, you are also very smart to stay. Why don't you taste the origin of the seventh world with me?"

The angel Lord's mouth smoked and said, "Oh, I really thank you, but I really can't stand the taste of the source, so I can only miss it."

Yun Qianshan preached, "you're too shallow. It's just a stink, but it's just an appearance. How can you prove your state of mind? Think about it. I'll always leave a place for you. "

The Lord of the angel said sincerely, "thank you."

Then, yunqianshan couldn't wait to get ready for the great cause of origin, and the Lord of angels rushed to the God domain.

As he approached the Luoxian mountains, he suddenly turned pale.

He only felt that there were endless avenues in the sky, and even the air was full of the smell of avenues. From a distance, there were rich avenues intertwined over the Luoxian mountains.

Even, he vaguely felt the rising breath of the source.

"Shit! The master must have given great fortune again! By the way, last time the evil star said that experts wanted to have a dinner, I actually missed it! Ah, I'm going crazy! "

The meat wings behind him incited wildly, and the speed increased to the extreme. With a sound of whew, they disappeared in situ and appeared at the foot of the Luoxian mountains.

At this time, the sky was dim, and everyone had had enough to eat and drink. They were picking up the leftovers and chatting.

Li nianfan naturally took Daji and Huofeng back to the quadrangle to have a rest. How can he worry about this kind of rough work.

The angel Lord's nose twitched, smelling the fragrance in the air and the original breath, his face turned red and his hair stood up.

"Beast, beast! You don't know. Leave some for me! "

His eyes scanned and found that the Jade Emperor and others were still packing, so he rushed over immediately.

"All the rest is mine. Whoever robs me is in a hurry!"

He roared, and then without saying a word, he picked up a pot bottom and filled it with "gudu gudu".

The Jade Emperor was very righteous and immediately said, "everyone stop. Since Tianhua Taoist friends are coming, give them to him. Don't rob him!"

"Tianhua Taoist friend, don't worry. There are still sauces and meat. You can reopen the pot if you make do with a little."

Yang Jian lay on the chair, holding the roaring dog in his arms, rolling the dog and saying.

His breath is too much stronger than before. There is a manifestation of the avenue around him. This is the reason why he has just broken through and has not been able to control the new power.

In addition to Yang Jian, Nuwa, Junjun Taoist priest and jade emperor have all officially entered the supreme realm of the Avenue!

Xiao Chengfeng, Jiangliu and others have also become a half step supreme state. They just need to precipitate again. It's not difficult to enter the supreme state of the Avenue!

While eating wildly, the Lord of the angel cursed: "you dogs, eat well and drink well here, and your strength has improved by leaps and bounds. Only I am still doing my duty for an expert. I bah, despise you!"

The crowd looked so moved that they immediately gathered around, "what's the matter? Is there anything new? "

The old God, the Lord of angels, said, "suddenly I want to dip in sesame sauce."


Taoist Jun Jun immediately brought him a dish of sesame paste. "Come on, try it."

"Well, good."

The Lord of the angel nodded and then said, "I'm busy eating hot pot and barbecue alone. It's easy to forget things."

Yang Jian immediately said, "Tianhua Taoist friend, you'll see it. I'll barbecue for you!"

The Jade Emperor said, "Tianhua Taoist friend, what else can I tell you? We must serve you properly."

Xiao Chengfeng said, "almost got it. Tell me what you found?"

Tianhua added a piece of meat roll and said, "you didn't forget the big news before. Do you know what happened?"

Jiang Liu said, "if we know, we still need to listen to you nagging here? Say it quickly! "

The angel Lord smiled loudly and said solemnly, "the boundary channel to the third world is open!"

"Boundary channel?"

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"The third world?"

Everyone was surprised.

But the Lord of the angel continued: "you may not know much about the third world. This world has been broken, its origin overflows, and it is isolated from the seventh world. Originally, there should not be a boundary channel, but it suddenly went against the number of days and appeared in the seventh world. It was definitely forcibly opened up by someone with great magic power!"

The Jade Emperor didn't even think about it. He said directly, "I guess it must be an expert!"

"It's really a childe."

Situ Qin stood up and said, "at that time, an expert drew a picture and printed the big seal condensed by the third world origin on the picture. At that time, chaos gave birth to changes."

Her voice was filled with wonder, and she couldn't help recalling everything on that day in her mind, which was still very shocking.

The painting had been given to her by Li nianfan. At that time, she even struggled to observe it. At this time, after eating the self-help hot pot barbecue, she had come to the edge of the second step, so she could barely see the painting.

Sure enough, he is an expert!

Everyone looked as expected.

