Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 747: 747

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Before the head of yangtao clan spoke, someone stood up and yelled.

"Are people in the seventh world so rude? Don't you know how to eat peaches? Be polite!"

"This is the first divine fruit of the seven worlds. I think highly of you when I give it to you. I hope you don't ignore it!"

"People in the seventh world really think of themselves as a character? What kind of thing!"

"With my violent temper, I really want to kill them quickly!"

They frowned one after another, and their momentum pressed against the wind.

However, Xiao Chengfeng was not empty at all. He suddenly stood up and said with a sneer, "this old carambola hasn't spoken yet. What's your hurry? Just can't wait to be a licking dog and let others give you an extra peach?"

The purpose of his coming here is very clear. He wants to suppress the unknown fog and dig up the carambola for the expert. Therefore, he is free from falsehood and submission. He is just hard.

He called me old carambola?

The head of the yangtao clan flashed a trace of gloom in the depths of his eyes, forced down his anger, squeezed out a smile and said, "ha ha, please don't be impatient. The friends in the seventh world are just a little straight tempered. Don't hurt your friendship and eat peaches quickly."

"This is the patriarchal atmosphere, otherwise we will join hands to win the seventh world!"

"Then I don't respect it."

"Yes, eat peaches, and I want to join the carambola family!"

The crowd smiled, picked up the carambola in front of them and began to taste it.

As the carambola was bitten open, a heavy original breath became more intense, which attracted countless monks to scream and excite.

"Wow, is this the power of origin? This peach is worth thousands of years of hard cultivation!"

"The origin of the world deserves its reputation. This is the quickest way to become a strong man!"

"This feeling is so cool. The origin can help us understand the Avenue! I feel that I can enter the supreme realm of the avenue only half a step away!"

"The power of the source is worthy of the supreme power, and even the avenue must be subdued!"

Everyone was immersed in the joy of strength improvement. Even Ziyang supreme and Lingyu supreme sitting at the first table tore open the carambola skin and began to taste it. The color of satisfaction on their faces became stronger and stronger.

Ziyang Supreme Master smiled and announced, "thanks to the carambola family, we can taste the original Qi. This is a rare fortune. Let's drink to the carambola family leader!"

"Yes, thanks to the yangtao clan leader. With the divine peach in hand, we will certainly have a place in the Seven Realms in the future!"

Everyone got up and looked eagerly.

"Hehe, thank you for looking up to my carambola family. Don't worry. If you join my carambola family, the original power can be supplied regularly in the future to ensure that everyone will become a strong man!"

The yangtao people smiled and opened their mouth, pushing the scene to a climax.

However, Yang Jian and others did not get up. They looked at the carambola in front of them, nodded and commented from time to time.

"Yes, it's really a new fruit. It hasn't appeared in the experts."

"We are slack in supplying fruit, which makes the fruit in the expert's backyard tired. Finally, we can make up for it."

"I don't know how it tastes. Can it enter the eyes of an expert?"

When the yangtao clan leader finished the wine and saw that they hadn't eaten yet, he couldn't help urging: "distinguished guests, eat quickly."

He sneered in his heart and showed a strange light in his eyes.

The carambola grew from him. In addition to absorbing the origin of the fourth world as nutrients, it also added a trace of unknown fog. As long as they ate it, they would be contaminated with unknown. At that time, the secret of the seventh world will be readily available!

He has been forbearing Yang Jian and others for this moment!

Other people present also looked at Yang Jian and waited for them to kneel down.

These people in the seventh world are extremely arrogant. They don't like all kinds of behaviors. However, when they taste the beauty of yangtao, they will be conquered. At that time, it is estimated that the strong will take refuge in the yangtao family and act as licking dogs.

In full view of the public, Yang Jian and others slowly peeled off the carambola skin, revealing the same green pulp in it.

Then he opened his mouth and bit it.

The head of yangtao clan stared at him, his body trembled and looked very excited.

Eat, eat quickly

However, at the next moment, Yang Jian and others spit out all the carambola with one mouth, and his face is full of disgust.

"Bah, what is this? Dare to call it divine fruit. Does it deserve it?"

"A sour smell. It's definitely sour. Dogs don't eat it!"

