Ultragene Warlord

Chapter 2266: 2285

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In the thunderous roar of the dragon, the star river became a piece, countless Milky Ways cut through the sky, the star dragons scattered, and hundreds of star dragons surged out, waving their fists one by one.

The sound of stars exploding in the sky rang one after another. The darkness disappeared. The storm destroyed everything and almost drowned the whole battlefield.

This is a great war, a world-class struggle for hegemony!

They were killed to madness and blood splashed.

Zhang lie pulls out the sword for returning to Tibet. The sword light is waved and the sword intention is in the air.

Although the evil Saint Dean is powerful and unparalleled, he will still be killed. When he wants to revive with the help of immortal Phoenix, Zhang lie will kill again.

Mighty sword - Styx River

The temperature drops to the freezing point in an instant. The cold wind blows, and the black snowflakes float in the air, like a mysterious hell.

When a sword comes out, it is like the hell devil door is opened. The sword Gang instantly turns into the river of the terrible star, the dark river of the underworld is crisscross in the sky, and countless bloody starlights are intertwined. Take a closer look, it is not water and source power that make up the dark river of the underworld, but thousands of dark magic snakes.

The abyss of each ghost demon snake is dark, like a dark night, with stars in it. Each ghost demon snake is a small star river, intertwined with dense ghost demon snakes, as if in the yellow spring across the sky, guiding the dead soul into the sky and taking it away from the earth by the river of stars and ghosts.

Zhang lie's long sword fell, and the river of Xingming fell to the earth.

As soon as the dean of the fallen Saint reorganized his flesh and blood, he was pierced by thousands of nether demons and snakes. He didn't give the dean of the fallen saint the opportunity to give full play to his combat effectiveness.

Towering sword - dark sea

The dark source force is like an abyss, more like the boundless universe. The starlight scattered in the dark source force is intoxicating.

The stars are dotted in the sky. The night turns into a roaring and furious sea. The strong wind makes the surging tide. The back waves push the front waves. Rows of black tides rush around. The sound is like thunder, the potential is like millions of heavenly horses, and the stars fly through the sky like meteors. The stars shake, and the whole star map is constantly changing.

Dark waves galloped past in unison, and the night sky set off waves one after another. The stars wriggled, and the night became layered. The aurora covered the sky, like a beautiful veil on the sky.

From a distance, it looks like countless roaring star dragons tumbling. The dark dragon seems to be the embodiment of the star river. The whole night sky is surging and thundering.

The stars and Dragons roam, the Black Sea and thunder forest are intertwined, and the aurora lasts for three thousand miles. It is so beautiful that people are intoxicated.

When a sword comes out, millions of stars vibrate, the sword Gang transits, and terror sweeps across the dark sea. The black sword light is like a roaring black dragon. The sword intention is surging and surging. The sword potential is like an aurora changing. The sword strength is like a hundred ghosts walking at night, and the sword spirit is like a thousand ghosts wailing. The bright sword awn is like countless meteors across the night sky. The sword Qi rippling the stars.

The whole night sky changes, and millions of stars and Dragons fall down from the sky. It is no longer described by rough waves. It is the legendary flood that broke a hole in the sky and destroyed the world.

The sea breeze blew a sharp "horn", and the Xinglong seemed to be thousands of brave soldiers, attacking fiercely and shouting loudly.

Millions of stars and Dragons drowned the evil Saint Dean in the sea and tore up the flesh and blood.

Suddenly, the blood was shining, the Phoenix chirped and moved the sky, and the blood color law flashed by. The blood turned into a real Phoenix and rushed out with the broken flesh and blood of the fallen Saint Dean.

"Monstrous sword · dragon bite!"

The Guizang sword stabs out and cuts out a star dragon sword gang.


The huge dragon roared and shocked the earth. The sword Gang stabbed out, rolled up the remaining energy to explode the star sea, turned into a huge star dragon, crossed the sky and smashed the blood and flesh of the evil Saint Dean.

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Cut off the river!

The collapse of mountains and rivers condenses on the sword body, and the pale sword light rises into the sky. The source force is injected into the sword light for thousands of kilometers. The sword light is dazzling like the scorching sun, and the light reflects the whole world.

The momentum of the collapse spread in a circle.

The huge pale sword light lit up the whole high platform. With the falling of the sword light, the heaven and earth shook, and the mountains and rivers seemed to collapse. The newly reconstructed Dean of fallen evil saint was cut in half again.

Time is like a sword

As time goes by, time and space flow. Zhang lie's long sword stabs out and turns into a streamer. The speed is amazing.

The sword of returning to Tibet turns ten thousand into one, and the sword light all over the sky falls like a rainstorm, turning the evil Saint Dean into meat foam.

But the dean of the fallen evil saint was still reconstructing and killed several times. Zhang lie roared, took out a light knife, and Shengsheng cut a knife at the reconstructed Dean of the fallen evil saint.

The sun and moon light array is on!

A burning dark sun appeared behind Zhang lie, and a bloody moon stepped under his feet. Under the reflection of the dark sun and the blood moon, Zhang lie's momentum rose several times, and a round of light of the dark sun appeared on his head. The power of rules staggered like a large array.

The blood moon at the foot also showed rules, and formed a strange array between them.

The evil Saint Dean became weak, the swords were staggered, the light of blood moon was integrated into the sword, and the power of black sun was integrated into the sword.

The light of blood moon looms and appears from time to time, and the fire of black Yang alternates between increasing and burning, and the illusion and reality are constantly exchanged.

The blood moon sword in the left hand and the black Yang Sword in the right hand are intertwined with the light and shadow of the sword. Fantasy and reality alternate. Chaos and order turn into a big net and envelop the evil Saint Dean.

Heaven eating nine sabres · sea breaking sabres!

Zhang lie's eyes are cold, holding a light knife and sweeping across all directions. A terrible breath of the knife fills the air. The light of the knife is like the waves churning, and the meaning of the knife is surging. The blade is surging and turbulent, and the force of the knife is vast and surging. It turns into a tsunami tearing the sky and the earth, drowning and swallowing all things.

He attacked many times and turned the evil Saint Dean into a lump. I don't know how many times, but his resurrection ability is too bug.

There are no undead people, but their own strength or vitality are recovering at a great cost.

After being killed so many times, if you were a normal person, you would have belched fart long ago.

Unfortunately, Zhang lie is not facing people, but the brand of the past. With the support of the energy of the way to heaven, the dean of the fallen saint can support an almost unlimited resurrection.

Looking at the rising Dean of the fallen saint, the student was frightened and asked, "can't this be killed?"

That's not a bug?

Even Zhu huojie was puzzled and couldn't see a reason for it for a moment.

"Hey, in fact, the road to heaven was not like that before. It's all because the previous generation of president wanted to brand himself at the last level. It's not that we don't know our strength. The president and I can't drag that guy. We can only give up. The road to heaven of this generation is definitely the most difficult and can't pass." An old man appeared quietly in the crowd.

Originally, the last level of the road to heaven was not so difficult, and the dean of the evil saint should not be so difficult to kill, but when the two interact, there will be bug consequences.

Seeing the old man, Zhu huojie and other gods were shocked and saluted: "vice president."

All the people present did not expect that Zhang lie's trip to heaven had startled the god dragon who saw the first but not the last.

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