Twisted Machine

Chapter 16: 2.2

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Jade paced, unspent energy preventing her from staying still, but after checking on Chloe for the seventh time, and looking at the mural for the eighth, she explored the abode, as Suriya had named it.

She first checked the door, which led outside. It led to a yard. Soft grass around the house, with some fruit trees she didn’t recognize, spread evenly. The property had a low fence and outside; she saw more trees. Not the huge and overbearing ones from the forest where they had landed, but the start of another forest, this one with normal proportions. In the distance, she saw mountains, their peaks rising above the clouds partially covered in snow.

She looked at the sides and judging by the position of the fence, there should be things on both sides of the house. She decided, however, that checking inside was preferable for now.

She entered the house again and the door behind her. It was one of those slide doors and there was no locking mechanism. A closed door was better than an open door. Jade took to the left, deciding that clothes and a bath were more important than food. Whatever that drink was, she still felt no hunger.

The door opened to another minimalistic room, a low table in the center, and several cushions spread around. The walls still had the same motif of trees and flowers painted above grey. Jade stepped past that, towards the next door. This other one opened to a hallway. She crossed to another door immediately in front.

It led to a bedroom with the biggest bed she’d ever seen. To her right, a closet. She opened it and saw several sets of robes similar to the one she was now wearing. Thankfully, she also saw the intimate clothing articles she had sorely missed, as well as shoes and socks. Everything had two dimensions, small and gigantic. She guessed that whatever magic worked in this place had put clothes for her and Chloe.

She stepped out of the bedroom and moved to the next door. A bathroom! Finally! She jumped in happiness, quickly checking the place. To the right was the washroom with small stools and several buckets. No shower. It was kinda charming in how rustic everything was. Use the buckets to get water, and wash yourself sitting on stools. She was not ready for the onsen chapter of her adventures yet!

Snickering at her childish thoughts, she also noticed the normal restroom commodities, a mirror, and a small hips-height cabinet. Another separation to the left had a bathtub that frankly looked more like an indoor pool, the water steaming. It took all of Jade’s willpower to not jump straight in, there were still more places to explore. Reluctantly, she left and moved towards the next door on the same side.

This one opened to another long hallway, with shelves on both sides filled with old leather-bound books and scrolls. She stepped inside, taking care to not touch anything. Many of the books had no title on the spine, the ones that had were all fantastical and amusing sounding. “The Recounting of Immortal Fairy Clear Pond travels. Ascendant Cherry Picker escapades.” She read, but continue on. On the left side, the shelves gave way to a double door. Jade peeked inside. Seemed like one of those meditation rooms she often saw on all those videos about yoga and martial arts for old people. There were banners around, and low seats one could relax on the edges of the room.

She went back to the first hallway and continued to the second double door at the same side she’d been looking at.

This one was a proper dojo. It covered the entire floor in comfortable-looking wood, with weapons of all kinds hung on the walls. She wanted to enter, but felt it would be disrespectful with her dirty feet and body.

She moved to the door opposite the dojo; this one, she thought, would lead to the kitchen, if the map she had been building in her head was correct, and it turned out to be. A well-stocked kitchen, with foodstuff neatly stored in shelves and crates. It all looked very fresh and tasty looking, but she saw only vegetables and leafy greens. Opening the shelves, she found more things; tea, and condiments. Salt for sure, but no sugar or anything to sweeten the palate.

The other door in the kitchen led again to the foyer, where Chloe still slept, or at least Jade assumed the woman was sleeping.

Jade realized she really wanted a bath. Hers and Chloe’s injuries were gone, but the blood, grime, and dirt from the forest remained. She moved to the other woman and tried to wake her up. Chloe kept sleeping. Jade shook the woman harder, but nothing changed. Then she lightly slapped the heroine’s face. Still no response.

The sorceress was at a loss for a moment, before shrugging. She was overthinking stuff again. The heroine had done the same. Jade would now return the favor.

Jade picked up the other woman, but some problems with how big Chloe was. She wasn’t heavy, at least it didn’t feel like that for Jade, but princess carrying was a no-go. Jade was too small for that. She ended up just carrying Chloe like a sack of potatoes and prayed for all the gods that existed so the woman would not coincidently wake up.



A long time later, Jade sat on the bed, cheeks and ears pink from the heated water and long bath. Nothing related to how awkward was to clean Chloe. No, nothing at all. Jade was just repaying the favor, nothing more, nothing less. She wasn’t used to other people, especially other naked people. She huffed again and looked at the now clean, dry, and clothed Chloe.

Jade had not imagined it the first time. Suriya had done something. The sorceress was sure of that. Being near the other woman was comforting. Touching her felt almost like… being with family again. Jade also thought she could faintly feel the thread connecting both. It differed from before. Whereas back on earth, the thread forced different behaviors upon her, the irrational hate. Now; it felt more like a conduit, where… something could move through, to both sides, in both directions.

It was good to be clean and clothed again. Jade had ditched the dark green robe, opting for a pink one with black flowery details. She was not on earth anymore, no need to keep up the brooding and wallowing outfits her PR team usually set up for her. No one here, aside from Chloe, even knew who the Void Sorceress was. A fresh start. Yeah, Jade liked that idea. With more pink and yellow, and purple!

It had been a long last few days, and Jade felt ready to sleep, even if the sun still shone outside. The place seemed safe enough, and any other exploration could wait until Chloe had woken up. They had a lot to discuss and decisions to make.

