Ultragene Warlord

Chapter 842: 0850

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Li Qianqian blushed and said angrily, "father!"

Li Chongming was also very happy with the successful integration of the East and the West: "half of the integration of the two worlds is successful, no... three-quarters of the credit lies with you!"

"Without you, the East and the West cannot merge smoothly, and even encounter great disasters."

Now, after the disaster, the world has a new life.

The new world is bound to rise to a higher level.

Zhang lie asked, "what are you going to do about the xuluo nationality?"

Li Chongming originally wanted to give Zhang lie a reward or reward. It seems that Zhang lie doesn't like it.

Zhang Liedao: "as a super world, the xuluo nationality will obviously not easily give up the new super world. The number of xuluo troops will only be more next time."

Zhang lie's words were like a basin of cold water poured on Li Chongming's head, cooling the excitement of his just promoted promotion.

Li Chongming shook his head and said, "I can't think of any other way except positive hard resistance."

Chongming world is a new super world, which can't compare with the xuluo world that existed in ancient times.

In fact, the so-called elite army in the East was almost broken when it was faced with the army in the Sura world.

Under the power of heaven, there is hardly a living mouth.

If it were not for Zhang lie, the two circles would not be able to integrate at all, let alone be promoted to the super world. Now he, Li Chongming, is also dead.

This life can be said to have been saved by Zhang lie.

"I never intended to be caught without a hand. Even if the new Chongming world is destroyed, I will meet the super world that exists forever."

Li Chongming said, "you don't have to be buried with the world. Take Li Qianqian away!"

Li Qianqian hurriedly said, "father, I..."

Li Chongming raised his hand to stop Li Qianqian from going on.

Zhang lie said: "just promoted to super world, it's a pity to destroy it. I may have a way."

Li Chongming asked, "what can I do?"

Zhang lie said, "the emperor of xuluo can open a space channel in this world. Do you have any way to open a space channel in that world?"

Li Chongming was proud: "if I had never been able to do it before, but the world was promoted to the super world, and I became the emperor of the super world, I would have this authority!"

"When the other party opens the world channel, he also leaves the coordinates. There is a saying that when you stare at the abyss, the abyss is staring at you."

Zhang lie said: "that's easy. With this coordinate, I can go directly to kill the emperor!"

Li Chongming took a breath: "hiss, can you do it?"

The other party is the king of the super world!

Zhang lie smiled: "I'm not sure, but for now, even if I can't kill, the other party should not keep me!"

Li Chongming said, "give me some time to get familiar with the power and authority of the super world."


In the Borneo realm, the sea of blood surged.

"What's the matter with my ancestor? I'm sleeping soundly."

The huge shadow came slowly, the sea of blood surged, and the sound was like thunder.

The red thunder and lightning roared in the blood sky. As the dark shadow approached slowly, anyone's face would change greatly.

The shadow is tall and has a bloody sky overhead. It is no longer a moving mountain.

The huge xuluo people, named kharoshantuo, are the same four heavenly kings in the xuluo kingdom as pozhi.

The same huge xuluo nationality appeared, with four eyes and four arms, huge palms, holding the sun and moon in their hands, standing on the sea with two feet and a long dragon tail behind them.

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Holding the bloody sun with four hands and the same bloody moon, the bloody light reflects the whole blood sea. The blood red of the blood sea is deeper, the head is burning a bloody flame, and there are long horns on the head.

Similarly, Luo Hou, one of the four heavenly kings in the xuluo world.

At this time, the sea surged, and an even bigger shadow appeared, like a moving continent with nine heads, a bloody wreath on its head, and a bloody stench on its petals.

The flowers and vines are wriggling. The flowers have sharp teeth and low liquid. This wreath is actually a living creature.

Each has thousands of eyes on his head, eight spider like feet, 999 hands on his body, and his arms are dense on his body. He looks creepy.

Standing up like a spider, it is definitely four times taller than kharoshan and rohu.

"See your highness vimashdora."

Kharoshantuo and rohou bent down half at the same time and bowed their heads to salute.

This nine headed thousand eyed spider is called vimashdora. It is the oldest four heavenly kings. Although it is the same as the four heavenly kings, vimashdora has another identity.

Not the son of heaven.

At this moment, three of the four heavenly kings in the xuluo world gathered together.

Vimashtora looked around and spoke with a flame in his mouth: "little woman, that boy has never been late."

The sea of blood surged and rolled, and Feitian slowly rose from the sea. Kharoshantuo and rohou quickly knelt down, and vimashdora also lowered nine heads.


Feitian said in a low voice: "Po Zhi has died in the war."


Vimashdora, kharoshantuo and rohu were shocked.

"It's impossible. We didn't go to war with other super worlds. The war against the underworld didn't start until ten years later," said vimashdora

Feitiandao: "there has just been a world, promoted to the super world."

"The new super world!"

There was greed in the eyes of pila, khador and khador at the same time.

"The ancestor means that the little woman was killed by this newly promoted super world?" Kharoshyan's voice was like thunder, rolling out with his words.

Fei Tiandao: "Po Zhi had an accident in this super big world."

Luo Hou frowned: "does a new super world have the ability to kill young women?"

Pimashudoro nodded and said, "although little pozhi is the youngest, youngest and lowest among the four heavenly kings, she is also one of the four heavenly kings in the xuluo world and the world's top emperor!"

"It's true to use extraordinary power to face the emperor who has just been promoted to the super world."

Pozhi is the weakest and youngest of the four heavenly kings.

As I said earlier, a four heavenly kings died in the front line, and pozhi took the place of the original four heavenly kings.

Pozhi is totally different from the guy whose height reaches the world limit and his head is against the ceiling of the super big world.

In terms of address, pozhi is our emperor to Feitian, while kharoshantuo and luohou are the ancestors.

Because kharoshyan Tuo and luohou are lineages within ten generations, and women and children don't know how many generations they are.

Fei Tiandao: "there must be an unknown accident. Kharoshan and luohou take their respective xuluozhong to this newly promoted super world!"

"Grandma and child died, one of the four heavenly kings was vacant, and the covering barrier had enough rest."

Bimashtora's eyes were bright: "is the covering barrier coming back?"

"I've called him over!"

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