Ultragene Warlord

Chapter 510: 0515

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There are three gates in the secret storehouse, namely golden gate, silver gate and gem gate.

The silver door has been opened.

The silver gate represents the silver of knowledge. It stores the research secrets of the star Luo emperor, the research of soul elements, and even the refining method of the ten thousand star compass.

It was opened by the elder before. The information was brought out from the secret library and handed over to the disabled Party of Xingluo emperor. Finally, it was collected by Zhang lie.

The Golden Gate represents the gold of time, everything is changeable, time is eternal, and it also represents the gold of eternity.

Above the golden gate, a large clock is carved, not a scale, but steles.

The golden door looks golden. The door is not forged with gold, but a rare metal, which is extremely difficult to open.

Only Xingluo emperor knows the opening method

"You stay away!"

When the voice fell, Zhang lie directly punched up, and the golden gate was instantly destroyed.

He knew what was inside and it should be impossible to destroy, so he broke the door with violence.

After breaking the golden gate, the purple fog was emitted, and Zhang lie said again, "be careful of the poison gas."

The people of the extreme team hid further: "boss, give us time to prepare before breaking the door. Don't break it."

"It's not necessary."

Zhang lie waved his big hand and the purple fog dispersed before his eyes.

The vault behind the golden gate is very large and wide. Twelve stone tablets are erected in the vault.

Each stone tablet reveals the breath of time and years, as if after unknown years, it has a unique Rune font and is full of mystery.

The surface of the stele is black, but the runes are thick or thin, deep or shallow. Those lines are carved with sharp objects. The turning points are quite random and covered the whole surface of the stele. There are countless intersections between them, which is complex and inexplicable.

If you look at it from an emotional perspective, or add those historical meanings to it, or you can see the ancient and clumsy meaning from the lines.

But if you calm down, the lines seem to have no rules or meaning, just like what children write indiscriminately.

There was no special reason, and there was no intention to record it. Just one glance made everyone feel the concept of time.

For the stone tablets, the elder has some memories. The origin of the twelve stone tablets is mysterious. They were suddenly obtained by the Xingluo emperor, as if they were related to the legendary Asura.

Thinking of the moves used by the emperor of time and the emperor of Xingluo, Zhang lie understood: "the passage of time" stone tablet. "

How many Shura people have seen and understood the moves from the source of the time script of the emperor of years and the emperor of stars. Only the emperor of years and the emperor of stars have two Shura people, and their mastery of the passage of time is completely different.

The mastery of Xingluo emperor is the acceleration of time, and the mastery of years emperor is the ability to return to gear.

Different people can master completely different abilities through the stone tablet of the passage of time.

It's just that ordinary life needs to pay a high price to master the ability of time.

Each ability needs to pay a corresponding price. Xingluo emperor holds that time acceleration will accelerate his aging.

If the master of the emperor of years is the ability to return to the file, it will cause time to go back, and the final outcome is to be forced into a baby by Yang Ze and Hong Ruoxi.

At present, people in the Imperial City have not come up with a solution for the treatment of infants. They are kept in the imperial palace of the imperial city and observe the situation.

So far, he is no different from ordinary Shura babies.

Zhang lie has always been curious about the passage of time. When he was fighting, the passage of time brought him a lot of trouble.

Looking at the stone tablet of time, I have a lot of feelings. The strange feeling of time rises in my heart in circles

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Zhang lie saw the previous life and the walking of the present life. The life of the previous life is obviously different from that of this life, but the self of the two lives are slowly overlapping.

If we say that in this world, it is Zhang lie who has the most profound understanding of time.

He is a reborn man. He has experienced two different times. Naturally, he has different views on time.

Life in the last life is like yesterday, and life in this life is the present.

Zhang lie is trying to crack the stone tablet, and the extreme team is also cracking it. They regard the time stone tablet as a puzzle, while Fang Yi takes up a long gun and waves it at the lines in the stone tablet.

Sun Xiaowu was stunned and said, "what are you doing?"

Fang Yi said, "the tattoo is like a gun."

Yang Ze thought of saying, "if you say so, I also think the idea of cracking the time stone tablet should not be fixed. The grain of the stone tablet may not be a puzzle, but it may be the operation mode of the source force."

Hong Ruoxi gave a white look: "according to you, I also regard the grain of the stone tablet as a magic array."

Zhou Ying took out the drawing paper and quickly wrote a picture on it.

Hong Ruoxi was stunned and said, "you don't really take the stone inscription as a magic array."

Zhou Ying shook her head and said, "no, draw it first so that I can go back and understand it. I studied like this in my previous school. If I can't understand the content, I'll copy it more times and always understand the content above!"

"In other words, you say, what will it look like if you link the lines on it?"

After feeling something, Zhang lie closed his eyes and realized something in his heart, but he always felt a little worse.

Sun Mengmeng found something and said, "look at the two small stone tablets. It seems that the emperor Xingluo and the emperor of years have the feeling of time passing."

On the left side of the twelve large stone tablets, there are two small stone tablets, engraved with "the passage of time" and the feeling of time. At the bottom right of the stone tablet is the name of Xingluo emperor and years emperor.

After reading the two Shura emperor temples, they recorded their feelings on the stone tablet in order to make it easy for those who came to watch later to understand.

Zhang lie, look at their different views.

In the eyes of Xingluo emperor, time is a river, which cannot be retrograde, but can only travel along the current. Man is a river boat, which has been speeding along the time Avenue. Xingluo emperor's manipulation of time is to accelerate the boat and walk very fast in the time river, which is the true face of Xingluo emperor's time acceleration.

In the eyes of Xingluo emperor, the special grain of time stone tablet is the trend of blood gas. Accelerating your own blood gas and action can speed up the speed.

Only those monsters whose physical strength is terrible, even surpassing the Shura family itself and reaching the life limit of the Shura family, can use this method.

In short, the Xingluo emperor's perception of time is piled up by his strong spirit.

Most people use the same method, the heart can't bear the explosion for a long time.

The emperor of time has fundamentally different ideas about time.

Time is like an hourglass, which cannot change the direction of time and space. As the star king said, it cannot be retrograde in time. However, as a small gravel in time, it is ignored and difficult to capture when it is out of control. Although it is small, it can reverse the way of time.

According to the description, people can not change the direction of time and space, can change the gravel, can not change time and space, but can change themselves.

The method of the emperor of time is to stand aloof from the whole river of time, and then move the body in the river.

The method is very abstract and difficult to understand.

However, relying on the abstract method, the emperor of years successfully created the ability to return to the file and really contacted the stone tablet of time, before he really realized that the emperor of years is a genius of time.

If you don't meet the extreme team and have enough time to grow, you will definitely surpass the Xingluo emperor. At the end of this road, you are likely to become the second Asura.

Both the methods of Xingluo emperor and Nian emperor can only be used by themselves. One is that the body of ordinary Terrans can't bear it, and the other is too abstract. Everyone's perception is unique.

They have a certain reference value for their perception of time. First of all, they should abstract time and imagine time as one thing

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