Ultragene Warlord

Chapter 2109: 2128

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Everyone was surprised. How domineering it was. It dared to fight against the divine sword with its fingers. It made people feel unmatched.


The sword spirit is vertical and horizontal. The purple man from the East has bright sword edges and interwoven rules. He is more and more powerful and constantly shakes his sword.

Zhang lie pointed out that the sword rainbow bloomed and the void rippled. Circles of ripples opened in the void. It was blue and green, and the water waves rippled. It was very strange.


With a big shock, the divine sword was opened, and all the ripples turned into sword Qi, sweeping all directions and attacking everyone.

The roar was so loud that everyone fought with all their strength. They didn't dare to be careless. They felt that this man was too strong.

Now. As long as Zhang lie makes a move, it is absolutely fatal for Chengshen masters. Only these eight strong level masters can fight together.

Otherwise, someone else will come up. He was shot dead.


The woman in red armor tied her hands. Again, he took out a regular flame fan and hit Zhang lie.

"Doyle." Zhang lie said coldly. I've seen it and it's broken. This move doesn't work for him. He slapped it. Break up again and let the fire soar.


Suddenly, in the blazing light of the fire, a red hook rushed to Zhang lie's eyes and pierced his regular force field.

This is a scorpion tail, which comes from the woman's back. At the moment when she finished printing, it had been stabbed out, cruel and poisonous, pointing to the key.

"Fire scorpion people!" The stall owner was surprised. As long as the tail hook pierces the skin, it can poison the God residence, because it can corrode the soul and hurt the foundation. It is the most insidious.

Luo Jianchi also changed color. The blow was so sudden that he didn't even know that the woman wearing red armor was a member of the fire scorpion family.

Zhang lie was surprised, but did not panic. One blue vortex after another appeared on the body surface, rotating there, forming a terrible force and distorting the void.


In everyone's expectation, the fiery Scorpio tail stabbed Zhang lie's body surface, but there was no sound of flesh and blood breaking, like the impact of gold and stone.

The most sharp and invincible scorpion sting is blocked by the dark blue vortex.

The power of space and the source power of water are mixed, and in Zhang lie's hand, they are transformed into amazing supernatural powers.


The dark blue vortex twisted the scorpion's tail and imprisoned it.

"Huh? Come on!" The woman in red armor screamed. She had never encountered such a situation. As long as she shot, any opponent had to avoid its edge. Today, someone dared to block the scorpion tail stab.

Others naturally and quickly attack Zhang lie.

Zhang lie is very strong. The dark blue vortex rotates, and the space rule divine chain appears on the body surface. He strangles the scorpion's tail, and then twists it violently and is about to break.

"Ah..." the woman cried out in pain. It was just the beginning. The sneak attack failed, and she was going to break her tail.

Towering sword - chasing waves

With a flick of the sword finger, the stormy sword light chopped at the woman with extreme speed.

The eyes of the strong woman of the fire scorpion family flashed cold. She knew that Zhang lie deliberately kept his tail, so as to narrow the distance and kill her.

She jumped back with a snap. The scorpion's tail was broken and the venom splashed. She rushed to Zhang lie, decisive and cruel.

"I underestimate your determination." Zhang Liedao, the body surface glows, and the regular force field keeps all the venom out.

Under the blessing of space rules, Zhang lie flashed and caught up in the blink of an eye.

The woman in red armor burst out, her hair danced wildly, and her light soared behind her. Unexpectedly, nine golden tails suddenly appeared, with amazing sharpness.

"Nine Tailed Scorpio, this is her talent move. She gives birth to so many poisonous tails at once!" Luo Jianchi was surprised.

Zhang lie is also a frozen look. He doesn't dare to be careless. If he just attacks fiercely, he is fearless, but this toxin must be careful.


The eight masters used all means to kill.

When Zhang lie fought against the nine golden scorpion tails, behind them, black fog billowed, black light surged, and there was a little rotten smell.

The strong woman of the Hades holds a sickle of death and cleaves it to the back of his brain. She can tear the void and form a great split of the void. It's very frightening.

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The heaven and earth are shrouded in dark fog, with the smell of death.


The power of the sickle is so terrible that it has to be taken seriously.


Zhang lie gave a rebuke.

Evil snake!

The black magic snake emerged from behind Zhang lie, just like the legendary black snake yemenga, which devoured the world. The source force composition was as solid as the essence, making a threatening rustle and scales.

The dark source force is like dark clouds winding around Zhang lie, like the sea roaring, breaking out in 480 directions to fight against the dark fog.

Death slashed the void and opened the black fog under the sickle.

The black fog tore, but Zhang lie disappeared.

With the help of black fog cover, transfer with the force of space and rush in from another direction.

Zhang lie suddenly rushed out of the black fog from the other direction and swung his fist.


Death sickle resists Zhang lie's strong attack.


The female strongman of the Hades was surprised and backed up quickly with the help of her fist strength.


Zhang lie broke out, surrounded by black fog, sweeping all directions.

A large black fog came down and shrouded the place. The metal of Yinmo mountain melted!

"Ah..." Lan Jinling quickly hid in the distance and looked at him in surprise.

As for the eight masters, they were shocked. The black fog was too terrible. The war is becoming more and more intense, and the rules are like a sea. In this place, it is vast and turbulent.

"Three eyes split the sky!"

At this time, there was a strange man with a vertical eye in the middle of his eyebrow. He broke his drink, and the third eye glowed. He twisted the void and aimed at Zhang lie to tear him apart.

Around Zhang lie, the space collapsed, and many black fog was taken away into the unknown dimension.

"So strong!" Luo sword ruler exclaimed.

Even Zhang lie had to nod. He was surprised that the man could open the void with his own strength. The power of vertical eyes was too strong.

He moved sideways to avoid the blow, and the black fog was sucked away by the broken void.

The three eyed man obviously consumed too much energy. After the blow, he turned pale.

However, he gritted his teeth and continued to show his strength. The light from the center of his eyebrows shot one after another around Zhang lie, trying to erase him here.

Others saw it and all cooperated with him, because the three eyes were too overbearing.

"That's it!" Zhang lie drank loudly, the black fog wound, and the evil snake shot out one after another.

Wave fist · silence!

Hundreds of magic snakes, all concentrated on the three eyed man at this time.

"No, I can't bear it. The consumption is too large. Protect me quickly." Three eyed men change color.


Unfortunately, they underestimated Zhang lie.


A mass of evil snakes, such as the rolling Heihe River, are dense and everywhere. They drown the three eyed man, and the blood light rushes up. He is pierced, corrodes the flesh and blood, and screams.

Although others were rescuing and he himself fought hard, there were too many magic snakes, which pierced his vital points. Especially the vertical eye, which hit, had cracked, and the magic snake ran through his head like a sharp sword.

A strong man was killed!

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