Unbleached Soul

Chapter 28: Chapter 26.5: R and R

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Rangiku Matsumoto never imagined that her love life would be this way, if she ever had any, she had absurd standards for her partner; She always believed that a complete package like her deserved something equal, a great body and personality like hers don't grow on trees... that's what she told herself, the reality was she only had one person in her heart, although she never recognized it as such, her childhood friend Gin Ichimaru, she basically owed him her current life, when she was a poor girl in the Rukongai and she collapsed from hunger, he fed her and they were inseparable ever since, he also motivated her to become Shinigami and gave her a birthday date; no one does that much for someone else without leaving a mark on him or her.

That's why his betrayal hurt her deeply, to this day she doesn't have the slightest idea why he did it, although she tried not to show it.  His subsequent death was of no consolation to her, any explanation she might receive left with Gin; also that everything was so fast and sudden, she couldn't just make so many years of time together disappear; for that reason when she came back from kidnapping in Hueco Mundo and visited his grave, she couldn't help but burst into tears. This chapter in her life may never have a satisfying close, but she would have to go on to open another, one she never dreamed of.

It started in a totally unexpected way, even before Gin showed his true colors, the soul society had been invaded and she had accidentally met one of the intruders,no matter how many rumors circulated that she climbed positions through her body or that she always avoided work; that last one was partially true, but it is beside the point; she had and was going to fulfill her responsibilities as a lieutenant.

“What if we pretended we didn't see each other?” They wouldn't be the most glamorous first words for her first formal meeting, just when she discovered his identity, but definitely no man had said that to her since she became an adult.

His behavior continued to get more strange, first he believed that he underestimated her and then that he was crazy like Kenpachi, in hindsight she should have been even more cautious and not play along, either way, he ended up in her defeat and believed that all the nice talk of his opponent would crumble and show his true colors.

“nice rosary” The lieutenant had to admit that few men were aware that she had a rosary, because they were looking at something else, and they were interested in her, there was a secret little bet in the society of Shinigami women on whether any male lieutenant was gay.

Rangiku preferred to forget her next awakening, she still had to charge him for that, however, she believed that there she would end her story with that peculiar intruder and she couldn't be more wrong.

"I don't think you can break my Hierro, but I want fun of another kind" Certainly one does not expect to see someone you know transform into a Hollow and less than this same Hollow, inject you with an aphrodisiac to plan to rape you, but the work of Shinigami always manages to surprise

To be honest, she didn't remember much after the Arrancar got a new hole in her body; Although she smiled when she remembered that moment, that Gottsir was too arrogant; just how hot her body was and the soft touch of that intruder.

"It's good that you got up, Nemu said that there was no need to worry, but one is never sure" Rangiku almost wanted him to gloat or try to make an excuse to complete her slap in the face, but she was not an airhead not to understand the situation.

Then Kevin's whole explanation followed, it was strange to realize that she only knew his name after having sex, it was surreal, to say the least, at that moment she had enough and just wanted to get drunk to rest and relax.

She didn't hope he wouldn't even try to touch her when she was intoxicated and sweet enough to take her to her room, though in the middle of it he did pick up what she assumed was an Arrancar and got a little carried away.

The rest of her stay was heaven, the vacations she always wanted, Kevin catered to her every whim, it was easy to see that he felt guilty for what he did to her, she didn't take advantage of his condition... Too much, it was hard to be mad at him when he showed remorse, plus the company kept her from thinking about the whole Gin thing.

When it was time to leave, they had complicated feelings, if everything went well with the Gotei 13, what would be the relationship with Kevin?, What did Kevin think of her? He wouldn't be suffering from guilt all his life, that's what she believed.

“Rangiku” Fortunately, Kevin acted first to answer her questions for her.

"What's going on?" She was finishing her dinner, Aizen had left a full pantry and Kevin was cooking.

"Tomorrow you will return to soul society and I am saying goodbye to everyone tonight" The lieutenant could see that he is nervous

“I won't give you goodbye sex.” She attempted a joke to lighten the mood.

"I didn't expect it, but I wanted to offer you this" It worked, but his expression of "this woman is always like this", made her want to hit him

In his hand was a small green bead, with two ornaments inside that formed an infinity.

“I know that we started with many left feet, but I want us to be friends, this is my farewell gift and I would like to put them in your rosary, if you want us to meet again” With the little that she knew him these days, she knew that he was serious, if she rejected him she would not see him again

Rangiku didn't know it, but Kevin was very impressed by how he dealt with the whole Gottsit thing, he didn't want to leave their relationship halfway and he fired her to make things clear.

She didn't think about it and she just took it, in the long run she didn't regret it

She admitted that she sighed when they didn't declare a confrontation against Kevin's side, she would have liked to accompany Rukia to inform her, but her captain stopped her, she seemed to guess that she would stay longer than necessary to enjoy the luxuries of Las Noches.

Everything went smoothly from that point, Kevin came to go out with them from time to time, no unpleasant surprises or awkward situations, his life was back on track and it would be perfect... if it weren't for his meddling zanpakuto.

“Old woman, when are you going to sleep with him again?” Haineko had been very "communicative" lately.

“I'm telling you, I'm not having sex with Kevin again.” She had a vein standing out on her forehead.

"Come on, your inner world was so much fun when you did it!"

"I don't mind!"

