Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 750: 750

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In the twinkling of an eye, three days passed quietly.

This is the time of the ultimatum issued by the heavenly palace. Countless people are waiting for the storm.

After the Tiangong sent out the war, the three forces of the Wang family, the Secretary family and the TIANYAO king not only did not converge, but widely recruited disciples, intensified and absorbed the origin of all walks of life at a faster speed.

Many monks did not listen to Tiangong's warning and chose to join these three forces and become one of their pawns to fight against Tiangong!

This is undoubtedly a slap in the face of Tiangong.

In the fourth world, even at an endless distance, people can still feel the terrible waves coming from the direction of the Wang family.

This kind of fluctuation is the trend of condensing the source. Even the whole world is shaking, which makes the sky moan and the earth tremble.

"Do you really dare to come to Tiangong?"

Someone couldn't help asking.

"It's hard to say. The Wang family, the Si family and the TIANYAO king have joined hands and gathered too many experts. In the second step alone, the Supreme Master has reached as many as 16 people! This force is too powerful to push one boundary easily!"

Some people analyze that they are obviously not optimistic about Tiangong. In the face of this force, even if Tiangong gives up the attack, it will not be laughed at.

In addition, someone added: "you have said less. In addition to the number of experts, they have also absorbed the origin of all walks of life. Behind them, they have the power of 'God' and stronger combat power!"

"Grandpa, I hope Tiangong can win!"

One side, a child suddenly opened his mouth.

"They absorb the source and make my cultivation extremely slow. Moreover, natural disasters continue. The whole world is scarred and ugly. Those people are bad people!"

His grandfather said bitterly, "if the world is missing its origin, it will eventually be broken. This is a great disaster."

What children see is only what they see in their eyes. In fact, with the source being pulled away, the avenue in the fourth world has fallen into chaos, the space has become thinner, and space cracks appear from time to time, and even engulf a small world. The people are in dire straits and their lives are ruined.

However, people's hearts are the most complex. As long as they can be selfish, what harm does it do to destroy the whole world?

The child continued to be naive and said, "and Tiangong said, this is a conspiracy. Tiangong won't cheat!"

The old man touched the child's head and said kindly, "hehe, if Tiangong really comes, Grandpa, I will join in and fight bad guys with Tiangong!"

At the same time.

The heavenly palace of the seventh world.

The Jade Emperor, Taoist Junjun, Nuwa and others stood at the South Gate of heaven and gathered a group of heavenly soldiers and generals behind them.

This time, it was an unprecedented bitter battle. The Jade Emperor and they were not ready to stay, but fought across the border together!

Taoist Jun turned and looked at the heavenly soldiers and generals behind him. Suddenly, he raised his hand and turned over, and a wine jar appeared in his hand.

The tone said solemnly: "this is a jar of wine given by the master when he visited the master last time. This wine is brewed from deer blood, black dragon blood and divine donkey blood in the supreme realm of the avenue. It combines the essence of heaven and earth and integrates the original breath. Now it is used as a war wine before the expedition... To drink together!"

Yang Jian stood up and said in a loud voice, "drink this wine together to fight for the Seven Realms and the experts!"

"Drink this wine together to fight for the Seven Realms and the experts!"

"Drink this wine together to fight for the Seven Realms and the experts!"


Heaven's soldiers and generals drink together. The voice is like thunder. It's magnificent and makes the sky silent!

As soon as Taoist Jun waved, the wine jar flew into the void, and then with a bang, it broke directly!

Endless divine wine spilled down like rain and covered everyone's head.

At the entrance of the wine, everyone's face is the same, and their momentum is ignited like a flame, burning like a rainbow!

"Let's go!"

The giant spirit God stared, roared at his throat, and then raised his hand and sounded the war drum.

"Bang bang!"

Endless auspicious clouds surround the divine light and move forward with the sound of drums like thunder!


The fourth world, the Wang family.

Wang Teng, Si Dekuai and Zhu Yiqun stood on the top of the mountain.

At their feet, there are countless monks waiting for the arrival of the heavenly palace!

As time goes by, the setting sun is like blood in the twinkling of an eye.

"Hehe, it seems that Tiangong doesn't dare to come."

"As expected, in the face of such a strong lineup, aren't they looking for death?"

"Yes, what does the heavenly palace think it is? What is the source of our cultivation related to them?"

"Thanks to the gift of the Wang family, I can get in touch with the source. These three days are more effective than my three thousand years of cultivation! Ha ha ha."

