UnderCurrent – Can You Break The Cycle

Chapter 7: Front 4; Class is Out – Part 1/2

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Una soon found herself being taken on a more extensive tour of the ship than had been the case on her first day.
 They took a smaller service lift next to the much larger Vijaik elevator, up from the under-hanger to the main space.

Said main-hangar was a cavernous place that was as wide as the largest sections of the ship itself. Most of the hanger was filled with loading cranes & crates of supplies. The ship's massive interior allowing for smaller transport vessels to come the whole way into the Fluchtig rather then having to transfer things from one transport to another - This in effect resulted in lines of raised platforms for the transports to moor alongside, almost like some bizarre series of railway sidings.

Additionally, originally the upper-hangar would of contained extra mech holding chambers to one side - Much like the room Una had just come from - However these had been replaced with one of the Fluchtig's main innovations:
 A massive onboard production and maintenance facility.
 This large workshop easily took up a third of the main-hangar and Una couldn't help but express some awe at it as her and Hoki strode along the upper gangway, looking down in at the makeshift factory from above.

Massive slates where pieces of armour seemed to be operated on ominously by a dozen spindled arms, multiple areas filled with workers wielding & making fine adjustments to some piece of tech or another. A whole area to one side half-walled off and filled with an array of computer equipment with designers and engineers alike set about their work - And finally a single remaining Vijaik cell, containing the old Main-Battle-Type (MBT) mech that Una had so earnestly pointed towards yesterday.

After waving to the person who seemed to be chief mechanic, Hoki now explained the old machine was there for the purpose of simply moving items around the workshop, as well as also being the prototype for the Fluchtig's current battle simulators;
 "Unfortunately all the experimentation they have done on it means the poor cretin's no good for combat anymore, all the safety features were removed. Than again it was getting pretty outdated." - Hoki had stated matter-of a factly as the two women had passed by the antiquated weapon.

Una noted an almost nostalgic look in Hoki's eyes when she stared at the bygone mech - A lightly red tinted design, not all that dissimilar to their Neo-Type Vijaicks - With the exception of the cockpit jutting out where the simulator prototype had been permanently fitted.
 From there the duo headed past one of the secondary generator rooms, had a quick glance at the control centre for one of many gun arrays and briefly stepped into a meeting rooms (A narrow and somewhat unimpressive box-shape filled with little more than chairs and a table to the top, for the person holding any given briefings own convenience).

Finally they rounded the corner to the canteen.
 To Una's surprize the Canteen wasn't all that dissimilar to what they'd had at the academy, a long rectangular room filled with foldable benches that pertained affixed stools - Lined the entirety of the floor space.
 While the top of the room boasted large cut-out's in the length of wall, from behind which the kitchen staff busied themselves preparing various dishes. Finally the dim glow of suppressor fields covered the ceiling, giving the room both it's above average field of gravity and a warm glow of lighting.

It was almost mundane to look at if Una was being honest, but it combined with spending time with a former mentor did have the effect of reminding her of her school days.
 For example they'd had a similar canteen in her old highschool, plus a not so dissimilar style of platform to that of the hangars lay abandoned near her aunt's house back on Bhaile - And as for the briefing room, from it's plastic chair décor, to the furnishings in general - It almost felt like a miniature version of the academy's classrooms.
 Having Miss.Hoki explain everything as they went along also elicited quite the number of memories, it was after all only a couple months since her own graduation (Thought it seemed to feel much longer).

As a teacher Hoki had been at times strict and practical.
 Una remembered a particular time Hoki had caught some students complaining about the intense heat inside the training Vijaiks;
 -"-- Just ten years ago, the average temperature inside a land based piece of armour could often times exceed double that of a regular Vijaik, with little to no cooling systems for upwards of over five crewmembers.
By comparison while you cadets will one day pilot machines that can reach above 26C, always keep in mind that when you think you've sweated every drop there is - That you are the lucky ones, that you have it easy.
Vijaiks operate in space more often than not, allowing for better shedding of the mechanism's generated heat, combined with great strides in technology.
So keep that in mind next time you feel the urge to complain that your machine's cabin is 'too warm'. "

Then of course there had been 'The Technical stuff'. Una had personally always struggled with the finer details but she'd admired Hoki's delivery of such things - She had a way of making piloting seem almost romantic;
"The inception of the Vijaiks changed the field of battle indefinitely, not since 100's of years prior, in the second age, could a single soldier truly expect to change the battlefield with just their hands.
No rifleman could defeat an army, no ship's Captain or tank Commander can hope to defend their country borders alone - But with a Vijaik that all changes.

