Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 728: 728

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Yunqianshan and others are eating.

Have a good time.

But at this time, a powerful breath came here like artillery!

This breath is too strong and forms a repressive force. It seems to turn into essence. It is like a curtain of heaven, pressing on the heads of people, making it difficult for them to breathe.

Yunqianshan's face suddenly changed and said coldly, "who is it?"

"It's me, goodwhite!"

Above the void, the people of the ancient family slowly emerged, surrounded by roads, breathing like dragons, looking down at them from a commanding position, with amazing momentum.

Gu Ai, Gu Debai and Gu hunting, with three second step supremacies and seven Avenue supremacies, are too terrible to dominate in one world!

"Good... Terrible power!"

"The second step is to manifest the great road and surrender to the body!"

"It's over. It's the ancient people. How should we fight the fourth world?"

All the people in the fourth world showed fear. Their magic power surged, flushed and struggled to resist the oppression of the ancient people.

"You're back?!"

Yun Qianshan's face sank and then said, "where are the others in my fourth world?"

He was in doubt.

This group of people went to the third world happily. How could they come back so soon and just go on a one-day tour?

And the demons and beasts in the fourth world. Have you found their ancestors in the third world? If there are ancestors, why should the fourth world fear the ancient family.

"You mean those monsters?" The ancient Hunter shook his head and said sarcastically, "they are so unlucky. They take their ancestors to the seventh world as game. I'm afraid they will end badly."

It's the seventh world again!

Yunqianshan was stunned and thoughtful.

Since the ancient family dared to come to the fourth world and let go of the group of people in the seventh world, it shows that he thinks the fourth world is better than the seventh world!

He sneered, "what do you call coming to the fourth world? The power of my fourth world is enough to suppress you! "

Although there are three supreme masters in the second step of the ancient family, they have him in the fourth world, the Lord of angels and the mysterious man in Tianji Pavilion. They are not afraid of the ancient family.

Gu Ai did not speak. He glanced and fixed his eyes on the things in the hands of all the people in the fourth world.

With a sweep of his hand, the force of the road flowed into an irresistible force and pulled it in front of him.

He said, "is this the origin of the third world? Indeed, there is a smell of origin, but the taste is more powerful than expected, which is strange. "

Then he opened his mouth and swallowed it.

Close your eyes and feel it carefully.

"It's really a good thing!"

A moment later, he opened his eyes and waved his hand again, and he caught the source phage in his hand again.

Domineering: "I didn't expect the legendary source phagocytes to appear in the fourth world. Where did you get these insects? After that, it will be my ancient family! "

Yun Qianshan smiled angrily, "are you kidding? If you want to fight, fight! "

"Ridiculous ignorance, what are you fighting with me?"

Gu Ai smiled disdainfully. He slowly raised his hand and opened his palm.


The sky roared with his palm. At this moment, Gu Ai seemed to have the power to control heaven and earth. The whole Fourth World trembled because of his breath.

In the void, a huge hand covered the sky and shrouded the whole Tianji Pavilion. The terrible shadow was transmitted and made everyone stand up.

"Is this breath... The source? There is a source in his body! "

Yunqianshan stared at Gu Ai's hand in horror.

That hand, surrounded by strange breath, has the power of commanding the road, and emits the power of palpitating.

He actually refined the source in his own hand!

How many origins have you got!

The realm of ancient AI has reached the third step!

Gu Debai was also stunned and said with surprise and joy: "Gu Ai Daoyou, your strength is so strong?"

Gu Ai smiled, "over the past countless years, I have obtained many origins in the third world. Is it rare to have this strength?"

"When you were in the third world..."

Half of what Gu Lieh said, he swallowed it back.

He wanted to ask why Gu Ai didn't fight the people in the Seventh World in the third world, but when he thought of the scene that day, he finally felt that the people in the seventh world seemed to be much better than Gu Ai, and it was right

Gu Ai controlled the whole audience and said leisurely, "if you don't hand it in, I can only take it myself!"

The voice fell, and the giant hand came to Tianji Pavilion!

