Ultragene Warlord

Chapter 577: 0582

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With blood in his head, the man was angry and punched out, but he was directly kicked away by amurong faster.

Curl up in the corner like a shrimps.

Amurong handed over a glass of red wine: "I prefer the rock demon clan. In the galaxy, the rock demon clan belongs to the bottom of society, and all races in the galaxy hate it!"

"But I have to say that the function of being a male is really powerful. What do you think if I let them make a good start for your daughter?"

On the other side of the projection, his daughter screamed, "help!"

Amurong took a sip and continued to enjoy the above picture. His tone was still flat: "ordinary people will be devastated in spirit after a few rounds!"

"Even if you can live, you will leave a psychological shadow and become unable to communicate with the outside world. Living is just one nightmare after another!"

"Well, this is called broken on the Internet!"

The man covered his stomach and squirmed forward on the floor like an insect. He reached out and grabbed amuron's trouser legs. Tears ran down his nose and begged, "please, please let me go!"

"My wife and daughter are innocent. Take whatever you want. I'm willing to do whatever you want me to do!"

"My shoes seem dirty."

Amurong's tone was leisurely, as if he had found something new.

The man immediately put out his tongue, but just as his tongue was about to touch amuron's shoes, there was a sudden knock in the projector.


In the video, the gate was blown open, and several figures rushed into the area at random, instantly knocking down the rock demon man who had not come and took out his gun.

As the camera of the video rotates, Hong Tianqi calmly emerges: "amurong, long time no see, how are you doing recently?"

Amurong's action froze. The next moment, the wine cup in his hand suddenly smashed.

"It's not a call video. It's boring." Hong Tianqi snapped his fingers and a child was taken to the front of the camera.

"Amurong, you say you're old enough to learn how to catch wives and children. The more you live, the more you go back!"

"At least you are also the former president of the Federation. After retiring from this position, you are so disgusting?"

That's right. Amuron doesn't need to maintain his superficial identity after he comes down from the position of federal president. He can't get dirty.

Just then, the Secretary of the office bumped into the door and said, "president, it's bad. I just received a call from your home. The childe was attacked on his way back from school. Up to now, his whereabouts are unknown. We have stepped up our efforts to find him!"

Amurong shook his head and said, "No."


Amuron pointed to the projector and said, "he's up there!"

Hong Tianqi carried a chicken in his hand and a child: "to tell you the truth, I'm not used to this method, but if you like to play, I'll play with you. I hope you won't regret it at that time!"

Amuron's child cried and shouted, "Dad, help me, Dad, help me..."

Hong Tianqi smiled indifferently: "within ten minutes, send all the people you caught back safely, pull one hair off your son, cut one finger off your son!"

"If any girl has been ruined, I will destroy your whole family. Don't doubt me. You know I can do it!"

Hearing hongtianqi's words, amurong was unusually calm. His calmness was like a ten thousand year dark ice.

He immediately pulled up the man on the ground, carefully arranged his clothes for him, and then said politely;

"Sir, it's all right. Hong Tianqi did a good job. Please tell him when you go back that I won't move his people!"

The man was stunned. One second ago, the family was in hell, and the next second, the situation was completely reversed by Hong Tianqi.

At this moment, he was very grateful for his previous choice.

It is not hard to imagine that if he had chosen amurong before, he would give him up directly when necessary. It is impossible to be like Hong Tianqi.

The situation changed and his wife and daughter were saved.


The man spit directly on amurong's face, but amurong didn't dodge.

Instead, he patted his hands calmly. Two strong guards in suits came in and invited people out.

As soon as he walked out of amurong's new office building, he cried and trembled to dial the communication: "brother Hong, I'm sorry, I..."

Hong Tianqi smiled calmly and said, "since you choose to follow me, I Hong Tianqi must be responsible for you!"

"Thank you very much. Thank you so much. Without you, our family really doesn't know what will happen!"

"Brother Hong, if it's you in the future, I'll do everything up the knife mountain and down the sea of fire!"

Compared with the excitement of the other party, Hong Tianqi was unusually calm: "well, dry your tears. Your wife and children are waiting for you at home. They are frightened. Go back and comfort them!"

"I know, I know, I know..."

In amuron's Office

Amurongzheng's expression was cold. He took a handkerchief and wiped the saliva on his face and asked, "did you let him go?"

The Secretary said, "don't worry, sir. We all know Hong Tianqi. He still stresses credibility."

