Ultragene Warlord

Chapter 835: 0843

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"That's him!"

Everyone looked down their eyes and saw that the gate of the giant beast palace opened and Zhang lie walked out of the palace gate in a straight suit.

Stretching, he jumped down from the palace gate and landed next to Li Qianqian. Li Qianqian turned his head and smiled at Zhang lie Tiantian.

Li Chongming and Li Qianqian have come to the stage. Li Chongming stepped forward and said, "thank you for your appreciation and coming to the grand ceremony of the integration of the East and the West!"

"The East and the West have a history of thousands of years. Many people here don't know that the East and the West were originally one."

Although there are people with heads and faces present, they don't know much.

Li Chongming slowly began to say, "when the East and the West were still a big world, the emperor of the world had two excellent sons, and it was absolutely a good thing for ordinary people to have two excellent sons!"

"It may not be a good thing to be born in the imperial family. There was a difference in the inheritance right of the emperor. The emperor suddenly died, and the inheritance right was suspended. The two princes had a dispute and fought."

When everyone was attracted by Li Chongming's story, a new rich man's eyes twinkled with cold light in the ceremony, and he was walking silently through the crowd and approaching the stage step by step.

Li Chongming shouted: "the two princes finally split the certificate of the emperor into two, tearing the will of the world into two and turning it into the East and west world you know!"

"Only a small number of people in the eastern and Western circles know this. It is estimated that those who know the truth can count it in one slap. The eastern and Western circles used to be a world and gradually die out in history and the memory of the older generation."

The top leaders in the East and West were shocked.

"Can't you imagine that our eastern and Western worlds are still one world?"

"This can't be made up by the emperor of the east?"

Someone denied: "the emperor of the eastern boundary is not necessary. I have heard the same legend before!"

"The East and the West were originally one world, but with a big war, the two worlds were forcibly torn in half. Will that big war tear the emperor's certificate in half?"

Someone was shocked and said: "tear the certificate of the emperor and the will of the world into two halves, what an earth shaking war and amazing strength."

The emperor's certificate can't be destroyed by ordinary people. I haven't even heard of anyone who really destroys the emperor's certificate.

How powerful can it be to tear it in half in the war, and even cut the will of the world in half.

"Will it be the two princes who have torn the certificate of the emperor and the will of the world in the mouth of the emperor in the East and the integration of the East and the west?"

I don't know if the emperor of the eastern boundary arranged a trust in the crowd. In short, the guests from the eastern and Western circles began to believe what Li Chongming said on the stage.

"This possibility is very high. I was surprised earlier. Why does the east boundary call it the east boundary and the west boundary call it the west boundary? What kind of ethnic world is other people's world, named after their own race!"

"Only our eastern and Western boundaries are named after the location. I've been wondering whether there will be two worlds, North and south. Now I finally understand who is the original world."

It has begun to be said satisfactorily.

"In fact, I always think the names of the East and the West are too simple. Why doesn't the emperor change his name?"

Li Chongming continued on the stage: "with the gradual passing of the older generation, not many people remember this matter!"

"But even if all the people forget, our royal family and our emperor still clearly remember that it has been passed down from generation to generation in the royal family after thousands of years!"

"We all hope that one day the East and the West will be united and return to their former glory."

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The people under the stage understood: "I see. Although the two worlds are divided, the world kings have never planned to give up. The reason why they don't change their name is to make each generation of world kings clearly understand their goals and tasks."

Li Chongming nodded and said, "everyone who inherits the throne of the emperor will be passed down by the previous emperor, or before inheriting the throne, the previous emperor will tell the next emperor about it!"

"When I inherited the position of the eastern boundary emperor, I naturally inherited the mission and will of each generation of the boundary emperor."

When Li Chongming was excited to give a speech on the stage, a new rich man from the western world had a gloomy face and was sneaking close to the stage. The distance was getting closer.

Everyone focused on Li Chongming and didn't notice him.

But Zhang lie noticed him, but he just smiled coldly and didn't do anything.

"Every generation of jiehuang strives and works for this goal, not just me, but also for this goal!"

"The emperor of the East and the West has been committed to the re integration of the two worlds. Through the efforts of countless generations, through the development of the world and strengthening itself, we can make the world stronger and defeat each other's world. This is our resentment."

The kings of the two worlds have never thought of peaceful integration. They always want to seize the throne of the other through struggle and crushing, and through battle and war, so as to realize integration.

Li Chongming spoke well on the stage. He said that the eastern boundary emperor inherited the will of the previous generation from generation to generation and was committed to the integration of the two worlds.

To put it bluntly is to be serious and nonsense. It's just a greedy world.

In order to have the power to annex each other's world, the eastern and Western worlds have launched wars and swallowed up the surrounding world.

Under his deception, the eastern and Western world is a unified world, and it is also a top world.

After the split, the eastern and Western worlds are only barely regarded as the level of the big world.

After more than a thousand years, the kings of the East and the West have become the top big world under the condition of continuous confrontation and strengthening, and many worlds have been integrated during this period.

Li Chongming raised his arm and shouted: "generation after generation, through the efforts of countless generations, I have finally completed the resentment wish of several generations of the emperor in my generation and witnessed the integration of the East and the West!"

Pop, pop, pop!

The guests were very polite and agreed.

Li Chongming sighed: "it's my honor to witness the integration of the two worlds. It's also the expectation and resentment of the Eastern Emperor. The goal of passing on the will from generation to generation is finally over in my generation. I'm really happy..."

"Li Chongming, go to hell!"

Just as Lao Li was impassioned, unconsciously, the man from the western world who mixed into the venue had come to the front of the stage.

He took out his weapon from his chest, but before he could do anything, Li Chongming's bodyguard had pressed him to the ground.

Zhang lie looked at the scene and sneered.

The reason why he didn't pay attention was that he thought the other party was too stupid and too weak.

Even if such a weak guy successfully sneaks into the meeting, he can't do anything at all?

There is no such thing as explosives in the three thousand world. Even if there is, it can't easily hurt others

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