"I underestimate our fourth world. I really think we have eaten the third world for so long for nothing?"

The clouds roared and the mana rushed out, which also had the breath of origin.

"A mantis is a cart." Gu Ai smiled disdainfully.

However, just when the two forces were about to meet, another force suddenly emerged in Tianji Pavilion, like a breeze, but it scattered the two forces and turned them into invisibility.

"Who is it?!"

As soon as Gu Ai's eyes coagulated, he took the people of the ancient family back in an instant, full of vigilance.

An old man's virtual shadow slowly appeared in his sight. His tone was simple and not surprised. "Although we are not in the same world, we don't have to fight when we meet."

It was the old leader of Tianji Pavilion who came out of illusion.

"Step three?"

Gu Ai's eyes narrowed slightly, then shook his head and said, "no, this breath... What a rich origin! Definitely contaminated with the origin of the fourth world, that's right! "

There was a flash of greed in his eyes, but it soon disappeared.

He naturally wants the fourth world, but he is not the opponent of the man in front of him.

The old Pavilion leader said, "in fact, we don't need to fight to death for the time being. We can cooperate first and steal all the sources of the seventh world."

Gu Ai was silent for a moment and said, "yes."

He didn't ask why. It's meaningless. It's mutually beneficial. Each has its own plot.

The top priority is to steal the origin of the seventh world first!

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After all, the seventh world is really strange.

Gu Aiton paused and said, "since we want to destroy the seventh world, the efficiency can't be slow! I have a proposal. Call more people together. The third boundary channel is opened. There are many people coming out. I can call them! "

The old Pavilion master nodded and said, "this method is good. In this way, there are more phagocytic insects that can be dispatched, and you can steal a large number of sources in a short time!"

Yun Qianshan also said, "in that case, I'll call some Taoist friends in the fourth world and let them come and share the origin of the seventh world! Especially the Lord of angels, he would despise the origin? I must enlighten him and let him overcome the demons. "

Gu De's white face showed a smile, "it's too busy. Let's eat together. Is this a dinner?"

The ancient Hunter laughed and said, "hahaha, having dinner with the origin of the Seven Realms, only we can be so extravagant in the whole seven realms!"

"In that case, let's call people and share the delicious food!"

"I called them to enjoy the source together. These people were absolutely moved and cried."


Courtyard, backyard.

Long'er and Nan Nan are sitting by the willow tree, holding their heads and listening to the willow tree talking about the past.

Long'er said curiously, "Sister Liu, is that strange fog really 'heaven'? What is your realm? Even heaven can defeat you! "

After a gust of wind, the willow branches swayed with the wind, and a gentle voice came out, "it's really 'heaven', but it's just an incarnation. As for the realm, I crossed the third step and was the master of the avenue."

Long'er exclaimed, "it's more than the third step. Sister Liu is so powerful."

The second step is enough to suppress the road, and the third step is unimaginable. No wonder the willow is still above the third step.

Nannan was surprised and said, "the incarnation of heaven is so powerful?"

The willow said, "it is the strongest natural master. I can't predict its real strength."

Long'er and Nan Nan couldn't help admiring and said, "the man against the sky is too powerful."

"Those who go against the sky are a group of people. They are all amazing, gorgeous and earth shaking super strong. They have gone against the sky nine times. Even if they fail against the sky, they will reincarnate again and become stronger. Go against the sky here!"

The willow slowly opened its mouth and said a secret happiness.

He also said: "nine times against the sky, exhausted endless years, laid the overall situation of constant pressure for all ages, and finally succeeded against the sky. In order to completely suppress it, he divided the whole world into seven worlds. As long as the seven worlds are different, the sky will never reappear!"

Long'er said, "why go against the sky?"

"Because I want people to live!"

The willow said leisurely, "in those days, no matter what a strong person or how talented a person is, even if he is not old and immortal, one day, he will still be contaminated with unknown, become a white haired monster and fall into silence! At the same time, heaven will destroy the world, annihilate all living creatures, and then start all over again. It's like playing a game. "

Nannan said strangely, "Sister Liu, are you also one of the people against the sky?"

