Ultragene Warlord

Chapter 704: 0710

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Yunshan mountain, located hundreds of miles outside Dongyang City, is the highest mountain in the western suburb of Dongyang City.

Yunshan mountain is said to be the highest mountain in the western suburbs. In fact, its altitude is only more than 800 meters.

The reason why it is famous is that there are more than 60 luxury houses on this mountain, inhabited by dignitaries and the top political and business leaders.

The higher you live here, the higher your status will be.

There is only one way from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, and the other side of Yunshan is a cliff.

Today seems to be a special day, because the path no more than 20 meters wide has turned pink, from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain.

The reason why it is pink is that this road is covered with pink Phalaenopsis petals, which are several inches thick. You can smell the intoxicating fragrance from a hundred meters away.

The trees on both sides of the road were all dressed in wedding dresses.

Yes, it's the wedding dress, not the white dress.

The wedding dress worn by each tree is tailor-made, white as snow, elegant lace edge, luxurious and white round pearls. They symbolize purity.

Near Yunshan mountain, martial law has been enforced within a hundred miles. This is by no means what wealth can do. It also needs a strong political background.

This area has been cleaned up last night without any dust.

The strong use their power to disperse the clouds in the sky, making the sky as transparent as sapphire, and allowing the bright sunrise to be completely projected on the cloud mountain.

Outside the cordon, a lot of people have gathered, whispering while looking at the direction of Yunshan.

The races in this world are beautiful, or they may be in line with human aesthetics

Silver hair, jewel like eyes, or green pupil, or blue pupil, or red pupil, snow-white skin, slender figure, pointed ears, like an elf.

"Is this grand cross-border wedding, which is known as the greatest, finally about to begin? It's really a big show! You see, those strong people in the sky are removing clouds!"

"Yes! It's a big day. It's said that we'll have the strong players in the East and west to perform together later."

"The wedding will be held in our east boundary first, and then there will be another one in the west boundary."

"Hey... It's cheap for the guy in the western world. That's the daughter of the emperor in the eastern world!"

"Unfortunately, after all, they still fall victim to politics!"

"Marriage is full of political flavor!"


"That's not necessarily. It's said that no one has seen what the daughter of the emperor of the eastern world looks like. What if she's ugly?"

"Cut! The daughter of the Eastern Emperor is very mysterious, but the son of the Western emperor often appears in front of people. That's a generation of young heroes!"

"Even if you choose political marriage, there should not be too much difference in appearance between the two sides."

"Hum, don't come to me tonight!"

"That... No, the wife is the most beautiful..."


At the top of the mountain, it's hard to believe that it's a palace building at the height close to the clouds.

The palaces are stacked and undulating, and the architectural style is integrated with China and the west, but it is not abrupt.

Pink and white have become the main colors today. Beautifully made white gauze with various patterns can be seen everywhere, as if it were a wedding dress for the whole palace.

The mansion covers an area of 100 mu, with luxurious internal facilities. The outdoor swimming pool is rippling with blue water, and the end turns into a waterfall flowing downward

These currents will flow all the way to the underground floor of the palace, where 108 silver rainbow fish swim in the huge pool

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At this time, guests had already arrived on the lawn beside the swimming pool and among the white flowers.

Further on the parking lot, top luxury cars stop.


No, it's not a carriage, because it's not a horse, but a super genetic beast, and the body is huge.

People in formal clothes came in droves, among them people who are usually difficult to see.

There are politicians and businessmen, each of whom has a head and face in two worlds.

Attendants in gowns shuttled between the guests, offering a cup of drinks and exquisite snacks.

As a big world, nature will not be closed like a medium-sized world, but closely connected with many worlds, just like galaxies.

With the big world as the center, countless small and medium-sized worlds are linked, and the small and medium-sized world is combined with other big worlds. In an analogy, it is a small galaxy.

There are many intelligent races in the big world. They build cities and strongholds in the world, just like the scale people.

They will not resist the cosmic race, and even integrate with all races more than the world of the scale people.

Due to the characteristics of the heavens, they have long accepted the Galactic race as a super large world.

The new eastern boundary emperor has made great efforts to cooperate with the galaxy race. The people attending the wedding banquet also include a large number of Galaxy top 100 races.

Tianxin clan, black eagle clan, broken fairy clan, Soul Crystal clan, star beast clan, Jindao clan, Yu clan

Here, more than half of the top 100 races in the galaxy

There is no way. As the big world of Xumi, the East and the West have incomparably vast land and unparalleled rich resources. Even the top 100 races in the galaxy are willing to make friends.

A tall, middle-aged man in his forties, with a straight suit, straight waist, short hair, handsome and resolute face.

"Is there anything special about the Galactic Federation recently?"

He was surrounded by dozens of people, and his position in the eastern boundary was obviously very important.

His name is unknown to all intelligent creatures in the eastern world. Li Chongming, the youngest emperor in the history of the eastern world.

It is also the true owner here today. The palace style building on the top of the mountain is his residence.

Or the palace!

However, in this medieval world, they did not specifically name it the palace.

One of the top 100 races in the galaxy said, "the most special thing that has happened recently should come from Zhang lie and Zhang renhuang!"

The other party shook the red wine in his hand and said, "Oh, emperor? Emperor of a race? Is there anything special?"

The way of nuclear absorption of natural disaster gene beast has been found. Is the existence of limit gene not special enough?

However, the top 100 in the universe didn't say it. After all, the alien doesn't understand it.

"Well, yes, he was praised as the emperor by the Galactic Terrans. As for the special... He entered the God of war list just after entering the third world, and now he is ranked 85."

"No, don't you foreign intelligent races all have to go through the so-called period of weakness?"

"Yes, but he doesn't, so he's special!"

Li Chongming said with great interest, "I really want to know you and see what kind of person you are!"

At this time, an attendant approached and said something in Li Chongming's ear.

Li Chongming smiled and nodded without a trace: "everyone, it's impolite first. My in laws are coming."

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