Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 769: 769

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The three elders and Su Changhe looked at the magic weapon kicked back, and their eyes stared round and silly.


Are you talking about our magic weapons?

What's the matter with this cow?

Without waiting for them to think about it, the momentum of the Su family leader has risen to the peak. The terrible heat wave is coming to his face. The flame actually makes a roaring sound, like a fierce fire beast, which can burn heaven and earth.

The surrounding space seems to melt and the source is boiling.

Su Changhe said eagerly, "master Niu, don't delay any more. We can resist it for a while with our magic weapons!"

The three elders also had a sharp change in face, "yes, master Niu, this is not a capricious time!"

However, the cow glanced at them faintly without paying any attention. It was just a cow's mouth and its tongue turned slightly, and a emerald grass was exposed in it.

"This, this is... Grass?!"

Three elders and Su Changhe couldn't believe their eyes for a moment.

It refused our magic weapon, but took out a grass... No, no, it's not going to use this grass to deal with Shenhuo.

"Poof - hahaha, wow, hahaha..."

The patriarch of the Su family obviously noticed this too. He didn't hold it back and burst out laughing wildly.

Then his killing intention soared, and with a wave of his wrist, those flames turned into liquid, flowing around him like water. As he raised his hand and pointed to the cow, the divine fire pressed towards the cow with the power of terrible destruction!

The flame covers the sky, covers all directions, and is extremely ferocious!

Also at this time, the momentum of the cow suddenly changed, the cow's eyes were deep and dignified, and bursts of oppression spilled away.

The tone is quiet, as if from ancient times, "brave cattle, not afraid of difficulties!"

When he finished speaking, he vomited, and the grass turned into a green light and rushed towards the Su family!

"Whoosh -"

The moment the grass sprang out, its breath burst out!

Like a pearl covered with dust, the dust shines out and breaks through the sky!

Where the grass passed, the surrounding space was stained with a touch of green, and the space became green. Behind him, it was like following the endless green grassland towards the Su family!

"Sleeping trough! This, this grass..."

Su Changhe and the three elders kept silent and stared at the grass, eager to stick their eyes on it.

They clearly felt an incomparably pure source flowing on the grass. This is not grass, but the source. If it is used to refine tools, it can be refined into the best source and treasure!

Su Changhe was shocked and said, "God, what a rich origin. What kind of grass is this?"

The third elder was also shocked. "It's incredible that this grass is enough to penetrate everything in the world! By comparison, the magic weapon we just had is really rubbish..."

"It's like this again. It seems that it's plain on the surface, but it's brilliant and introverted. It's too deceptive!"

The pupil of the Su family suddenly shrunk, gnashing his teeth and said, "but how can the grass fight with the fire? Look, I swallowed all the green! Die for me!!!"


The flame roared, stretched like a dragon, and swept madly towards the cow. Behind it, there was a red world, and the space melted like lava!

Everyone held their breath.

In fact, they can't breathe because this space is suppressed by these two terrible forces!

In full view of the public, the green light cut through the sky and stabbed into the liquid fire.

This touch of green, the halo does not decrease in the flame, like a dragon killing sword, penetrating and unstoppable!

Followed by the endless green grassland behind it, it collided with the flames all over the sky, and the power of terror exploded in the air, and the vision was blooming like fireworks.

But soon, the flame could not bear the power of the green grassland and began to turn green.

Full of green and boundless vitality, it roared away towards the head of the Su family.

"No! How is this possible? What kind of grass is this?!"

The Su family's long face turned green, roared with surprise, widened their pupils, and watched the thorn pierce into their chest!


When his body shook, an old mouthful of blood gushed out, like a broken kite falling from the air.

The origin of life was annihilated in an instant.

The elder looked in a trance and said, "clan... The clan leader died like this?"

It's fantastic. This is the patriarch of the Su family. He died here in the third step.

From the appearance to now, it's only time for tea. The picture of the patriarch's appearance is still in my mind. In the twinkling of an eye, things are right and people are wrong.