“You're going to be a spinster all your life! Go get some cats! Better yet, I bet any slightly attractive cat will steal it from you! If you were as pretty as me, too bad you don't have my charm.” She blew out her red hair.

"Grrr, cocky" That's why she hated talking to her zanpakuto spirit

Sadly, that cat had more material to tease when Kevin told her about his new relationship with Yoruichi.

“I told you, you lack charm… I must admit he has good taste” The zanpakuto looked at her superiorly.

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"It's just a coincidence!"

“Yes, just like the cloudy sky.” She pointed lazily up.

“You only called me to make fun of me!” If it wasn't necessary to have a relationship with your sword, the Shinigami would probably never speak to it.

“In part, I wanted to ask you, are you ready?” She had a rare moment of seriousness, you could tell she was Rangiku's zanpakuto spirit

"For what?"

“To let go of another relationship you care about”

"We're not going to stop talking to each other!"

"Don't make yourself more stupid than you are, you know what I'm talking about, someone like you doesn't just forget the person you shared a bed with, especially after the damage caused by "that" She pointed to a meadow in the distance that seemed to be suffering from poisoning.

"What does it matter?! I can continue as I am now, even if I listened to you, it's over now." She clenched her palms tightly.

"It only ends if you do nothing, like last time, your competition is far superior to you, but I was not born of a loser, you get your chance, only you decide how you take it" She walked away, she already said everything she wanted .

Rangiku just stood in place, processing what to do next.

She was avoiding spending much time with Kevin as she made up her mind, she even put in extra work assisting Lieutenant Hinamori in her recovering , but life told her enough was waiting when Rukia's prom came around.

"Hush, my head is killing me!" She woke up with a head odor and a familiar sensation in her lower body, she only remembered that the alcohol gave her enough drive to vent her feelings with Kevin, but the rest was blank.

When she realized that she had sex with him again, she exploded; the feeling that her zanpakuto wanted to communicate didn't help; It didn't matter how or why, but she was going to get a part of him, she wasn't a woman you could sleep with over and over and then carry on like nothing happened.


No one could point to Rukia Kuchiki's life as monotonous, both in a good and a bad way; from growing up in the Rukongai, entering the Shinigami academy, having to kill her captain, to giving up her Shinigami powers and being sentenced to death. All strong experiences, which forged her character and got her, or took away, people she respects and she can consider close and valuable.

Love, or any related topic for that matter, is not something she thinks about much, she already has too much conflict and emotional baggage in her life to focus her efforts on it; being a member of a noble family didn't help either, not to mention the fact how some guys act around her, she guessed that her partner couldn't be a “just anyone” and would have to be approved by the family.

In retrospect, there were only two men with whom she had developed a very close relationship, not counting her previous captain and her brother, Ichigo Kurosaki and Renji Abararai. In her time in the human world she forged a bond with the substitute Shinigami that she never imagined possible, they had great mutual trust and knew they could count on each other, they were what anyone could describe as best friends, but going to the next level was not something she often thought about; first, even leaving the age difference, Ichigo was still underage and second, it was clear to everyone, except Ichigo himself, what her friend Orihime felt for him, with these doubtful feelings she didn't consider it correct to get in her way. As for her red-haired childhood friend, she wouldn't lie about it hurt a little when he parted ways with her at the time of joining the Kuchiki family, but since the incident in soul society was resolved they are returning to the way they were before, how that would evolve in the future only time would tell.

This would be her relationship situation, if it weren't for a strange and unexpected factor crashing into her life. Saying that her first encounters with Kevin were surprising was one way of looking at it, he rescued her twice from Hollows when you didn't have her powers, from the beginning he was a complete mystery to her; she at first imagined the most obvious scenario, that soul society had discovered her and he was just another Shinigami, but was discarded over time; later he helped in the rescue of her in the Gotei 13, even if it was for personal reasons, he gave everything and when the matter of Aizen and the incident with the Arrancar occurred, his identity was only more diffuse.

"Did you believe that? It was just a ruse to disturb Aizen, as for who I am, I think I owe you an answer for the trouble I caused you, if you can, please don't tell anyone"

The truth is not usually that exciting, Rukia expected something more impressive, but she had no choice but to accept it, from that point and with the future time shared, Kevin went from that incomprehensible being to a good friend in Rukia's heart.

With basically all the issues resolved, she was able to go back to her normal life, no, it was even better because she had more friends and her older brother was finally opening up to her.

"So your zanpakuto is based on ice" Kevin stopped by every so often to go out with Rukia or Rangiku, in fact, this helped them both get to know each other better.

"Yes, but I have to improve a lot to catch up with Captain Hitsugaya" It wasn't for nothing that was known as the strongest ice zanpakuto.

"As long as you keep that attitude, one day you might do it, unlocking the Bankia is a start." Because of how he and Ichigo unlocked it, he didn't see it as almost impossible to achieve.

"You make it sound easy." Rukia had a scolding look on her face.

"I don't know what to tell you, but if you want help, let me know... I almost forgot your stuffed animal." He took it out to give it to her.

"Not here!...wait until we're alone" Anyone would say they were doing something illegal.

“Okay, how are things with your brother?”

"Well..." The ice user hoped that the two of them would hit it off at some point, but Kevin was keeping his distance and her brother was... well, her brother.

This was the kind of relationship they had until her party…she would never drink without a caretaker ever since.

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