Ultragene Warlord

Chapter 589: 0594

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The facts are exactly what Hong Tianqi expected.

As soon as the news of extreme martial arts school was released, amurong group began to collapse silently.

Not only his group is not guaranteed, but also the whole galaxy's intelligent life. Anyone with a little brain will immediately favor Hong Tianqi.

In this way, the general trend has become, and amurong has lost!

It is impossible for various groups to be enemies for amuron and the whole galaxy. It is only a matter of time before they collapse.

So he has to strike first before he collapses.

In the office, the Secretary asked, "president, are you going to China?"

"Yes, we must strike first when things are extremely bad and forcibly take the initiative, even by the most brutal means..."

"You want to..."

Amurong's eyes revealed sinister: "Hong Tianqi, we may not be able to move, but Zhang lie is only a yellow haired boy after all!"

"Even if you can defeat an Asura, his hard power can never compare with me. As long as you can catch Zhang lie, all problems can be solved!"

"Even if you can't catch Zhang lie, catch his sister, Zhang Hanshuang!"

"I see. Now get ready at once."

After the secretary left the office, he dialed the communicator to send a message: amurong is going to China.

Amurong didn't know that his most trusted secretary had betrayed himself.

Extreme martial arts school was surrounded again, but this time the excitement was due to the storm caused by extreme gene medicine.

Extreme gene medicine was solved by Huaxia, but it hasn't calmed down yet, but the extreme Gene Research Association once again caused a sensation.

Originally, everyone in the Federation thought that it would take some time for other races to use extreme gene drugs. I didn't expect the research results to come out so soon.

I don't know whether Zhang lie is a genius or a combination of the four strong families in the starry sky.

Extreme gene medicament is sensational enough. The result of the extreme Gene Research Association is a nuclear bomb. No matter how powerful the extreme gene medicament is, it can only be applied to the human race, but the result of the extreme Gene Research Association benefits the whole galaxy.

Countless races are coming in one after another. People who should have gone to the extreme gene research society come to visit Zhang lie's extreme gene martial arts school. According to those people, the extreme gene research society will certainly go, but they should visit Zhang lie before going.

To put it bluntly, it's a relationship.

The whole extreme gene martial arts school is crowded. Zhang lie wants to hide in the Shura realm.

Fortunately, the reception was handled. Zhang lie only needed to meet important people.

Out of the transmission array, Zhang Hong didn't have a good way: "I said to the librarian, you can calculate it!"

"Come and help, I'm busy!"

Zhang Hong, who used to manage the martial arts school, has become a strong woman in a series of things. Many capable people help take care of it.

As the martial arts school becomes bigger and bigger, Zhang Hong's ability becomes stronger and stronger. Of course, she also becomes stronger and stronger.

Suddenly, Zhang lie looked towards the door and asked, "who's that?"

Looking at the person wearing black robes who had just entered the door, Zhang Hong looked at the list: "it's the representative of the ghost dragon family."

Zhang lie's eyes turned into vertical pupils, the Dragon pupil soul jade opened, sneered and said frivolously: "what a ghost dragon representative... The former president of the Federal Parliament sneaked into my martial arts school."

The black robe's eyes twinkled with cold light, and the killing intention broke out in an instant. The momentum was like a storm, blowing people and things around.

Amuron gave up his disguise and started directly.

In amurong's view, Zhang lie's strength is limited. Even if he sweeps everything in the Shura boundary, he is only in the second boundary. Entering the upper third boundary is not even a fart.

However, he is also a strong man in the four circles. Although he can't compare with Hong Tianqi, he wants to catch a Zhang lie. It can be said that he can catch it easily.

At the moment when amurong broke out, Zhang lie's eyes suddenly flashed a colorful light.

Amurong's body burst out suddenly, and then his eyes turned into colorful light, stunned in place like a stone statue.

Zhang lie sneered: "the former president of the Federal Parliament is just like this."


Zhang lie stepped forward step by step, slapped him impolitely, and puffed amurong's face directly.

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"Let you send someone to attack extreme martial arts school!"

Of course, a slap can't be fun. Zhang lie's second slap immediately followed.


"Let you jump around all day!"


"Let you think about my ultimate potion!"


"Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa!"

Zhang lie danced wildly with both hands and slapped the space, but it was just when Zhang lie was playing hi.

Stunned as a stone statue, amurong reached out and grabbed Zhang lie's wrist.

The latter was shocked: "how can you... Still move?"

Amurong's eyes showed a cruel color, and there was no more colorful light. He said plainly: "the Shura world you and I walked through is not the same specification at all. Do you really think this little hypnosis can take me? Then you underestimate me, amurong!"

"Well, are you so sure you're not hypnotized now?"

"Then you underestimate me, Zhang lie, my lord chairman!"

Zhang lie hasn't fought back yet, and his words are full of fun.

Amurongwen made an attack full of contempt and hit Zhang lie in the stomach. The source force destroyed Zhang lie's whole body. Only one punch made Zhang lie lose his combat effectiveness.

Hong Tianqi's people came late, and amurong directly broke out of the siege with strong strength.

The big hand of covering the sky fell, and with the threat of terror, even the sky was covered, the star river was crushed, and the space was solidified. The hand of covering the sky appeared, and the person with insufficient strength was directly fixed in place.

Facing the sky covering hand, amurong was not afraid at all. He was already ready to retreat, wrapped in Zhang lie and turned into a black fog to dissipate.

At the moment when amurong dissipated, Qi Tian's hand fell and the whole China was shocked.

Out of the conveyor, amurong breathed a sigh of relief. If he ran slower, he would be left in China.

Looking at Zhang lie in his hand, amurong looked up and laughed: "hahaha, the final victory still belongs to me."

As long as we catch Zhang lie, everything will eventually belong to him!

Just after escaping from China, amurong received a communication from Hong Tianqi: "ah, mu, Rong!"

Amurong sat on the chair and pulled out his ears: "Hong Tianqi, why are you so angry? Who provoked you?"

"Return Zhang lie, or we will go to war in an all-round way!"

Amurong said proudly, "come on, if you dare to fight, I'll kill Zhang lie immediately!"

"This boy is the core of your faction and the center of your interest chain!"

"Without Zhang lie, the four strong families will not obey you. They are happy to divide up the whole interest chain and the newly established extreme Gene Research Association."

Hong Tianqi took a deep breath, tried to suppress his anger and asked, "what do you want, amurong?"

"The research results of the extreme Gene Research Association and half of the miraculous drugs collected by China!"

According to amurong, genetic agent No. 12 has been all the research of Zhang lie and others.

Hong Tianqi said, "OK! I'll give you half of the herbs collected in China first. When you release them, I'll give you the research results of the extreme Gene Research Association."

"I want two!"

"It's all for you. What if you suddenly repent?"

Rong, it seems that I'm in charge of Mu Quan now

"In addition, who told you that I would release people if I got the research results and needed a panacea?"

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