Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 725: 725

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"We can't let those people in the seventh world do whatever they want. We also rush!"

Finally, everyone hit it off and stepped into the sea of stars together.

As they entered, the star sea seemed to produce a sense, and the gray fog in it surged, making the star sea vibrate.

"Roar -"

Those white haired monsters who had lost their self were originally confused in the sea of stars. At this time, they all roared and rushed towards the people.

"Hehe, you were just a mole ant. Even if you turned into a white haired monster, I can easily suppress it!"

They formed a team, and their power was different. Endless mana surrounded them like a river of stars, isolating the unknown fog.

Without the second step of supreme action, others have easily erased these white haired monsters!

"Move on!"

"Even if it is very strange, we will be suppressed together!"

All of them were full of fighting spirit and charged forward with confidence.

However, with the deepening, the unknown smell became stronger and stronger, and even began to change qualitatively. The white hair monster became stronger and stronger, and the white hair of the whole body became thicker and longer!

Ordinary mana has been difficult to resist the erosion of unknown breath and began to be penetrated. Some people in the team trembled and panicked!

"Ah! No, I'm contaminated with unknown! "

"Help me, help me!"

"These unknown breath can assimilate our mana. I don't want to go deep. Let me go!"

At first, some people exclaimed that their accomplishments were just the lowest in the realm of heaven, and they couldn't bear it first in the team.

They trembled and began to grow white hair!

The Hunyuan three legged crow king has been chaotic. The second step of the supreme god sheep looked at all this coldly. They gently raised their hands and a magnificent force surged, blocking all the unknown breath, but they only protected their own people.

At the same time, we will take action against those who are not known. We will erase them before they become white haired monsters!

The team moved on.

The strength of the white haired monster is getting stronger and stronger. The original white hair turns to red. Whether it's fierce breath or powerful momentum, it's too strong.

Began to have the supreme realm of the Avenue!

In addition, there is an ominous atmosphere around, and everyone's pressure increases sharply.

"What the hell is this? These people have not only become white haired monsters, but also seem to be getting stronger! "

"Keep moving forward, I'm afraid it's dangerous!"

"It's unknown and strange. There must be the most mysterious secret happiness in the third world!"

"The unknown smell here is so strong. Why is there nothing for those people in the seventh world? Why on earth did they let the unknown breath retreat? "

"The seventh world is more strange than this unknown. Continue to go deep. No matter what secret it is, we have to get it!"

"The world is so beautiful, but you are so grumpy and bad. I also said the password. Why do you discriminate against me?"


They fought hard all the way. Every step was like a deep quagmire. They could only move forward step by step.

In sharp contrast to them.

On the other hand, Qin manyun and others had no obstacles. All the incompleteness along the way was to retreat, and soon came to the deepest place.

Situ Qin's eyes suddenly coagulated and said, "there's really a broken tree here!"

Taoist Jun's eyes were full of reverence and exclaimed, "even if it is dead, shrouded by unknown, and in the broken third world, its body is still immortal. I'm afraid the origin of this tree is beyond imagination."

Long'er's little face was full of confusion and said, "I'm curious. I feel a familiar smell on this tree..."

She couldn't help moving forward slowly. Her big eyes were inexplicably wet, and seemed to be sentimental.


Just then, under the broken tree, three monsters suddenly appeared.

These three monsters are no different from the white haired monster. However, they have changed from white hair to red hair. The long red hair is full of rich uncertainty, which is enough to frighten the world!

And their breath has reached the supreme state of the second step!

They roared and did not retreat from the crowd like those white haired monsters before, but they killed the Dragon son with terrible Qi!

"Dragon, be careful!"

All the people changed their faces and moved forward one after another.

Situ Qin also walked forward quickly. She looked dignified, turned her wrist, took out a brush, and then wrote in the air!

"The world is so beautiful, but you are so grumpy, so bad!"

The handwriting emits a halo and melts around everyone.