"I really became stronger and said that absorbing the source is a conspiracy. Who are you kidding?"

"It seems that the seventh world is nothing more than that!"

For a moment, the sound of sarcasm began to ring out gradually.

"Bang bang!"

At this time, a burst of drums suddenly came from a distance.

It's like rolling thunder, and it's like waves crashing on the shore, one after another, without stopping, and it's getting louder and louder!

"Bang bang!"

A high spirited momentum came with the sound of drums, which contained a supreme pressure, which made many people's heart beat faster, blood flow faster and upset.

The next moment.

In the distance between heaven and earth, a glow finally appeared.

Under the auspicious clouds, there are rainbows flowing, and four visions of wind, fire and lightning flash. It seems that even this heaven and earth are welcoming their arrival.

Countless people trembled and stared like copper bells.

"Come, Tiangong, they really came!"

"At such a time, what is the confidence of the seventh world to dare to meet the 'God'?"

Some people are dull, others are boiling with blood.

"Hahaha, what a heavenly palace. Since you dare to come, count me!"

"If you ask in your heart, you should be worthy of heaven and earth! In this war, the Seven Realms should remember my achievement of Ye canglan!"

"Friars of my generation, be like this! I'll come too!"

"And me!"

"Repair my sword and go against the sky!"


One figure after another appeared, some came together, some alone, stepped into the camp of the heavenly palace and came to the Wang family together with the heavenly palace!

Taoist Jun Jun and others stand at the front end. They salute every time someone joins. This phenomenon has been happening all the way. No matter how high or low their cultivation is, the number of soldiers has more than doubled!

There are even two second step supreme!

And in the camp of the Wang family.

The previous ridicule had already disappeared. They all stared at the direction of the heavenly palace with fear.

"They... Really dare to come!"

Among them, many people were distracted and looked at some people who joined the heavenly palace with an incredible look on their faces.

A young man and an old man face each other at a distance. The complex color in his eyes flows. The old man is calm and disappointed, and the young man is nervous and uneasy.

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They were teachers and disciples, but now they stood on the opposite side.

Different ways do not conspire.

Besides the old man, there are others who want to bring back those who are lost in power!

"Bang bang!"

The drums are louder.

The giant spirit was murderous and knocked hard, as if to stare the enemy to death.

The avenue is like the wind, covering the sky and everyone's heart.

Wang Teng still stood in place, looked up at the heavenly palace, watched the war drum coming, and watched many monks join the heavenly palace camp. His eyes were as calm as water.


There was no superfluous nonsense, just a word spitting out from Wang Teng's mouth, with endless cold and fierce and killing.


With his order, many monks who were already ready to step aside rushed out and punched in the direction of the heavenly palace.

A full thirteen of the second step supreme masters shot together and directly scattered the drum sound. Even a simple punch, it also gathered into a terrible power of the road and annihilated towards the heavenly palace!

The sky cracked.

The terrible space crack is like an ocean, turning into a frightening beast, trying to devour everyone.

"Hahaha, I like to fight directly! The sky doesn't give birth to me, Xiao Chengfeng, and kendo is like a long night!"

Xiao Chengfeng laughed, raised his hand and pointed. The long sword broke through the air and went straight to a second step supreme. He said arrogantly, "don't go next to me, I want to pick two!"


The sharp edge of the sword tore the space crack and showed the momentum of indomitable.

"Brothers, let me kill!"

Yang Jian's face was dignified. He took the lead in charging with a three pointed and two edged knife. His third eye shot brilliance, containing the power to destroy the road, and shot straight at the second step opposite the supreme.

"Wow, eat my axe!"

The giant spirit put down the drum, held the axe in both hands, turned his body into a mountain and rushed into the battlefield.

Taoist Jun Jun, Nu Wa and ye Liuyun also offered magic weapons one after another, and fearlessly chose the second step supreme as their opponent.

In addition to the heavenly palace, the two supreme masters who joined in the middle of the second step also came out of the fight. The Avenue on their bodies flowed, and their adherence to the Tao twinkled in their eyes.

"Ye canglan, my old enemy, let's fight again! Hahaha -"

Opposite, a big man with a huge black sword roared and ran straight to ye canglan with a ferocious smile.

He held the handle of the sword and raised the sword behind him as if holding a giant axe. The void seemed unable to bear the weight of the giant sword and was collapsing.

