Twilight City

Chapter 16: Chapter 16: Another Deal With Kuzunoha

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In the afternoon, Adam was perusing a book in his hand while sitting among stacks of books. Pumpkin was fast asleep on a cushion nearby after getting fed.

"Edamu-sama, these are all of them." Nezuminosuke placed a stack of books down near the door.

The room was filled with stacks of books and Nezuminosuke couldn't get any closer to Adam.

"Don't let anyone disturb me." Adam turned a page.

Nezuminosuke bowed at the waist and closed the screen door behind him when he left the room.

Adam took out pens and paper and summoned shikigami to copy down everything. Half a day later, he placed a book down and stretched his body. As he expected, most of the texts were unfinished research that was either impractical or redundant. They might come in handy one day but were not particularly useful to him at the moment. Nonetheless, he learned some spellcasting techniques that would improve his casting speed and the efficiency of his yōki usage if he could incorporate them into his repertoire.

Now that Adam had accomplished his goal in Ukiyo, it was time for him to leave. He wasn't interested in participating in the politics of Ukiyo. He picked up Pumpkin and placed him in his arms before carefully making his way to the door without kicking any of the books.

When Adam slid open the screen door, Nezuminosuke was waiting outside.

"Edamu-sama, Kuzunoha-sama has requested your presence."

"Very well, lead the way." Adam made a blank face.

Nezuminosuke led Adam to a room different from the one where he first met Kuzunoha. She was painting a picture of a white fox with a snowy mountain background.

"Edamu-san, you are here." Kuzunoha placed her brush down and turned toward Adam.

"So, why have you called for me?" Adam sat down cross-legged on a cushion.

"Fufu, aren't you acting a little cold?" Kuzunoha sat down in a seiza position on the opposite side. "Are you burning bridges after crossing the river?"

"Hmph! I don't owe you anything." Adam crossed his arms. "We had an agreement. I help you deal with the Kuchisake-onna and you give me access to the texts left by Abe no Seimei."

"Yes, but the Kuchisake-onna would have been vanquished even without your intervention. I was kind enough to honour our deal but don't you have anything to say about that?"

"Funny, that's my line. Don't you have anything to say about the texts you gave me? Unfinished research. Impractical spells. They are virtually useless!"

Adam and Kuzunoha glared at each other for a while. After a while, a mask-like smile crept onto her face.

"Fufu, why don't we each take a step back? Please don't misunderstand, I am not asking you to do this for free. Let's see..." Kuzunoha pretended to think for a while and then clapped her hands together. "How about a brush that once belonged to Seimei-sama as the deposit?"

Kuzunoha got up and retrieved the brush. She returned and placed the brush in front of Adam.

Adam picked up the brush and its information appeared in his mind.


Name: Abe no Seimei's Reifu Brush (Uncommon)

Type: Tool/Writing

A calligraphy brush made from the hair of Abe no Seimei. No animal was harmed in the making of this brush.


While reifu could be drawn with any type of brush, a brush specifically made for drawing reifu helped when infusing the ink with ki. Adam initially planned to use his own hair to make one once his hair grew out, but he didn't mind owning one of Abe no Seimei's brushes.

"You are willing to hand over a relic of Abe no Seimei?" Adam raised an eyebrow.

"Yes. Do not be so quick to doubt my sincerity. In my hands, the relic is just a paintbrush."

"And you said this is just the deposit?" Adam carefully examined the brush.

"Yes. The actual payment would be a copy of Seimei-sama's divination records."

Adam widened his eyes. He wasn't too keen on agreeing to her request but her offer was too tempting. The Onmyōdō Fundamental written by Ashiya Dōman had an entire volume devoted to divination but he struggled to apply the knowledge in practice. If he could get his hands on the divination records of a renowned diviner like Abe no Seimei, he was certain his struggles with mastering divination would become a thing of the past.

"So, who're we dealing with this time?" Adam forced himself to keep his composure and maintain a blank expression.

