Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 742: 742

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Pick dung?

I'm a great king. The peak existed before the ages. I'm known as invincible and invincible for thousands of years!

You let the invincible me pick shit?!

How can you let me talk in the future?

When Jiang Liu saw Wang Zun's face, he immediately knew what he was thinking. Immediately, his face sank and said, "what's the matter? "No?"

Wang Zun said weakly, "it's better to kill me!"


The river sneers.

"Superficial! How superficial! "

He shook his head and then said, "do you know that if this matter is spread out, people in the heavenly palace will come to compete for this job! Not to mention picking up dung, even if they pick up garbage and eat leftovers in the Luoxian mountains, they will come here with their lives! "

Who dares to wander around the Luoxian mountains without the permission of an expert?

In other words, they are at the feet of the masters and can see the glory of the masters from a close distance. What a glory!

After all, Wang Zun's face changed. After all, he was a big man. It was too hard to pick dung.

Jiang Liu hated iron and said, "if you don't talk about them, even I envy you! The job of picking dung is much more fragrant than cutting firewood. You are still hesitant! "

Wang Zun's eyes coagulated as if he had made up his mind and said, "the expert has great kindness to me. Pick the dung, right? I choose! "

"OK, I'll take you to your workplace now. Come with me."

Jiang Liu smiled and paused. He said again, "but I have to remind you in advance that you can't steal!"

Wang Zun frowned and said in a deep voice, "steal food? faeces? Are you insulting me? "

"Anyway, just remember what I said."

Jiang Liu shook his head and took the lead towards the game.

Soon, he came to the game gathering place and looked at the monster. Wang Zun's eyes suddenly widened.

"Hunyuan three legged crow, Zhentian magic cow, swallowing Heavenly God lion..."

"It's all the great road, even the second step! They are the game in your mouth! "

The group of game was lying lazily on the ground basking in the sun. When they saw Wang Zun's surprised appearance, they just raised their eyes at random and scanned it, and then closed it again.

An unattractive look.

Jiang Liu said calmly, "nonsense, not everything is qualified to be an expert's game. The cesspit over there is your job. Go and have a look."

Wang Zun walked over, and his mind roared even more!

He said in horror: "the original breath, which actually contains the original breath! How is that possible? How, how... "

Pick this kind of dung, not to mention others, even if you smell it every day, it is also of great benefit!

No wonder the river asked me not to steal. There was a reason.

It's really worthy of being an expert. Standing at a height I dare not even think about, my force is compared with him. That's dust.

Jiang Liu asked, "this job needs to pick dung up the mountain every morning, feed game during the day, no holidays, and occasionally have benefits. How about it? Do it or not? "

Wang Zun was slightly stunned and said curiously, "welfare? What is this? "

Jiang Liu said, "an expert may give you delicious food, or give you some advice. These can benefit you for life!"

Give food? Is it soy milk you drank in the morning?

Can there be expert advice? This is an unthinkable creation!

Such benefits are good enough to explode!

Wang Zun's heart trembled with excitement and hurriedly said, "do it, I'll do it! I have great strength and am naturally suitable for this bowl of rice. I will do my duty and become bigger and stronger! "

At this time, two Petite figures just came here laughing.

It's Nannan and longer.

They came to feed the game with buckets.

When the group of game saw them coming, their lazy bodies shook one after another, and then swarmed up like pigs.

One by one, the pigs barked and smiled flatteringly at the girls and dragon children.

Nannan saw the river and Wang Zun and said, "eh? Jiang Liu, you are here too. "

Jiang Liu smiled and said, "Nannan fairy, I'm bringing new people here."

Wang Zun hurriedly walked over and recommended himself: "I've seen two fairies. My name is Wang Zun. I came to do the job of selecting dung."

Long'er was immediately surprised and said, "Oh, great. We don't have to pick dung at last. It's tired and smelly."

"Yes, how can you bother two fairies to do this kind of work? Let me do it. I'm familiar!"

Wang Zun nodded again and again. He was very dedicated in the past and was ready to start working directly.