Even now a decade on, when all ships have developed new countermeasures - It is still perfectly possible for any of you to sink a whole fleet with your single unit - Should you grow to be skilled and lucky enough.
This of course all came due to the realisation of the value attributed now to the metals 'Goibniu' and 'Lanthanides'.
 With these metals the Hindenburg-miniature generator was finally turned from a hypothesis to a reality, but further L
anthanides proved to be a highly mailable and resilience substance, perfect for both the generation of power and the defence of a war-machine.
It would of course only be topped when the mass mining of the comparatively scares Goibniu began, leading to the line of machines now known as 'Casnel'. Goibniu could be conceivably described as a down-right 'Wonder-Metal', far more resistant to energy based weapons then a Vijaik's armour - Light but extremely durably and remarkably heat resistant - This substance allows for even greater power generation, offensive and defensive capabilities then even 'Lanthanides' previously afforded.

More-over it is also believed that it may have a direct link to the presence of the Magi in our history with its extreme levels of radioactivity possibly being a direct cause for why so many of Bhaile's races differ from one another so greatly.
 Of course all this is believed to be due to the element ----"
It would usually be around this time Hoki's speeches turned to the truly scientific that Una would start to lose all semblance of focus, but still those passionate lectures hung in her mind.

Hoki hadn't been a year-head but rather had trained almost every student of the academy for some period of time or another, partaking in supervision of practical bouts and specialising (despite her young age) in the design and history of the Vijaik and Casnel Mechs;

"--Now as the express course students have only recently joined us I find it imperative that we should discuss the greatest misconception I hear amongst new cadets such as yourselves. The humanoid shape of Vijaiks and Casnel's is most certainly not because the designer are unimaginative or egotistical, rather the case is that the human form is a remarkably versatile creature.
What other species so aptly carries packs of more than they're own whole body-weight in measure - Leagues across the land, scrambling up hills and over dykes? What tank or fighter jet can swap their weaponry at will and be as effective at close range as they are long?

Make no mistake, many have attempted to design ground base Vijaiks with conventional tank treads or claw like shafts.  Along with more ergonomically-sound space fairing types but these designs have for the most part proven fruitless. The exception of course being the limited success of the transformative MBTs of certain 'independent organisations' and the fortresses - But as you should well know those only have high efficiency under specific purpose circumstances and are in both cases incredibly hard to maintain and crew.

It is of-course prescient to remember the source of all Vijaiks and Casnel's, the material '
Goibniu' and to a lesser extent 'Lanthanides' - Are so rare that the concept of creating multiple types of mass-production specific-use or purpose Vijaiks is untenable.
 That is why most all MBT-Vijaicks can be found with two arms, two legs and a head of some description - Capable of combat in space, on land and even in the water and atmosphere with only minor modifications - Thee most versatile of weapons"

Indeed now that Una thought on it, Miss.Hoki had owned a propensity for rather long and detailed lectures...

Now in this new setting however, she found herself seeing other parts of her former teacher. Firstly was her way with people, Una watched as Hoki spoke familiarly with the kitchen staff - Who in turn appeared to have speical crockery with fine inlays put aside for the woman.
 Further the food Hoki ordered left Una feeling entirely inadequate, much of it she didn't even recognise to look at.
 For her part Una sheepishly ordered as refined as she could but knew it to be a vain effort. That said she appreciated the surprisingly large array of food available, dishes from all walks of culture were present and faint holographic signs indicted that more could be ordered then was displayed if one so wished.

Her food ordered Una quickly followed after Hoki who seemed to walk casually towards a pre-established place among the canteen, this being a particular table near the back corner of the room - Slightly more private than many of the other spots.
 It was while heading in this direction that Una really acknowledged for the first time just how quiet the room was, a quick glance revealed seven diners excluding themselves - Despite the hour of the day being peak break time.

Hoki whom had now placed down the tray with her meal-on and began to sit down, seemed to of noted Una's searching expression. Una realising eyes were on her quickly stumbled out a reply;
 "Oh! Umm... I was just thinking it was busier at breakfast time, but even then pretty quite, umm-m..."
Una flushed slightly as she made her way awkwardly around the end of the long table and over to the seat opposite Hoki.

"Ah yes, it would seem traditional eateries really have gone quite out of fashion I'm afraid" - Hoki said back in a slightly formal tone.
 Una having now taken the seat opposite nodded and before long the two began to eat in relative silence.


"You see--" Hoki began suddenly, giving Una a start;
 "--It's not that I'm one of those naturalists or anything but really there's just something that sits wrong with me about alternative foods, don't you agree, Una?".

By 'Alternative Foods' she of course referred to the legendary franchise machines:
 Unmanned units that prepared and served all manner of food and drink, that while all looking relatively the same could be artificially adjusted to taste like anything a crewmember so desired - And having an array of nutritional options available without compromising the taste.
 Every ship had one of these 'Magic-Burger-Vending Machines' (as Una had once seen it written by a critic) and she had already pasted the remarkably large que for the Fluchtig's one that very morning - Only now realising how that might explain the more generic canteen's lack of business.

Una nodded again, "Well back home we lived pretty far out from the city and Auntie isn't really a fan so I guess I never really got used to the artificial stuff Mi-- Ensign." Una added meekly.