Taoist Jun pondered, "since the expert has deliberately opened up the third world, he must have deep meaning. Does he want us to enter the third world?"

Yang Jian guessed: "it should be what is in the third world that makes experts care more."

Nannan suddenly said, "I know, I know, what my brother cares about most is chemical fertilizer. He often goes to the backyard to worry alone."

Qin manyun's eyes suddenly brightened, "if it's chemical fertilizer, it only needs to start from two aspects, one is the monster, and the other is the plant ash mentioned by the childe!"

The Jade Emperor said, "that is to say, an expert needs monsters and plant ash."

Nu Wa sighed and said, "yes, all the game of the expert is dead now. It's still because of the consequences caused by our failure to work hard. We must make up for it!"

"Hehe, if it's a monster, we really have to go to the third world."

The angel Lord suddenly smiled and said, "many demon families in the fourth world still want to go to the third world to find their ancestors for revenge."

Long'er was eager to try and said, "since brother let the third world reappear, maybe the plant ash is also in the third world."

All of them felt suddenly enlightened, with a smile on their faces. They were happy to guess what the experts thought, so they could share their worries better.

Taoist Jun said solemnly, "let's get ready. The third world is too chaotic. People should not be more but better!"

"At least we have to take half a step to get in. All who want to go are eager to sign up!"

At the same time.

In the void of the third world.

Time and space are distorted, roads are flowing, and the roar is constant.

Then, with a vortex emerging, gudebai and others stepped out.

They first glanced at the dead world, and their faces were slightly changed by the destructive smell of this world.

Although they have long guessed the appearance of the third world, its bad degree is still above their imagination, and... There seems to be a strange smell in the air of the third world, which makes people feel inexplicably uneasy.


Gu De's white face suddenly changed. Their eyes turned and their pupils contracted into needles and threads.

"The boundary channel... Is missing!"

His voice trembled and said with fear: "this is actually a boundary channel of one-way transmission. It is only allowed to enter, not out!"

Gu Ling was also surprised, "how could this happen? How do we get back? "

"Do we have to be trapped in the third world forever?"

"No? I knew I wouldn't come. "

"The boundary channel used to be one-way. I just knew!"

Others looked around reluctantly and were at a loss.

But at this time, a mighty breath emerged from all directions. It seems that there are many strong and medium-sized people peeping around. At this time, they show their body shape one after another.

They stared at the people of goodeby with surprise and joy.

"No wonder there was such a big noise. Something big happened!"

"How many years! How is it possible that there are new people? "

"Hahaha, new people are coming. Do we have a chance to leave this damn place?"

"Although it's only one-way transmission, it's better than invisible hope!"

"Haven't all the boundary channels of the third world been cut off? How did they get in? "

This group of people's Qi machine locked the people of gudebai, and their whole body was roaring. Unexpectedly, they were all the supreme realm of the Avenue!

Moreover, there are several breath, even Gu Debai feels frightened, which is also the second step supreme!

They are eager to try and seem ready to do it at any time.

Just then, a majestic voice sounded in the crowd, "are you from my ancient family?"

Gu Debai was slightly stunned, immediately followed the prestige and said in surprise: "Gu Ai Daoyou!"

"Goodwhite? Ancient hunting? You've entered the third world, too? Come to me! "

Gu Ai smiled and then said, "this is my ancient people. Who wants to do it?"

Everyone immediately removed the gas machine from gudebai.

Being able to live in the third world until now is enough to show the strength of Gu Ai. In addition, Gu Debai and Gu hunting are also the second step. Who dares to offend this lineup?

Suddenly, another voice sounded, "are you the people of my chaotic God sheep?"


Those monsters of chaos God sheep immediately shook their bodies and looked at their ancestors with tearful eyes.

It was a thin old man with double horns on his head and a goat beard. His breath was not obvious and his bones were very strong.

Chaos God sheep immediately rushed over and cried, "Grandpa, you are still alive. Wuwuwuwu, I chaos God sheep were bullied miserably!"

"Hunyuan three legged crow, come to me!"

Another voice sounded, which made the mixed yuan three legged crows, monsters and animals excited one after another, agitated their wings and rushed over like a milk swallow.

Pious way: "I've seen my grandfather!"

In such a fuss, the fourth world people who had come in with gudebai were left with only a small group of people who were still at a loss.

Poor, weak and helpless.

Someone opened his mouth sadly and said, "where is the ancestor of these people? anything else? Stand up. "

There was no response.

"Click suck, it seems that their ancestors do not give strength."

"There's nothing to say. Catch them, search their souls and refine their souls, and see where they come from and what happened!"

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