Ultragene Warlord

Chapter 804: 0812

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The fourth head Fifth head Sixth head When it reached the seventh head, it blocked the high-speed laser shot from Zhou Ying's forest.

But the latter threw a dagger directly through the troll's head.

After the head is penetrated, the troll will fall into a brief crash state before self recovery. The black wooden dragon entangles and traps it.

Then the eighth Troll came out and blocked Zhou Ying's attack again.

These powerful trolls appear one end after another, as if they have unspeakable learning ability.

After the last head dies, he will learn the lesson of death, but his learning ability is not as high as expected, just like some infinite cycle games.

If you die in the boss war, you will learn the lesson of the last boss, but the troll is obviously not good at playing games.

He learned to block Zhou Ying's attack after he died eight times.

Of course, Zhou Ying's attack came suddenly, and the speed was too fast.

It's like a boss who can't be killed because there are huge differences in data in game settings.

If it is a different individual, it is impossible to have this anomaly. It is certain that these trolls are the same individual.

Because there are too many possibilities, there are all kinds of possibilities, such as separation, cloning and rebirth.

Even blocking is useless. Zhou Ying is too strong.

The troll waved his palm horizontally and patted Zhou Ying. Zhou Ying's body exploded and turned into green leaves all over the sky.

But I don't know when another Zhou Ying has appeared on the top of the troll's head, and the dagger is mercilessly inserted into the back of the troll's head.

Zhou Ying made a new attempt. This time, she didn't kill it. She simply trapped it and saw what she found.

New individuals are constantly emerging, although they are too weak.

The troll trapped by the ebony dragon laughed loudly: "ha ha, ha ha, it's useless. Your struggle is just futile."

The trees rustled, and Zhou Ying's voice echoed in the green forest: "so you can speak. I thought you had only fighting instinct and were a mute at all."

The trapped Troll laughed loudly: "stupid, it's so stupid. No matter how many times you kill me, I'll be reborn and come back. I can't kill!"

"A thousand times is good, ten thousand times is good. I am immortal. In the end, you will only be tired and rest."

"Sure enough, you are the troll king!"

The troll king said proudly, "so what? I am a special existence, an immortal existence."

Zhou Ying said casually, "it seems that you have other abilities besides self proliferation through contact with life. I guess it won't be blood rebirth or separation ability?"

First, think of the super high-speed regeneration ability of the troll king. Leave a piece of meat somewhere. After the body dies, the meat will regenerate a troll king.

But the possibility is relatively small. After all, no one can guarantee that the meat cut by the giant devil king will directly become another giant devil king and then devour the body.

Later, Zhou Ying thought that the giant Demon King appeared in front of her. In fact, it was not the real Troll king, but just a piece of meat of the troll king.

After cutting off a piece of meat, the real Troll King becomes a troll King similar to separation, and the body hides in other places.

Is there only one such flesh separation? The troll king really has this ability. Why not get tens of millions? A person is a race.

Zhou Ying thought again that there was a time limit for the birth of meat separation, and it was impossible to make a lot of them repeatedly.

But it's not right. After knowing that a meat part can't beat Zhou Ying, shouldn't it send two or three, or seven or eight, at one go?

Every time they create one body after another, why on earth?

Zhou Ying first cut off the troll's wrist and immediately turned it into a pile of poisonous mud.

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Obviously, once the troll King's body leaves itself, it has no high-speed cell regeneration ability, and the cells will directly collapse into a pile of poisonous mud emitting a stench.

Like the emperor of time in the second world, Zhou Ying rejected the ability of time in an instant.

Time ability Zhou Ying has not seen it. She has seen time ability from Zhang lie.

Fang Yi directly integrates the power of time into the moves. Zhou Ying doesn't say she knows the time ability, but it's absolutely certain that the troll king doesn't have the time ability.

It's something else.

The giant demon king on the ground is twisted into an indescribable object by the black wood dragon. You can get rid of the option of illusion.

Zhou Ying thought of a very close answer: "the most likely is cloning."

The troll King laughed and said, "although I don't know what cloning is in my mouth, my ability is supreme and can't be understood by a mere mortal."

"The same ability to keep dying?"

The troll king said proudly, "your struggle is just futile. No matter how powerful the enemy is, it will be consumed by me."

Zhou Ying sneered: "your ability is not very strong, at least there is a huge regret!"

The giant devil sneered: "impossible, my perfect rebirth ability, there is no regret!"

"You won't say that if you don't kill me and trap me, you can get rid of me."

Zhou Ying fell silent.

The troll king looked up and laughed: "hahaha, I didn't expect that my opponent is more childish than I thought. Indeed, as you can see, there is only one me every time!"

"If I don't kill the first one, I won't appear next. If I don't kill this one, I won't appear next. Even you guessed my weakness. Why wouldn't I hide it?"

Zhou Ying said curiously, "with the troll's own high-speed regeneration, you can't commit suicide when you're trapped."

The troll king still kept a mocking smile on his face.

"Your body is highly toxic, which does some harm to the black wooden dragon. It has been corroding the black wooden dragon itself. If you replace it with a metal cage or a wooden cage, it is estimated that it has been corroded by you during our talking time!"

"But being trapped by my black wooden dragon is not so easy to break."

Zhou Ying is constantly infusing the life source force into the black wood dragon. The corroded part will grow again soon, and the growth speed is faster than the corrosion speed.

"It's true that this toxin is a good means to break the trap, but I'm not just preparing a means."

Inside the black wood dragon cocoon, the troll King's stomach suddenly swelled, his cheeks puffed up, and something surged up in his stomach.

It's like vomiting, but swallowing the vomit back. The vomit keeps surging up, and the giant demon king doesn't let it vomit out. His eyes are congested, and dark yellow vomit comes out of his nose. With terrible corrosion ability, he even corrodes his own skin.

Sensing the giant demon king's disgusting state at this time, Zhou Ying secretly screamed that it was not good. A thick black wood dragon vine in the cocoon stretched out and directly stabbed the troll's mouth.

The vomit was like finding an explosive mouth at last. It burst open suddenly. It was terrible corrosive. The sludge and poisonous water seeping from the giant demon king's skin was nothing at all.

At the same time, all the abscesses on the giant demon king's skin exploded, throwing out yellow green sputum, vomit, sputum and purple black blood in one breath. Zhou Ying was also startled.

The troll King blew himself up!

The damage caused by self explosion is terrible. The cocoon composed of tens of thousands of black wooden dragons dissolves directly and corrodes to the root.

"Hiss, the troll King's self Explosion ability is too terrible."

If you don't trap the troll king in advance, this hand will not die or be half disabled from a close distance. The most important thing is that the self exploding Troll King won't die and will appear in a complete posture next time.

"Rebirth and self explosion flow, don't be too disgusting!"

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