Nannan smiled and gave the bucket to Wang Zun. "Then I'll give it to you. Now you can start with feeding."

Wang Zun took the barrel and was ready to show himself with excitement.

However, when he saw the so-called pig food in the barrel, his body shook and his eyes protruded half out.

It contains rich roads and is also mixed with the power of origin. Is it called pig food?

This sacred thing is used to feed game?

What is this treatment?

I can't imagine that making a game here can have such good benefits. As a dung picker, it's really a super golden rice bowl!

The pattern of river flow is small after all. He should remind me not to steal pig food!

"In the future, you will be responsible for this barrel. By the way, this barrel is used to pick feces. Don't get confused."

As Long'er said, he gave the dung bucket to Wang Zun, and then took out a fork, "this is the dung fork, which is also your work prop. Take it."

"This bucket, this dung fork..."

Wang Zun foolishly took the props from their hands, and his heart trembled.

He can clearly feel a strong source of strength from them. In particular, when he holds the dung fork, he can feel a towering ferocity contained in it, which can pierce everything!

Origin treasure!

And it's not an ordinary source treasure!

With the barrel and the dung fork in his hand, he suddenly gushed out unparalleled confidence that he could suppress all enemies!

What was invincible before? The left hand dung fork and the right hand dung bucket dare to be invincible!

Aside, Jiang Liu's eyes were straight with envy.

Although the dung fork and dung bucket are introverted, he can't evaluate the production level, but what can be sent by experts is unimaginable treasure without thinking!

After all, the garbage in the hands of experts has towering power!

The supporting welfare of picking dung is much better than cutting firewood. I envy wow

Nannan and Long'er are also shopkeepers. After the handover of work, they directly turn around and leave. They casually encouraged: "OK, I'll give it to you. Do it well. Picking feces is a technical job."

Wang Zun patted his chest and said, "don't worry, two fairies. I will work hard and strive to be perfect!"


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In the twinkling of an eye, three days passed.

During this time, because the seventh world is mysterious and powerful, it is relatively peaceful, while the fourth and fifth worlds are chaotic.

Dare not do things in the seventh world, or dare not do things in the fourth and fifth world?

Many forces rise and have the secret method of absorbing the origin of the world. Vicious hegemony creates boundless killing. At the same time, with them absorbing the origin of the world, the overall environment of the whole world begins to deteriorate.

This chaotic trend has become closer and closer to the broken third world.

The Lord of angels in the fourth world is anxious in his heart. He has also dealt with those forces. However, those forces can learn from their origin and grow rapidly, which he can't deal with.

Finally, he decided to go to the seventh world to discuss the matter with the heavenly palace.

At the same time.

The first world, where the ancient family is located.

In the ancient temple, an extremely violent momentum suddenly broke out and rushed into the sky, shaking the sky.

Obviously, there is an extremely terrible force in the breeding.

All the people of the ancient clan showed their happy faces at the same time and looked at the center of the power. One by one, they were full of expectation and enthusiasm.

"What a powerful breath. It seems that Gu Zu really succeeded!"

"Breath alone is enough to change the world. The power of ancient ancestors must have surpassed the peak of the world!"

"Hahaha, the ancient ancestor said before closing the pass that once he leaves the pass, it will be the time for our ancient family to win the Seven Realms!"

"Our ancient clan has produced such a brilliant ancient ancestor. Who else is the enemy in the world?"

And deep in the hall.

Gu Hui was immersed in the Seventh World source, and the gray and yellow things flowed around him under his traction, covered him and quickly absorbed by him.

With the breath of origin constantly entering the body, Gu Hui began to condense the origin of the seventh world!

"Hahaha, they are really good. The last wave has brought me so many sources of the seventh world, which is more than enough for me to condense and form!"

Gu Hui's heart is ecstatic. He is taking the last step.

At this moment, his strength was elevated to the peak!

He has achieved great accomplishments, otherwise he can't suppress the first world. Moreover, he has absorbed the origin of the first world. At the same time, he bears the origin of the third world. Now he has condensed the origin of the seventh world. His strength has crossed the third step and become the master of the road!

