UnderCurrent – Can You Break The Cycle

Chapter 35: Front 18.5 – A.M.I – Part 2/2

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Inside the room was indeed 'weird' - It was a cavernous space with a massive Gantry crane affixed to the roof and upper balconies overlooking the ground floor where the trio entered into. Like most of the town the space had plenty furniture, grey clinical-looking desks, chairs and cubicle office sections but likewise there was no real left-over equipment or papers.
 What had caught Sabban's eye however was the 9 oval shaped pods lining the backwall of the strange place, each with hooks for being lifted by the crane and each with a series of wires, pipes and now emptied computer terminals.The ovals each had a frosted glass front, one of which Sabban had wiped clear ahead of calling for Kolme & Una - The space inside was also filled with tubes and connections with a gap in the middle for, 'something'.
Finally above the 9 pods was an anagram that had appeared on a couple of the scant pieces of paper Sabban, Una and Kolme had come across periodically while exploring.
 The letters 'A.M.I' followed by a lowercase 'a - i'.

"The hell are they for?" Sabban utter bemused by the sombre line-up.

"Alright time to be goin', we've checked it all now - Sabban, Una leave all the papers an' stuff on that table over there and lets get a move on." Kolme said, trying his best to keep the unease he was feeling out of his voice.

"That again? We're not really going to leave with nothing are we?" Sabban shot back with a hint of irritation, "I mean what about the word on some of the documents and those pod things, A.M.I?"

"Not our department lad, hardly need to remind you of the enemy warship on the other side a' this port do I right now? We've scouted this place more then enough eh?"

"Artificial Magi Institution!" Una suddenly exclaimed excitedly.


"Oh ummm, my folks always said I was good at anagrams - Funny really, with the dyslexia and all--" Una muttered embarrassed, being cut-off by Sabban part ways;
 "Not that you idiot, the thing you said?"

Una looked dejected at the harsh words but responded no less, "Yes s-Sir, sorry. I said 'Artificial Magi Institution', A-M-I see?..."

"Then these pods and this being hidden in the middle of nowhere - It could be human experimentation?"  Sabban uttered, his usual flat voice becoming more colourful with morbid realisation, "Kolme we can't ignore something like that, we have to report it properly!"

Kolme sighed as he looked between the two young faces waiting in front of him, "That's just one idea that came to the Rookie's 'ed, we got no proof of it. TSU have been publicly studying cry-o-genic freezing for years, a way to put people to sleep for a potentially long space-journeys if we could colonise more of space - Nothing illegal with that now is there?"

Sabban scowled at this, "Oh ya, TSU and there classic hiding in their own failed construction projects to study completely legal processes? That's what you think Nilas?"

Kolme rose a hand up reflexively, Sabban's earlier comments still fresh on his mind - "Now look here I thought this war had drilled out that childish naivety bullcrap out of you lad?
 What business of ours is it if TSU or Remembrance or anyone else is studying the effects of Magi enhancement or simple cryogenic freezing on children - That's not our job to investigate regardless of--"

"Children!?" Sabban said with a start, "Who the hell mentioned children?"

"Huh, what, a, I mean children are people too, what of it."
 Kolme reeled back but again Una was the one to see it before Sabban;
"Those pods are all too small..." She gulped uncomfortably, while Sabban shot daggers into Kolme's eyes before turning to look at Una, nodding for her to continue, "Th-they're too small for people to fit in, I might if I tucked my legs under my chin but I'm pretty small for my age - Most adults wouldn't fit in there... A child would..."

"Sabban don't." Kolme called but the lad was already striding forward, he walked wordless alongside all 9 pods - Scrubbing away a little of the condensation on each, before coming back to face Kolme;
 "They're all the same Nilas, all of them are 'child sized'. You trying to tell me this place was specifically built in secret to conduct experiments on solely children for a good cause?"

"It's possible--"
 Sabban reared forward grabbing Kolme by his suit - "The hecks gotten into you today!? I know you're not the kind of guy to be OK with something like this. Children Kolme!"

The older man turned his face away to avert his gaze from Sabban's harsh eyes, "Reporting it won't help lad... Say we do and say IAFS sends a team to investigate, whatever they find works its way up to the board of directors - What do you think they would do with the possibility of making their own Magi?
 You can see the cash signs in their eyes right now can't ya Sab-lad?
 And this base, so meticulously cleared of anything to explain what happened here and yet they left behind these pods and few scraps of paper - Enough not to be evidence but still for people to draw conclusions of their own - Don't you find that strange too?
 This could all just be some red-herring."

Sabban shook his head ruefully, letting go of Kolme - "That's not our call to make, we don't get to chose and you said it yourself - Whoever was here left on purpose, they didn't run away. They could still be out there experimenting on children Kolme, we can't ignore that chance!"

