Under The Veil of Night

Chapter 435: Asking for Help

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Time passed swiftly as changes continued to occur in the city. Many people were adapting to the numerous changes that continued to invade their life. The change in the power structure caused a lot of people to lose their job and have to find another one. It took them some time to settle down and lived their lives again.

Most of the school started to operate again, except from those that got destroyed beyond repair, which included Nolen School C.

Ryukalin Clan

"Boss, there's a call from your high school friends," Neo suddenly interrupted the working Kevin.

Kevin glanced up towards Neo with inquiring eyes. He eyed his phone on Neo's hand. Because he was busy most of the times, the one in charge for his call was all Neo. However, from all of his high school friends, there was only one person whom he kept the number in his phone.

"Give it to me," Kevin ordered.

Neo gave the phone to Kevin as he looked around. Thankfully, the others were not here because Kevin didn't like to be interrupted when he was working.

"Pres –I mean Kevin," Kanae's voice trailed off from the phone. "How are you?"

"I'm good," Kevin answered tenderly. It has been quite some time since the last time he saw her. She didn't appear in the office again, so he didn't have the chance to talk with her. "Do you need help?"

"Not really help, but I want you to come over to Nali Family main mansion," Kanae answered hesitantly. "But if you're busy, you don't have to come."

"Don't worry. I already finish my work."

Neo looked towards the pile of paper on Kevin's table. Boss, if you want to lie, you should lie better. The numerous pile of papers were clearly indicating that this man still has a lot of works he had to do. After all, the death of Aida Family Head caused numerous businesses to shut down and a lot of people unemployed.

In addition, the one who took over the business were not all people who were willing to listen to him.

"Really?" Kanae's voice sounded rather excited.

"Yes," Kevin answered coolly. "What's the occasion?"

"Laura wants to decorate the mansion by putting more comfortable and usable tools plus painting the mansion. I was thinking that you might want to come over to help out and have fun along with the other people from the previous student council," Kanae answered.

Kevin pondered for a few seconds. The other member should be Mike, Neo, Tommy, Jay, Kanae, and him. If included those from the second batch, there was Alice, Misae, and Laura. Considering that Jay was still busy in his clan and Misae was out of the city, there was no way she could invite them.

Wait, Alice?

"Who else do you want to come?" Kevin asked carefully.

"I'm thinking about inviting Mike, Neo, Tommy, and Alice too if they have the time," Kanae replied.

Upon hearing that Kanae still included Alice, Kevin felt rather complicated. He didn't want the two girls to meet with each other because of the awkward position that he pushed to Alice for the time being. However, he didn't want to refuse Kanae.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, is there anything wrong?" Kanae's voice sounded confused.

Kevin stayed silent for a moment. "No, there's none. I'll be there right away."

"Thank you, Kevin!" Kanae exclaimed happily. "Do you know the location of the mansion?"

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"I know."

"Okay, will the others come too? They're all in the Ryukalin Clan, right?"

'She knew,' Kevin thought to himself when he heard her question. She knew about that, but she still asked them to come. He truly didn't understand what was in Kanae's mind.

"Yes, they'll come over."

"That's good. I'll ask my sis to prepare more pizza for you all."

"That sounds delicious."

"I hope so," Kanae giggled. "Oh, my sis called. I'll see you later in the mansion, Kevin."

"Alright," Kevin closed the phone again. He looked towards the screen for a few seconds before standing up. "Neo, calls Mike, Alice, and Tommy."

"Yes, Boss."

The four of them arrived in Kevin's office in a matter of seconds. From the moment Kevin gave his order, not even one minute passed for them to arrive in his office.

Kevin looked towards Alice. "Kanae asks us to help them decorating a mansion. Do you want to come over?"

"Kanae?" Alice recalled her last meeting with Kanae in the school a few weeks ago. At that time, Kanae didn't show any hostility to her as they spent the last day as students together with Misae. After that, they no longer met again because she didn't have time to attend school and Kanae had an accident because of Sakura's death.

All along, she knew that Kanae already realized her engagement with Kevin. This made her felt rather unwilling to meet with that girl in this situation. After all, seeing someone whom you like staying close with someone else wouldn't feel too good.

Alice looked back at Kevin hesitantly. "Is she asking for me to come along?"

Kevin nodded his head. "She says that."

"Alright, I'll come," Alice agreed.

"Tommy, Mike, Neo, you all comes along. She wants you all to come," Kevin ordered.

The three men looked towards each other confusedly. They didn't understand why Kanae would want to ask them coming to that place together? Couldn't she hire a professional to help in decorating the place?

Tommy was the one feeling confused the most. After all, he knew Kanae's second identity as the legend of the street. Considering how busy Kanae lately with the change in the street, why did she still spend time to decorate a mansion with her little sister?

"Let's go."

"Yes, Boss."

Kevin suddenly remembered something. "Neo, make sure that Celine didn't come along. If Alice's father asks, tell him that I'm taking his daughter for a walk."

"Yes, Boss."

Neo wondered if this was a good move because this would only make that old man thought that the relation between Kevin and Alice advanced further. Well, he could only hope for the best because he was no longer sure about how things would progress.

At the very least, they didn't have to accompany that annoying girl (Celine) again on Kevin's trip.

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