Twisting Fate

Chapter 1: Chapter One: Everything Goes Boom

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What if one was an immortal human, unable to die even if he wanted to?

What if the other was a mortal human, ignorant of the fact that he would never be able to be with him in his entire lifetime?

What if he, the heroic and honorable human, cursed by the gods to never die, suffered by the hands of those gods, and suffered death and loss again and again?

What if he, who has fallen deeply in love, saved by him every single time, was willing to burn his soul and never reincarnate again?

A cliche story.

It was the kind of story that would always be found in the internet's BL novels site. Immortal and a mortal story of love and anguish.

If only Kai was not forced by his sister to read this particular story, he wouldn't have even touched this website. But in the end, despite his straightness, he was still hooked by the story and the author's writing style. Moreover, there's also the male lead, who shared his name 'Kai'.

He is an avid reader. So after reading the whole story, he was in awe and was stupefied. His thoughts on this kind of novels somehow... Changed.

He moved his hand holding the mouse and moved the arrow on the screen of his computer to click on the author's profile. He is honestly amazed by this author. 

If this author was writing fantasy novels without any BL instead, they would've been rich and successful.

The author had a username 'CIYBS_021'. Kai thought that it was quite a random username... The author had a lot of followers which was understandable since his story is quite famous in this 'community'. However, this account was not following anybody, and other than the infamous novel, he did not write anything else. Kai clicked the conversation page of the author's profile and found a lot of comments seeking for an update. Nevertheless, the author never replied back.

It seems that except for publishing the novel, the author didn't do anything else.

Kai sighed, supporting his head with his hand as he skimmed across the conversation page where different readers posted their messages which seemed like they didn't reach the author.

This person really came and left like the wind.

How unfortunate. Even if it was BL, Kai would've read this author's other story. That just showed what kind of a masterpiece this author had created.

After a while, Kai noticed faint light coming out from the curtains. His eyes widened and stood up immediately. "I forgot the time...! Mom would enter my room anytime soon to wake me up!"

Last night, he reached the peak of the story. He didn't want to leave the story on a cliffhanger so, in the end, he decided to binge-read the story until the ending. So the result is that he didn't get any sleep at all. Moreover, he has to go to his college today to take his final exam. If he is caught that he didn't sleep and study, he's going to get an earful for sure.

However, when he stood up, his hand roughly brushed against his cup of coffee resulting to an even messier situation. His hand was burned and in panic, he tried to catch the cup but because of the hotness, he accidentally threw it towards the power outlet near the computer. The coffee entered the outlet while the cup was smashed on the screen of his computer.

One thing led to another and the outlet exploded, causing the computer and every electronics around Kai to explode.

The last thing he saw was his phone on his desk turning on from a message. It was from his sister however before he could see the content of the message, everything around him turned black.

Once he opened his eyes again, what he first saw was a pair of hands holding a pestle and a mortar that seemingly stopped crushing a herb as soon as he regained his consciousness. 


This hand… isn't it his?

But if he remembered right, his hand was burned by the hot coffee and left a big red mark. But this hand does not have anything. Though, there are what look like scars. The more he stared at his hands the more confused he became. He placed the pestle down and raised his head.

He was stupefied.

Where the hell is he?

Wasn't he caught up in the explosion of his computer set in his room? How did he arrive in this medieval-like place?

Not only was he a fan of reading novels, but he also enjoyed reading Korean manhwas, mostly medieval settings so he is very much familiar with places like this. But how did he end up here?

'Is it like those transmigration or reincarnation stories…?'

Kai lowered his head and stared at the pestle and mortar yet again. Crushing a herb… Was the person he transmigrated into a person in the medical field of this world?

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He felt a bit funny.

Even after transmigrating, he couldn't escape this fate it seems. The fate of being a slave to money, slave to studying, and slave to saving lives. 

Kai held the pestle and started grinding the herb again. Doing this somehow calmed his panic-stricken heart and gave him a chance to think. 

The burning sensation of the explosion he experienced only a few moments ago is still fresh in his mind. He can't feel the pain anymore but he can remember it. It was extremely painful that he honestly wanted to cry. 

'Did I die?' 

He couldn't help but question that. 

Dying and then opening your eyes to an entirely new world full of unfamiliarity. He unconsciously tense up and held the pestle tighter, turning his knuckles white. At the same time, a bead of sweat rolled from his face. 'What should I do…?'

Everybody fears death and the unknown. 

What he didn't know is what he can't do. 

But in the end, fear is what hinders people to think. 

Kai stabilized his breathing and calmed himself. He found himself in an entirely new world, then finding out what kind of world this is, is what he should obviously first do. If he recognizes it, like, if it's from a novel or a story he had read then he can easily adjust himself in this world and follow the plot. After that, he'll try to find a way to go back home. 

However if he doesn't recognize it, what he has to do is to still learn everything necessary about this world and learn how to adjust. Then, he has to carefully plan what to do next. And also find a way to go home. 

But what if he had already died there? 

An explosion like that was something that wouldn't leave him unharmed. He felt his skin burn and his bare flesh exposed to the heat.

If he comes back there, he would be dead. Then isn't it much better to stay here…? 

Kai thought of his mother and younger sister. His mother was a single parent, working hard for both of her children. If this incident didn't happen, he would be taking his final exams and after a few months, he would be working already so that his mother could finally stop working and rest. His sister, who is six years younger than him, is still young and years far from graduating. 

If something happens to him, his mother who had been working all her life would still have to work for more than ten years and so. 

Thinking about that, Kai's chest tightened and his brows creased. He has to go back home. Dead or alive, as long as his soul is over there with them, it doesn't matter. 

He finished grinding the herb and found a container to store it. He didn't know what kind of herb it is but he knew how to store it properly at least. The powdered herb was placed in a well-kept cabinet which also contained quite a lot of similar containers. Kai was a bit afraid of messing up so he stopped his curiosity from opening those containers. 

As soon as he tidied up this medical room, he exited.

Truly, it felt weird.

It was his first time in that room but it was as if he had been there already and was familiar with the whole place because he just knew where is which and which is where.

Kai locked the room properly and followed a long hallway leading to who knows where. One side was a plain gray wall while the other side was a vast, land covered in white snow. Kai has yet to explore the whole place; however, as soon as he sees the walls from a distance, he can conclude that this place is very large. 

"Is this person rich…? A noble?" 

Nevertheless this original's social status, one thing's for sure. It is that he is extremely rich.

Kai had already noticed that from his clothing earlier. Though the design is simple, the fabric was silk. It is common knowledge that silk is an expensive fabric. 

This situation made Kai think for a moment. 'If this person is rich, then isn't it much better if I stay here…? With all these riches, it's easy to live a comfortable life in this castle. 

For a moment, his wish to go back home faltered.

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