UnderCurrent – Can You Break The Cycle

Chapter 56: Front 29 – Wingman – (Arc 4 – Bannerman – Finale!)

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He was sure he should raise the pistol and take the shot. He was a good shot after-all and this was less than a metre's range, he wouldn't miss - He would gun down this man who was yet to actually commit any crimes.

His body felt heavy but his mind was burning vibrantly alive - He readied himself for the knife to land.

THUD - The sound as a heavy-metal pole clattering against the back of the assailants head.  The dust storm thick all around them neither Sabban or the assassin had released Kolme Nilas had caught up to them, makeshift weapon in hand.
 "Ey-up lad, this was the right guy ya?"


It had been, Sabban would admit, a strange day - Mission 'complete' they had been dropped back to the same old graveside-bench by yet another black limousine and found themselves once more staring up at the sky.
 The dust storm had passed as quickly as it arrived, now the distant view was filled with it making its progress across the continent.
 "What was it all for Kolme?" Sabban murmured after a while of silence.

"How'd ya mean lad, we got the guy didn't we?"

"We got 'a' guy you mean?" Sabban scowled back.
 Kolme flinched a little, "Ah now come on, how we're we to know that Hiki girl would get separated from us in the storm and end up finding a secret second assassin."

"But that's exactly it! She never needed us for an escort, she took out that second guy with a friggin taser - All anyone will ever remember is how the Duke's progeny single handily beat a dangerous criminal."

"Well ya, I guess. Do you want to be remembered for something like that Sab-lad? I mean if we weren't there that second assassin might not 'ave been found--"

"So what?! The Duke was only short-staffed because all those guards were with him right?
 Someone else would of found him, or taken the bullet on the Duke's smug behalf - We were only their to amuse the Duke that's all."

"Probably true, I won't deny its been a weird day..."
 Kolme added with a sigh.

"But that's just it, what's the point of it Kolme? I mean like the Tristain flotilla getting told to back-off chasing the Curadh, simply because IAFS's higher ups want to have a big meeting or something - While we rank and file get left in the dark!
 What's the point of it all?"

Kolme rubbed lightly at the back of his scalp, musing the question;
 "Ya know you've said alot since we arrived on Bannerman, more in one go than you 'ave in months to be honest - I guess that Station 9 fiasco really get under your skin. I been trying to think of the answers for ya too, or my answers atleast."

The older man stared up at the reddened sky as he went on - "You said you hate people like me, who see the pain of the world and do nothing - And that you don't want to be oblivious neither, hurting people without even knowing it.
 Honestly it sounds like there's alot you don't want to be - I wonder what you do want to be lad?"

"What I want to be? I mean..." Sabban fumbled with his word, 'What do I want to be?'

Kolme grinned kindly, "You remind me of my own life Sabban, though I was already past your age when I had thought like these - Not that I want to offend ya' by being over presumptuous or nothin', but the way you always talk 'bout these things, and your family too - It's familiar.
 My Ma' died, it was called a terrorist attack but really it was done by a foreign power, a few years later that country invaded ours - It was a long war, or should I say 'Incident' - Usual TSU cover up of course, but that's not really the point.
 Me and my Da', well we were men both when it happened and we just never really talked on it ya know?
 He withdrew from the world, became oblivious and started to hurt people without even knowing it - While I, I did nothing just tried to keep myself to myself, tried to ignore everything 'bigger' happening around us.
 Dad fought in the incident though, became an officer by field promotion - Lost almost every man in his platoon before the confli'cks end - Didn't much talk about that either."

"So you joined the military to protect your homeland?" Sabban asked, he had never cared before but suddenly found himself compelled to know more about Kolme Nilas.

Kolme in turn laughed lightly, "Ha! No lad, joined just to get away.
 See even after the conflict ended my Da' still hurt those around him while I ignored that hurt.  Eventually it caught up to us both, he lost the woman he considered the daughter he never had and I....Anyway, I only joined TSU to get away from home - I'm only in IAFS because I was onboard a ship that defected - Nothing deeper than that.
 Thing is, trying not to be like someone, that can be deadly lad - I think really you either becoming the thing you hated or ya get to be defined by ye're hatred.
 Now I'm not saying you should start be an intolerant bastard, nor am I saying you should go out of your way to take a bullet on behalf of your squad-mates - I definitely ain't saying you should be like that ex-girl'friend of yours, hurting people who need help not condemnation.
 Honestly I don't really know what I'm saying."

