Under the Influence [BL]

Chapter 4: Chapter 3

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"It’s settled, we'll inform Mrs Hendrickson tomorrow during lunch hour," Romeo affirmed as his mind thought of many concepts to work on. As he was off thinking, Halo gazed at his expression and it only confused him more -- all of this was just too strange, what was this person's true purpose here?

"Won't your friends have issues with you working with a gay?" Halo questioned him. Romeo was pulled out from his thoughts when he heard the word, 'gay' and it took him a split second to catch Halo's meaning.

He stared at Halo who was still blushing from what he had seen earlier on and noted the gaze of curiosity that shined in his emerald eyes. He licked his lips thinking of an answer and yes, they wouldn't be quiet about it. Halo was basically a nobody while he was a somebody to many.

How was he even going to explain how he knew Halo to them? What about what he just did? It was exhilarating and if Halo were in front of him and he did that, they wouldn't have the time to speak. Romeo stopped himself from thinking as he got this far, he wasn't gay so why is he thinking about placing Halo on his desk and kissing his legs as if they were a worship symbol?

"Romeo?" Halo called his name. It was sweet, gentle and uncertain almost sounding concerned. He focused his gaze on the screen and smiled unknowingly. Shifting his weight in the chair, he sat forward and disclosed, "Does it really look like I give a fuck about what they say? Most of them are neutral about gays. It's just Adrian that is so pissed because his father left his mother for a man." 

Halo bit his thumb casually trying to play of his embarrassment. Romeo had just told him a secret that he wish he had known months before maybe even years but why was he so strange right now?

'But it's not like you know him,' his subconsciousness spoke. 

Halo did not look convinced and he just wanted him as his partner so that he could understand his curiosity and get the 100% on his grade. He ran a frustrated hand over his face saying, "Please don't worry about bullshit, I'll deal with my friends, they know very well that they have no say in my relationships."

"But there is no relationship between us," Halo interjected his thought trail.

Romeo looked at him surprised, his mind raced recalling what he actually said and was baffled. Playing it off he flashed Halo a charming smile that made Halo's mind blow a fuse as he said, "And here I thought you wanted to be daddy's boy or am I mistaken which I don't think I am."

Halo's eyes widened in disbelief and he slammed the phone face down. He huffed and shook his head, how could Romeo use that against him and say it so smoothly too? The audacity!

Romeo wore a frown on his face when Halo did this. Shaking his head, he ended the video call and phoned Halo who hesitated to answer it, "Romeo?" He answered sounding nervous.

Romeo sighed into the phone and closed his eyes as he said, "Tomorrow's Friday, we can head over to your place with my laptop after school, do you need a ride to school in the morning?" 

"No, my mother drops me off in the mornings," he answered in almost a whisper.

Tilting his head to the side Romeo said, "I'll pick you up anyways."

Halo groaned making Romeo chuckle at his complaint. Halo heard his mother call him downstairs and took out the left earplug and yelled, "Okay~"

"Sorry to cut this short, it's time for dinner, I'll see you tomorrow Romeo," Halo explained briefly.

"Alright, don't forget to let your parents know. Be ready by seven-thirty, I still have my siblings I drive around," Romeo said and they said goodbye to each other.

Halo sighed relieved that his mother just saved his ass. He quickly got dressed, went downstairs and told his mother that Romeo was going to take him to school in the morning. She wasn't bothered since they were receiving a favour in exchange for nothing.

Romeo sighed and put his phone on charge. He got up and threw himself on the bed, he felt like screaming but was lazy and it would be out of character for him. Placing his hand over his heart, he could feel how it was pounding and it was all because of those captivating eyes that he couldn't get out of his thoughts, not to mention those legs that he just wanted to sink his teeth into.

Three hours passed and during that time, he couldn't fall asleep because his mind was racing with all the perverted things he wanted to do to Halo's legs and not Halo specifically. He never thought that he'd actually be interested in someone else since all the people he knew and met were boring -- let alone Halo being male and gay. 

Romeo's eyes snapped open and he sat up on the bed. He looked around his room asking himself, 'Am I gay?' But he was attracted to females who could never keep him on his toes and Halo? He was just interested in those legs of his, his eyes, his lips and he wondered how it would feel to run his fingers over Halo's cheeks...

Halo was always so near to him but he never noticed him. What surprised him more were the different sides of Halo. There was his neutral side and talkative side. He also got energetic as he spoke, there was his sexy side, he is talented and gets embarrassed easily, but recovers quickly and he was cute too getting all shy.

"Fuck!" Romeo muttered and lied back down on the bed. He sighed frustrated and shut his eyes, finally falling asleep.


Morning arrived and it was still raining outside, not as heavy as yesterday but there was a chill. Getting up, Romeo had a shower and dressed up warm in khaki pants with a matching hoodie, a black tank top. On his head, he had a black beanie. On his feet he wore brown timberlands; checking himself out in the mirror, he was all set.

He placed his books in his bag and the laptop and charger in its bag grabbed his phone then headed to the kitchen, "Morning," he greeted everyone.

Kissing his mother on the cheek, Maddison on the forehead, his youngest sibling Chante on the nose and his brother on the cheek who rolled his eyes at the contact but was delighted.

His stepfather smiled at him from over the newspaper and continued eating breakfast. Ten minutes later everyone was done, pulling out his phone, he dialled Halo's number.

It was seven already, and they were ready, it would be great if Halo was done too, he was looking forward to seeing him and maybe they could just sit and chat while they waited for classes to start. 

"Morn," Halo answered sheepishly.

