Ultragene Warlord

Chapter 2388: 2409

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Suddenly the earth shook and the ground was torn apart. Zhou Ying and the spirit hurriedly went out to check and saw dozens of ragged people from the crack.

"Elder brother, the people of the elves hide here."

The earth was suddenly torn apart and the elves became flustered.

"Damn it, it's the star thief. They found it."

The elves quickly organized soldiers to launch an offensive to stop star thieves from capturing the elves.

However, among the star thieves, there are the strong ones in the true divine realm. The elf soldiers are not opponents at all. Instead, they are caught in their hands.

"Brother, let me enjoy it first. These elves are soft hippies. It makes my mouth water." A head full of tentacles, like a slug, with saliva flowing out of his mouth.

Saliva drips on the ground and makes a nourishing sound. Saliva is acidic and melts the ground instantly. The spirit entangled by tentacles makes a scream of fear.

"Don't hurt it. These are precious goods. The elves can sell at a good price in the black market." The big brother with one eye.

"Come on."

Brother one eyed shouted, "find the wives of those people in the elf family. Remember not to kill their husbands. Leader Lei wants to use them."

Looking at the harmonious elves, it suddenly became a purgatory on earth. The quiet underground town turned into a chaotic battlefield. There were burning, killing and looting all around. Zhou Ying could have stayed away, but she really couldn't bear it.

"Qingmu holy body, Qianlong prison days!"

The power of nature was completely released, and the earth shook constantly. In an instant, thousands of bright golden wooden dragons stretched out underground.

Criss cross the underground world and catch the star thieves in an instant.

The wooden dragon is extremely tough, and the star thief is difficult to break free, but not everyone is like this.


With a clear sound, the wooden dragon broke and the wood chips splashed. It was the one eyed brother.

"I didn't expect you to exist in the elf family. You must be able to sell at a good price." Brother one eyed greedily looked at Zhou Ying.

Sky cutting blade · void cutting!

Zhou Ying made a stroke with her hand. The black blade cut through the void. Brother one eyed quickly turned his head and the eye band fell off, revealing the underground hole of the eye mask.

Brother one eyed was sweating. He couldn't see how Zhou Ying shot. He didn't react until the attack fell. If Zhou Ying's previous attack deviated by another point, half of his head would be cut off.

"I can see you're not an elf, are you?" Brother one eyed was not arrogant at once. He hurriedly said, "things here have nothing to do with you. Don't ask for trouble."

"It's up to me whether it's trouble or not." Zhou Ying waved her hand, and the golden leaves were flying all over the sky. Each leaf was like a sharp blade tearing the space. Brother one eyed quickly fought against it.

Ding Ding!

The sound of metal collision keeps ringing, and the golden leaves are besieged in all directions. Brother one eyed can only defend hard.

"Ah, how could this happen?!"

Suddenly. The scream also sounded in front. The surrounding wooden dragons tightened up, and the vitality was forcibly extracted from the star robber. The wooden dragons quickly grew branches and leaves.

"Brother, help me." Life was extracted and asked for help from brother one eyed.

Brother one eyed looked ugly and said, "if we die here, the thunder will never let you go."

"Plundering so many people, it's time to experience the feeling of being plundered." Zhou Ying didn't mean to stop and continued to draw the life of star robbers.

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One eyed brother can only watch others. He struggled on the wooden dragon, but it was useless. His body shriveled and his body dried up. Finally, he integrated with the wooden dragon and turned into a tree

The one eyed brother roared angrily and cultivated the trees with star stealing life. The trees glowed and the leaves danced.

Cultivate trees with star thief's life and turn it into part of Zhou Ying's attack on brother one eyed.

Trees pour life into the earth, and the ground rises, like a giant dragon crawling underground.

"Green wood holy body, ten thousand dragons imprison the sky!"

Huge wooden dragons rose up one after another, with at least tens of thousands. The increase was not just the number. The thick wooden dragons were three times larger than before. The bark of the wooden dragons was black and gave off a metallic luster, trapping the violent one eyed brother in an instant.

Brother one eyed kept struggling, and the wooden dragons wound up one after another.

No matter how many pieces brother one eyed smashes, they will keep pouring out of the ground under the perfusion of his brother's vitality and the mixed power of Zhou Ying's life and the power of nature.

In the face of wooden dragons emerging from the ground one after another, he couldn't walk away. Finally, brother one eyed was unable to struggle. He was entangled by wooden dragons one after another, wrapped layer after layer, and trapped in wooden pupae.

Wood pupae grow branches and leaves, and hundreds of wooden dragons are intertwined. They grow madly and turn into a towering tree in the twinkling of an eye.

The rescued Elves were stunned. Zhou Ying thought the elves would be afraid and wanted to leave quietly, but she didn't expect the elves to kneel down one by one.

"Welcome the return of the Lord."

Zhou Ying was at a loss.

The spirit who led the way before saw Zhou Ying confused and took the initiative to explain: "this is not the Lord, but the saint of the Lord."

After being explained, the Elves were even more excited: "the Lord has not abandoned us, his saints have come to rescue us."

A group of elves rushed towards Zhou Ying excitedly. She couldn't stand the fanatical elves. She jumped out of the crowd and tore away from the previous star thief.

After leaving the elves' residence, Zhou Ying was about to set off towards the center of luanxing district.

Just didn't walk long, I felt the smell of familiarity. I saw an elf family in front of me, holding a long box in my hand.

Zhou Ying recognized that it was one of the elves who led the way.

The spirit panted and said, "I finally caught up with you. You ran too fast. I took a few shortcuts to catch up with you."

The elves have lived in this land for a long time. They know better than Zhou Ying. There are a large number of tunnels under the ground.

"I won't be your Savior." Zhou Ying frowned.

"This is what the big secretary asked me to give you. He said you would be useful." The elf handed the green box in his hand.

The green wooden box is like wrapping leaves layer after layer, with the smell of ancient times and strong power of life on it. Not to mention what's inside, the box alone is invaluable on the outside.

Zhou Ying frowned and opened it. A strong smell of life and nature came to her face. Even with his full strength, he could not send out the power of life and nature of this level.

Zhou Ying just opened the box and knew whether there were many things in it.

Because of this, Zhou Ying wondered more about what medicine the Elves were selling in the gourd.

The soil in the wooden box is not very big. It is very strange, like sand. It is crystal clear and misty.

It was the essence of heaven and earth, but it was not scattered by the earth, but gathered from all directions and disappeared into the sandy soil, making it shine.

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