Ultragene Warlord

Chapter 522: 0527

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Although amurong's words are very controversial, the means are really good.

It turned out that the federal owner accused amuron of committing a crime. Under the sophistry, everyone turned to the disclosure of the formula.

Because this is the most concerned issue in the galaxy.

However, even so, amuron is not completely trouble free.

No one is a fool. It's not so easy to fool!

"When amurong was fighting with Zhang lie and Xingluo emperor, it was too mean to sneak into extreme martial arts school."

"Zhang lie is fighting with the superior Shura emperor. What do you mean by sneaking attacks on other people's relatives?"

"People are challenging the authority of Shura, but you jump out and stab in the back. How shameless amurong is."

Now there are many Zhang lie fans in the galaxy. Naturally, they will bite amurong.

In addition to being accused of attacking extreme martial arts school, there is also a lot of trouble, accusing others of committing a crime.

Yesterday, people from the Federal Supreme Court came to arrest amurong for investigation. Today's press conference was released on bail.

Amurong still has a lawsuit to fight, and his popularity and all aspects have plummeted. However, amurong's reputation and resources accumulated before are still there, and it is difficult to fall for a moment.

Politicians at his level can't be pushed down by a crime.

Besides, as long as he doesn't do it himself, there is still a way to pull it over. Amurong has hired the best lawyer in the Federation and will soon walk out of the court innocent.

But Hong Tianqi will never let him go. Before this matter subsides, we must resist Hong Tianqi's offensive.

It is not only Hong Tianqi who will not let amurong go, but also the alien race headed by the four strong families.

Originally, the aliens led by the four strong ethnic groups relied on Zhang lie to study the racial limit gene potion, and an invisible interest group has been formed around the extreme martial arts school.

If you move the extreme martial arts school, you will move this interest group. These heterogeneous races will not let him go.

Fortunately, amurong is not alone. As the supreme speaker of the Federation, he has long tied many well-known enterprises and politicians to his chariot.

The extreme martial arts school attack heated up again, and the political assets stored by Hong Tianqi broke out in one breath.

Earlier, Hong Tianqi collected evidence of amurong's crime, some of which were conclusive and some were just skeptical. Hong Tianqi threw out all these contents at one go, which caused a sensation in the whole Federation.

No one could have imagined that the Federal Supreme speaker would do so many dirty things secretly.

Until it caused turbulence and credibility crisis to the Supreme Council of the Federation, the Federation doubted the credibility of the Supreme Council.

In fact, the Federal Supreme Council is similar to the blue star United Nations. It has no armed forces and no real power, only its appeal.

Hong Tianqi's action is undoubtedly attacking the Federal Supreme Council.

Hong Tianqi has not finished his operation, and then he will set up a new Federal Supreme Council.

The whole Federation was a sensation. Amurong's reputation was not much, but the interest groups were still there. Naturally, the interest groups related to him criticized Hong Tianqi and scolded him for splitting the Federation regardless of the overall situation of the Federation.

Hong Tianqi is not weak. Behind him, in addition to the four strong families, there are various federal races such as blood demons. These people are Zhang lie's licking dogs

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No, it should be said that it depends on Zhang lie and wants to obtain the ultimate genetic medicine of his own race.

Amurong didn't want to see things happen. He repeatedly asked Huaxia and Zhang lie to come up with the formula of extreme gene medicine, showing its terrible power.

Countless races, because of their high hopes for this medicine, silently stood behind Hong Tianqi.

To tell the truth, even if amurong is coquettish at the moment, he still doesn't regret his original decision.

If he did it again, he would make the same choice.

Extreme gene potion has the power to stir the universe. If it is not grasped by itself, it will become a sharp blade to stab itself.

Amurong was desperate because he knew this clearly.

In fact, amurong's prediction is not wrong. Compared with his interest groups, the federal ethnic groups established by Hong Tianqi based on extreme genetic drugs are more powerful and scary.

Since then, the Federation has been divided into two factions. On one side is the political group headed by amuron, which includes well-known federal enterprises, mercenaries and politicians from all planets.

With Hong Tianqi as the representative of the federal group, led by the four strong nationalities of the Federation, all races joined.

All ethnic groups in the Federation know that since Hong Tianqi and Zhang lie are basically tied together, Hong Tianqi's standing up is tantamount to Zhang lie's standing up.

Not to mention that amurong also attacked extreme martial arts school. He basically stood on the opposite side of Zhang lie. Licking dogs will not miss this opportunity and bite amurong madly.

For these ethnic groups, helping Hong Tianqi means an investment. One is to please Zhang lie, and the other is that the four strong ethnic groups have invested in Zhang lie.

In a sense, they have been tied to Zhang lie. Before the results come out, if Zhang lie has anything to do, they will lose everything. In this process, they can only inject capital continuously.

The group gathered by Hong Tianqi is too huge to breathe.

If amurong hadn't worked hard for many years, he would have tied himself with interest groups, and the interest groups would collapse in the face of these giants.

Now amurong and interest groups are on the same boat. Once he has something to do, he will sink together.

Even so, under the oppression of the huge federal race, amuron's interest group sailed like a storm, and he was out of breath just to save his life.

Amurong was glad that Zhang lie had no further research on extreme genetic drugs. If there were any research results on federal racial genes, no one would be able to stop this tide.

Amurong was already afraid of the power of extreme genetic agents.

It's just a name that brings countless races of the Federation to the battlefield. It's terrible.

A name, the power of painting cakes to satisfy hunger, that's it

Amurong couldn't help thinking, but he didn't dare to think again.

If Zhang lie has made new progress in the extreme memory potion of other races, he won't win at all.

In terms of reputation, Zhang liegang just destroyed a superior Shura state, and his reputation reached the highest point.

People will naturally fall to China. From that point of view, amurong is at a disadvantage. Behind him are only interest groups and residual members of the old federal Supreme Council.

Amuron has been like a candle in the wind and a candle in the wax for a long time. He must find a way to reverse the decline, otherwise he can only die

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