She noticed now that the abode had only a single bedroom. Jade wondered why was that. The magic in the place seemed enough to accommodate both. Probably Suriya meddling again. He seemed like the sort to do that.

Jade also realized she had also won her bet.

The tribesmen had distinct features, but none she could say were unpleasant. Of course, there were differences, ones she liked more than others, but most of them, men and women, seemed very fit and healthy. She even saw some sexy scars and disproportionately big hands… hands. Even Suriya, with his ‘I’m an anime thug’ look, was a treat to the eyes, for those who enjoyed looking at the type.

Who could she claim the rewards from? Sexy aliens were one a thousand here!

Jade was procrastinating, thinking silly things to avoid delving into awkward topics. She shrugged again. There was nothing for it. She again blamed Suriya and his out-of-place words.

She had dressed Chloe in a white robe, she could not think of the woman in any other color. She placed a pillow under the woman’s head and laid on the far side of the bed.



Jade kept blankly staring at the ceiling. This was not working. Giving up, she laid against the other woman’s chest, Jade’s head resting on Chloe’s arm. It would have been awkward if it wasn’t so comfortable. Jade felt calm, safe, most of all, complete. Whatever that last one meant. Like she had just found a part she didn’t know was missing until now.


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Jade woke up slowly. It was warm and comfortable, and the fingers threading through her hair felt amazing. Whatever it was, she hoped it would continue forever. She just needed Mr. Snuggles and Mrs. Cuddles now.

“Pfft.” Chloe’s familiar amused snort made Jade smile, even as she continued to pretend to sleep. “Mr. Snuggles, really? It… he… they, argh, that is so creepy. How can you name such a horrible creature with a cute name?”

Jade’s eyes opened in surprise, and she sat on the bed. “He is beautiful!” She protested in indignation, knowing full well that the creature was… Jade had yelled for a full half hour when she first saw him. That the yet-to-be-named Mr. Snuggles had enthusiastically hugged her the entire time, screeching inhumanly alongside her, featured in many of her earlier nightmares. But it didn’t count. Mr. Snuggles was the best.

Chloe, who had slowly sat up, stopped and shuddered. “Holy molly, that is going to torment me for days…” she whispered.

Jade finally noticed then what was different. Chloe was responding to things she was thinking about. She looked closely at the other woman; the heroine seemed stuck in some mental image. Jade took the other woman’s hand, jolting her awake from her thoughts.

Chloe sighed, another proof she knew what Jade wanted.

“Yes, ever since we got here, but at first it was more impression and an inkling of what you were thinking.” Chloe went silent for a moment. “Now, I can see Mr… Snuggles.” The heroine shuddered again. “And we also seem to share some tactile sensation. It felt strange and amazing threading my fingers through your hair.”

Jade nodded, ears and cheeks pink in embarrassment. She hid her face in her own hands. Not that it helped.

“You already knew… Oh…” Chloe stopped. The woman stood still for a moment, then reach out, taking Jade hand’s on her own, squeezing lightly before letting it go. “Where are we? And what happened?”

Jade pipped up, finally looking the other woman in the eyes. “You first! What happened? When I woke up, you weren’t there, then we fell here.”

Chloe was staring at Jade’s face and neck. Her fingers slowly traced the places where the bruises once were. Jade squirmed. What was the other woman doing? “This sensory sharing thing is so confusing and distracting.”

“It is only this strong when we are touching,” Jade whispered.

“Oh…” Chloe froze again, her hands dropping to her lap. “I was called by the Great Matriarch of the tribe. She wanted me to get a flower for her and said you’re cursed. That you would die if she didn’t give you the cure in time.”

“I feel fine.” Jade interrupted. “Better than I’ve ever felt. I blame Suriya.” The sorceress scoffed.


“Later, it’s still your turn.”

“Not much to say. After that, she opened a portal inside the temple and pushed me inside. I remember snippets, a strange man, you, but mostly pain.”

Jade was silent for a moment before she started her part.

“I fell on top of you. Don’t know how. You were convulsing. I was panicking and said lots of random stuff.”

Chloe snorted at that, whispering “snuggles.”

Jade rolled her eyes but continued. “Then I saw Suriya. Tried to fight him, and he did something to us. Taught us another language, gave me a beverage that healed our wounds.” She stopped for a moment, choosing her words carefully. “Said you were suffering from backlash, for trying to break the ‘soul tether using brute force’ in his exact words. I pleaded with him to help you, and he did something. The whole sensory sharing started after that. At least for me.”

Chloe hummed softly.

“He also said I need to pass a trial. Or maybe we. I don’t know if he was talking about both of us, but referring just to me because you were unconscious.” She knew Chloe was aware she was holding something back, but the other woman didn’t press. “If we fail, we will be stuck in that forest. If we pass, we earn things, quoting him, cultivation methods, and techniques.

“The house has a nice bath, a library, of sorts. A meditation room and a big dojo-like training room. Only one bedroom though, and no meat in the kitchen, only veggies.”

Chloe tried to pull Jade’s cheeks as one does to a baby, but no extra fat there to allow purchase. Jade pouted indignantly, but Chloe paid her no mind. “Thanks for taking care of me.”

They sat in silence for a moment, before the heroine stirred, and Jade knew the moment was over. Chloe got up and stretched.

“We better see then what is happening. Time is a-wasting, and I don’t want to be trapped in that forest.”

Jade nodded, feeling lost.

“Yes, lets.”

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