Romeo glared at the wall ahead of him as he asked, "Why do you sound like you just woke up?"

"Romeo?" Halo asked unsure since he didn't look who it was before he answered.

"The one and only," Romeo sighed feeling bitter, the feeling of being forgotten by this cutie was something new. Rubbing his temples he thought that he really didn't like his name but when Halo called it?

"Good morning handsome, I'm sick, I can't go to school," Halo whimpered then moaned with an 'mmn' sound.

His throat felt like it was on fire with it being slightly swollen and he could barely speak.

Romeo felt his heart drop, he asked worried, "Did you stay warm and take vitamins as I told you to?"

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"Mn, but it didn't work. My mother gave me medicine an hour ago and I'm really sleepy," Halo said as his eyes rolled back as he kicked the blankets off him and unzipped his onesie. The medication his mother gave him was overheating his body.

Romeo stood up from the couch and looked at his stepfather asking, "Can you take them to school today, something came up?"

His stepfather grumbled but nodded and began to fold the newspaper while he glared at Romeo.

Romeo and Maddison shook their heads, this father of theirs always complained when he had to do something for them or the house, he preferred a maid but his wife was so full of shit.

Rome thanked him with a smirk then ran out with his bags after ending the call abruptly with Halo.

Halo raised a brow and slid his phone under the pillow and drifted back to sleep, he couldn't be bothered with Romeo's antics so early in the morning especially since he was out of it.

Getting into his car, he drove up to Halo's home and went in by the gate, knocking on the door he waited.

After a few minutes passed, a handsome man who looked around his thirties opened the door. When he saw Romeo he frowned, "Good morning, can I help you?" It was rather unusual for them to have a guest this early. 

Romeo looked at the man and wasn't sure what to think of him, "Good morning, I'm Rome, I was the one who brought Halo home yesterday."

"Oh yes, please come in!" The man said with a huge smile on his face and stepped aside for Romeo to enter.

The minute Romeo stepped in, his mouth watered. In the air was the smell of freshly baked lemon cake.

"I am Lorenzo by the way, Angela's brother," the man introduced himself.

They shook hands but Romeo didn't know who this Angela was. Soon a beautiful and curious woman walked in that looked like him, but resembled Halo in more ways than one. Her eyes landed on Romeo and she smiled warmly, "Ah~ you must be the doll that brought my son home," she guessed and hugged him.

Stepping back, she looked at the confused Romeo who took note of her accent saying, "I'm Angela, Halo's mother, thank you for taking care of my son, Romeo."

Smiling awkwardly he said politely, "No problem ma'am… uhh I am here to see Halo about something."

Angela nodded her head curtly, "He was asleep when I checked on him but you can go right up, his room is the last one on the left."

After thanking her, Romeo went up the steps and bumped into a toddler walking down the steps with a glare. She stopped walking and watched the stranger walk past her who looked right at her amused, he heard Angela call her Heaven and found her naming capabilities amusing as the toddler rushed down the steps to cross-question her mother. 

Reaching Halo's room, he knocked but there was no answer. Opening the door cautiously, he walked in quietly after setting his sights on the bed. Halo was lying on a double bed in the middle of the room sound asleep.

Romeo closed the door behind him and looked around. The walls were pink in colour with black curtains that were slightly opened and it was easy to tell by the fun decorations that this room belonged to someone from the LGBTQ community.

He went up to the window, opening it slightly for some fresh air then went to the bed, minding his steps as there were many stuffed toys lying around and some pillows. He switched on the lamp on the nightstand because of the darkness.

Turning to the bed, he looked down at Halo and felt his heart squeeze. Romeo sat down on the bed gently and brushed the hair stuck to Halo's face by the sweat out of the way.

Leaning down he placed his forehead against Halo's and could feel that it was warm. He moved his face and kissed Halo's ear, whispering, "I was looking forward to spending time with you."

Halo blinked his eyes open surprised, even though he was sick, he was a light sleeper and already the sound of the door opening woke him up, it was just opening his eyes that were the problem.

It took a minute to recognize the voice and to focus on the face before him. He shook his body slightly which made Romeo sit up and look down at him, they stared into each other’s eyes and said nothing -- unintentionally seeking for that reason that held them together.

Romeo's phone rang in his pocket giving them both a fright out of their thoughts.

He pulled it out and groaned when he saw that it was Adrian calling, mentally cursing him for disrupting their 'moment'.

Answering it, "Hello?"

"Dude where are you, we have a meeting to get to," Adrian said hurriedly while he dashed across the yard.

Romeo grumbled, "The meeting is at nine Adrian."

"Oh shit right, my bad, see you," he said and hung up.

Putting his phone away, he turned back to Halo who ask, "Why are you here?" 

Romeo moved away for Halo who sat up leaning against the headboard and looked at him. He watched as he rubbed his eyes and hid his yawn which was jokingly in slow motion but he was not complaining.

Sighing Romeo chuckled, "I don't know, I just wanted to make sure you were alright and I was looking forward to spending my morning with you."

Halo gazed at him for a moment then proceeded to smirk. "That is so sweet of you daddy, I was looking forward to spending time with you too," he said mischievously. 

Romeo smiled devilishly as he nodded, he climbed on the bed and stood on his knees one on each side of Halo and teased as he gazed down into Halo's surprised eyes, "Daddy just thought that you might get better after seeing him."

He cupped Halo's face and ran his thumb in circles on his left cheek. Leaning down, he pressed his lips against Halo's pecking him. He looked down after pulling back at Halo and asked, "So tell my baby boy, does seeing daddy help you feel better?"

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