"No, I feel like I ate shit. It's too bad."

"The expert's fruit skin is 100 times more delicious than this. I have to wash my mouth quickly!"

"Gargle, gargle, this peach is poisonous!"

As they spoke, they took out the fruit one after another, peeled the oranges and quickly put them into their mouths. The Lord of the angel and Alina stared anxiously. They didn't have any fruit stored on them, so they simply picked up the orange peel peeled by Taoist Jun Jun and put it into their mouths.

Others were stunned by their wave of operation.

"Crazy, it's not delicious. Do these people have taste?"

"You're sick. It's painful that God peach is wasted!"

"What a seventh world. I don't know what's good or bad!"

"No, those spiritual fruits they took out... The original flavor is stronger than that of Carambola?!"

Someone suddenly found something, and suddenly opened his pupils in disbelief and screamed.

"Hiss - it's true. The spiritual fruit of the seventh world also contains the source!"

"God, what's going on? Is the original lingguo so worthless?"

"Quickly, take them down and take these spiritual fruits for yourself!"

Ziyang supreme, sitting at the same table with the people in the heavenly palace, blinked and suddenly raised his hand to grab the fruit taken out by the people in the heavenly palace!

However, as soon as their hands stretched out, there was a flash of sword light.

His whole hand was cut off directly.

Ziyang supreme sent out a scream, his body retreated rapidly, the source of life flickered, and the broken limb was reborn.


Jiang Liu stabbed the long sword on the table and sneered: "if you want to eat from the tiger's mouth, you don't weigh your weight!"


The yangtao clan leader finally couldn't bear it. The momentum of his whole body soared up and said in a deep voice, "are you here to pick things up?"

Xiao Chengfeng showed a gratifying smile. "The old man has a little IQ. At last, we can see that. Yes, we are here to destroy you on behalf of experts!"

Jiang Liu laughed and said, "Yo hoo, a fruit is still angry. It's so angry that you won't get angry after eating it?"

Taoist Jun frowned, shook his head and said with regret: "good carambola is contaminated by unknown fog, and the taste is damaged. I'm afraid people won't like it. You're too wrong!"

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"OK, OK, OK! I have to admire your courage in the seventh world. I haven't done anything in the seventh world yet, but you came by yourself!"

The yangtao patriarch's voice suddenly became rough, crazy and cold, and said cruelly, "but since you're here, it's a sheep into a tiger!"

Ziyang said coldly, "you're right. The people in the seventh world are rampant. Together, we can suppress them!"

The Supreme Master of Lingyu also deceived and greedily said, "Tianhua, when did you mix with the people in the seventh world? And where did you get those original spiritual fruits? Speak quickly!"

The Lord of the angel said faintly, "Lingyu supreme, listen to my advice. The water here is very deep. You can't mix it. Now you can save your life by retreating."

"If you don't say it, don't blame me for using it!"

Lingyu's face was calm, and before his voice fell, he raised his hand and clapped at the Lord of the angel.

Tianhua shook his head, also raised his hand, touched the endless Avenue, and clapped out!


Lingyu's supreme body flew upside down like a broken kite in the air.

Everyone stared at the same time, incomparably shocked.

"Lingyu supreme master didn't even take a move. This is the second step. Why is there such a big gap!"

"Is this the strength of the Lord of angels? How so strong!"

"No wonder these people dare to be so arrogant. Their strength can't be underestimated!"

The supreme spirit jade got up from the ground in a panic and said, "Tianhua, when did you become so strong?"

"Joke, shouldn't we be strong? You don't really think our seventh world is easy to bully?"

Xiao Chengfeng took a step and stood on the void. Lang said, "heaven doesn't give birth to me. Xiao Chengfeng's sword is like a long sword forever! Those who retreat on their own... Can live!"


His overwhelming momentum surged out, his whole body was like a dragon, surrounded by the avenue, forming a shocking pressure. The sharp breath made the Supreme Master of the avenue feel a chill.

Although he has not yet entered the second step, he can dominate in the first step!

All the people present were shocked. They looked at each other and showed a sense of retreat, especially those who didn't even have the supreme state of the avenue, and even cannon fodder were not qualified to be cannon fodder.

