Ultragene Warlord

Chapter 2437: 2455

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Cut off the head, the spirit rushed into the night, and the ominous spirit fused with itself. This creature was like an incarnation as the carrier of all ominous. The other two creatures were fixed in place, and the ominous and black fog fused, using the most powerful blow.

Wave fist · hundred dragon dance!

Originally, it was extremely gray here. Now the lead clouds are pouring in, like the night, the black fog rolling, and the darkness enveloping the earth. Everything is swallowed up by the darkness, and everything in front of us loses its light, like an ominous swallowing the earth.

Hundreds of black dragons pierced the void, as if the end had come.


The roar of thunder cuts into the sky. Zhang lie is still fearless in the face of hundreds of black dragons.

He soared to the sky and stood in the dark void. He let the black dragons interweave. Even if the darkness came to this heaven and earth, the world would usher in the end, and he would not change his intention of war.

Zhang lie slapped one hand into the air, and the other slapped the figure forged from metal to repel it.

He chose to fight hard and didn't avoid it at all.

In the void, the ominous darkness can not replace the light in the end. This palm shocked the world and made the void collapse.

A huge beam of light, huge and incomparably thick, rushed up into the sky. It was the gathering of stars.

"Boom, boom!"

The aurora breaks through the black dragons and rushes straight to the top of the sky. The dark power continues to explode in the sky. The ominous fog fills the air and devours vitality. The aurora lights up the night, and the starlight lights up the black clouds, bringing light to the dark submerged world.

The palm was more powerful. With the imperial power, he broke the ant soul jade and hit the creature.

Zhang lie is confident that any star sky arrogance will turn into meat mud on the spot.

But Zhang lie can hardly believe that in the next moment, if the surging power of the devil like figure erupts in the body, the blood lines spread on the body surface, and the power of the world erupts in the body. Like the arrival of the God of the world, this palm shocked the world and collapsed the void.

"Emperor level divine power destroys the soul jade of termites!!!!"

Zhang lie almost screamed out that it was a unique equipment of the gene world, which appeared on the ominous existence in front of him.

Pure power smashes the starlight, and all the expenses in Hu Li are smashed by one palm.

In previous battles, Zhang lie repeatedly broke the law with his strength. On the basis of his powerful body, he broke the extreme strength of ant soul jade with imperial divine power, and burst out beyond the extreme strength to smash everything.

I didn't expect that one day, people would smash their moves with extreme strength.

The headless monster is covered with black gold. Its body expands dozens of times and grows dragon claws. It is surrounded by dark stars and dark fog.

"No, not soul jade."

Zhang lie soon found that the headless monster didn't emit the fluctuation of soul jade, but a change similar to that of soul jade. It obviously imitated the effect of emperor level divine power breaking ant soul jade and Emperor level Aurora star dragon soul jade. The reinforcement is obviously far from each other. It has a certain improvement, but it has its type.

It is probably equivalent to the effect produced by the superposition of double soul jade of natural disaster level soul jade and monarch level soul jade.

The headless monster rushed towards Zhang lie.

"You always use wave fist and silence. It's almost my turn!"

Wave fist · silence

Dark yellow fist force, heavy bombardment, chaotic gravity, enough to crush everything.


The forces collided with each other, and the void was shattered. The invisible gravity lines spread in the void, intertwined like cobwebs, and covered all the roads. He fought hard. As a result, he coughed up blood and flew up.

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Zhang lie shouted, his eyes like two real dragons.

Wave fist · extinction!

The giant dark dragon turtle, carrying the stars, hit the headless monster.

The power of this blow is extremely strong. It seems that there is a starry universe on the turtle shell, which is dazzling, and the aurora illuminates the sky.


The headless monster condensed into a sword with black fog and burst into a shocking sword, but it was forcibly smashed by the Dragon turtle and people with a sword, and its body exploded into a rain of blood and turned into a pool of meat mud.

"One and a half left!" The old man was very excited and excited. He was going to succeed and defeated the ominous and strange.

The figure forged from metal moved and sent out wisps of black light one after another. Each black light was a sharp blade. He shot recklessly, and the man who was killed half his life and his body was broken. The faint blue light also got up and shot here.

"It's over!"

Zhang lie drank heavily and his body glowed. Under his control, he carried a huge dark dragon turtle with stars and ran into them.

The black sharp blade hits it and makes a sound of metal collision, but it can't hurt the dark black dragon turtle.


The figure made of metal roared to the sky, and the magic soldiers behind him shook violently, making the sound of gold and iron.

All he saw was a bronze fortress in the sky, and all he saw was a lonely devil standing in front of him.

It's not like a vision burst out of the will. It's more like resonating with the history of the other party and peeping into the future.

It seems that the figure forged by metal is rendered by the war spirit. The magic soldiers regain their luster of the year, and the light shines like burning. The magic soldiers burst out a scorching high temperature, and the bronze green rust on it was burned out.


The figure forged from metal roared in pain, punched on the chest, and the magic soldiers flew out of the back, turning into streamers with unparalleled edge. The hard dragon Turtle was penetrated by the sharp magic soldiers.

At the next moment, the dark yellow mud like force blew up, including gravity and the power to suppress everything, crushed everything, and spread in all directions like a sea roar.


The men in the dark blue light were flesh and blood blurred. Although they were not dead, they all flew upside down. Their bones were broken, and no piece of meat was complete.

The divine gene chain rushed out and broke it down with a pop.

This place is quiet. There is blood on the bluestone road. It's not black. It's actually bright red. It looks full of vitality.

The figure of metal structure still stands in the impact of dark yellow mud, and the whole body glows. It appears again. The previous headless monster also changes. The figure of metal structure turns dragon, grows dragon claws and dragon scales, and the golden body turns black gold. With the light of black gold, it erupts like a shining sun.

The metallic phase energy erupted, and the sky * * now has a dense number of black gold sharp blades, with a number of at least millions. On each sharp blade, it seems that there are stars flowing, sharp edges, anger and unwillingness turn into a long roar and shake the sky.

I don't know if it's Zhang lie's illusion. The metal figure has some different emotions in his eyes.

What I saw earlier is clearer. The figure of metal structure wants to protect everything, but in the face of the enemies all over the world, even if he is unparalleled in courage and combat power, he is still powerless and can only watch his former comrades die one by one.

It seems to tell Zhang lie that the future is full of despair.

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