Ultragene Warlord

Chapter 641: 0647

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The ninth Prince didn't panic. After all, panic can't save himself.

Only a madman can assassinate the prince in the palace. The other party may not come to take his life, but is most likely to come and warn himself.

The second possibility is to kidnap himself. No matter which possibility, he won't die.

As long as you're alive, you have a chance.

But when the ninth Prince turned his head and saw the visitor, he was relieved: "it was a teacher."

Zhang lie calmly took a sip of tea.

When the ninth prince thought of something, he was surprised and shouted, "why is the teacher here?"

Zhang liebai glanced: "not welcome?"

The ninth Prince shook his head and said, "of course you are welcome, but this is the palace!"

Zhang lie didn't have a good way: "what's the matter with the palace? I'll come and go if I want. In your world, except that your father's bedroom is a little troublesome, the palace is no different from my back garden. I've also walked around the palace."

The ninth Prince praised: "it's worthy of being a teacher. Where else did the teacher go?"

At the moment of seeing Zhang lie, the dejected look of the ninth prince was swept away, and his eyes radiated light. He hurried to the table and sat down. Where is the demeanor of the prince? He is completely a kid.

"I went to the harem and looked at your father's concubines. How can I say that your father has a slightly stronger taste!"

The ninth Prince laughed: "it's mainly because there are many concubines in the back palace, en..."

I really don't know how to answer.

"I went to your third prince's bedroom again and added some pepper and cumin powder to his underwear. I wanted to make fun of the third prince. I didn't expect to hear something very interesting."

"What's up?"

Zhang lie stretched out two fingers: "I came into the palace and learned two things."

"First of all, your father's condition is not as bad as it looks. At least he doesn't have what heijie Niu said. He can live for up to two or three years. He almost found out just after walking in the palace."

It's not that the emperor's strength is above Zhang lie. After all, the scale world is not too big.

But after all, with the blessing of the world's will, Zhang lie's walking in the palace is equivalent to cheating the world.

If the emperor was not old and could not fully control his authority, he could cover the whole palace. Even if there was a fly in the palace, he could know it clearly.

Even if he wanted to, there was no problem enveloping the whole emperor.

Zhang lie stretched out a finger: "the second thing is that the person who wants to kill you is not the third prince."

The ninth prince was surprised. He was even more surprised at the third prince than his father's death.

At this point, Zhang lie began to recall the scene he had just seen;

After the third prince returned to his palace with a black face, the master of the Wang family naturally followed. The third prince sat on the first seat and asked, "what's your dissatisfaction with me, chief of the Wang family?"

The king family leader saluted and said, "my subordinates naturally dare not be dissatisfied with the third prince."

The third prince stepped forward quickly and grabbed the leader's collar.

"Then why do you want me to die?"

The head of the royal family showed calm in his eyes and said calmly, "why does your highness say so?"

The third prince asked, "well, I also want to ask you why you sent a sword bearer to assassinate the waste of the ninth brother."

The chief of the Wang family said frankly: "I just said at the court meeting that the assassination of the ninth prince was not Wang Jian, but someone else."

"I hope so!"

The third prince put down and turned back to the first seat.

"You need to know that the world is not only a king's family, but also Feng Qian's two families. I think they don't mind another card and a popular throne in their hands."

"After all, this egg stinks easily in a basket."

The third prince knows very well that this is not the time to turn over with the Wang family. There are indeed Fengqian and the two can cooperate.

However, to build a cooperative relationship and form mutual trust, it can not be achieved overnight. The third prince doesn't want to tear his face with the Wang family before he has to.

The third prince asked, "what do you think?"

The head of the Wang family asked, "I don't know what your highness three said?"

The third prince was so angry that he almost jumped up: "don't pretend to be stupid for me. Of course, it's about wiping your ass."

Your highness, why don't you laugh

"You know what you've done. Everyone in the court knows it. The Father knows it. The ninth Prince knows it. The father doesn't execute the Wang family because the Wang family's sword is still useful!"

"Just because my father didn't mean to win you, the big brother can't make trouble on the spot, but with his character, he will never miss the chance of a lifetime. At that time, it's not only you but also me."

The head of the royal family spread his hand: "isn't it over?"

The third prince nodded and said, "indeed, the father's meaning is very important. If the big brother makes enough evidence, your Wang family's position in the father's mind will deteriorate."

The head of the royal family changed the topic and said, "Your Highness, I think the most important thing to do at present is about the upcoming Hunting Club. In addition, it is not important."

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"Even if the great prince is in trouble, I will have enough time to make more things after Wang hunting. Do you think so?"

The third prince nodded: "it seems that you still have some thoughts. You're not going to take me to be buried with you."

