Ultragene Warlord

Chapter 2188: 2207

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You should know that even Zhang lie can only burst out four different principle properties at the same time for a short time, and the other party can maintain four energy properties.

But soon, Zhang lie found that this was not the case.


The eyes of monstrous creatures suddenly burst into mud, and their bodies are gradually collapsing. They can't last long.

The four energy properties change, even if it is the same as opening and hanging, it is difficult for the other party to maintain.

More than that, there is still war spirit in the body of the metal forging figure, which needs to be suppressed.

This makes the monster's state very unstable. When the monster's state is not stable, Zhang lie burst into action.


Zhang lie killed the past and went all out. To kill this monster and burn everything here.


When the two fought, Zhang lie used all means.

The law of force and destruction is intertwined with the law of force and destruction.

Four kinds of energy burst at the same time.

The monster's virtual shadow radiates black stars all over. Its energy turns into air waves and explodes layer by layer, with the force of rules and space, such as ripples, tides and mud.

Zhang lie couldn't manage so much. He took out his Tibetan sword and burst out his strongest combat effectiveness.

The violent collision made Zhang lie bleed all over and was seriously injured, but the monster also paid a heavy price for hundreds of collisions.

Towering sword - chasing the waves!

The sword light of the stormy waves rushes out, and the sword spirit is bright and shining. It rushes up into the sky. It is as heavy as the earth and turns into a startling sword. It is a sword meaning beyond the understanding of ordinary creatures. It is grand and vast, like a vast mountain, like a raging sea, crossing the ancient and modern times.

This place is shrouded in sword. It's bright and blazing. It's impossible to look directly at it!

This fierce and powerful attack makes people's soul tremble.


Heaven and earth resonate and roar.

The sword is like a rainbow and pierces the sky man.

The monster showed a sharp blade and turned into a hedgehog. The virtual shadow roared behind him, and the sword light erupted thousands of times. Each sword light was like a rough sea, far exceeding the sword meaning of the living creatures

The power of the outbreak can no longer be described by the tsunami. The power of destroying the sky and the earth makes anyone tremble.

The peerless collision broke the surrounding void into pieces. As if Zhang lie didn't need the support of source force, he kept waving the Guizang sword in his hand, which exceeded the sword meaning understood by ordinary creatures. One by one, it was like a divine waterfall.

Any living creature is frightened by it. The sword light is intertwined and collided, shocking people's hearts.

With the violent collision, the energy of the four different characteristics of the monster's body finally couldn't hold up, and ran around in the body. Even the ancient lamp couldn't maintain the four different characteristics.

The monster's body continued to break and explode, and black fog, mud, waves and sharp blades spewed out of the broken body.

Zhang lie seized the opportunity in an instant and broke out suddenly.

Mighty sword - Huanghe River!

The waves are constantly shining in the sword light and turn into a long river. The huge dragon turtle moves forward in the sword light, emitting dark yellow and power. Rendering the long river of sword light into dark yellow is the power to suppress everything.

Every drop of water in the Huanghe River weighs as much as a kilogram. Every drop of water contains a sword light.

The Huanghe River broke through the light curtain of ten thousand swords and collided with the monster. Zhang lie stepped on the river and held the Guizang sword high above his head. The light of the sword rushed into the night and broke thousands of clouds.

With further close confrontation with Zhang lie, the mysterious and monstrous monster finally couldn't hold most of his body and collapsed. Zhang lie waved his sword and cut to end the battle, and then thought or didn't want to. Divine fire intertwined three thousand lines and burned it clean.

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Anyway, he's trying to erase the trace. Avoid all leakage of yourself, start to clean up the black fog and cut into the ancient lamp in the void.


Zhang lie drank loudly, holding the sword of returning to Tibet, ascended to the sky and split the ancient lamp.

It emits a strange light, drips and turns, and the wick is brighter, reflecting Zhang lie's flesh and blood, making him seem transparent.

Even the deepest part of Zhang lie's body contains a huge force of time, and the particles entangled with the spirit are illuminated by it.

Towering sword · Huanghai!

The dark yellow source force is scattered into a mud wave, which traps it. Four stone tablets surround it in four directions of southeast and northwest.

The four stone tablets vibrated violently, and the inscriptions glowed and complemented each other, forming a field of time stagnation.

Dark yellow waves galloped past, setting off waves one after another. It was not waves, but dragons and turtles swimming in the mud.

The dark yellow source is like an abyss, swallowing the ancient lamp.

Ancient lamps are indeed extraordinary, reflecting strangeness and light, and resisting the influence of stone tablets and source forces at the same time.

The strange light dripped and turned, and the wick became brighter, reflecting the flesh and blood of the whole body, making him seem transparent.

Even the soul sea in the depths of the soul, as well as the Dragon Sword played by the deepest fish dragon nine changes in the body, also appeared and was illuminated by it.

However, there is a soul sea guard. The soul jade in the soul sea is not reflected by the ancient lamp.

The last time it came suddenly, Zhang lie didn't observe it carefully. It was really unexpected that the soul sea had the power to deceive the reflection of the ancient lamp.

What the ancient lamp can steal is only Zhang lie's soul jade effect. As for the deepest secret hidden in the soul sea, I can't see it at all.

Zhang lie did not intend to use the stone tablet and source force to deal with the ancient lamp. He was waiting for the same thing to happen again.

Sure enough, the ancient lamp trembled and dimmed. It went away at a high speed, as if it was alert to something wrong.

With the sound of "brush", a light flew out of the body, dived forward and caught up with the ancient lamp.

A crisp sound came, and the lamp cut open two sections. The next moment, it turned into powder.

The last time the beam was too fast and came too suddenly. Even if it rushed out of the body, Zhang lie didn't pay special attention. Repeat the last time, Zhang lie finally saw what it was that rushed out of the body.

When he knew what rushed out of his body, Zhang lie couldn't help being silent.

The real body of the light beam rushed out of the body, which is the time to condense the dragon sword at the eighth change of the ninth change of Yulong!

At the same time, with a dragon's chant, the sword light crisscrossed here and wiped out all the residual black fog, leaving nothing behind.

"What's the matter?" The Impatiens came and asked.

Zhang lie shook his head and said without thinking any more: "there should be no ominous things happening."

The Impatiens asked, "what was that just now?"

Zhang lie said, "who knows."

He hesitated a little, rushed over and came to 3000 Qingshi road. He saw a huge black crack in the void, like a grand canyon.

It's different from the last time.

The last time Zhang lie was injured, he was too heavy to move forward and finally missed the opportunity.

This time, although Zhang lie was also injured, after all, the opponent is himself in a sense. He is very powerful when his moves and skills are at their best.

If the other party is not manipulated by something, but a complete self, not to mention the other two, Zhang lie has no confidence to defeat the guy who is made of war-torn metal

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