Two-headed eagles in Another World

Chapter 3: Chapter 01 (Encounter) (Edited)

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Chapter 01 (Encounter)


A clear, beautiful blue sky with a gentle breeze that caused Alp Arslan's hair to blow up and appear to have come to life suddenly appeared above him as he stood on an endless grassy plain.


The beauty of the land that was in Arslan's field of vision alone caused his eyes to widen. This land had more colors and was a prettier sight than he had ever seen, with enough flora and florae to look fairylike, so much that the scent of fragrance emanating from them cleared the dust in his indistinct region.


He went for a stroll while enjoying a lovely aroma in this infinite Green and Blue. He approached a figure and said, "Aslam Alaikum," to which the strange figure responded. It was heavenly. Hello (Walaikum Salam), I'm Shahzain, one of Jinn's Tasks here to help and guide you. Welcome to the world, but don't be deceived by its beauty; it's full of evil creatures and malicious individuals. There are three major empires, four minor kingdoms, and a few little nations scattered about. Let's visit a local tribe that was concealed with the aid of tree spirits. They are one of the few decent or good people in this area. These people were Gathered & assembled by someone just like you. He arrived here 100 times, and I think he was of Arab & Turkish descent. There are numerous non-human races there, including elves, dwarfs, beast men, lizard men, and more, so don't be astonished or surprised. They possess villages and intelligence, just like humans."


Arslan was speechless and incredulous after learning that there are more raises in this area than humans. Even though we battle without knowing one another, he wondered why there were just humans in the Arslan world and why more people should cause greater havoc.


"Humans concede them as sub-humans, and below them, people here term them Demi-humans, as most of them are abducted as slaves and treated worse than an animal," Shahzain said with a smile.


Hearing that made Arslan's heart fall.

"The second-strongest empire is the Persian Empire, the third-strongest is a combination of the Roman and Persian empires, and four minor kingdoms are also at war with one another," according to Shahzain's further explanation. "The Strongest Empire is similar to the early Roman Empire of your world."


They came close to a green forest. Lush familiar and unfamiliar trees. Shahzain told me that the life force here is richer than his world, with more birds, large and small, while walking they hear a strange cry.


They raced as quickly as they could because it appeared to be a difficulty, but when we got there, he was startled and dumbfounded. It was an odd creature with the head, wings, and body of an eagle, a lion, and a snake. It's utterly white.


It's a Griffin, a Queen Griffin, not just any gryphon, Shahzain-Ahh!

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When he looks attentively, he notices that there are two other young gryphons there. "It appears to be a girl, but are those ears and a tail? Do I have this correct?"


Shahzain informed him that a girl is a beast man, namely a cat girl, after observing his amazement. "Nobles from every country and empire aspire to have them. A group of people surrounded them, and he was informed that they were slavers who hunted beast men and sold them as slaves. In addition to beast men, they also sold people and monsters as slaves.


Because the gryphon is considered the lord of the sky and is tamable, they were hunting it for that reason."


"They appear to have hurt Queen Griffin, but the majority of them were already dead. There are maybe six of them remaining; if they continue, they will catch them."


He muttered to the Shahzain standing next to him, "I was also thinking, why are they aiding the girl?"


"Gryphon are extremely powerful creature. They develop a stronger maternal instinct after giving birth. They always keep their child safe; if they discover another raising, they will even keep the infant safe from it. Griffin is also quite good." Shahzain replied.


He looked around. "If we don't do anything, they'll catch them." He discovered one of the slavers' bodies, which was equipped with a bow and arrow.


"Okay, let's assist them." Since slavery is against his moral code, he has never enjoyed it.


He seized the bow and arrow and pointed it at one of the slavers, who were ready to seize the girl. The arrow flew straight into the slaver's throat, stunning both the slaver and the gryphon as well as the girl.

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