Unexpectedly Loved By The CEO

Chapter 35: #35

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Chapter 35: Indirect Confession

"Let's go," he said after the sales lady gave me the paper bag.

I stared at him for a few seconds while he was going out of the store before following him. He was about to open the door when I called him.

"Mr. Parker," I called, causing him to turn around and face me.

"What?" he asked, arching a brow. I wasn't sure how I'll ask about it but I just wanted to clarify things. Did he pity me because my foot was bleeding?

"Why are you doing this?" I asked him, holding the paper bag with both of my hands.

"Doing what?" he asked back. My question was too obvious. Why is he still asking?

"Why did you buy me shoes?" I asked again, a clear one this time.

"Oh, the shoes. I just don't want you to hurt yourself. And also, you deserve it. Consider it a gift for your hard work," he briefly explained before going inside the car.

I pursed my lips before going sitting on the front seat, not knowing how I'll move on because he just bought me seven hundred dollar shoes. In my entire life, I didn't buy something that was as expensive as this one when it comes to fashion. I just don't think it's practical for people like me. But for those who can afford it, it is.


It has been a week but still, Mr. Parker and I aren't been talking so much. Maybe because it's my fault too. I'm pushing him away, just to make sure he won't break his own rule. I mean, who would want to break their own rules, right?

He has a board meeting at 2:00 PM and it's already 1:50 PM. I went to his office to remind him of it.

"Mr. Parker, you'll have a board meeting at 2:00 PM," I formally said while standing in front of his desk. He took a glance at his wristwatch before looking up at me because he was sitting.

"I prefer to start it at 1:55," he said before finishing the paper works and putting them inside a folder before standing up. "Let's go."

I simply nodded. I let him walk in front of me before I followed him. We entered inside the lift and there was no one inside, except for us.

"I'm happy that you liked the shoes," he said with a straight face. He probably noticed that I've been wearing it for the whole week.

"No one wouldn't," I answered instantly.

We stayed quiet for a minute before we went out of the elevator. I was behind him while he was casually walking. Even I can see his naughty side, Mr. Parker is indeed a very formal person when it comes to working.

He was greeted by the people as we enter the head office. A lot of them were here early, I guess because they also know that Mr. Parker doesn't get late for anything. Meetings, birthdays, or in any other events, he doesn't want to be late.

Mr. Parker immediately started the meeting while I was taking notes on my mini notebook. He was explaining the topic smoothly and I admire him for that. He's very clear about every word he's saying to keep his board mates focused on the discussion.

After more than half an hour, the meeting ended and we went back to the office. I'm starting to feel different about how he acts. I mean, how could he not act like this if I keep pushing him away to avoid the conversation I don't want to have?

I don't really understand myself at times like this.

I made him a cup of coffee and put it on his desk. "Anything you else you want, Mr. Parker?" I asked him politely. He took a sip of his coffee while I was waiting for his answer.

"Have lunch with me," he said as he put the cup down, not looking at me.


It was already 11:45 AM, fifteen minutes before lunchtime. I reserved a near restaurant because he always tells me that I get to choose where we'll eat when we're having lunch or dinner together. I also called Rowan so he can drive for us.


"Any comments on starting your 3rd month working for me?" he asked all of a sudden.

"I think I'm doing great, Mr. Parker," I honestly said. Who doesn't feel great about being paid for twenty thousand dollars a month?

"I see that you're getting along with your colleagues," he praised, holding a glass of water.

"I am, