Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 735: 735

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"Hahaha, feel my strength!"

The old cabinet leader laughed wildly and indulged in his power. He felt that he only needed one idea to subvert the whole fourth world!

This is just the power to control the world!

If you can control the Seven Realms, it is the most powerful eternity. You can decide the honor and disgrace of all souls. You can be worshipped and awed by heaven and earth. It's fascinating to think about it!

He looked at the cold woman in front of him, with a trace of disdain in his eyes.

What is she now?

But ants.

Blowing is enough to kill!

At this time, his eyes were frozen and he saw Daji slowly raise a kitchen knife.

This is an ordinary kitchen knife, but it is different from an ordinary kitchen knife. It uses a forging technique that has never been seen before. As the leader of the world, he can't see through the material of this knife!

"After all, it's still just a kitchen knife. Can you turn it over?"

The old Pavilion master sneered that his voice was like a mountain, shaking the earth.

His huge palm continued to fall towards Daji, and it was getting closer and closer. Before it fell, the earth had collapsed and the soil had disappeared, forming a turbulent flow on the road and raging into a storm.

In this power, any power seems small. Daji seems to be just a weak star, which is not enough to compete at all.

However, the kitchen knife in her hand flickered with an immortal cold.

Just because there is a sentence engraved on the handle of this kitchen knife: a little cold is ten thousand feet long, taking heaven as food and earth as material!

Under this kitchen knife, everything is food!

"The power is very strong, but it is full of flaws in my eyes, because these are not your own power at all."

Daji didn't panic at all, and said calmly: "cooking knife, cook jieniu!"

She slowly waved the kitchen knife!

An invisible breath then darted out of the void!

"This, this is..."

The old cabinet leader's body suddenly shook, and his voice was filled with fear, and a chill suddenly poured all over his body from his heart!

He felt an irresistible force approaching him, enough to make himself doomed!

"No, it's impossible! What are you going to kill me with? "

The old Pavilion leader roared unacceptably and wanted to speed up the falling speed of the giant palm. However, he suddenly found that he could not control that power!

In the void, his body is separating!

Is separated into two different parts, one is a white haired old man, and the other is the origin of the fourth world!

"No, the source of the fourth world has been integrated with me. If it cannot be stripped off, return my source, you return my source!"

The old man's eyes showed his desire to crack. He screamed bitterly and madly leaned towards the source of the fourth world, but he was blocked and inaccessible by an invisible force.

He looked at Daji's sharp quality and asked, "why is it like this? What's your knife technique?"

Daji replied, "the cook will peel and remove the bones!"

The so-called paoding jieniu can easily decompose different parts after three years without seeing the whole cow.

In Daji's eyes, he had already seen through everything of the old Pavilion master. The old Pavilion master was not the old Pavilion master, but the old man and origin.

Therefore, she took advantage of the situation and stripped the two parts!

Just a knife.

The breath of destroying heaven and earth just dissipated, and in the void, the old man was fixed with the origin of the fourth world.

A lot of strange breath began to surround between heaven and earth, and the origin gradually dispersed between heaven and earth.

Cooking knife?

Cooking knife!

The old man's face was unbelievable, twisted and decadent.

He never thought that he would be cut by a cooking knife

Take a kitchen knife and the woman

It turns out that the water in the seventh world is so deep. Where did it come from!

Suddenly, Daji's eyes suddenly changed and quickly raised his hand to the source of the fourth world!

Endless cold ice covers the four fields. I want to freeze all the sources!


In the source of the fourth world, a shrill roar came out, and unexpectedly condensed into an attack. The town opened Daji's ice and dissipated rapidly!

"The cook's antidote sabre, open the mouth and pick the thorn!"

Daji's kitchen knife suddenly turned over, and then made a rapid stroke towards the source of the fourth world. The knife awned like jade and glittered in the sky.

In the fourth world origin, wisps of gray gas emerge, like a tail, pestering the fourth world origin, swinging and swinging.

Under a knife, the unknown fog was separated from the source of the fourth world!

"No wonder the fourth world origin would do such a thing, but it was contaminated by heaven!"

Daji's face could not help but dignified, stopped in place and frowned: "I'm careless after all. My hand is slow. Some unknown fog has dispersed with the origin of the fourth world! Some trouble. "

At this time, the Lord of angels and other talents limped and rushed over in great embarrassment, saluting Daji respectfully from a distance.

The Lord of the angel said sincerely: "thank you, fairy Daji, for saving my fourth world in disaster. Fairy Daji has worked hard. Please accept my worship!"

Alina also hurriedly said, "fairy Daji is not only the benefactor of my angel family, but also the benefactor of the fourth world. Her merits and virtues are boundless, which is the blessing of the whole seven worlds!"

Other angels also kowtowed and said, "thank you, thank you."

Daji followed Li nianfan all the year round. He was used to such flattering words. His face was calm and asked, "do you know this person?"

The Lord of the angel looked at the old man and immediately stared and exclaimed, "Taoist Tianji?!"

Alina was also surprised and said, "he is the old master of Tianji Pavilion. Isn't he dead!"

At that time, the fourth world was invaded by the ancient people. Under the great disaster, it was the Taoist Tianji who rose against the trend, helped the building to collapse and beat back the ancient people.

At the same time, he also paid his own life, which was obvious to all in the fourth world at that time.

Taoist Tianji was already a little crazy. He looked at the people and said, "die? I was really dead, but I have great luck and have my own art against the sky. I want to reach the top of the seven worlds! "

The angel Lord's eyes were complex and said, "you were also a person with a jade heart. Why did you become what you are now?"

Taoist Tianji said madly, "I shed blood for the fourth world. I saved the whole fourth world. Of course, everything belongs to me! What's wrong with me? In addition to the fourth world, I want the whole Seventh World! Power, where is my invincible power? Give me back my power! "

His eyes were red and he was jumping around like a madman.

At the same time, his body trembled. In addition to his pale hair, white hair began to grow all over his body.

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"Contaminated with ominous power, the whole body has long hair. It's hopeless."

Daji shook his head, and a heavy cold meaning burst out between his fingers. In an instant, Taoist Tianji was frozen into an ice sculpture.

Then she looked at the Lord of angels and others, hesitated slightly, and waved to them.

Immediately, something turned into a flash of light and fell in front of the Lord of angels.

"Your injury is not light. This is donkey hide gelatin made by the childe. It has the effect of tonifying blood and treating deficiency. Take it to heal the injury."

Last time, Li nianfan won't miss the opportunity to make donkey hide gelatin. After all, it is of great use to women, and there are many women in quadrangles.

The hearts of the Lord of angels and others suddenly jumped wildly, and their faces were full of surprise.

What is given by an expert is not an ordinary product. This donkey hide gelatin has never been heard of before, but it can be seen that it is precious. Only an expert has it!

The so-called healing must be a modest statement. The probability can not only heal the injury, but also improve the cultivation!

The angel Lord hurriedly said, "thank you, fairy Daji. We angels must be very upset and serve the experts!"

Alina even said, "we will try our best to grow hair and strive to be able to contribute to experts!"

Daji nodded and then said, "there are still a lot of unknown fog spilling out with the origin of the fourth world. I'm afraid it will cause disaster. Pay attention."

Nowadays, the third, fourth, fifth and seventh realms are all connected by boundary channels. There are so many creatures. Moreover, the third realms originally gathered many experts from the seven realms. Now it is unknown that the fog will overflow, which will surely cause disasters.

The Lord of angels and others immediately solemnly said, "don't worry, fairy Daji, we will pay attention!"

Daji nodded slightly, turned around and took one step. His body melted into the void and dissipated, leaving only a layer of extremely cold frost in place.


Shortly after Daji and the Lord of angels left, the space near Tianji Pavilion began to fluctuate.

Several figures emerged silently and looked around with great surprise.

One of them said, "what a terrible force, even if it's just a residual breath, it makes me feel fear."

Another humanitarian: "what happened? The wave of palpitation just now, although separated by bounded areas, still makes us realize that it is definitely the peak power belonging to one world, which is so desirable! "

The leader said in a condensed voice, "this should be the legendary power of origin. Those who get the origin get the Seven Realms! I'm the king's family! "

There seemed to be a flame beating in his eyes, burning something called ambition.

At this time, an unknown fog emerged like smoke and slowly floated past the group. Suddenly, their bodies were shocked and their eyes began to become strange.

"Blend with me and I will tell you how to absorb the source of one world!"


After the group left, another group appeared.

"This is where the fourth Tianji Pavilion is located. What happened will trigger the power to destroy the sky and the earth."

"Didn't you say there was a dinner party here? Sharing the source, why did it end like this? "

"Original breath, there is a lot of original breath left here. If I get it, I will have that power!"

"Fortunately, I kept an eye and knew that there was no free lunch and didn't promise their dinner invitation. As expected, something happened."

"Not only the Tianji Pavilion, but also the angel Temple of the fourth world was erased. That force made the heaven and earth belong to chaos, such as terror."

"Just at the angel temple, a boundary channel leading to the fifth world was found. It is said that the origin of the fifth world has also been revealed!"

"To be chaotic, this is to be chaotic!"

"The more chaos, the better. Heroes come out of chaos. I will have the chance!"


There was too much noise in the fourth world. The news spread to the third, fifth and seventh world, attracting countless strong people.

An undercurrent was surging. For a moment, forces from all sides suddenly rose one by one, occupying one side like princes, ready to stir up the situation at any time.

At the same time.

In the long river of years.

The Spirit Lord and Wang Zun shuttled through the endless waves.

They went up against the current, witnessed what happened in endless years, and looked for their own past.

Walking in the long river of years for such a long time, ordinary people have long lost their guidance and lost in it.

However, there was still no confusion in their eyes, as if something was calling them and guiding them in the long river of years.

Compared with before, the strength of the Spirit Lord has been too strong. Along the way, there are other incarnations of her. After blending with each other, the strength is constantly restoring its peak. At the same time, some memory in the brain is also waking up.

Wang Zun's eyes also began to move. He witnessed his own past and began to recover gradually.

The Spirit Lord's graceful body was holy and noble. He walked on the waves and suddenly opened his mouth to the east bank: "king, do you remember the scene of the last war during the great robbery?"

Wang Zun said hoarsely, "I don't have any impression."

"Me too."

The Spirit Lord's eyes showed deep thought and said, "the memory of the last war seems to have been erased, or... We erased it ourselves!"

"What on earth is it worth doing?"

Her heart was extremely restless.

Her memory of the last battle at the beginning was only until she defeated the ancient people and chased them into the chaotic sea. There was no memory of how they lost and who defeated them in the end!

She only vaguely remembers seeing an eye!

With their strength, if the opponent can erase their memory, it will probably directly frighten them. Therefore, they can only erase this part of memory by themselves!

Even, the Spirit Lord did not hesitate to leave a separate body in the long river of years, guiding himself to come as a backhand after countless years.

They continue to go upstream, and time has gradually approached the catastrophe at that time!

Just through the long river of years, you can see what happened at the beginning!

"It's almost there."

As she approached, even the Spirit Lord's tone fluctuated. She suddenly raised her hand and patted the long river of years under her feet.


The huge waves soared into the sky, and between the splashes, a heavy picture opened gradually like a scroll.

In the picture, the sky is broken, the power of terror is raging in chaos, the magic power is blooming, and the road is unmatched. It stirs the road and makes the road roar like the wind.

Impressively, it was the scene at the time of the disaster!

The nine Supreme masters led by the Spirit Lord led all the experts in the seventh world to fight to the death with the ancient family!

The demeanor of each of the nine Supreme masters is amazing.

They pave the way with roads and walk in songs, shaking the ancient and shining, and no one is invincible today!

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