Ultimate Marvel System

Chapter 33: Chapter 32: Nick Fury

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Chapter 32: Nick Fury

The following morning, Benjamin woke up and started looking up for houses for sale while they had breakfast.

Natasha saw him occupied with his phone and asked what was going on.

“I’m looking for a house. It’s about time we moved out of this apartment after all. Any requests?”

“A house huh? Hmm, I’d like one with a large yard and a room to exercise in.”

Benjamin nodded and turned to Rogue.

“How about you, Anna?”

Since calling her Rogue felt too distant, it was decided earlier that Benjamin and Natasha can use her real name to call her when it’s only them.

“Umm…a studio room maybe?”

“Studio room? What for?”

“If I feel like playing some music. It might get loud when I play but that was how I coped with stress. I often get complaints back in Xavier’s school so it would be nice to have a soundproof studio room.

“I see. Got it.”

It took some time for them to look for a house that satisfied them but they managed to narrow it down to a few that they planned to visit on the weekend.

Now, it was time to work.

Rogue went ahead and reported to the EPD to do some paperwork which involved sifting through some files to see which ones are assigned to their team or which cases they can assist in.

At the moment, it’s only Jake and a few other enhanced people that didn’t have much firepower that did this work.

It’s boring work but they were the ones who volunteered to do it as they wanted to help but can’t fight.

Benjamin also welcomed the new mutants that joined in from the group that they rescued and assigned them their roles based on their abilities and preferences.

Some of them had really useful abilities like the one who can see through an animal’s eyes. This was a convenient ability for a scout and patrol.

There’s also one that can split his limbs into two. Although he can’t clone himself and the parts are still attached to his body, it was still useful for multitasking and he also volunteered to do the paperwork for two portions.

Wanda and Pietro also joined the patrol team. Although the patrol team is the team everyone wanted to join, there’s actually not that much work to be done unless they encountered a criminal. Basically, they just need to walk around the city every so often and take action if something bad happened.

There have also been talks about establishing an EPD for other cities so Benjamin transferred those willing to go.

Eventually, every city in America should have an EPD branch in the future.

However…this wasn’t Benjamin’s end goal. Since he started this, might as well go all the way and go global in the same way as Interpol.

But that’s still something for the future.

Today, Benjamin went along with Natasha to get rid of Barnes’ brainwashing.

To do this, Benjamin splurged a little and bought an item in the System Store called Clarity Bell which costs 10,000 MP.

This item restores someone’s mind and removes any sort of tempering when they hear the bell ring.

Benjamin bought it since it should be quite useful in the future as well.

Of course, it isn’t overly powerful too. If the one responsible for tempering a person’s mind was a god or someone of similar or higher power level, the item won’t be of use.

Still, there aren’t many such beings that would do something like that without any reason and even if they did, Benjamin was sure he won’t be encountering a lot of them. By the time he encounters them, Benjamin would have many more means to go against them should the need arise.

In any case, the bell was still useful for something like HYDRA brainwashing.

Well, another alternative is using his newly gained telepathic abilities but Benjamin wasn’t like Charles who would intrude on a person’s mind without any consent whatsoever.

More often than not, people would refuse to be prodded on inside their minds which were why Benjamin opted for the bell instead.

While thinking of such things, Benjamin and Natasha had already arrived in front of Barnes’ cell.

On the way, there were a lot of twists and turns as well as hidden entrances and passages…as expected of a spy organization like SHIELD…

Though I think it’s quite exaggerated…

Benjamin thought but didn’t say it out loud.

“I’m surprised SHIELD is still fine after that stunt you guys pulled yesterday though.”

Just like in the movie, in order to expose HYDRA, Captain America and the rest decided to leak SHIELD’s secrets too. Well, secrets that Fury ‘allowed’ them to see anyway.

Benjamin knows that this bald one-eyed man should still be carrying a box full of secrets with him.

Natasha chuckled.

“SHIELD is still needed after all. And the losses aren’t too great thanks to you warning us early.”

“Well, it was Viper who mostly helped on that front.”

“I still don’t like that snake…fine, maybe a little. Just a little bit.”

