Ultragene Warlord

Chapter 680: 0686

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In fact, don't say to go to bed late. It's no problem if you don't go to bed.

As a natural disaster creature, eating and sleeping is no longer necessary.

Eating is to maintain physical activity energy. At Zhang lie's current genetic level, it's OK not to eat or drink for decades, let alone sleep.

Zhang lie's sleep depends entirely on his mood. In order to maintain a trace of humanity, don't be too divorced from the scope of mankind.

Today's morning meeting is too boring. Zhang lie just wants to have a good sleep now. He's not too tired. He just wants to sleep.

After shaking several times, Zhang lie didn't respond. Finally, the ninth prince finally gave up.

It was late at night that Zhang liecai woke up vaguely.

At this time, the ninth prince had fallen asleep and left Zhang lie's meal on the table.

Zhang lie casually picked up two people and began to sort out today's intelligence and what the emperor and the great prince said.

After a little thought, Ning Zhi has decided that there is bound to be a great disaster in the world.

The next morning, the ninth Prince woke up in a daze, and Zhang lie also woke up.

"Didn't you have a problem yesterday?"

The ninth Prince nodded: "after I wash, I have a few questions to ask the teacher."

After washing and changing into clean clothes, the ninth prince sat in front of Zhang lie.

"Teacher, I want to ask why the father wants to get rid of the Qian family?"

"Didn't you see it at the meeting?"

The ninth prince said seriously, "because he is too angry, he can't control his anger about the death of the second prince, or threaten his own safety. The three oldest families in the world say they want to get rid of it immediately."

"This is part of it, but your father is not the kind of person who will lose his mind because of anger and even anger with others."

"Your father is really angry, but the Qian family is all over the world and has a huge money network. It is reasonable to punish the Qian family at most, which is not to this extent."

The ninth prince thought a little and asked, "does the teacher say I missed important factors?"

"Yes, you missed the most important part. No accident. Your father doesn't have much time."

The ninth prince was stunned.

"In fact, it's not surprising that you missed it. Ordinary people can't see it."

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait

"The imperial breath he exudes makes people dare not look directly at him. It's better than ever. I think it's no problem for my father to live for at least 20 or 30 years."

Zhang lie laughed: "hahaha, your father's appearance, let alone 20 or 30 years, is difficult for two or three months. It is precisely because he is dying that he exudes the domineering spirit that people dare not look directly at, which is better than ever."

The ninth Prince frowned and said, "what does the teacher mean is that the father is strong in the outside and weak in the middle, and the appearance is just an illusion? “

"Well, I think it's because I was injured in the war with the natural disaster gene beast!"

"Coupled with the forced outbreak of strength, the current jiehuang is just a paper tiger!"

"This method is very common, just like when your father and Emperor obviously retained their strength but acted like they were dying. Now they are dying, but they are arrogant."

Obviously, it still retains its combat effectiveness, but it is interpreted as dying, in order to expose some people

Now it's obviously going to die, and it's more powerful than before. It's frightening the black hand in the dark.

It is worthy of being the essence of drama.

"Your father knows he's dying, so he can only push the eldest prince on stage!"

"Clear all obstacles for the Grand Prince. Before the Grand Prince succeeds to the throne, in order to make other Imperial factions dare not move, we will cut down the Zhongqian family of the three families first!"

"This is an example to others, but also a shock to the tiger, so that those factions and civil and military ministers dare not move."

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The ninth Prince looked back and found the details he hadn't noticed before: "I see. No wonder the father looked very impatient. I thought it was because the emperor was attacked. The father felt ashamed and wanted to find out the Soul Crystal family as soon as possible."

"It can be said that the Soul Crystal family helped us."

"How do you say this?"

Zhang lie smiled and said, "if the complete jade seal is in the hands of the emperor, the next step is the grand ceremony of the great prince's accession to the throne."

"Now that half of the jade seal is missing, it is impossible for the eldest prince to ascend the throne if he can't find it back. This can delay us a lot of time and you can develop well."

The ninth Prince understood and said, "I see. I wonder why I want to find out the teacher of the Soul Crystal family and why I don't follow the eldest brother to find the jade seal. That's why."

"Any other questions?"

"There are no other questions at the morning meeting. I just want to ask when to start."

"Has the warrant come down?"

"Not yet."

"What's your hurry?"

The ninth Prince is embarrassed to scratch his head.

"Accompany me to the Ministry of punishment and meet those golden knife families." Zhang lie stood up.

The ninth Prince hurriedly followed up and asked, "how does the teacher plan to develop the territory?"

"Develop with your eyes." Zhang lie is meaningful.

Under the guidance of the ninth prince, Zhang lie soon came to the Ministry of punishment.

However, after that, the head of the Ministry of punishment naturally blacked his face all the way and didn't welcome Zhang lie very much.

Of course, a layman was suddenly sent in, even if it wasn't a guide.

After all, even they can't solve the prisoners. If a layman comes over, it is to make trouble.

"Don't bring too much trouble to our work." The head of the criminal department didn't give face at all.

"Stop talking nonsense and lead the way!"

Zhang lie naturally didn't give him a face. His eyes coagulated, and the latter stumbled again and again.

Soon, the heavy iron door was opened, and Zhang lie saw five Jindao families locked in prison.

At this moment, the Jindao family, who was chained to the shelf, was scarred and embarrassed, and their skin had become bloody and flesh blurred. It was obvious that they had been treated by the Ministry of punishment.

The person in charge of the Ministry of punishment ordered someone to bring a basin of cold water and directly awaken the people of the Jindao family.

The golden knife family opened their eyes vaguely, grinned wildly and said, "Why are you here again? Come on, come on, let the little man loose his bones."

The person in charge of the criminal department held his arm and looked at the good play expression on his face: "we have exhausted 18 kinds of torture and can't get any information. If you have any ability, just take it out. I'd like to see what you can take out of their mouth!"

Zhang lie smiled confidently: "sometimes, problems can not be solved by brute force."


The person in charge of the criminal Department sneered: "I thought our criminal department was eating dry food, coercion and inducement. What haven't we tried?"

That is, the person in charge of the Ministry of punishment will feel troublesome if he has used any methods and hasn't pulled out any intelligence.

"Of course not. I have a more high-end way."

The voice fell, the mid color light in Zhang lie's eyes flickered, and the natural disaster rainbow mirage soul jade was launched.

The eyes of the Jindao family changed instantly. Zhang lie immediately asked, "what do you know about the Soul Crystal family? Tell me all about it!"

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