Ultragene Warlord

Chapter 2231: 2250

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"After killing the fallen son of God, I kept going and wanted to kill another young Supreme Master, Zhang Yanyang... As expected, I was extremely domineering!"

The crowd was amazed and noisy.

As for the outside world, the edge of no man's land.

All forces and alien races in the starry sky were also shocked and stared at the picture reflected from the virtual field of the starry sky in surprise.

In Honghao's school, everyone looked ugly and nervous, and watched everything closely. No one has ever thought that the young Supreme Master has such a dangerous moment. His fate is out of control and depends on the actions of others.

"Honghao, leave or take that step!"

Some people in his school are praying secretly. If they say it, it will cause an uproar. Even the young and supreme school has changed. Has the world really changed?

It can only be said that Zhang Yanyang is too powerful. His appearance has triggered all kinds of upheavals and waves!

This is an ancient land, where the clouds are flourishing, the mountains are shrouded in thin smoke, and the energy is dense and curling up.

Deep in the mountains, an ancient cave spews out chaotic gas.

In the void, a light door flickered. Zhang lie and Impatiens walked out and ran straight to the ancient cave.

"Dharma array guard!" Virtual god vine road.

Zhang lie nodded, but did not stop. Holding the Tianluo immortal knife, he cut forward with great force. In the click sound, the mountain collapsed, the peak was flattened and the Dharma array was split.

This is a kind of violent beauty. Zhang lie's arm is wrapped around a law God chain, waving the blade, invincible, all obstacles become powder, and all are destroyed.

This is the strength after taking that step. Every move is a powerful blow. Coupled with the terror of the knife tire, nothing can block his way.


Zhang lie cut out with a knife, and the ancient cave burst open. He strode in.

"Honghao, come out!"


In the ancient cave, chaotic fog filled the air and surged violently. A figure rushed in, holding the pagoda in his hand, breaking out unparalleled terrible laws and suppressing forward.

"No, the Dharma array is being opened. Stop him!" Xu ShenTeng cried. He is a great expert in this way and is the most sensitive.

In the ancient cave, the figure flies, the moves bloom, the rules are dense, and the terror is incomparable.

Zhang lie, alone with his sword, struck forward with a clanging sound. He cut out endless divine patterns and swept the enemy in front.


The pagoda was broken by him, and the figure was cut into several sections by him.

"Just a puppet."

Without stopping, Zhang lie rushed into the depths of the ancient cave, shook the blade, and gave the sharpest blow.


He not only smashed the array, but also cut open the void, and many knife lights rushed in.


Unfortunately, it was still a step late. Finally, only one blood spilled out of the void. Honghao disappeared and left with an injury.

"What a pity." Zhang lie shook his head.

The Impatiens didn't know what to say. One day, LianZhan and two young dignitaries killed the fallen god son and scared Honghao back. These achievements are enough to look up to the past and the present.

"He was very calm. He knew that the fallen god son had repaired the law God chain, but he still lost. He knew that he would be defeated and retreated decisively." Virtual god vine road.

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"We are rich, we are rich, many sacred things!"

On the ground, there are piles of herbs, all of which are holy herbs and semi divine fruits. It's amazing.

In addition, there are all kinds of ancient books, valuable books, and all kinds of thoughts of ancient talents.

"Wow, there are also divine pills. There are several, but they are amazing!" The Impatiens took out four crystal balls, each of which was sealed with a bright pill.

"It was refined from a divine medicine."

When the young supreme recluse, there is a lot of movement, which may semi destroy himself, just as Zhang lie burned his body with three thousand divine fires, breaking his body every time. Therefore, some important things cannot be put on the body, otherwise they may be destroyed together.

Thus, this time, Zhang lie and them copied one and took away Honghao's family background.

There are countless good things here. There are so many that people are jealous and excited just looking at it. After all, this belongs to a young supreme!

"With these, you can safely shut down and repair the second law God chain." Even Zhang lie was very happy and excited. He was full of beautiful things and gained too much.

Deep in the ancient cave, Baoguang is surging, Ruixia is Zhanzhan, and Tiancai and Dibao are piled into pieces.

"What is this? Isn't it... That kind of soil?" Xu ShenTeng's voice trembled, and the half remnant herb was shaking violently, and quickly approached the earthen basin,.

It is a ceramic basin, not very large, light purple. The soil in it is very strange, like sand. It is crystal clear and misted with wisps of fog.

It was the essence of heaven and earth, but it was not scattered by the earth, but gathered from all directions and disappeared into the sandy soil, making it shine.

Without saying a word, Xu ShenTeng plunged into it and couldn't find it out. He didn't go away.

A group of people gathered around. Seeing that Xu ShenTeng was so excited, they felt very strange and didn't know what it was.

The Impatiens stretched out a slender hand, put it in the soil and felt it carefully. For a moment, it was full of brilliance, and the soil was thin and colorful, which made one of her arms transparent.

"All things earth!"

The earth of all things is not so much earth as the origin of heaven and earth, which can nourish all things. The most amazing!

Anything placed in it can keep it from decay. vivid.

Even, some people say that this is the earth for burying immortals. There is a legend that if the supreme creatures die, if they are buried in this earth and buried for endless years, they will recover one day. Live again.

Of course, planting living plants and trees will have a better effect!

"It is worthy of being the young Supreme Master who once participated in the starry void and reached the peak. Even this kind of thing can be found and collected around." The Phoenix sighed that Honghao's collection is too rich.

Several people nodded in agreement.

The young supreme who once participated in the starry void and reached the peak. Not only did the school give God treasure, but also was the protagonist of heaven and earth in an era. The "tianzang" obtained was amazing, no less than that given by the school.

"Richer than the descendants of the ancient immortal hall, beyond imagination!" Even Zhang lie sighed.

"Can you give it to me?" Xu ShenTeng whispered.

"Here you are." Zhang lie waved his hand and said that although the earth of all things is magical and precious, it is of little use to him.

Don't get excited, cheer up.

"Look carefully and don't miss anything." Said the impatiens.

The young and supreme collection is amazing. Any negligence may miss any great opportunity.

Finally, they left with a full load of joy.

Outside, there is no peace. Zhang lie's killing of the fallen son of God and chasing after Hong Hao spread in some small worlds, causing great waves.

In a pure land, energy curls, mist and haze misty

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