Ultragene Warlord

Chapter 354: 0356

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The stupidest thing in the world is that everyone wakes up and I'm drunk alone!

Mousse family, big and young mousco angrily threw his wine glass to the ground.

"Mustard can't even solve the two lost dogs of the Hong family, and mustafara is useless. Doesn't he know how important eclipse of the moon is to the mustard family?"

After getting the news from the starwarehouse, Musco jumped with anger.

There is no news in Taka that can hide the ears and eyes of the mousse family. The mousse family knew the news not long after Zhang lie settled the matter.

But just then, someone suddenly rushed in: "big and small, bad, big and small, bad!"

Musco frowned: "what's wrong? Just take two dogs and catch them back!"

The old housekeeper of the mousse family rushed in. He worked for the mousse family for more than 50 years and watched Musco grow up from an early age.

He gasped and shouted: "Zhang lie, extreme martial arts school, sent a reward order to reward our mousse family. There has been a lot of noise on the Internet. Take a look!"

"Reward order?"

Musco opened the optical network and soon found the reward order of the Muse family.

However, after seeing the reward order, he was not angry at all. Instead, he laughed and said, "ha ha ha, this Zhang lie is really interesting!"

"He won't think of himself as the God of blue star. He wants to move our mousse family with a reward. He's ignorant!"

The old housekeeper was stunned and reminded, "young master, I think you'd better pay more attention!"

"Zhang lie may not be as good as you, but the extreme gene medicine he developed is really powerful. In the face of large enough interests, many things can be

"All right, stop talking!" Moscow interrupted the old housekeeper: "I know what you said. It's time for me to move my bones after a long time of inaction. I didn't expect that this guy dared to bump into us and offer a reward without waiting for us to find him trouble."

"Young master, you want to..."

"Take my people to the earth leveling extreme martial arts school." Musco waved his arms and shouted.

However, as soon as he said this, the gate was knocked open again.

This time, the visitor was covered in blood and had a wound on his face. As soon as he entered the door, he shouted sadly, "big and small, run, big and small, big things are bad. Many people in black rushed in and killed everyone!"


Before Musco could be surprised, a sharp blade suddenly appeared on the chest of the man who entered the door.

A knife ran through the man who had just reported the news, and the man's head disappeared with a flash of cold light.

The next moment, a man in black came in: "Musco, right? Someone wants to buy your head."

Everyone came into his room and killed in front of him. Muskeaton was stunned: "you... You are the shadow of!"

Federal first killer organization - shadow!

Musco shuddered and said, "wait, what price does the other party offer? I'll give you double! No, three times! Ten times!"

"Can you afford two extreme gene drugs?"

Extreme gene medicine!?

"I'll give you money, a lot of money!"

"Sorry, there is no market for this thing. You can't buy it with money!"

At this point, the killer sneered and raised his sword.

But at this moment, a cold light suddenly shot Musco from the side!

The killer was so angry that he immediately turned back and smashed the cold light, turned his head and looked into the shadow on the left: "Feidu, what do you mean!"

In the shadow, a man in the same black came out: "there are so many lineages in the mousse family, and there is one less dead. Of course, whoever kills belongs to whom."

At the moment when the two murderers argued over the ownership of the booty, a huge smoke burst out in the room. The old housekeeper carefully approached musko: "young master, come this way!"

Musko was elated: "sure enough, you have to rely on Uncle Li at the critical moment!"

As a big family, it is bound to make a lot of enemies in the process of rising. The mousse family naturally thought about crisis response when building their mansion.

No matter where the mousse family residence is, there must be an escape secret transmission array underground.

The old housekeeper took Musco into the secret way, and the two killers found that something bad happened.

After entering the secret way, the transmission array was close at hand. Muske was relieved and said, "Uncle Li, thanks to you with me this time, otherwise I would die!"

"Shadow, wait. When I escape from here, they and Zhang lie will pay a heavy price..."


Before musko finished speaking, he suddenly felt a cold in his chest and suddenly spewed out blood.

Touching his chest, he found that his palm was full of blood. It was incredible that he turned his head and looked at the old housekeeper.

At this moment, Uncle Li, the housekeeper, had a silver knife in his hand, which pierced his heart.

"Why... Do you... Do you want extreme genetic drugs, too!"

The old housekeeper is not only his housekeeper, but he has followed him since childhood, through countless difficulties, frustrated, painful, helpless and happy in the family.

But no matter what happened, the old housekeeper always kept by his side diligently. In a sense, Musco had regarded him as half of his father and the person he trusted most.

"You're not a gene warrior... You want extreme gene potion... What do you do?"