"Yes we can take that chance, think about it logi'cal like - This was probably Remembrance right?
 The old mech, the secrecy, Scarlet's words and so on. They're a small group with limited funding, so we ignore this and a handful of kids might, just maybe be getting hurt out there somewhere but we tell IAFS -  A group with some proper money, well could you sleep with that?
 If the news came a few months after reporting this, that IAFS had started its own Magi programme?"

"You can't know they'd do something like that, IAFS ain't perfect but we're surely above that Kolme!"
 Sabban said back in a surprising moment of loyalty.

"Pah! We are run by a board of directors, we're borderline mercenaries.
 Its just money lad what the heck do you think they'll care about ethics in the middle of a war we're losing, badly. No we make the call now, we leave sleeping dogs lie and keep our own heads under the parapet."

Sabban continued to shake his head at this, "It Isn't Our Call, and wait, what do you mean Scarlet? You're saying she's involved in this somehow? Don't you think that's a problem?!"

At this Kolme threw his hands in the air stepping away from the lad;
 "Well excuse me, who went an' died to make you leader? Hell where's the lad who doesn't give a shit about anything gone?
 You listen here boy, this isn't an argument you hear me? There's no resolution or compromise at the end, I am the officer, you are my subordinate - We're only having this conversation because I like you, if I had any sense I'd caution you for insubordination ya got it?
 All this ridiculous talk, Scarlet? She's a flaming war-criminal-terrorist boy, who gives a crap if this adds one more thing to the list a' crimes - She's still our best pilot ain't she?
 We aren't payed for this kind of thing, you hear me Ensign? We've already wasted too much time here"

Una (who had been nervously observing this whole altercation) and Sabban both looked taken aback by Kolme's sudden shot of venom, Sabban for once struggling for words with a tinge of upset to his usual flat tone; "....And what if I went straight to the Captain with this or Miss.Hoki?"

Kolme simple scoffed dismissively, "Why are ya' making this complicated all of a sudden kid, let me make the call here and just do what you're told, that's your job 'ight?
 We're just ants here Sabban, ants that have stumbled across a human house - Inside the house is pretty bleak, a Father beating his kids, or a Wife abusing her spouse - But you're just an ant, you couldn't get in if you tried and even if you did, well you'd just get squashed under a boot wouldn't ya?
 You know that as well as I do, you've seen it before, I was there to watch you see it.
 So let's forget we ever had this little chat and get on with our actual job, be real embarrassing if we leave here only to find out the submarine left its position while we we're chattering eh?"

Before Sabban could say anything else a static voice cut across the comm-lines;
 "Lieutenant Sir, everything alright?"

"We're just fine Ensign Bachika, anything new up there?" Kolme said back, glancing at Sabban's face as he spoke.

"The station's system detect movements inside the residential areas sir, something very similar to a Hindenburg Generator."

"The Casnel?"

"No sir, it doesn't match any signature on record for the Casnel or any known-standard TSU or TSU-s models - I think it's something new."

"Oh well that's just brilliant, more headaches!" Kolme moaned.

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"It's nothing Hoki-Lass, we're on our way back now - Right you two?"
 Sabban glared angrily at this but finally giving up, he tossed his gathered papers onto the floor before him and began to prowl his way out of the room at a brisk pace like some enraged wild animal.
 Una laid her findings on the tables as instructed and followed behind Sabban more slowly, glancing back at Kolme frequently with a look of apprehension towards seemingly everything, on her face.

"Damn it all" Kolme muttered aloud, waiting a few moments before following the other two out.


Back in their respective machines the squad marched past the outskirts of the discerning town and over to the nearest circular-doorway into the interior of the Nation-State - Sabban taking the lead once more, stepping his machine forward to active the door controls.
 "Hold up lad." Kolme instructed over the radio, "Hoki, you getting that odd signature?"

"Err, I don't think so Sir? You mean coming off of the door?"
 Hoki answered back apprehensively.

"Ya, 'tis faint but I don't like it - Back in the day Abhaile used 'ta set up these seals, something to do with the cult a' Magi - You'd be busy cutting through a door and the whole thing would explode like a bomb.
 Let's try one of the other port doors." Kolme finished.

"Like hell, if there was something like that we would detect it!" Sabban cut in.

Kolme audibly sighed, "Look better safe then--" He didn't get chance to finish as Sabban cut off the radio, turning around his Neo and beginning to march back towards the tunnels leading to the other ports.

"That strange energy reading inside the city is still moving too..."
 Kolme muttered unhappily.

It didn't take much longer for the quartet to get back to one of the empty rooms of barren-grey metal panelling and find another doorway into their original query.
 "This good enough or you sensing more voodoo magic?" Sabban half growled, once again taking the lead standing nearest this new door.