"Well that's nothing new." Sabban jeered.

Kolme laughed,
 "Ya true that Sab-lad. Thing is I don't think you should ignore it either - And knowing me, I'm probably wrong 'bout all a' this but I want to look out for you guys, for our squad an' our ship - But without becoming all gung-ho.
 I don't want us to be hero's who die in honour, just normal folk who do their bit and come back in one piece. So I'll play the games of Dukes and get shuffled around by generals - But resist being my Dad in my own way ya know?"

It was Sabban's turn to nod, feeling an odd sense of relief - "Ya, that don't sound so bad, I guess."

"And ah, I'm sorry about Station 9, I went too far..." Kolme said turning to face the young man.

"No, you were just worried about Scarlet right? You knew there was nothing we could do about that crazy A.M.I crap, but you can try and shield her?"

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Kolme borderline blushed, "Ya something like that."

"Thanks Kolme, for coming with me today and saving me - In the end we didn't even have to kill anyone, baring giving that guy a concussion."

"One less ghost right lad?" The older man added with a smile.

"Ya. And don't worry 'bout me, I'll stick with it I am your wingman after all right?"

Kolme nodded, while Sabban sprung up from the bench, stretching stiffly.
 "I can't stop ya being haunted lad, and I don't know if there any med'cine in the world for your mind - But ya can be my wingman for sure, not that I can even keep up with ya."

"Ya know what Kolme, fuck this shitty city, fuck ex's and Duke's and secret IAFS's planning!"

"Careful lad, lotta people loyal to this city round here."
 Kolme winked with a broud grin.

Sabban looked out over the endless gravestones, over towards the retreating dust-storm, and found his body beging for release, to yell out in frustration at it all;
 "Ya so what, whoever listens let 'em come, Fuck this shitty city and this fecking red ball of dirt and shite!! Fuck it all!!!"

"You Should Listen to your elders brat! What you saying 'bout this planet" Bellowed an only half-serious voice.
 Kolme turning to look over the bench and Sabban craning his neck round, both looked to the narrow lane at the bottom of the slope, there lay a rough military-jeep with three familiar faces.

"Hey Scarlet, finally get over ye're hangover?" Kolme jeered back ginning.

Also in the vehicle was Hoki with a tired looking face riding shotgun, and Una sitting on the backrow, wincing slightly whenever Scarlet rose her voice.
 "Ha, ain't never been a hangover bested me Nilas - We been searching half the blasted town looking for you two - Heck we were only here an hour ago"

"Paying our respects." Una added more meekly, Hoki flashing her a kind smile.

"What's the big hurry?" Sabban called back.

"We've all been recalled, there's been some sort of meeting over a truce offer - Vacations off."  Hoki replied, glancing at her handheld.

"Have you ever heard the like Nilas, a fecking truce now, they're even talking about a joint Aardig's day party!" Scarlet bellowed, again causing the other two girls to wince.

Kolme grinned, standing up and clamping Sabban's shoulder as he did, "A truce really, we'd of never guessed."

Scarlet glared suspiciously at the two men; "That so? Where you two been all day anyway?"

For once Sabban allowed himself to put on a wolfish grin of his own, "Just this once, I actually don't think you'll believe us."
 He laughed as they began to walk down the slope.

Hoki frowned, "Scarlet seldom believe anything Lt.Nilas says."

"Oi what's with the dig wing-woman, who's side you on." Scarlet quipped back, though clearly in jest causing even Una to smile - "Now you guys going to get in or do you wann'a walk back?"

"Aye, aye we're coming."
 And so the Neo Squadron made their way back towards the mooring of the Am-Fluchtig, bickering childishly all the way, even Sabban - Heading towards whatever tomorrow might bring.

End of Arc 4 - Thanks for Reading.

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