
Chapter 1: Prologue: The resolution to change (Part I)

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Prologue: The resolution to change (Part I)

The lone spiral tribe that rebelled against the artificial being wasn't the only one it had defeated. Instead, the fact that each revolt made by the newly conquered spirals beings had been more and more difficult to contain was a fact that made the artificial being feel more irritated than anything.

And how it could not? It could still vividly remember the annoyance felt when the annihilation of the Spiral Coalition only made the surviving spiral races more rambunctious. It was something that astonished the newly born artificial being when it saw how,  instead of retreating or stopping in their pitiful retaliations like the knowledge left by its creators reasoned, they just keep trying to clash and lose quite miserably against the Asthanga protecting the newly conquered A-2 galaxy.

But worse than the boredom felt when those reckless attacks changed into a daily routine was the vexation that the creation of the Spiral Confederation caused on the artificial being.

That didn't mean that the dwindling members of the Spiral Confederation stopped with their reckless charges, favouring covert operations over an all-out war that caused more losses on their ranks than anything. Now, unlike its predecessors and their stupid beliefs, they fought for unreachable ideals like freedom and peace.

The Anti-Spiral only needed one look at their improved Spiral Powered Mechas roaming on the space, burning twice the spiral power to only lose the same way, to give up trying to understand the line of thought under what those spiral races functioned. 

In what sense using more and more spiral power as a means to bring peace and stability would help them? The sheer hypocrisy behind that amazed the artificial being who knew that, even if the idea of the Spiral Nemesis could seem ludicrous at first, every organism who could control it was unconsciously aware of the seer destruction and chaos that not restraining the spiral power would entail.

But the other spiral beings refused to accept it. The thought of not feeling the rush that such desirable power gave prevailed over the rational and peaceful solution offered by the artificial being and, after a millennium of almost constant rejections and fighting, the annoyance, boredom and rage felt a long time ago transformed into apathy.

(It will never reveal it but under that apathy, a fleck of animosity still lingered. Because in the end, under all the grand objectives and procedures programmed into its being, the memories of a forgotten spiral race remained.

So when at first it looked at those waves of spiral gunmen of that "coalition" appearing in the distance, wrongly designating it as the "Anti-Spiral" and enemy of the entire spiral universe instead of accepting the reality, to battle again a war long lost it could only hate them even more.

For the one, the only one they so callously called "Anti-Spiral" wouldn't have existed if they just listened. But no, an entire race trying to peacefully make them just understand the evitable nemesis that coveting the spiral power would lead to was in turn ostracized.

But, despite everything, it would gladly occupy the role and name donned by the spiral races to prevent the end of the known universe. Even if the rage and distaste of his formerly spiral cousins was the price to pay, the being would gladly continue to leave in his wake the necessary destruction to make them just stop and save the universe from their mistreatment.

After all, how such fleeting emotions could compare to saving and protecting the existence of the entire universe?) 

Then, he appeared.

At first, the Anti-Spiral didn’t pay close attention to the pale-skinned and blonde-haired human that rapidly shot through the rebellion’s ranks. Compared to all the remaining threats that the universe presented, like the free spiral races on the G-6 and G-9 galaxies and the weakened "Spiral Confederation" still lingering on the A-2 galaxy, the man’s face and name were unimportant in what the Anti-Spiral considered an already won rebellion against a primitive spiral race occupying a little planet.

But the tide of the First Anti-Spiral Revolt on Earth began to change.

Starting from a stampede to continuing into a disadvantageous stalemate the youngest general's feats of resisting and even counterattacking the Anti-Spiral's attacks spread like wildfire. After the liberation of the Nothern base and the successful defence against the Asthanga near the earth, the general's image started to spread a hope rarely seen among the disillusioned and defeated revolutionary forces stationed on Earth.

From that, it didn't take too much for the last vestiges of the resistance to transform that hope into the perfect spark that could counter the Anti Spiral's use of brute force and despair to rule the mostly subdued G-3 universe. In no time, under the banner of this courageous leader whose power surpassed every spiral warrior ever born in the universe, all the remaining forces of the Spiral Confederation and the recently rebelled spiral tribes across the subjugated galaxies started to gather.

