Twilight City

Chapter 8: Chapter 8: First Disciple

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Adam was busy studying the paper effigy when he felt something light land on his head. He grabbed the object and discovered it was one of his paper dolls. The shikigami had returned to relay information to him. This was one of the disadvantages of a temporary contract. A permanent shikigami would have been able to telepathically communicate with him from a distance away.

"Hmm, you've found them? Good. Lead me to them." Adam let the paper doll go and the shikigami took flight.

Adam let out a sigh. As he could only track a temporary shikigami with his eyes, he needed to follow the paper doll on foot. On the other hand, if this was a permanent shikigami, he could just burrow to its position by sensing the location of the shikigami through the contract. This made him realize he should get a permanent shikigami as soon as possible.

Adam followed the shikigami to a derelict building in the slums. Along the way, he witnessed a few muggings and even experienced an attempted mugging himself. In response, he dragged the mugger into the concrete and left him buried up to his neck. After his Burrow reached level 1, he was able to pass through concrete, albeit much slower than digging through soil.

Adam sent the shikigami ahead to survey the area. He took his time burrowing from shadow to shadow while avoiding the guards. He could just burrow straight to his target destination but he didn't want to risk alerting them of his presence. As an Oni, he was tougher and stronger than humans but he was still vulnerable to guns. Even with his racial trait, Accelerated Regeneration, it would take a few days to weeks for him to fully recover from a gunshot wound.

With the help of his shikigami, Adam slipped past the guards and reached an expensively furnished office. Wads of five-hundred-dollar notes were casually left on the desk. Unfortunately, since money couldn't be stored in the inventory, he had to find a briefcase to carry them.

While ransacking the room, Adam discovered the desk drawers were locked and ripped them open. He stashed the loaded Smith & Wesson .357 revolver found in one of the drawers into his inventory. He also discovered a hidden safe behind the large portrait of someone he assumed to be the owner of this office. After a thorough search, he found a sticky note containing the passcode under the desk. He opened the safe, only to find the content was IOUs, and burned them in a paper bin.

After one last sweep of the room, he made his escape. Before he left, he considered setting fire to the drug lab as well, but the place was heavily guarded and people were still working inside.

After returning to his camp under the park, he ordered the shikigami to warn him of any approaching danger and went to sleep.


The next morning, Adam went to the nearest wet market after changing into casual clothes and ordered ten servings of tofu pudding for breakfast. He didn't eat more because the stall owner was getting concerned by how much he was eating. He had to move from stall to stall in order to satiate his hunger. He ate his fill of rice vermicelli, pineapple buns, and congee until he was full. He was starting to understand what the stall owner back in Twilight City had meant.

After a hearty breakfast, Adam contemplated on the next step while enjoying a cup of milk tea in a cafe.

The biggest problem at the moment was Adam didn't have an identity document. From what he learned from the spirits, he needed the document whether he wanted to stay in a hotel or rent a place. The only exception was the slums he visited last night. There were many illegal immigrants like him living there. He wouldn't need documents to rent a place there.

Adam could continue living under the park but he didn't know how long this Nightmare would last. His previous Nightmare only took three days but that was an exception. According to other Dreamers, low-level Nightmares typically took anywhere from a few weeks to months. He didn't think he could tolerate staying in a tent for more than a few days.

Adam was deep in his thoughts when a voice startled him.


The girl he saved yesterday night was glaring at him.


"How could you run away alone! I got a huge scolding last night because mama didn't believe me!" Jiayi crossed her arms. "She's even making me help out at the stall for the next two weeks!"

"Oh, I had something important to do. You know, saving the world and all that." Adam let out a yawn.

"Fine, but you'll have to come with me to explain to mama."

"If we tell your mama, I won't be able to teach you though."

"Huh, why not?"

"It's complicated, you wouldn't understand." Adam let out a yawn again.

"Why do adults always say that?" Jiayi rolled her eyes.

Adam took out a piece of paper and started writing down instructions. The entire page was filled with words before he was done. He took the time to explain the meaning of the words to her and was surprised by how quickly she was learning.

"Once you're able to feel the ki inside of you, you can try learning this spell." Adam handed the piece of paper to her. "What are you doing here anyway? Shouldn't you be in school or something?"

"School? School is on break right now! Everybody knows that!"

"Why would I know that, I don't need to go to school." Adam shrugged. "Anyway, don't show that paper to anyone."

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"Okay, but how do I find you once I've learned the spell?"

"If we don’t meet again, it means you're not fated to be my disciple."

Before parting ways with Jiayi last night, Adam considered teaching her Onmyōdō. After all, not just anyone could stumble into the otherworld unharmed, let alone a child. She was gifted. In the end, he decided against the idea because it was too troublesome. However, encountering her again was making him rethink his decision. Furthermore, Adam was beginning to think she might be the key to completing his main objective. Why else would he start somewhere near her while she was in danger? It felt like too much of a coincidence.


If Adam wasn't so sure of his gut feeling in the morning, he was certain now.

"Mister! What are you doing here?!"

Adam stopped mid-motion while pushing open the door to his apartment. He looked back and saw Jiayi.

"...evening, Jiayi. I just rented this apartment."

"Am I your disciple now?" Jiayi gave him a beaming smile. "I already learned the spell you gave me this morning!"

"Are you sure?!"

"Of course, look!" Jiayi uttered an incantation and formed a hand seal.

A ball of light appeared in front of her for a few seconds before dissipating. She started panting heavily as if she had just finished a run.

Even though Adam already knew Jiayi was talented, he estimated it would take her at least a week to learn the spell. Without the training ground and Ashiya Dōman's guidance, it would have taken him at least a month to achieve the same result.

Adam placed his hands on her shoulders and looked into her eyes.

"Jiayi, you have to promise me. From now on, you must not use spells in front of others. Do you understand?"

"H-huh, but..."

"This is important. You might endanger your family if people learn that you're special."

"Okay, but why did you tell me to learn it then?" Jiayi gave him a pout.

Adam’s jaw dropped after realizing his mistake. He just assumed they would meet again and didn't consider his actions could endanger her when he wrote the spell on the piece of paper.

"Jiayi, I’m sorry. I might have unknowingly put your family at risk. Would you forgive me?"

"Huh? What're you talking about, mister?"

"...never mind, I'll get you something delicious tomorrow."

"Really?! Thank you, mister! I want a birthday cake!" Her mouth started watering.

"Sure. Oh, and start calling me sensei from now on."

"Yes, sensei!"


The next few days, Adam spent his time either teaching Jiayi or contracting spirits. He had spread his shikigami throughout the entire city. During the last few days, he pinpointed several locations where there was likely to be paranormal activity but wasn't sure whether they would progress his main objective. He also tried to obtain a permanent shikigami but he didn't manage to find any satisfactory candidates.

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