Benjamin chuckled and focused on Barnes who sat in his cell. His metal arm was firmly locked in place to prevent him from escaping.

Natasha looked at the corner of the room and nodded at the camera.

The next moment, the cell doors opened and the two of them walked in.

Barnes raised his head to look at his visitors.

He recognized Natasha but he didn’t know who the other guy was.

“Who’re you supposed to be? Are you going to torture me for answers now?”

“No. I’m here to free you.”


Benjamin didn’t waste any more idle chatter and directly run the Clarity Bell once.

A soft ring rang out from the bell, followed by a calming hum that seemed to reach the deepest parts of your mind.

Barnes’ initial cold and deadly expression slowly softened and light regained from his eyes as his mind cleared.

“I…what have I done…?”

“That wasn’t you, Sergeant. You were not in control.”

Benjamin spoke as he patted his shoulder.

Although Barnes was calm, without the brainwashing, his normal self instantly realized everything that he did in the past years.

It was a good thing that the calming effect of the bell was still there, otherwise, he would probably have a panic attack from the heavy guilt he carried.

“But…all the people I killed…all the blood in my hands…”

Suddenly, another person appeared in the room.

It was none other than Captain Steve Rogers, Captain America himself.

“It’s not too late Bucky. You can still do some good. I’ll be there every step of the way. Together, just like old times.”


“It’s good to see you again, old pal.”

Steve smiled with relief.

Seeing his best friend finally free from HYDRA’s control, he felt as if a huge burden in his chest was lifted.

He turned towards the man responsible for this and extended his hand.

“Thank you, Captain Freed. For everything.”

Benjamin chuckled and shook his hand.

“Please, just Ben is fine. Well, I’ll leave you two at it. If you need me, just call.”

Benjamin and Natasha left to let the two catch up with each other.

Of course, Barnes’ restriction was also removed already as it would just be awkward to have a conversation with one of his arms tied to a wall.

When Benjamin exited the room, he was directly met with a bald man with an eyepatch.

“Benjamin Freed. Nick Fury. Figured it’s about time we talk.”

Nick introduced himself briefly before subtly ordering him to talk.

Benjamin ignored his tone and continued to act normally.

“Director Fury. I believe Nat already told you everything about me. What do you need?”

“Frankly, I didn’t believe it…but seeing how you managed to clean up all those HYDRA bases…I have no choice but to do so. Also, no need to call me Director. I’ll be stepping down from my position soon.”

Nick sighed and shook his head.

Benjamin raised a brow at that but wasn’t too surprised.

He figured the higher-ups might pin all the blame on him for neglecting his duty and letting enemy forces infiltrate SHIELD so it was only natural that he won’t be able to keep his position.

“Who’s the new Director then?”

“The best man I know to fit the job. Phil Coulson.”

Nick didn’t hide it since it will be known publicly soon enough.

“So you’re looking for me because…?”

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“Well, I’d rather not have Stark be the boss of me so…do you still have a spot for this one-eyed fella in the EPD?”

Now Benjamin was really surprised.

He didn’t think that Nick Fury would actually ask him to join the EPD.

It seems his goal of achieving global coverage won’t be too far off with this guy on board.

Benjamin didn’t answer just yet but glanced at Natasha who nodded to him.

“The EPD isn’t like SHIELD. While we do have covert operations as well, most of our operations are above board. There will be no Project Insights or Weapon X or any other projects. The EPD is only in charge of capturing and detaining enhanced individuals. We do not engage those who would ‘potentially’ become a danger. Only when they do become one, do we act. As for the rest, leave it to me. If you can accept that, then the doors are wide open for you.”

Benjamin was aware of how SHIELD mainly operates.

Identify any potential threats.

If they are too dangerous, contain them immediately.

Oftentimes, those who initially wanted peace would be forced to stand on the opposite side of the law just by refusing to go with them and the situation would escalate. Eventually, more lives would be lost and nobody wins.

Benjamin knew humans too well.

Whenever someone’s different from the others, the majority would always gang up and attempt to put that person in his place.

Because of this, more and more super-powered criminals appear and cause more problems.