The willow shook its branches and said, "no, after those people succeeded against the sky, they couldn't survive, so they turned their will and spirit into the soul of the Seven Realms and guarded the Seven Realms forever."

After a pause, she then said: "since it was divided into seven realms, theoretically, the second step of the supreme realm is the end of the seven realms. As one of the Seven Realms, our strength is at the peak of the third step of the supreme. The seven souls guard the Seven Realms respectively, which also represents the undoubtedly top combat power of the seven realms."

Long'er nodded and said, "the seven realms have the strongest control of the fighting spirit. The 'heaven' is suppressed and cannot destroy the world. Then the seven realms are too peaceful."

"That's true."

The willow paused and sighed: "unfortunately, it was ultimately lost to the greed of human nature. Some people will do anything to pursue higher power, and even be bewitched by 'heaven' and bring uncertainty to the world."

"Sister Liu, where are the other fighting spirits? Is it in my brother's backyard? "

Long'er asked, looking around.

"Keep the change. They're not here."

There was a sadness in the willow's tone, and then the branches moved slightly and rowed in the void.

Suddenly, a picture appeared in front of me.

In the picture, there are seven figures standing. Their faces can't be seen clearly, but each one's temperament is graceful and graceful. There is no doubt that they are magnificent figures.

They stood in front of a boundary passage with dim eyes.

In the boundary channel, a trace of gray fog is flowing, emitting an extremely unknown and strange. Although it is only a picture, it still makes Nannan and longer cold and dare not move.

In the picture, a tall man said, "the second world has fallen into an unprecedented disaster and is shrouded in an unknown atmosphere. We must fight together in order to suppress it in the shortest time!"

A golden figure said, "if we all enter the second world, what about the other six?"

"Seven younger sisters stay and the six of us go!" Another man stood up, in a very decisive tone.

The seven younger sister was the only woman. She was wearing a light green dress and looked like jade. She was stunned at her speech.

She opened her mouth and said, "the changes in the second world are too sudden. Is it dangerous to enter rashly?"

"You have to enter in danger!"

"If we can't fight, we will make the second world disappear in the seven worlds forever!"

"Seven younger sister, if we never return, the other six worlds will work hard for you!"

After the words, they didn't look back and stepped into the boundary channel without hesitation!

Only the only woman left, looking at the boundary channel, left a sigh.

Nannan and longer couldn't wait and said, "what happened in the second world? Sister Liu, what happened later? "

The willow sighed, "I don't know. I didn't expect that they would never return. Later, even I couldn't feel the second world."

The little eyebrows of Nannan and longer frowned tightly.

Long'er couldn't help saying, "you are the highest combat power in the seven realms. What else can you do to suppress you in the second realm? Heaven has been divided into seven pieces. You shouldn't be able to do it."

Nannan said, "in the second world, I wonder if my brother will open the boundary channel of the second world like the third world, so that we can go in and see what happened that year."

"An expert?"

The willow's tone took a ripple and said respectfully: "he can pick me up from the long river of years, let me grow again with a trace of vitality and reverse the boundary of life and death, which reminds me that the means of those people who went against the sky in those years should be able to reproduce the second world..."

Nannan said, "Sister Liu, we should pick jinkela to fertilize the backyard. I don't know if the new game has made any efforts."

"Hum, eat it if you don't work hard!"

Long'er hummed and then said to the willow, "when we're finished, we'll come with you."

At the same time, the Tianji Pavilion in the fourth world is located.


Countless people flew from everywhere with a trace of suspicion and expectation on their faces.

Their breath floats around them, and there is the sound of Avenue around them. Unexpectedly, there are many Avenue supremacies, even several in the second step!

"It's said that we have dinner here. Is it true?"

"Yes, it's still the origin of the seventh world. Is it so luxurious?"

"I'm Shi Zhenxiang, the head of the donkey family of the God of heaven's eyes. I've brought the whole family."

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