Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 772: 772

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"No, that's the treasure we got from the iron family!"

"Why are these war spirits crazy? Why do they suddenly choose to be licking dogs?"

"It's strange, it's very strange. No wonder the Su family sent only four of them in. It turns out that they have a way to deal with war spirits!"

"No, we seem to have found some amazing secret!"


Everyone in the Su family was shocked and surprised at the same time.

This event overturned cognition, but it is undeniable that they were excited to see so many war souls.

"Hehe, no matter how the Su family did it, but their typo was careless. Sending only such a few people in can't protect so many treasures! Since we found it, everything will belong to my iron family!"

The master of the iron family was excited. He stared at those war spirits, as if he had seen the iron family rising slowly.

These treasures are enough to make the iron family rise rapidly!

"Master, let me meet them first!"

The elder of the iron family's voice hasn't fallen yet. His body has rushed to the distance and came to Nannan and others in an instant.

In addition to him, there were five friars in the iron family who followed them, surrounded them faintly, and their eyes showed wolf like eyes.

Iron parents are always the Supreme Master of the second step, and the other five are also the Supreme Master of the first step. Their combat power can not be underestimated.

The elder of the iron family arched his hand and said with a smile: "my friend of the Su family, I'm polite."

Long'er asked curiously, "Hello, what can I do for you?"

The iron family elder said, "just now, two magic weapons of our iron family suddenly got out of control and mixed into your rear. Please give them back to us."

He didn't directly explain the robbery. After all, he can occupy a little truth. It's always more comfortable. His iron family still needs a face.

"You mean those things behind us?"

Long'er couldn't help looking behind him, and then casually said, "you misunderstood. These are not our things at all. You don't have to tell us. Just take them away."


Not theirs?

Take it directly?

Everyone in the iron family was stunned, and their faces were full of question marks.

These are magic weapons. Are they so casual?

Originally, they just want to be famous. They are ready to be rejected by Nannan, then have a mouth shot, and then start directly.

However, it never occurred to me that they didn't even resist, and they just got rid of themselves

But that's good. It saves a lot of trouble.

Count them!

The elder of the iron family smiled proudly and winked.

Immediately, the people shot together and went straight to the magic weapons.

Since you say these magic weapons are not yours, is there nothing wrong with us taking them all?

However, when they saw that they were about to get the magic weapon, those originally clever souls suddenly changed their faces.

There was a fighting spirit who was originally a snow-white kitten with a petite figure. He had been staring at Nannan and longer. However, when the people of the iron family wanted to touch it, his body suddenly soared and turned into a white tiger. He was full of powerful waves, raised his hands fiercely and slapped out at the man!

However, all the fighting spirits of the iron family who wanted to get involved changed their faces in an instant and launched a crazy attack on those people of the iron family.

These fighting spirits contain the power of magic weapons, and their abilities have their own advantages. Suddenly, the scene became dangerous and chaotic.

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You know, the iron family leader is the third step. Even if he takes action, it will take some effort to suppress the war spirit, not to mention these people.

They were greedy and careless. They were directly suppressed by the power of the war spirit, and their bodies flew upside down and spewed blood along the way.

One of them is the most miserable.

He took a fancy to a flower shaped war soul. Just rushed over, the flower suddenly opened a completely disproportionate big mouth. The space twisted with its mouth and became a part of its mouth. He swallowed the man directly and never came out again.

He's dead.

"Roar -"

After cleaning up the people of the iron family, the soul of the war roared, and then it became the original harmless appearance of people and animals, and even some were still selling cute. It looked like what had just happened and I didn't know anything

In the twinkling of an eye, those who shot, including the elders of the iron family, fell to the ground pale, dead and injured.

The smile on the faces of the iron family gradually disappeared.

"This... These war spirits will attack!"

"It's just that they won't attack those people of the Su family. What's the reason?"

"They seem to be demonstrating to us. Let's get out. Don't disturb them to sell cute?"

"What does sell Meng do? Show these three people a cow?"

"It's too fake, but it seems to be true."

The faces of the iron family changed for a while, and a storm set off in their hearts. They racked their brains and couldn't understand why the Three Outlooks were about to overturn.

The young master of the iron family stared at Nannan and others and shouted, "why, why do these war spirits follow you? And they don't attack you!"

The girl said, "I don't know that. Since you like these things, take them away quickly. Don't follow us. It's too annoying."

The iron family young master's face was blue and white, and his body was shaking.

This is angry, but more jealous.

Jealousy drove him crazy.

Are you still bothered by so many war souls following? Who believes it!

They obviously said this on purpose. The purpose is to annoy us. Most of them show off!

The little master of the iron family pointed to Nannan and others and said angrily, "don't pretend to be garlic. Quickly tell me why, and then abandon your cultivation. I can spare you from dying!"

At this moment, everyone in the iron family also burst into momentum, and the mana turned into light, forming a sense of oppression and roaring towards Nannan and others.

"Are you people sick? If you want to take the magic weapon, we don't care. Why are you staring at us?"

Long'er's little face wrinkled up, scared, patted the cow's ass and said, "brave cow, you go."

The cow stood still, chewing the grass, and glanced at the iron family with the cow's eyes, which made everyone in the iron family feel inexplicably tight.

However, without waiting for the cow to move, the 13 war spirits behind them have stepped forward and stared at the iron family. The brilliance of the magic weapon is also flashing to the extreme, and they will start at any time.

"What's the situation? These war spirits not only don't attack them, but even take the initiative to protect them?"

"How can these people be treated differently by war spirits? This is clearly breaking the rules of Yuanchi Holy Land!"

"I don't know why, I suddenly saw our own shadow from these war souls..."

"Yes, they lick these people, just like we lick them?"

"No, the treasure in our eyes is actually the licking dog around others. My heart hurts."

"I realized that the essence of the world is a licking world!"

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