"Since you forcibly absorb the source, you are not qualified to be my old enemy!"

Ye canglan's face was cold and fierce. He held a silver long gun in his hand, like a white dragon around his body. A little cold light pierced the weight of the giant sword!

"This sentence should be given to you by me! Now, you and I are no longer a level!"

The strong man was furious, and the power on the giant sword increased sharply. The original power was overwhelming, like a heavy hammer, which pressed ye canglan down horizontally!

"Boom, boom!"

The great force made them fall like a meteor from the void and hit the ground straight. The whole earth was as deep as a bubble, and it left the ground torn by endless cracks of terror.

In a short moment, ye canglan was pushed out of the earth by the strong man for 100000 miles. Mountains collapsed along the way. In the next moment, ye canglan was swept out of the ground like a shell by the strong man.

The strong man stepped on the void and walked towards ye canglan step by step. He laughed proudly and said, "ye canglan, you have won me six times. This time I finally won!"

Ye canglan's mouth is bleeding, his silver gun is like snow, and his posture is like jade. He is still proud, "did you really win? You have lost to yourself since you chose this road."

The strong man's face changed greatly and he was shocked and angry to the extreme, "there's so much nonsense. I'll kill you!"

Ye canglan's whole body was shining and his eyes were as firm as stars, but his momentum was getting stronger and stronger. His fighting spirit was high and said, "under my way, everything is empty!"

Even in the face of the power of origin, he can also use his own way to fight and suppress!

This piece of heaven and earth is covered with fresh blood and flesh. All kinds of spells are as gorgeous as fireworks, but it is the sickle of death, harvesting one life after another.

On this day, all kinds of weak creatures died, and the supreme one fell. The universe was silent, as if mourning for it.

"The long immortal road is full of white bones. Whether it is the heart of the Tao or the invincible heart, it is like a moth to the fire, looking for the ultimate brilliance of the world."

Nu Wa looked at the tragic battlefield and was suddenly touched.

When she made people out of earth, she had a deep understanding of life and death. Seeing the passing of endless creatures, she seemed to feel their will before they died and broke through in the battle.

When she had dinner at Li nianfan's, she accumulated a lot of strength, but her mind was uncertain, and she was short of a word of enlightenment. At this time, it was a blessing to her heart, and it was natural to take the second step!

A strange wave sends out, and the avenue gathers like water!

"No, she's breaking through!"

In the second step of fighting with her, the Supreme Master's face changed and exclaimed, "come on, join hands, and we must stop her!"

"I'll come!"

With a cold drink, a fist opened the space and came directly to Nu Wa.

Nu Wa raised her hand, gently pushed it out, and easily suppressed it!

"The power of origin, why does she have the power of origin!"

The man came near and looked at Nu Wa in shock.

"Not only her, but all the people in the heavenly palace can work their original power!"

"How is it possible? Can they also extract the source of the world?"

"No, where does their origin come from? The origin of the seventh world is not incomplete!"

Between the fights, everyone began to be frightened.

The power of the source is above all else and can enhance the combat power to the extreme. Originally, the supreme masters of the Wang family should be able to crush the friars of the same level.

However, when they fought with Tiangong, they found that they were very wrong.

It was them who were leapfrogged.

This is more dreamy.

Taoist Jun Jun, Xiao Chengfeng, Yang Jian, Nu Wa and the jade emperor all stepped into the second step supreme, but they could defeat two with one, and hold two second step supreme!

The remaining heavenly generals, such as Xingya, ye Liuyun and the giant spirit God, can also dominate in the first step supreme, and can even match the second step supreme.

They have the power of origin that others can't reach, and they are more pure, even more than the Wang family!

"What a strange heavenly palace, but their failure is doomed!"

"There is a secret in the seventh world, and the heavenly palace is the key to open it!"

The people sneered and were full of confidence.

Only because the people in the heavenly palace are strong, but others are not strong. When the others are suppressed, they can free up their hands to besiege the heavenly palace!

Of course, more importantly, they still have three strongest players who haven't shot!

Wang Teng, Si Dekuai and Zhu Yiqun!

Any one of them joining the battlefield is enough to tilt the balance of victory in an instant!

"The origin of those people is the means of the people behind the seventh world. Do you enter the world? It's interesting."

Wang Teng looked at the battlefield indifferently and said coldly, "but this is the end of the farce!"

After talking, he finally took a step, step by step on the void, like walking in a leisurely court, towards the battlefield!

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