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"Karasuma and his cronies." Kuzunoha looked at Adam coolly. "I want you to eliminate Sadako."

"I was led to believe you're disinclined to confront him directly." Adam raised an eyebrow.

"I would rather not, but someone has forced my hand." Kuzunoha clenched her jaws and her expression hardened.

"Fine, when do we act? I have other matters to attend to." Adam shrugged. He wasn't that interested in the details if she wasn't willing to share.

"I'll have Nezuminosuke inform you once the preparations are complete. Feel free to do as you please, I only ask that you do not leave Tokyo for the time being."

When Adam left Ukiyo with a sleeping Pumpkin in his arms, it was already past midnight. After searching around for a place still open, he ate to his heart's content at a 24-hour yakiniku restaurant until the waiter started giving him the evil eye before he returned to his apartment and turned in for the night.

The next morning, Adam started visiting all of the notable temples in Tokyo after breakfast. He originally planned on sightseeing Tokyo first since he had never been here before, but the monk's attack that resembled the dōman's crest intrigued him. He used the opportunity to tour the temples and even took photos with Pumpkin. He assumed the monk was someone from a well-known temple but his efforts proved to be for nought. Most of the places appeared to be sightseeing locations for tourists. The monks he saw there didn't feel any different from ordinary humans.

In the evening, as Adam was heading back to his apartment after dinner, Pumpkin jumped out of his arms and ran towards a specific direction. Adam followed Pumpkin and they soon reached the alleyway leading to Ukiyo. Pumpkin sniffed the air and continued running down the street. After some time, he finally stopped in his tracks.

"Meow!" Pumpkin looked in a certain direction.

Adam looked in the direction Pumpkin was looking and spotted a familiar figure in the crowd. He quickly put on the mask he looted from the Kuchisake-onna and followed the monk from a distance away.


Name: Nurarihyon's Surgical Mask (Uncommon)

Type: Equipment/Headgear

A surgical mask that Nurarihyon wore after catching the flu. A must-have item for any yōkai that are up to no good.


After tailing the monk for a while, Adam arrived in front of a small monastery built on a hill. He summoned Izumi and gave her the mask to scout the place. Through the bond between them, he was able to see through her eyes.

Izumi explored the place and found the location of the main hall, dining hall, sleeping quarters, and library. The monk was meditating inside the main hall and didn't realize her presence thanks to the mask.

Using Burrow, Adam snuck into the monastery and headed straight for the library. Upon reaching the building, he noticed the lights were on and summoned Izumi to check no one was inside. When he stepped inside, the comforting smell of books filled his nostrils.

The shelves were lined with rows of books. Adam approached one of them and picked up a random book. He looked around and saw a bench nearby. He sat down on the bench and opened the book.

"Hmm? What do we have here, an oni?"

Adam almost jumped out of his seat. He turned his head to the source of the voice and saw an elderly monk sitting next to him. He didn't notice the elderly monk until the latter spoke up.

"If you're looking for relics to steal, they're not here." The elderly monk turned to the next page with his eyes still focused on the content of the book.

"I'm just here to read the sutras." Adam showed the book in his hand to the elderly monk.

The elderly monk looked up for the first time.

"Oh? The Heart Sutra? I see, I see." The elderly monk gave Adam a toothless grin. "Feel free to ask me if you have any questions."

"Really?" Adam raised an eyebrow. "Aren't you worried I might misuse the knowledge I learn from these sutras?"

"You can buy these sutras anywhere." The elderly monk shrugged.

"And where do I find the sutras that I can't buy anywhere?" Adam wrinkled his eyebrows.

"It's in your hand." The elderly monk gave Adam a mysterious smile. "Turn to the last page and recite the mantra."

Adam looked at the elder monk sceptically but did as he was told.

"Gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha." Just as the words left his mouth, Adam widened his eyes. He felt as if a veil had been lifted from his mind. His thoughts had never been so clear before.

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