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The old housekeeper looked sad: "I'm sorry... Young master, they caught my granddaughter and asked me to exchange your head!"

"You know, I have only such a granddaughter left. For the sake of my hard work for the family for 50 years, you can die at ease!"

"Don't worry, when my granddaughter grows up, I'll come down to accompany you immediately!"

At this point, the old housekeeper twisted and pulled the silver knife in his hand, which broke musko's heart in an instant.

Musco couldn't understand why a small potion could make the world crazy.

In fact, this truth is very simple. Gemstones themselves are just stones. Why do they sell at sky high prices? Because human beings have given meaning.

What's more, extreme gene medicine can increase the upper limit of 50 points for humans.

You can easily surpass the upper limit of others' value.

Coupled with the various deification of people who have used drugs, extreme gene drugs are now more than all in people's mind.

There is a saying in Economics: when goods are in circulation, they will produce value.

Through a small reward order, the "value" of extreme gene medicine instantly doubled several times or even dozens of times.

In the past, people talked about how much a genetic agent was worth.

But now, when people talk about it, how many heads does a genetic agent need, and what strength is the owner of these heads.

How difficult is it to hunt.

The whole universe was boiling with a reward order from the extreme martial arts school, and the era of all people hunting "Mu" suddenly came.

You have strength and are not afraid to violate federal laws. You can directly hunt and kill members of the mousse family in this world.

You have no strength and are afraid of being punished by federal law. You can also sell intelligence on the Internet and get a valuable reward.

At this moment, the matter of the mousse family and extreme martial arts school is being talked about in the streets and alleys of all planets and countries of the Galactic Federation.

"Lying trough, the peripheral bounty order has been improved again. Providing accurate information about members of the mousse family branch can get one million federal new coins."

"I'm rich. I'm rich. Laifu, let me release all the guild members. We can't eat meat. We can drink some soup!"

The reward order is different from the reward order. The reward order is a reward order issued by Zhang lie for extreme gene potion.

As for the bounty order, it is something released by several consortia and even some powerful families and organizations in order to collect intelligence.

Each planet and region are different. The main members, branches and collateral families of the mousse family offered a reward, as well as the information of all members of the mousse family.

This information can be identity, such as illegitimate children!

It can also be a potential secret gathering place, such as various secretly controlled affiliated families of the mousse family!

As long as they provide effective intelligence, they can get corresponding monetary rewards.

Of course, it's usually leftover here.

After all, the information about the main members and the direct family members of the mousse family can't be found by ordinary people.

In the era of full name hunting, in the black market on some planets, some people have regarded the head of the mousse family as a hard currency.

Masked Museo hurried down the alley. Today he has killed three waves of assassins.

Since Zhang lie issued the reward order three days ago, Museo has been attacked by dozens of assassins. If it were not for the strength of the God of war at the end of the third world, his head would have been taken away.

If he scolded Zhang lie, he didn't know he had scolded thousands of times. Now he has become numb and even said he accepted his life.

After several hard work, he finally escaped the chase again and came to a secret pub.

After three days of running for his life, musao has learned that it is best not to fight hunters unless necessary.

Because once entangled, there will be a second wave, a third wave and a fourth wave of hunters coming, and the support is endless.

If you have to do it, you can only solve it as quickly as possible.

In the dilapidated taverns, there are usually some reward offering criminals and wanted criminals mixed with good and bad people. One of the main reasons for musao's coming is to have a rest, the other is to change his identity and escape to a further place.

Once proud of the mousse family identity, after Zhang lie offered a reward, it became a rat that everyone shouted and beat, which completely became a burden.

"The sleeping trough has been raised again, and the bounty order has been raised again. Now you can accurately provide information about members of a mousse family branch, and you can get up to two million federal new coins!"

"Two million! My mother, the mousse family is over!"

"It's more than over. It's hopeless. Who can't be offended? I dare to provoke extreme martial arts school Zhang lie!"

"How about the four strong families in the galaxy? What will happen to the wing family in the end? The mousse family doesn't count B at what level. It should!"

"Alas, I wish I could see an important member of the mousse family. How much does a limit gene potion cost now?"

"Money? Look at your promise. What is price without market, do you understand?"

The tavern was full of talk, and the content made mouseo's face a little paler.

Sitting in front of the bar and ordering a glass of wine and steak, he slipped out a federal letter card: "I need a new identity and a shuttle ticket to Odin."

Odin is a remote planet just discovered by the Galactic Federation. It hasn't had time to open the wormhole yet. Naturally, it can't use the transmission device, so we can only take the shuttle.

However, he heard the noise in the tavern.

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