The whole Su family shivered and woke up.

"The cow killed the patriarch?"

"It's terrible. A cow killed the patriarch with a grass!"

"Be careful, it's clearly divine cattle and divine grass!"

"The little Lord Su Chen is amazing. He not only got a great adventure, but also met such terrible people. It's a pity that Su's mouse eyes are inch light and offended watermelon for sesame!"

"Yes, it's sad!"


The cow looked at the head of the Su family who fell to the ground. She shook her head and said, "I reminded you. I didn't do it properly. If you abandoned your cultivation earlier, you wouldn't die directly."

Su Changhe and the three elders took a smoke from the corners of their mouths, silently looked at the cow in great awe, and couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

This is a real big man. I can't afford it. I can't afford it.

Su Changhe said respectfully, "by the way, Niu... Master Niu, what kind of grass is that? It's extraordinary."

The cow said casually, "it's the grass I usually eat. What's unusual? But it really tastes much better than the grass outside."

"You, you... Do you usually eat this kind of grass?!"

The mouths of the three elders were opened into an "O" shape. This information directly broke through his imagination and almost pushed his skull up.

This is the original divine grass. A grass can be comparable to the sharp weapon of divine soldiers. It's used to eat. It's

But the cow continued, "is there a problem? You'll be full if you eat ten kilograms a day."

"Wheezing --"

The three elders and Su Changhe breathed violently, as if they were going to suffocate at the next moment.

In their eyes, there seemed to be tears, and they were beaten and cried.

"Dad, don't be shocked. I tell you it's just a basic operation. Your imagination is not enough to support it."

Su Chen said, and then his eyes fell on the elder and the second elder.

The elder's heart tightened suddenly. In fact, he was always ready to go. At this moment, his magic power suddenly burst out, and the speed was fast to the extreme.

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With a wave of his hand, he grabbed Su Changhe and said, "don't come here. Let me go, or I'll bury Su Changhe!"


At this time, the cow's eye suddenly fell on him. Then, his Yuanshen suddenly trembled, and his body exploded on the spot, turning into a blood mist, without even a scream.

Then the cow's eyes fell on the two elders.

The second elder's body immediately trembled and was scared to pee. Without thinking, he raised his hand and slapped his Dantian!


His mana suddenly disappeared and spread on the ground.

At the same time, he said hoarsely, "senior Niu, uncle Niu, I'll repair it myself. I won't bother you."

"Children can be taught."

The cow nodded and withdrew her eyes.

Su Chen looked at Su Ming, her eyes sank, and walked up slowly.

Su Ming is already a fool. He never thought of such a change. He still feels like he is dreaming.

There was Xiao Yanran, her pretty face was white, her delicate body trembled, and she looked like a lost soul.

"Brother Su Chen, you still love me, don't you? I've always been your sweet sister, and the person I really like has always been you."

Xiao Yan begged and looked at Su Chen. I was still pitiful. Her body wrapped around Su Chen like a water snake. She said charming, "you can do whatever you want to do to me. I have all the postures you like. I will be your person in the future."

Su Chen looked at Xiao Yanran with cold eyes and sighed.

If Xiao Yanran had some blood, maybe he could look at her differently. Unexpectedly, she looked like this.

In the past, I was really blind and could see her.

"Hahaha, Su Chen, I didn't lose to you! I lost to this damn life!"

Su Ming suddenly laughed bitterly. Unwilling to look at Su Chen, he roared, "you can't play with me at all, but your life is better than me! You rely on luck, and I am strength!"

Su Chen looked at him indifferently, shook his head and corrected, "no, you rely on your lack of conscience!"

Then he slowly raised the dung bucket and killed Su Ming and Xiao Yanran.

Then he sighed, "as a family, let you be a pair of mandarin ducks with the same life."

When everything was over, the whole Su family fell into silence.

The result was beyond everyone's expectation.

Su Chen got a great chance to return. Even the head of the Su family was killed. There were no three of the four elders. The strength of the whole Su family plummeted.

However, some people have hot eyes.

