Twisting Fate

Chapter 4: Chapter Three: Be Gay

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'This man… is truly an otherworldly beauty.'

Kai couldn't help but admit as he looked at the man floating above. He himself could be considered an otherworldly handsome man according to his friends, classmates, family and literally anybody who sees him. He didn't deny that either, if everyone says so, then that's probably the truth.

But this person, although he had arrogance and displayed overwhelming power, Kai felt that this man's exterior appearance is the same as his. Except that in this person's case, the most plausible description would be… 

"... Pretty."

Helix, who wanted to kill Kai a moment ago: "..."

His brows furrowed and his lips curled. "What kind of idiocy are you talking about?" His expression expressed his anger and Kai realized his mistake. It seems that this person and the original Kai are not so close! But why did this pretty stranger save him? 

Considering this novel's genre and the male lead's charm, could it be…?

'Hahaha, what am I even thinking about?' Kai wanted to laugh out loud but the situation didn't let him do so. From a distance, another beast howled made its way to both of their ears and took their attention. Kai could clearly see the stranger's annoyance as he clicked his tongue and shifted his gaze towards him.

The way he stares at Kai really is painful… 

The stranger moved from his position, flying towards Kai and halted in front of him. Obviously, Kai was startled but he didn't have enough time to react when the back of his collar was grabbed and suddenly, he found his feet off the ground.

Next thing he knew, he was staring at the white, covered by the snow forest from the sky.


He was shocked at first but after a moment of clarity, he was even more shocked.



Kai was thrown ruthlessly on the floor as the stranger nonchalantly walked around Kai's own castle. He winced in pain. His hair are still up from the goosebumps from the beasts, there were still tear streaks coming from his eye because of his fear of heights and then he was just, tossed, like a garbage, in his home.

He felt that his dignity kept being trampled by this man.

Wasn't he the male lead of this world?

He's definitely not living up to his role, how could he let himself be treated like this by a stranger?

Kai stood up, looking at the devilishly beautiful stranger who brought him back home safely (just barely…) and is now sitting on the couch acting as if he owns the place and not Kai. 

Looking at this person, Kai's anger dissipated a bit.

But still, he firmly stood his ground and faced him. "I'm grateful to you for saving me but was it necessary to act so rudely?" The response is this person raising an eyebrow. "Zein, if you're grateful then don't complain. And if you're truly grateful, then bring me tea. Make it sweet. Hurry."  

Seeing that his dignity as the male lead is about to collapse, Kai strengthened his courage to stand up to this powerful person and said, "Please leave. I will find a way to repay you for saving me earlier, however, I do not know who you are. You may know me but I don't know you. I have nothing to offer to someone who I don't know the name of and is being extremely rude." 

If this person attacks from the rage of being treated like this, then so be it. If he dies, he can probably go back to his original world anyway. He already knows death and he is not afraid of it anymore. 

However, the person's reaction was not what he really expected.

His eyes widened, Kai could get a clearer view of his beautiful shade of purple eyes. But this person's face paled as if he had seen a ghost as soon as Kai said those words.

"You don't know my name… ?" His voice seemed to tremble and Kai found it strange. Seeing him act differently now, Kai let his guard down. And then, he was immediately grabbed by the collar, pulled and pushed towards the couch this person was sitting on a moment ago. 

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With him on top of Kai, their faces were dangerously close but Kai was not bothered as he was more worried about this man’s sudden change. Honestly, what was this all about? 

He just suddenly came to this world after every electronics around him explode because of his own mistake. And then, wanting to look for more information about this world, he started his journey to the nearest village. But he was not even halfway through when he was suddenly surrounded by beasts. And then, he was suddenly saved by this rude stranger. And now this.

Everything happened in a single day.

Kai has yet to take a break yet. Everything just keeps happening and he really couldn't keep up as a modern man. 

His face was being held so tightly and an unfamiliar yet comfortable strange feeling entered his body. But before he could relish in it, his eyelids felt a bit too heavy than they usually are. Kai gave in, and everything went dark. 

When he woke up, it was already sunset. He was lying in the bed inside the room where he changed clothes earlier. It seems that this was really the original owner's quarters. He pushed away the thick and warm blankets and got off the bed. As soon as he did so, he immediately noticed the fireplace lit up.

"... Right, where is that guy?" 

The castle is large and wide but after searching, Kai couldn't find a single trace of the stranger from earlier. If his memories weren't so vivid and fresh to his mind, Kai would've just believed that it was just a really realistic dream. 

Well, since he's gone then he's gone. It's not like Kai could do anything about it. 'But still, who was he?'

The powerful magics he had created and that arrogance, only someone of powerful position could be like that. Kai could name a few, recalling his memories from the novel. But among those few characters, Kai hoped that, that stranger wasn't the one he was thinking of.

Powerful enough to hold the world in his hands, beauty that could only be matched by the Great Sage of Rukadius Kingdom and Holy Saintess of Urigel Holy Empire. The abandoned royal of Rukadius and the main villain of the novel.

Helix Vernon.

The first prince of Rukadius Kingdom and the sole dark mage of the continent. 

Kai recalled his character and once again, couldn't help but admire the author. Helix was a great villain, hated by the readers. Once a villain is hated, you would know that he was written very well as a villain. Although his actions were barely explained and that his words seemed shallow sometimes, the mysteriousness of his character evoked Kai's interest in him. 

A villain is not supposed to be loved. They are supposed to be despised and showered with disgust.

His end was miserable, worthy of his punishment for his 'evil deeds'. For an eternity, his soul was sealed in an orb created by the main character and fortified with the male lead's powers. For an eternity, he has to watch as the world moves on, as his name slowly gets forgotten, as his family who had abandoned him never cared for him until their death and as the main couple spends their own eternity with happiness and a life without any sorrow.

All alone in that orb, even until the world breaks.

Thinking of the main villain made Kai feel sympathetic yet again. That villain's miserable end was all because he had been involved with the story of the main characters in the first place. How he ended up like that was not entirely his fault.

That was why Kai could never bring himself to dislike that pitiful villain. 

Kai exhaled softly and turned back.

If he can, he wouldn't get that person involved with the main characters again and simply resolve the plot peacefully. 

If this was a novel, then there is a need for a villain.

But this world is now a reality to Kai, a villain must not be made. 

'I still don't know how to move in this world. To follow the plot, become homosexual and marry the main character or move the plot forward without getting romantically involved with anybody in this world.'

Kai truly felt at loss.

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