Ultragene Warlord

Chapter 691: 0697

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Soul Crystal family companions shouted: "from today on, we will take Mr. Feng as the main, go up the knife mountain and down the sea of fire, and we will not hesitate!"

Ren kunjing said excitedly, "are you crazy?"

The companion of the Soul Crystal family shook his head: "no, we finally woke up. How stupid we used to be. We don't know the greatness of Mr. Wang. As soon as we see him today, what a great man he is, we finally find the meaning of our own survival."

Not only the Soul Crystal family, but also the scale people who fell to the eighth Prince knelt on one knee at this time.

Ren kunjing shouted excitedly, "what did you bastard do to my people?"

Zhang lie asked, "isn't this your best?"

In retrospect, Ren's companion as like as two peas and a strange creature, was just like the gene animal that was controlled.

No, on top of this, the controlled gene beast is a machine that completely controls feelings and thinking and can only perform the tasks of the Soul Crystal family, but those controlled Soul Crystal people are more like thinking deprived.

This makes Ren kunjing unbelievable.

The most powerful thing of the Soul Crystal family is never combat power, but its own spiritual power.

Without powerful mental power, how can we control the ultimate gene beast.

The Soul Crystal family is a race that can never be controlled. Once, there was a race ranking on the cosmic network that would never be affected by the ability of mind control, in which the Soul Crystal family ranked second.

The Soul Crystal family, in principle, is an existence that will never be controlled.

However, the companions in front of them knelt down one by one and were obviously controlled. How powerful the other party's spiritual power was, they easily controlled the Soul Crystal family.

As he thought more, Ren kunjing's head hurt. For a moment, he had a strong sense of worship and worship for Zhang lie. He almost wanted to kneel on the ground and lick this guy's feet.

His will is declining and his consciousness is blurring. Ren kunjing gave a big drink, condensed a small purple crystal in his hand and inserted it directly into his head.

Ren kunjing laughed: "hahaha, in this case, you can't control me."

"What a cruel man!"

Zhang lie couldn't help sighing.

In order not to be controlled, directly insert the crystal into your head and control yourself first.

Zhang lie asked, "but is it really useful?"

The companion of the Soul Crystal family suddenly jumped up from behind and directly pressed Ren kunjing down.

Ren kunjing's eyes flickered, and colored light poured out from the bottom of his eyes.

The control of Soul Crystal family comes from the spiritual power of purple crystal, which is a spiritual power storage device.

The real control is the internal code. This spiritual force is easily disturbed by other soul crystal families, just like computer hackers.

"As long as you are disturbed by your companions and control you with stronger mental power, your struggle is also futile.

"Damn it!"

Unwilling to roar, Ren kunjing forcibly broke away from the restrictions of his companions and flew out to escape.

But Zhang lie's action was one step faster and beat Ren kunjing down directly.

Ren kunjing's pupils brighten and fade continuously, and finally his eyes turn into color.

"We, Mr. Feng, will seal the border for you with my blood!"

The contest of spiritual power finally ended in Zhang lie's victory. Ren kunjing vowed loudly to heaven.

In this way, the battle that started very quickly and ended very quickly.

The disaster caused by the Soul Crystal family soon ended, in the form that the Soul Crystal family was controlled by Zhang lie.

The ninth Prince picked up the jade seal on the high platform, but Zhang lie said, "I don't suggest you inherit the throne of emperor now, unless you want to die!"

The ninth prince was distressed and said, "but now the world is shaking. Just now, the Soul Crystal family controls the whole imperial city. It needs someone to preside over the overall situation."

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Zhang lie said, "do you want to die?"

The strength of the ninth Prince is stronger than that of the eighth prince, but it is not much stronger.

The ninth Prince looked up and asked, "does the teacher want me to give up the throne to my brother?"

"If you want to be the emperor behind the scenes, I won't stop it!"

"I want to inherit the throne of the emperor. Even if so many things happen, this determination has not changed."

"I have a way!"

After the incident, the eldest prince and the ninth Prince cleaned up the mess together. The emperor was terrified. Later, he learned that the Soul Crystal family suddenly broke out, the eighth Prince rebelled, and the Feng family and the Wang family were almost destroyed.

The strong on the sword peak behind the Wang family went down the mountain to protect the imperial capital, but there were a large number of strong people in the Soul Crystal family.

But the strong one on the sword peak of the Wang family can't compare with Ren kunjing in everything.

Jianfeng fled with the remnant of the Wang family, and the third prince was taken away together.

The ninth Prince is in a complicated mood. At least not all princes are dead, the third prince is not dead, and the seventh Prince is not dead.

The heijie people have a strong ability to escape. They escape when the situation is bad. The two princes unite. When they return, they see the imperial capital that has calmed down the situation.

The third prince and the seventh Prince were surprised.

Zhang lie directly uses the natural disaster rainbow mirage soul jade to control strongly. The imperial capital has experienced these things, but there can be no more trouble.

With the concerted efforts of the ninth Prince and the eldest prince, the situation in the imperial capital was finally calmed down.

After the discussion between the ninth Prince and the eldest prince, the funeral of jiehuang and several princes will be held first.

In just less than a month, the royal city held the funerals of the second prince and the soldiers, as well as the funerals of the emperor and the four princes.

After all, it was the funeral of an emperor, which was held with unprecedented grandeur.

The imperial city was dyed white. The imperial city came in from the gate. All the streets were covered with White Damask, and every household hung white cloth in front of the door.

The whole imperial city fell into a sad atmosphere.

In the center of Huangdu square, there are rows of coffins.

Coffins are numerous and dense. From the square to the outside of the Imperial City, the whole street of the imperial city is full of coffins, which looks very strange.

In the city gate, the four princes dressed in linen and filial piety, and the nine princes and the eldest princes carried a huge coffin together.

The coffin made of gold and jade is full of golden patterns and looks very gorgeous. The third prince stands in front and sprinkles paper money. The seventh Prince holds the holy throne, followed by three coffins.

These three coffins contain four princes, five princes and six princes respectively. Due to the shortage of manpower, it is impossible for the seven princes to carry the coffins of the two princes together.

Only the eldest prince and the ninth Prince carried the coffin, and the third prince and the seventh Prince scattered paper money.

The coffins of the fourth prince, the fifth Prince and the sixth prince should have been carried by their relatives. However, the Soul Crystal family rebelled and the eighth Prince rebelled. They slaughtered in the palace for three days and nights, and all the relatives of the prince who should have been killed were killed.

The Crown Princess and the Queen's mother, the biological mothers of several princes, were thrown into the army.

The behavior of the eighth Prince is inhumane, and the four princes can't forgive that guy.

After discussing with the eldest prince, the ninth Prince directly removed the eighth prince from the genealogy.

In history, there will be neither the existence of the eighth Prince nor the rebellion of the Soul Crystal family. The emperor was killed by the Soul Crystal family.

The emperor died peacefully after correcting the documents in the hall.

The four princes followed the emperor one after another. A few months after the death of the emperor, all four princes died of grief.

In the future, the scale people will see such results when they read history books.

History books are always written by winners. It sounds like a very evil sentence. How many people know how much evil and cruelty the winners cover up

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