Even the old lord of the fourth world secret Pavilion is far from his opponent!

If he goes out from the first world, he will be invincible in the world!


However, just when he gathered to the last step, his eyebrows suddenly wrinkled and found the problem.

There seems to be some terrible impurity in the origin of the seventh world, which makes him unable to condense.


The next moment, his body suddenly shook, opened his mouth and spewed out a mouthful of blood.

"No, this Seventh World source is poisonous!"

Gu Hui's eyes suddenly sank and his heart jumped wildly.

"What kind of poison can't even resist me?"

"Damn it, the despicable seventh world poisoned the source. It was obviously premeditated and deliberately Yin me!"


The next moment, he couldn't help it any more, and a stream of blood came out of his mouth again.

Gu Hui was shocked and wanted to be absolutely, "what a ferocious toxin, antidote, you must find the antidote!"

"Eh? Are you poisoned? "

Aside, in the stone tablet, an unknown fog rose with a strange smell and an inexplicable deep meaning in the tone, "the world is actually poisonous and can threaten you. It seems that the seventh world can't be underestimated!"

Gu Hui stared at the unknown fog coldly and said, "get in!"

"Are you afraid of me? It seems that your situation is not very good. "

The voice of the unknown fog was a little sad and said, "let me integrate into your body. This poison can be solved!"

"Put away your careful thinking. I'm not something you can calculate!"

Gu Hui responded coldly, then his body flashed and disappeared in place.

The unknown fog looked at the place where Gu Hui disappeared, looked down at the stone tablet and said bitterly, "Damn it, what a good opportunity. If it weren't for you, I would have taken Gu Hui!"

The stone tablet shook slightly, and the man reappeared and killed the fog, "I will suppress you!"

However, the unknown fog directly turned into countless tentacles, hung the man up, and then ruthlessly beat him.

"Your brothers and sisters are dead. Why don't you die? Is it fun to hold on? Do you like being tortured by me so much? "

"Heaven" opened his mouth ruthlessly, and his tone was full of tyranny. "The end has long been doomed. Give up and you can get rid of it early, otherwise, I will torture you again for countless years!"

Although the man was beaten, he was laughing and said, "it's you who should give up! I won't let go, nor do I ask for liberation. I just want to suppress you forever! "

'heaven' sneered: "can you imagine my layout? I can vaguely feel that the outside world has begun to change, and my glory will eventually envelop the Seven Realms again, ha ha..."

At this time, the ancient ancestor has come to another hall of the ancient family, and the voice has brought together all the experts of the ancient family!

For a time, both the first step and the second step of the ancient family came here and looked at guhui excitedly.

An ancient high-level official said, "congratulations to the ancient people on their exit. We are ready to attack the Seven Realms!"

Gu Hui shook his head and said in a deep voice, "things have changed. I have been tricked by the seventh world. There is poison in the origin!"

"What? How unreasonable! "

"The seventh world doesn't talk about martial ethics. You can use such indiscriminate means!"

"If I can't bear it, I will destroy the seventh world!"

"No wonder the people of our ancient family perished one after another. The seventh world must have used despicable means!"

All the ancient people turned pale and scolded angrily.

Gu Hui took a deep breath and continued: "I will open the boundary channel to the seventh world again and let someone give the antidote to this poison!"

"Lord Guzu, my subordinates are willing to go!"

"The antidote must be obtained. Let me go out and ensure the most stability!"

"I not only want to get the antidote, but also let the seventh world pay the price!"

All the people spoke in earnest.


Gu Hui said in a condensing voice: "this matter is very important. We must ensure that everything is safe. We must be shot by the strongest person at the peak of our ancient family!"

"Gu Qingyun, Gu Hongtian, Gu Zong, come here!"

Immediately, three ancient people stepped out.

They all looked cold and cool, and their whole body exuded the momentum of waves, which was threatening.

Being able to be named by Gu Hui is enough to show the weight of the three of them.

In fact, the strength of these three people is really strong. They all reached the second step. Among them, Gu Hongtian was the master of Gu Zhan!

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