Amurong said coldly, "it's just one son. If you die, you'll die. It doesn't matter if you die a few more. My body is OK. If you want to give birth to a few, there will be a few."

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Amurong doesn't care about his son's life or death at all. What he's afraid of is to completely annoy Hong Tianqi.

If Hong Tianqi goes crazy and ties people everywhere, the factions around him will be dangerous.

Amurong is already in the dark. He can be afraid of anything, but he is afraid of being eaten by the dark.

The so-called black eating black is nothing more than

Once Hong Tianqi goes crazy regardless of his face, there will be chaos in his faction.

It was originally a bundle of interests. Once Hong Tianqi began to do anything, it would be difficult for amurong to control the hearts of the people.

Things will also go in an uncontrollable direction.

Most importantly, Hong Tianqi had always had a bottom line and a lower limit.

In his opinion, it is pedantic.

Now it seems that this is not the case. The other party is not pedantic, but disdains to do it.

If he breaks through the bottom line again and again, Hong Tianqi may do anything, and it will be more difficult to deal with it at that time.

The Secretary could not help but feel cold and asked, "president, how do we go next?"

"Hong Tianqi's people can't move. Try those centrists!"

When the two sides go to war, many forces choose to wait and see for the time being.

Amuron felt that it was time to tell these unstable people that they would die.

The secretary took out the list that had already been prepared.

Amurong said: "that guy has a little impression. It seems that Laurie controls it. He likes little girls under the age of 10. Just get him some handle and send him some resources."

"Next is a patriarch."

"I've read his information. I'm afraid of his wife. Then give him the whole junior!"

"Behind him is a young military commander, who has no father or mother. He is an orphan!"

"Young and hot-blooded, I like this. If you are single, arrange a girlfriend for him, and then 'kidnap' his girlfriend!"

The so-called kidnapping is just self guided. Even his girlfriend is arranged by amurong. How could he arrange a disobedient one.

"As long as it is life, there will always be cherished things. As long as there are cherished things, there will inevitably be weaknesses. Even if he doesn't have them, we can let him have them!"

The Secretary could not help but sigh that this guy's heart was too dark.

Amurong said: "remember, when you kidnap, you must dress up as Hong Tianqi. Even if you are recognized, you will bite me dead. It's Hong Tianqi!"

"I see!"

After arranging everything, amuron poured himself a glass of red wine.

"I once read a book that said that a rich man bought a planet and monopolized everything after he became the star owner. He put a collar on all intelligent life on the planet and paid money for letting them breathe and receive light..."

The secretary was speechless: "is this book ironic?"

If such a fool really appears in the current galactic law, he will turn his head and fly out of the powerful existence in the galaxy.

"I envy that rich man, but I also think that rich man is stupid."


"Although the rich man is stupid, I still envy him. When I was a child, I had a dream that I would become the same person as the rich man and have the same status as him!"

"Then I found that the law of the Galactic Federation did not allow this, so I thought, since the law did not allow it, I would change the law."

Amurong turned his head and said, "if you were that rich man and mastered a planet, what would you do?"

The Secretary thought about it and joked, "let them watch our family's marketing advertisements every day. They can't breathe without watching 60 seconds of advertisements every day."

Amurong smiled: "it's a genius idea. Why not two together?"

"Two together?"

"Let people on the planet become members of Jiaotong University. If they don't become members of Jiaotong University, they can't breathe and receive light. If they become members, they have to watch advertisements and pay taxes!"

The Secretary bowed his head and said, "sure enough, I can't compare with you in this realm."

Amurong laughed: "hahaha, you still have a lot to learn."


Amurong looked at the starry sky outside and slowly stretched out his hand. From his sight, his palm seemed to hold the whole starry sky;

"When one day I become a person like a rich man, no, become a person above the rich man, I want the intelligent life of the whole galaxy, breathing, receiving light and drinking water, all with my permission!"

A naive and terrible desire, amuron is a greedy careerist.

Therefore, when he saw that Zhang lie used genetic medicine to almost control the operation of the whole galaxy, he couldn't sit still and jumped out.

Because this is the power he wants, the power he dreams of.

It is precisely because he wants to change the interstellar law and turn the whole galaxy into his own slaves that the major consortia of the galaxy will stand with him.

Because the evil capital likes the ambitious and enslaves the whole bank, which will eventually bring unimaginable huge benefits to the capital

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