Just because of the strength of Su Chen and the horror of the cow, the Su family may be able to move towards greater glory.

At this time, the three elders suddenly knelt down to Su Chen and said excitedly, "little Lord, today's su family can't live without you. Please come back!"

Other members of the Su family also said in unison, "please come back!"


Su Chen's eyebrows slightly wrinkled, facing the eyes of all Qiyi, she was a little silent.

If you become the leader of the Su family, you can use the power of the Su family to do things for the experts, which can also be much more convenient and serve the experts more.

Thinking of this, he said, "I can continue to be a little Lord, but my job is to pick dung. I can't stay at Su's house all the time."

Pick dung?

The three elders and Su Changhe thought they had heard wrong, but as long as Su Chen promised to be the little Lord, there was no need to go deep into it.

Su Changhe hurriedly said, "chen'er, let your friends go to Su's house to have a rest. We must make a good host of friendship."

The three elders nodded again and again and said enthusiastically, "yes, your friends must be treated well!"

The strength of cows is obvious to all, and they dare not neglect them.

Immediately, the crowd left one after another. Only Gao Da remained motionless and cried loudly.

Someone asked curiously, "brother Bao, what's the matter with you? You should be the happiest when the young master Su Chen returns. Isn't it out of favor?"

"You don't understand what I missed, woo woo..."

Bao Da wept so much that he was torn to the heart and lungs.

I've just witnessed the cow's strength against the sky. Can ordinary people drink its milk, but I refuse it. It's amazing

I really want to kill myself!

Soon, at Su Chen's instigation, the Su family presented the most luxurious banquet of the family, and even took out the Linggen fairy fruit from the treasure house for their children to taste.

This is their greatest sincerity, but they also know that they can't satisfy Nannan. After all, a cow eats enough grass to crush all the Su family.

At the banquet, Su Changhe couldn't help but wonder: "chen'er, what has happened in the past three years, and how has your strength been restored?"

Su Chen didn't dare to disclose the changes of the ancient restricted area without authorization. He said, "you just need to know that this is an amazing adventure beyond your imagination. I can't say more about others. Let's say that my wooden bucket and long stick are dung bucket and dung stirring stick respectively, which are the dung picking tools given to me."

Dung picking tools?

This is the second time Su Changhe and the Third Elder heard of picking dung.

But I had a completely different feeling and was extremely surprised.

Su Chen only deserves to pick dung there? For whom?

Moreover, he not only cured his injury, but also gave him the original treasure as a dung picking tool. Is there such a terrible place in the world?

The exaggeration is a little untrue.

The three elders secretly glanced at the cow and said in awe, "if you can't say it, don't say it. I won't ask."

Su Chen said directly, "Dad, three elders, the holy land of Yuanchi is opened this time. I'll take two fairies and senior Niu in."

Su Changhe frowned slightly and said anxiously, "just the four of you? There are many crises in the holy land of Yuanchi in addition to opportunities."

Nannan waved her hand and said, "the four of us are enough. There are many people in trouble."

Su Changhe and the three elders looked at each other, and then said, "well, be careful. Let me tell you something about the precautions of Yuanchi Holy Land..."


At the same time.

Fan family.

Like the Su family, it is one of the four families of the limitless star. It is also preparing to enter the holy land of Yuanchi.

At this time, fan Tong, the leader of the fan family, looked dignified, stood with his hands down, stood in the hall and said, "this time, the holy land of Yuanchi will be opened, which will be an opportunity for my fan family to get rid of the other three families. What's the matter that the adult asked us to prepare?"

A young man smiled and said, "master, everything is ready. At the same time, I'm familiar with the magic weapon given by the adult. Just waiting for the holy land of Yuanchi to open, my fan family can definitely make a splash!"

Fan Tong nodded and said with a smile, "well, Fan Jian, you are the most talented young master in the history of my fan family. I am most optimistic about you. In the future, my fan family can still have a relationship with that adult. Under the joint efforts of you and me, the future of the fan family is absolutely vast!"

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