"This one will do fine lad."
 Sabban didn't bother replying, he rose his rifle and waited for Kolme to raise the gate and for the scouting mission to finally begin in earnest with no more bizarre delays.

And then, just as the metal door of the gate began to open, a green light suddenly coursed through the door, 4 pinpoint accurate beams of lime burning at temperatures of 60,000 degrees or perhaps more for all Kolme knew - Streaming, whistling through the air towards the 4 members of the squad.
 Kolme stared at the screen as though the world had slowed to a crawl - It struck him as strange, they had been talking just moments ago and now a bullet of energy too fast to track had sizzled straight through the thick metal plating and was seconds away from him and all his comrades.

The world seemed to be moving slowly, as his entire viewing monitor, seemingly all his monitors in fact, filled with the blinding light of the closing attack - It would clearly hit home for a bullseye - The old man didn't even consider a dodge.
'So this is how it ends eh? Literal bolt out of the blue.
Got'ta be a Magi or a Casnel's doing to be this accurate - Always knew it'd be one of them got us in the end, ah well we gave it a good run.
Right way to go too, not flashy or showy - No grand last stand, just an instant ending.
Shame about the boy, didn't mean ta' end things on an argument but I guess that 'ardly matters now.'

Kolme felt a sudden and heavy thud to the side as none other then Sabban's mech collided with his own, it having clearly started to dive towards him before any of them had seen the attack come through the door;
 "Get down you damn stupid old fool!"
The young man roared in the seconds before the enemy beams landed home.


Four beams of light course through the reinforced metal bulkhead, striking down three of the unsuspecting grey-silhouetted Vijaiks, leaving only one still standing, its chubby monocular eyed head glancing around in confusion as the AI struggles to commutate what's occurred, Two more of the stricken machine glance around helplessly from their place on the ground.
[Simulation Ends]
Combat Evaluation By;


"Major you in?" Came a youthful voice at the so-called 'Major's door, breaking his concentration. He sighed leaning back into his chair;
 "Come in Helty, it ain't locked."

There was a faint wheezing sound and the metallic door to the room slid open with a quant flourish.
 In came a young man with a stylised head of almost 'spikey' brown hair, a clean shaven, smart-face and a well kept TSU uniform.
 As the youth stepped in he glanced around himself, taking in the small room of his superior - There was a narrow, simple bed against the same wall as the door and across from said entrance sat the Major at a small desk with a single screen computer terminal.
 Aside from that a few pieces of weight lifting equipment and a ceiling held sandbag for boxing purposes, all round the room feel very claustrophobic for that of a senior officer.

"Err, Major Sir, why are you typing with cap-lock on?" The youth asked as politely as possible while indicating his head towards the monitor-screen.

The Major pressed the off switch causing the screen to disappear before turning to his young compatriot;
 "All reports are done like that aren't they?"

"Ummm, if you say so sir..."
 The Major sighed, jumping up out of his small swivel-chair to face the young man. Standing the major was easily 2 foot taller then his subordinate, his whole body in general was far more 'filled out' than that of his young colleagues.
 "Was there something you wanted Helty? I've been trying to write that report all day you know."
The lean man said with a sigh.

"Oh well, ah. Well look sir, I just wanted to ask if you've had any progress with, you know what."
'Helt' said with a tone of quiet, but still hesitant confidence.

"What have I told you, it isn't my choice - Captain and the higher-ups make the call on our little 'Esper', not me." The older man said back for what clearly wasn't the first time.

"But Sir--"

"No Buts Petty Officer Helt! Haven't I said it before kid? Falc is a big-girl, she don't need you playing white-knight for her, she can fight her own battles."

"Oh, so you're ok with her being sent out there all alone when we get to this 'Station 9' place? What if that crazy red mech turns up again? We're only a few hours away from the Station now and those IAFS ships are still following us somehow!"
 Helt said a tiny bit too impetuously for the Major's liking.

"You fought that lunatic off on your own didn't you? And your syncopation rate with the Casnel is only 27%, Falc has 78% with her Fortress - Won't even be a battle, just another training exercise for her. Now quit your belly aching that's an order eh."
 The major replied back, putting aside his own worries on the matter.

Helt scrunched his face childishly, "You're not my boss major, I answer straight to the captain."
 He said crossing his arms.

The Major burst out laughing, "Ha-ha, true enough, but then why are you asking me not her? And anyway as long as you're flying mechs from this ship, then your my minion got it?"
 He said continuing to chuckle as Helt's face grew pale at the idea of asking the ship's indomitable Captain to reconsider her own orders.
 "Now come on, I'll finish that paperwork crap later, the next simulation should be just about wrapping up."  Major Moncha added, striding out past Helt and into the clean silver surfaces of the corridor beyond his room. Helt quickly realising his meaning and followed closely behind.

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