Ultragene Warlord

Chapter 2144: 2163

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At the same time, Zhang lie felt his scalp numb. Without thinking about it, he rushed out of the ancient cave and jumped out.


Zhang lie shouted at the front and reminded Luo Jianchi, LAN Jinling and Tan Baizhu to rush out.

Because he had never felt such a palpitation and felt that a great disaster was coming. He had a premonition that he would fall, and his hair stood upright.

Not only him, but also the Dragon girl screamed. She reacted with him and rushed out. Her beautiful pupils were filled with anxiety and shock.

They went hand in hand, escaped together and rushed to Shentai district.

"No... ah!"

On the jade table, the young man with white hair roared and shook his arms, but it was useless. His blood quickly flowed to the shining bone.

At the same time, in the ancient cave, chaotic Qi surged and shot sword Qi one after another to kill the heroes.

Almost in an instant, a piece of people became blood mud and broke on the spot.

That's the peerless sword spirit. Not to mention them, even if the gods come, they will all be killed. It's hard to live.


Zhang lie's back was also hit. If he hadn't been blocked by the law force field, he would have been punctured. It would have been sharp.

"Cough..." Zhang lie coughed a big mouthful of blood. The impact was too strong. Even if he was blocked by a strong field, his bones were about to break, and the whole person smashed forward.


On the jade table higher than the mountain, the white haired youth screamed. His divine blood was sucked out, scattered on the ancient books and splashed on the jade table.


Once the ancient books were shocked, the divine light said that his divine weapons protecting his body were cracked and destroyed there.

"No, I'm not reconciled!" He looked up at the sky and shouted. His white hair danced and his eyes were wide open. He was a young supreme. He was so strong that he was about to fall.

"The sky moves the earth!" He roared and burned, and the breath made everyone tremble.

Even Zhang lie was shocked. He deeply understood how terrible the young supreme is. He absolutely has the strength to surpass the limit of the same realm, which has been sublimated.

This kind of character is absolutely terrible. It is not exaggerated to press all living creatures in the same world.


However, just then, he broke inch by inch, and even the most powerful moves were useless. The whole person exploded with a bang and died.

With a buzzing sound, the ancient book glowed and shrouded in chaos. With a violent earthquake, the ancient cave was even more frightening, and the sword Qi was ten thousand ways.

"Damn it, this is a killing ground. That ancient book is a flag. As soon as you shake it, it will activate this place." The virtual spirit rattan trembled.

This dharma array is so powerful that even it is scared.

However, the only thing to be thankful for is that Zhang lie found the abnormality for the first time, jumped out with the Dragon Girl and left the cave.


Behind him, a lot of screams rang out, one after another. They were all experts, mostly young leaders in the star domain, but they didn't see enough here.

When the sword Qi was swept away, with a misty chaos Qi, it was a piece of human explosion and turned into blood fog.

"Ah, how could this happen?!"

Suddenly. The scream also rang out in front of Zhang lie and the Shentai area had changed. Some people were bound to the ground before they could jump off the Shentai. The blood overflowed wildly. Into the shrine.

"Come on, rush out!" Zhang lie roared.

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Luo Jianchi and LAN Jinling were pale. After they got the voice from Zhang lie, they jumped down from the Shentai for the first time. As soon as they left, that kind of sudden change happened.

They watched the others. Some are extremely powerful celestial arrogants in the astral region. They struggle on the platform, but they are useless. Their bodies are shriveled and their bodies are dry.

The scene was terrible. The blood was out of control and erupted through their pores. On the platform.

Moreover, the living notice a terrible phenomenon, in which there is a law in the blood, the robbed. The laws contained in the body rushed out with the blood.

"It's terrible. Purgatory on earth!"

Tan Baizhu trembled. He stood at the farthest distance and saw everything clearly.

Now, there are almost no living creatures in the ancient cave. When several rounds of sword light sweep, the most powerful group of people are almost destroyed, and only three or four people rush out.

As for Shentai, there were only more than 20 people left, trying their best to flee.

"Go!" Zhang lie's speed is so fast that he surpasses the living people and quickly reaches the outermost area to meet LAN Jinling, Luo Jianchi and Tan Baizhu.

However, the original roads could not be taken, because they had already found that when they came in, those roads were sealed.

"We work together!" The Dragon maiden opened her mouth and flew side by side. She was like a Lingbo fairy, with long water blue hair dancing and hunting clothes. She was very moving.

"Good!" Zhang lie nodded.

They forgot the unhappiness of "dragon ass", because the situation is extremely urgent. This place is very evil and there is definitely a big problem.

The immortal beast move didn't get, but actually triggered the killing array. It's not like leaving good fortune for future generations, but like trying to kill them all.

None of those ancient treasures were obtained, and the divine medicine disappeared for no reason, leaving no opportunities everywhere.

"Count me!" Another man came in the air, also extremely powerful.

"Let's go together!" Then a man with a compass rushed over.

The living people in the rear ran together, and they rushed into a road that had not been closed, which was the living road pointed out by the diviner.

His strength is not strong. Being able to get here and survive the bloody chaos just now is enough to explain some problems and some means.

However, when he set foot on the road he pointed out, he ran out dozens of feet away, and there was a flash of light. It lit up on the road and killed 22 people.

If Zhang lie had followed up just now, he would have died miserably on the spot.

"Sure enough, divination does harm to people. Science is the truth."

As living in the star realm with science as the main body, Zhang lie doesn't believe in this ethereal thing, so he deceives the alien race in the starry sky.

Europe has a fixed value. People can't stay in Europe all the time. It's not once at a critical time. It's just like who just played divination. He died miserably.

Luo Jianchi scolded: "sigh, another time, I'm dying!"

The strength of LAN Jinling, Luo Jianchi and Tan Baizhu is obviously not enough at the moment. If they are careless, they will turn into fly ash.

"Take it!"

Zhang lie rebuked together. The expansion of the law force field shrouded Luo Jianchi, LAN Jinling and Tan Baizhu, and brought the three into the Dragon whale soul jade of natural disaster level. Several people didn't resist. They all knew that it was too dangerous outside, and they were as strong as Zhang lie was also injured.

"What a bloody smell, what a terrible magic land. You see, the blood of these dead people flows to one direction." The diviner was trembling.

When Zhang lie turned back, they were not only the more than 20 people who died on this road, but also the ancient cave just now. Their blood was gathering and flowing in one direction.

"This is a killing game." The Dragon Girl's eyes were cold and bright like a star river.

There's nothing more to say now, only to get out of here first.

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