The head of the royal family smiled: "since your majesty has stated his position, no amount of evidence can shake us. As long as we refuse to admit it, who can do anything about the royal family?"

The third prince nodded: "you're right. I'm a little nervous. I always feel that something is going to happen recently. No, it's happening."

The head of the Wang family bowed and said, "the third prince is worried."

"Why do you suddenly want to fight the ninth brother?"

"I think the ninth Prince is a little dangerous."

"Oh? What's the danger of a loser without backstage?"

The third prince was very surprised. He really couldn't see that there was nothing extraordinary about just a ninth prince.

"Isn't it very dangerous that he dared to confront us the first time he went to court?"

The head of the royal family's eyes were cold and fierce, like a sharp sword: "I always feel that this nine prince will become an obstacle in the battle for the throne in the future."

"Now he is still engaged with the Grand Prince. It will certainly become a trouble in the future. It will be good for us to get rid of it early."

The third prince refused: "the price is too high, I don't agree."

"If there is nothing special, can I leave early?"

The third prince waved his hand: "I hope you can figure out who you're working for!"

"Go ahead and prepare for the king Hunting Club. I'm afraid I'll surpass the eldest brother and become the first one this year."

"I see!"

The head of the royal family came out of the palace where the third prince was. He was just thinking of the palace, but he saw a man standing in front of him.

The man was glossy and had a big belly. He was as fat as a meat ball. The fat on his face squeezed his eyes into a seam. The head of the Wang family recognized that he was the fifth prince.

But from the attitude and action of the other party, it doesn't look like a prince, but more like a businessman covered with copper smell.

"Wang clan leader, ha ha ha, I will wait for you." The fifth Prince greeted the head of the royal family when he saw him from a distance.

The head of the royal family saluted slightly, and then walked straight as if he couldn't see anything

Many people know that the Wangs and Fengs don't want to see the Qian family. Similarly, they don't want to see the five princes supported by the Qian family.

Before the battle for the throne began, the Wang family and the Feng family were hostile to each other, but they despised the Qian family together. Businessmen like the Qian family were very unpopular.

The fifth Prince turned and asked, "Oh, what are you doing, chief of the Wang family? Why didn't I ask you to agree?"

The head of the king family did not return and said cautiously, "five princes, there are many people in the court. Be careful! It's easy to lead people to gossip!"

The fifth Prince smiled and said, "what's the king's family leader's talk? I'm afraid it won't be known?"

The head of the Wang family said, "we haven't cooperated openly yet. Be careful!"

The fifth Prince smiled and said coldly in his slit like eyes: "don't worry, I've bought the surrounding maid guards. No one will hear our conversation here."

The head of the Wang family shook his head: "be careful!"

"I'm too anxious. The patriarch of the Wang family did a good job. It's a pity that the ninth brother didn't die. Then you won't deliberately let the ninth brother go. Unexpectedly, someone can kill the contemporary sword bearer?"

The Wang family sighed: "I am also very surprised to know the news, which makes me completely in a passive situation. All previous preparations to frame the third prince have completely failed."

The fifth prince said, "since you can't do it once, do it again. The Hunting Club is a very good opportunity."

"I'm not going to let go of the guy who killed the sword holder!"

The head of the Wang family has sharp eyes and invisible sword Qi.

Let him be so passive, this person must not let go.

Originally, if the plan was successful this time, he could get rid of the third child smoothly. As a result, an expert suddenly broke the assassination and asked him to be questioned by the third prince.

Fortunately, the third prince still needs to go to the Wang family. If the third prince is angry at that time, he will push the Wang family out.

The result will be different. Only when the third prince died to protect the Wang family can he have a glimmer of vitality.

However, the head of the ninth Prince is the stepping stone to cooperate with the fifth prince. Whether it is successful or not, the Wang family and the fifth prince are completely linked.

In the future, if the Wang family betrays, the fifth prince can take out the assassination of the ninth prince. Similarly, if the fifth Prince betrays, the Wang family can also take out the assassination of the ninth prince. They bear the same crime and become a community of destiny.

The fifth prince asked, "come on, I'm not very powerful when I practice your sword cultivation."

The leader of the Wang family smiled and said, "you choose noble Qi. This Qi accumulates quickly, but it is cultivated slowly. It is more important than quantity. Just smash the treasure and magic medicine you have as much as possible."

To put it bluntly, to support the sword with noble spirit is krypton gold.

The more krypton, the more sword Qi.

The head of the Wang family said seriously, "as long as you have money, you can integrate a large amount of sword Qi and suppress the world with quantity. It's invincible in the world!"

Krypton gold can be infinitely stronger

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