At the same time, she touched the picture in her arms. The paper was emitting milky white brilliance, and the faint halo spilled on the three red haired monsters, making them tremble and look ferocious. They stopped in place and struggled constantly.

At the same time, a halo fell on the broken tree.

Suddenly, it was like the interweaving of time and space. A strange breath rose from the broken tree. This force led the long river of years and put people in a strange space of years.

It goes back countless years.

It is a towering willow, living between heaven and earth and growing in chaos.

Its thousands of wickers hang down, just like the blood vessels running through the world, holding up a world. The leaves on the wicker are like small worlds, sending out birth machines.

At one moment, the sky opened a hole, the world collapsed and the avenue was silent!

The world is being destroyed, and countless creatures are vanishing in an instant.

That strange fog overflowed from the crack, with a towering power, which is above everything and unstoppable!

Under the cover of strange fog, the third world is unbearable. Even the Supreme Master of the avenue is just a mole ant, which will overturn at any time.

The source of the third world overflows and is contaminated by the fog and directly suppressed!

In the strange fog, a voice spread all over the three realms, "my era is coming again. Remember, I am... 'heaven'!"

Just then, willows were born.

Its willow branches shuttle through the endless void, covering all the third world and fighting with the fog.

It holds up the whole third world with its own body.

The holy radiance emanates from every branch and leaf of it. It dispels unknown. I want to suppress it!

This war, soul stirring, formed the turbulent flow of the main road, made the third world return to the most primitive state, and everything was erased.

A willow tree, with an unimaginable posture, holds up the third world and is fighting 'heaven'!

Contaminated by the unknown, its leaves are no longer crisp, and the willow branches begin to break, but they are still full of momentum. We want to completely suppress the unknown with supreme power!

It can be seen to the naked eye that under the stirring of the wicker, the fog was broken, and the so-called "sky" seemed to be torn into countless pieces!

Finally, God counselled.

It wants to retreat.

However, the willow blocked its retreat. As soon as the branches were thrown away, the boundary channels of the third and seventh worlds were all broken. Since then, the third world has been isolated and banned!

The voice of "heaven" came, "this is just my incarnation. Since you want to trap me here, I'll let you die!"

The willow is silent.

It responded to 'heaven' with action.

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With all our strength, even if the leaves are withered, the branches are fallen, and the trunk is broken, we still suppress the "sky" here!

Between the sky, there was the sound of willows, "I won't die! I will come back with a stronger attitude and kill you completely! Because of me, never die! "

The picture dissipates.

Long'er and others were deeply immersed in the shock, with tears streaming down their faces.

Long'er said excitedly, "it's sister Liu. This tree is sister Liu!"

Nannan nodded and said, "Sister Liu was so powerful that she won't die in a hundred battles. She will return with a stronger attitude!"

Qin manyun took a deep breath and exclaimed, "Sister Liu is dictating the third world with one person's strength and doesn't let this unknown harm other worlds. This strength and spirit are really admirable."

Situ Qin choked and said, "the willow tree in the backyard has always been silent. It turns out that we all owe sister Liu a thank you."

Big black scratched the dog's head. "The willow must have been one of the fighting souls of the Seven Realms in those years. Were the other fighting souls planted in the backyard by the master?"

As for Taoist Jun Jun, they were also shocked.

Not only shocked by the strength of willows, but also shocked by the horror of experts.

This is the soul of the seven realms. It guards the seven realms with unparalleled combat power and invincible existence. It was planted in the backyard by experts and treated as an ordinary willow

What a means, what a spirit!

It's terrible!

"Hahaha, finally let us catch up with you!"

Suddenly, a burst of crazy laughter came from behind, and the group of Hunyuan three legged crows finally came.

As they leaned over here, they were also attacked by the white haired monster. They didn't know how to laugh.

At this time, they also saw the willow tree and immediately showed their horror.

"What a rich source, it's here as the source!"

"What kind of tree is this? Even if it is broken, I still feel the extreme pressure from it! "

"What happened to the trees shrouded in uncertainty?"