The yangtao patriarch's face was cold and said sarcastically, "if you eat my peach, there is no reason to retreat!"

As his voice fell, the bodies of the group trembled suddenly and violently.

Their faces showed a painful expression, and their mana began to disorder, even Ziyang supreme and Lingyu supreme were no exception.

"No, this... This peach is poisonous!"

"Good deep calculation, yangtao clan leader, you are poisonous!"

"Ah, no, what kind of power is this? Why does my body start to grow hair!"

"That peach has contaminated us. No, unknown, roar -"

Just for a moment, the group of people who were just eating peaches began to grow white hair one by one and turned into white hair monsters.

Their eyes became confused and their behavior was full of wildness. Then they locked the people in the heavenly palace and came crazy!

Yang Jian pierced a white haired monster with a three pointed and two edged knife. He couldn't help but say, "tut tut Tut, who asked you to lick the carambola? Well, lick yourself to death."

"In that case, I'll set you free. Look at my ordinary firewood cutting knife."

The river holds a sword and cuts slightly ahead like cutting firewood.

This cut seemed to have no prestige, but the next moment, a space in front was directly swept away, and a powerful sword potential turned into a machete. It was like the autumn wind sweeping away the fallen leaves, so that all the white haired monsters in front of them were annihilated, and there were even three supreme masters of the avenue.

Yang Jian and others all looked at it. "It's powerful. It's worthy of helping experts cut firewood. Jiangliu Taoist friends are simply non-human."

"Damn it, let him install it."

Xiao Chengfeng's face was filled with grief, anger and envy. "Why didn't I help the expert cut firewood? I'm sure I can do better than the river!"

Although there are a large number of white hair monsters, Taoist Jun Jun and Li nianfan have too deep inside information. There are few enemies in the same level. They kill all directions and have great power. They quickly suppress the white hair monsters.

Yangtao clan leader stood in place and looked at him quietly. His face was calm. He didn't fight, but turned and went to the backyard woods!

"Where is the fruit?"

The river immediately raised its legs to catch up.

When he entered the backyard, he saw a forest of sunny peach trees towering into the clouds. It should have been a vibrant scene, but it gave people an unspeakable strangeness.

"Let go of me! Help me, help me."

A slight cry for help came into the ears of the river and made his eyes coagulate. He saw that a Yang peach tree was surrounded by other trees, surrounded by strands of unknown fog, trying to infect the Yang peach tree.

River's eyes suddenly brightened. Unexpectedly, peach trees were not polluted by unknown fog.

"Evil animal, don't stop!"

As soon as his face sank, he quickly raised his hand and cut down with a sword!

"No, what kind of sword is this?"

"This sword is terrible. I feel it is our nemesis!"

"Can't resist, can't avoid, this is definitely a supernatural power against the sky!"

Those carambola trees immediately panicked and were in great despair. They were split in two on the spot and screamed repeatedly.

"This is the method of cutting firewood. Dying under this sword is your final destination!"

Jiang Liu smiled coldly, then walked to the yangtao tree and said in surprise: "great, there is a normal yangtao tree at last. Now you can make a job with an expert."

The Yang peach tree was eager to remind: "be careful!"

Jiang Liu raised his eyebrows and suddenly turned around and cut down with a sword!


A huge branch was cut off by a knife!

A huge carambola tree appeared in front of him. Around him, other carambola trees also shrouded the river like claws and teeth.

"I dare to come here. I don't know whether I should admire your courage or despise your IQ."

The voice of the carambola patriarch echoed in the forest. Then, one branch after another came from all directions to the river like endless whip shadow!

Jiang Liu stood in place, waving a long sword.

His face was calm and his eyes were like a knife. There were no visions around him. One sword after another, he just cut around himself.

However, every time his sword fell, some branches were cut off to the ground. None of the endless offensives of Yang peach tree could get close to him. In a twinkling of an eye, the ground was full of broken branches!

At this moment, the avenue moved around the river and seemed to enter a strange state, which made the yangtao elders feel shocked from the heart, as if they saw the natural enemy.

It was frightened and said, "what kind of magic power is this? Who are you?"

The river stood with its sword and said calmly, "I'm a woodcutter, cutting firewood... I'm professional!"

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