And the Anti-Spiral's apathy changed into curiosity.

(For they had also been great one time. A spiral race respected enough for its intelligence and advancements in all fields in a universe where only brawn and power mattered for those who led from their seats.

For they also advocated for peace too. Unable to continue seeing the blackness and total silence that those spaceships waging war let in their way.

For they also had been forced to fight, to stand up for those who couldn't while honouring those who did and never lived to tell the tale.

For they also thought that they could win against what was inevitable. To change with their brethren the horrifying destiny that awaited them to only end dying!

Aon would never believe them like the others. He saw the desperation hidden behind the smiling faces reflected on the screen and knew, without any doubt, that their request was a mere formality done for appearance's sake more than anything.

With a glance around him, noting the sounds of soldiers and Grumben running around against the apparent calm surrounding almost all of the colony, Aon's anger started to grow at the fact that the ruse had worked.

No one who didn't know beforehand didn't notice the abruptness of the new "laws" and would comply with everything. Thinking that all those procedures would save them from the disaster, Aon could see how the entire population would at first follow those orders without knowing that they would end on that machine, feeding that monster until nothin 

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Therefore, when it saw beyond the mere façade of the general whose mere presence started the First Anti-Spiral War, an exception was made under the shelter of the ever-lasting branches that formed the multiverse.

And with a phrase and a promise, the greatest force reunited under the promise of freedom and peace in the universe was destroyed by their symbol and hope)

The Anti-Spiral knew well enough the risks of letting anyone strong enough to take the mantle that the spiral warrior now calling himself Lordgenome downed. The arrival of this type of conclusion wasn't due to fear, knowing that the victory against such a foe would be assured, but the fact that the Anti-Spiral didn't want to fight a two-front war every time one spiral warrior wanted to fight against what was inevitable.

So, even when the success that the Multiverse Labyrinth had on the previous spiral general and its forces was unmistakable, the Anti-Spiral didn't take any risks and left the necessary procedures to prevent someone as powerful as him another time on all the conquered galaxies. 

“My drill is the drill that will pierce the heavens!”

As a result, when the Anti-Spiral's initial success started to vanish under the drill of that measly combined Lagann, every ounce of assuredness that once lead those actions and thoughts just disappeared. Neither the clash of wills,  the almost infinite escalation of his opponent, or even the failure of the Earth Annihilation System caused so much dread to the Anti-Spiral than the sudden thought of just .... losing.


Because it was the collective consciousness of the Anti-Spiral race at large (it could never lose), the only one who finally transcended and rejected all the spiral emotion or reason (it would never waver) and the only one standing without faltering between the spiral races and the culmination of the Spiral Nemesis (it will always win).

Because losing would mean that everything that it had done to protect the universe would have been for nothing. If the enemy (anomaly) in front of him won, as stupid as it could sound even in its head, it would only end on the Spiral Nemesis destroying everything it had done to protect them.

But the (abnormality) spiral warrior didn't stop.

And when its last defences started to crumble against the Lagann reaching to him, the enraged face of the monster warrior now visible inside the Spiral Powered Mecha, the Anti-Spiral felt terrified for the first time since its creation. 

But it tried to stand straight and fight run [IMPALE_OBJECTIVE] whereas everything was falling apart. Every plan and contingency was forgotten against the mere realization that it could lose against such a monster.


Because it was the collective consciousness of the Anti-Spiral race at large (it could never lose), the only one who finally transcended and rejected all the spiral emotion or reason (it would never waver) and the only one standing without faltering between the spiral races and the culmination of the Spiral Nemesis (it will always win).

The shout of this let the shock of failing to impale the incoming Lagann disappear from the Anti-Spiral. With enough time to see the incoming left hook, the Anti-Spiral tried to raise its arms to defend itself to no avail.

Before the Anti-Spiral could even register the pain on his right cheek his head crashed to the ground and something within c r a c k e d.

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