Ultragene Warlord

Chapter 598: 0603

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As soon as Zhang lie said this, Yunbing was stunned immediately.

Then, I couldn't help but start self reflection, and I couldn't help admiring Zhang lie.

She tried her best to manage the imperial city. Together with Zhang lie, she established a huge empire and mastered the Empire and the power.

If it weren't for Zhang liegang's late morning bell, she even wanted to make it her end.

There seems to be nothing wrong with staying here all your life.

Yunbing will even feel that this great achievement in this life is enough.

But Zhang lie in front of him didn't stop here at all, even didn't mean to stop at all.

Ming Ming is a powerful emperor. Even if he wants to cover his hands, he can rule the whole two realms and have the power to turn his hands into clouds and cover his hands into rain.

But he never had a trace of greed, and he was still running towards the front.

To tell the truth, if Zhang lie hadn't been to the upper world and looked at the extreme empire from a higher perspective, he would also miss the extreme empire.

But Zhang lie was a man for two generations after all. He had a lot of power in his previous life. Maybe he wasn't so big, but he didn't think it was interesting after all.

Extreme empire is just an achievement in his life, a relatively great achievement among thousands of feats, that's all.

Even if this achievement is great, even if it is luxurious, it is only an achievement.

It's done, it's over!

He let the Terran out of the danger of the second world, eliminated the Terran enemy Shura, overthrew the overlord Shura, and established forces sufficient to rule the second world, that's all.

The past will be the past after all. He always has to wring up his bags and step forward. There are more wonderful scenery waiting for him in front.

Yunbing bowed his head and said, "I almost lost myself, too. Thanks for brother lie's advice."

Zhang lie smiled: "you are very good. I hope you can keep up with us. The world of the heavens must be ten thousand times better than here!"

Yun Bing asked, "by the way, how do members of the house of Commons choose? You can't choose who can fight best?"

Zhang lie thought for a moment and said, "for the time being, 30 seats will be prepared for selection by the Supreme Council, and more than half of the members agree to enter the lower house!"

"In the future, the members of the Supreme Council will be selected by the house of Commons, and the members of the house of Commons will be recommended by the members of the Supreme Council and approved by more than half."

Yun Bing nodded and said, "in other words, the Supreme Council chooses the lower members, and the lower members are promoted to the Supreme Council."

Although the method can produce several vulnerabilities, there are no vulnerabilities without any human specified rules. Only by the size of the vulnerability, can we know the location of the vulnerability only by running.

After the operation, it can be modified. Fortunately, Zhang lie is here. As long as Zhang lie is there, no matter what loopholes appear, Zhang lie can block them in a word.

Yun Bing continued to ask, "so, how do you distribute the power between the Supreme Council and you?"

Zhang lie waved his hand and said, "there is no need for distribution. The royal family has the right to legislate against the law... Retain all the power of the emperor, but we will not participate in the proceedings of the Empire."

Although this is undemocratic, it doesn't matter. Zhang lie will soon go to the third world, and Zhang Hanshuang is estimated to be promoted to the third world after a few years.

At that time, there will be no so-called royal family in the whole limit world. Even the descendants of Zhang lie and Zhang Hanshuang will be ten years later.

In the final analysis, the royal family established by Zhang lie is more symbolic.

If the royal family does not participate in the specific proceedings, it will not hinder at all.

In a sense, what Zhang lie set is neither the imperial system nor the separation of powers, but the constitutional monarchy.

It's just the opposite of the so-called constitutional monarchy, which restricts the power of the emperor.

Zhang lie's constitutional monarchy is to retain the power of the emperor, but not to exercise the obligation of managing the country.

Another white point: the shopkeeper system.

"What about the choice of the prime minister?"

Zhang lie blinked: "isn't the prime minister you?"

"Didn't you just say to keep up with you?" Yun Bing didn't have a good way: "what will the prime minister do after he gives his order? Should we refer to the constitutional monarchy?"

"It's also good to refer to it."

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The Supreme Council is the cabinet, which is responsible for managing the parliament. The monarch is responsible for selecting the prime minister and limiting the power of the parliament. The parliament supervises the cabinet, and the prime minister selects the members of the cabinet.

So it seems that this is the outsourcing of the monarch to the prime minister to manage the country.

"The prime minister is chosen by the royal family. In the absence of the royal family, it is elected by the Supreme Council itself. Others are almost the same!"

"The prime minister manages the Parliament and reserves seats in the Supreme Council. You're left to explore for yourself. If there's anything bad, revise it yourself and just tell me."

Zhang lie dislikes trouble.

Yunbing didn't have a good way: "I said, you put it forward by yourself, so you threw it all to me?"

"Hahaha, those who can do more work."

"Believe it or not, I sold the Empire."

Yun Bing gnashed his teeth and said ruthlessly.

Zhang lie smiled coldly: "ha ha, sell it! Who is brave enough to buy it from heaven and earth?"

Indeed, now in the whole second world, let alone sell, there are no people who dare to make such an idea.

Yunbing covers her forehead. She also has no way to take Zhang lie, and the workload increases again.

Yun Bing thought of it and said, "there's an interesting thing in the imperial city recently. I'll report it to you by the way."

"What's up?"

"Recently, a group of foreign aliens came to the Imperial City, as if they were called white Meizu, preaching a Protestant religion."

White Meizu is very familiar.

Zhang lie frowned and said, "the extreme Empire maintains religious freedom, but the premise is not to hurt and confuse others."

Different races have their own beliefs. People's beliefs are free. You can't peel off others' beliefs.

Other people have believed in this God for hundreds and thousands of years. Tell him when you set up a new empire that you can't believe in this God in the future.

That's too much, and there's no need at all.

"If it's not a cult, let them go!"

"There is no injury for the time being."

Zhang lie was still a little concerned and asked, "have you investigated it? Is it clean?"

There are many things about the church. A bad thing is as difficult to control as a plague.

"I haven't found out yet. It's a race from far away, but... There's no problem for the time being."

Zhang lie frowned: "you seldom do things carelessly. You don't pay attention when you come from far away."

"It must have something to do with their gods."

This God is so powerful that even Yunbing feels the charm?

"What kind of evil god is it?"

Zhang lie doesn't believe in gods. In his opinion, wild gods who don't know their origin are definitely evil gods.

"There are their portraits. You can have a look." Yunbing held back her smile and took out a portrait.

Zhang lie waved and the portrait flew over in the air.

In the portrait, we can see that the God is brilliant and powerful, like the God of war nine days away, with eight dragons on his feet and sharp blades in his hands.

Basically all statues are like this. Few believers will vilify the gods on the statues, except for those already vilified like Feitian ramen.

"The statue... Always looks familiar!"

Yun Bing smiled: "you look better and clearer."

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