As for those various projects…these things only lead to more and more problems. Benjamin has no idea what gave these people the guts to try and experiment on those things they can’t even understand.

…Speaking of things that they can’t understand…I need to visit Tony after this.

While he was thinking of these things, Nick answered.

“And what if we come up against someone so powerful, we can’t even fight back?”

“I’ll deal with it.”

“...Do we have at least the equipment to go against the Hulk if he loses control?”

“We have me.”


Benjamin smirked.

He walked towards Nick and placed his hand on his shoulder.

“You worry about the small things. Leave anything you can’t handle to me.”

After saying that, Benjamin didn’t stay for long and left.

Nick turned to Natasha with a dumbfounded expression.

“Is he just too overconfident or is he really strong?”

“He’s both.”


After Benjamin left, just as he was thinking about how to approach Tony, he got a message from Natasha.

[Forgot to tell you. There will be a party in the Avengers Tower tonight to celebrate HYDRA’s defeat and Barnes’ return. You should come]

Seeing this, Benjamin smiled.

[I’ll be there.]

Well, that’s one problem solved. Let’s go check in on the others.


Queens, New York.

There was an ongoing robbery at a small bank several masked men with guns took the bank clerks and a few civilian hostages. Their masks portrayed the different members of the Avengers.

“Quick! We need to hurry up before those freaks show up!”

One of the masked men who wore Captain America’s mask hurried his crew in a panic.

Recently, because of the EPD, it has been hard for criminals to do their usual crimes.

However, there were still some who wanted to take the risk and steal a little more money while the EPD hasn’t been fully implemented yet in certain parts of the city.

Based on their estimates, most EPD members are active in Brooklyn and Hell’s Kitchen. In Queens, there was only a little spider to worry about so they wanted to try.

Besides, they also have a backing here. The Vulture!

“Aw, it’s not nice to call a lady, freak.”


The leader of the crew heard a voice and raised his head to look.

He saw a slender woman with white flowing hair in black tights…Black Cat!

“You! Go rob a bank of your own! We were here first!”

As fellow ‘criminals’ he naturally recognized her and thought she was here to steal their steals.

Black Cat clicked her tongue teasingly while wagging her fingers.

“Tsk tsk tsk, you’re wrong. I’m here to arrest you all.”


“Lookie here.”

Seeing that they were still confused, Black Cat pointed at a familiar emblem over her left chest.

The logo of the EPD!

The thieves’ eyes widened in shock!


You can’t do this! Aren’t we all criminals!?

Why are you suddenly on their side!?

Are you an imposter!?

While they were all still confused and shocked, Black Cat wasted no time and swung her whip around.

It didn’t take long for her to tie them all up as they couldn’t even put up a fight.

Actually, Black Cat really can’t be bothered to do this but it was necessary in order to complete the mission Benjamin gave her.

Infiltrating the Thieves Guild is no joke.

Felicia was sure that they would already know she had joined the EPD so their guard will be up around her.

That’s why she needed to prove her worth to them and make them approach her instead.

To do that…

Suddenly, while Felicia was thinking of her plans, a familiar figure in red and blue swooped in and stuck to the wall.

“Seriously guys, can’t you take a day off…huh?”

Spiderman’s quip stopped as he noticed the scene was different from what he imagined it to be.


“Hey Spider. You’re too late.”

Black Cat smirked when she imagined Spiderman’s dumbfounded expression beneath the mask.

She pointed at her badge and looked at the criminals tied up with her whip.

“EPD. You’re all under arrest. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to speak to an attorney, and to have an attorney present during any questioning.”

Actually, Benjamin didn’t require the EPD members to speak the Miranda rights on capture. Their rights will be spoken for by another officer once they contact the police.

However, Felicia was having fun so she said it.


Spiderman was still confused about what was happening.

Isn’t Black Cat a thief?

Why is she suddenly a member of the EPD?

What’s going on?

Did I accidentally travel to another world?

Am I dreaming?

Suddenly, Black Cat turned to Spiderman and grinned.

“You too, Spider. You’re under arrest for vigilantism.”


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