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Hoki frowned at the formality of the statement, "Just 'Hoki' will do when we are off duty like this."

Una's face really grew flustered at this; "Wh-ah-erm but!"
 In spite of her protest another frown from her dinner partner finally made Una relent;
 "Yes Miss.Hoki." She finished.

Hoki still looked a little put out by the added 'Miss' but decided to settle for the compromise.
 Silence seemed to fall between them again and Una began wondering how best to broach further conversation topics when one suddenly made itself apparent. She watched as Hoki poured a faintly coloured liquid from an ornate porcelain teapot into a dignified ceramic cup.
 Two things caught Una's attention here, one simply being the pleasant but distinct aroma of the newly poured tea - The other being the realisation that she had somehow forgotten to get herself a drink. She cussed internally which seemingly Hoki noticed as she pointed the pot in Una's direction - "Would you like a cup?"

"What?" Una blurted on instinct, "no, no I couldn't possibly!"

Again Hoki frowned in clear disappointment and Una found herself compelled to act - Glancing down she realised without asking for it - The kitchen staff had actually left an empty cup of the same make on her tray too.
 She now timidly handed that cup across, which in turn garnered her a satisfied smile from her former instructor.

Una sipped tentatively at the finely brewed beverage.
 The colour was a faint green shade that seemed to inspire images of plants in springtime bloom, while the scent made her think of a sunny autumnal evening at her aunt's home.
 For a moment she found herself transfixed by it, it seemed out of place in all the chaos of the day, with-in the bizarre circumstance of dining with her superior, to drink something so very relaxing.

"It's wonderful." Una muttered quietly.
 Hoki stared at her in disbelief, her own cup half-way to her mouth.

"W-what's wrong?" Una asked hurriedly putting the cup back down on the table as though it were some precious historical relic she had just defiled.
 Hoki for her part blinked back to her senses;
"Sorry, it's just, well no one else has ever liked it." She said with a stupefied look on her face that Una had never before seen.

"Really? Well ah, I think it's quite lovely." - Una added with her own kindly smile.
 And so on went the conversation in much that fashion, with Hoki before long explaining the finer details of how she had found herself with a vast collection of rare teas;

"-- I mean really, we finally joined up with the IAFS recovery team and what had father smuggled onto the shuttle alongside myself? Boxes upon boxes of tea leaves, his whole collection no doubt! I swear, if I hadn't also had the data-stick with me they might well of told us to head home - And who would of blamed them, it looked like some elaborate practical joke!"
Hoki finished with a sigh, but one accompanied by a fond smile.

"How umm, how is your father doing now?" Una asked, hesitant to sound rude but not wanting to let the conversation's momentum die out;
 "Oh the old man seems to be holding up just fine from what I've heard, for now atleast it seems TSU are still too afraid to go public that, 'The Hero of the Eastern Front' tried to escape Bhaile to help form the so called 'IAFS Menace' - Honestly such dramatic names.
 Notwithstanding that he and the others are still just being kept under house arrest."
Yes for now atleast...But enough of that, how are you finding your first day here to be?" Hoki asked with another bright smile.

Una pondered the question for a few moments, as Hoki poured them both more tea, their food long since finished off.
 "I'm not sure really." - She said with a slightly forced laugh, "There's a lot to think about I guess".

Hoki nodded her agreement;
 "Well if you have any questions, do feel free to ask I was the one who wanted you on the team after-all, and I really do feel bad for what you witnessed earlier. I was quite uncouth back then wasn't I?
 Arguing with Miss.Scarlet in front of my juniors like that, I do apologies Una." - Hoki finished with a flash of remorse about her earlier argument, "I really don't know what came over me, something about that woman just seems to get to me..."

Una put on a puzzled expression, more concerned with the former half of the sentence then the latter.
"You were?" She said.

"Hmm-m? Oh, of course. Did they not tell you that before you accepted the post? I was in-charge of scouting every one for the Fluchtig's new pilot team." Hoki replied back earnestly.

'Oh! "The uppity women who sticks her ore in where it doesn't belong", that the barrack's commander kept complaining about whenever he saw me' - Una thought to herself and then the most pressing question of all seemed to alight itself upon her;
 "Oh well um, they didn't really tell me that much before I got the order to come here, but err, if that's the case, can I ask you, well, why pick me for this team Miss.Hoki?"

Across from her, above the slightly angular, almost regal features of Hoki's face, her brow seemed to furrow at Una's question
 "Well I won't pretend there wasn't a degree of nepotism to it --".

"-- But there was plenty of better people from my class you could of picked if you wanted a former student, I was always right at the bottom of every test!" Una interjected, suddenly letting her thoughts spill out.

This time Hoki's brows did more than just furrow, "Una.. You must know why that isn't the case right?--"

'Must know? What's that supposed to mean? Must know what? I know for a fact I was the worst in class!'

Hoki lowered her voice a little, "--You and Sabban, well you are all that's left."


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