"Big secret, dig this tree. It must be the most precious!"

At this time, the three red haired monsters also looked at them.


With a violent roar, he rushed towards them madly!

"No, the white haired monster has evolved into a red haired monster!"

"It's terrible. They actually have the supreme combat power of the second step!"

"Why? Why do those people in the seventh world have nothing to do just attacking us! "

"Can't even the red hair monster control the group of people in the seventh world?"

The hearts of those people collapsed, full of doubts and reluctance, and had to fight with the red haired monster.

The three headed red haired monster, with amazing strength, immediately brought great pressure to the team. Coupled with the erosion of unknown breath, more and more people were contaminated by unknown.

"Damn it, don't hide it at this time! Get rid of these three monsters! "

Hunyuan three legged crow King sank his face and roared.

He raised his hand violently, and a golden long sword appeared in his hand. There was no pattern on the long sword, but there was a layer of original breath all over his body. As soon as the long sword came out, the avenue knelt down.

The whole space is shaking.

This is the third source treasure it was lucky to get!

He raised his sword to one of the red haired monsters and cut it off in an instant!

Chaos God sheep also no longer hesitated, took out a mirror and looked at a red haired monster!

Just as the sun shines on ice and snow, melting the red haired monster.

In addition, there were three supreme masters in the second step. They also shot together. They not only wiped out the remaining red haired monsters, but also emptied the surrounding white haired monsters to calm the battlefield.

One of the great masters of the avenue looked at the broken tree, flashed his eyes, waved his hand and threw his long gun in the past!

He is the only one of the five supreme masters in the second step who does not have the source treasure. Therefore, he is ready to take the first shot, plunder some sources first, and hammer his magic weapon into the source treasure!

Around the broken tree, there is a source overflow.

However, in addition to the origin, there are still unknown!

When the spear approached the broken tree, the gray fog stained the spear, instantly lost its charm and fell to the ground.

"Come for the source, you will also die for the source!"

A cold voice sounded, full of ruthlessness and cruelty.

Gray fog surges and flows in the void, like an alternative life, very strange.

"What the hell are you?"

The Hunyuan three legged crow king asked the long hidden doubt.

"I'm heaven!"

The strange fog opened its mouth, and its tone was full of pride and contempt. It echoed like a natural master!

"The seven Spirits of war are sad and ridiculous!"

It opened its mouth and its tone was full of banter and disdain.

"The so-called rebellion means something that can't be done, but something that can't be done. Naturally, no one can do it!"

It looked at the crowd and said sarcastically, "they boast of success against the sky, but little do they know that the biggest disaster in the world comes from the greed of the people. As long as greed persists, I will eventually get out of trouble! Against the sky is an empty dream after all! "

Among the Seven Realms, things about the origin spread, causing countless disasters. Too many people are crazy to seize the origin, plunder other Realms and destroy their own world

Everything comes from greed!

Once you fall into this greed, the day when the Seven Realms come into this world is the time when "heaven" comes again!

The words of "heaven" made the faces of Hunyuan three legged crows and others change wildly. Their limbs were cold and gave birth to a towering coolness.

In this world, there are really days!

God is a creature?!

They can't believe it.

"Don't panic, he must be alarmist!"

"If you dare to call yourself heaven, let's measure your weight!"

"If it's really so strong, it won't be sealed here!"

"Are you really God? I don't believe it! "

They opened their mouths one after another, persuaded themselves, suppressed their uneasiness and cheered themselves up.

"The soul of war has the power to oppose the sky, but it can't oppose the hearts of the people."

"Heaven" laughed, "the third world should have lived under my shadow countless years ago. Now I see who else can stop me!"

As its voice fell, the strange fog burst out like a tide, covering everyone in an instant.

It changes thousands of times. It seems invisible, but it can condense into things. It erodes towards people with invisible gas, and turns into various monsters with tangible power to kill people!

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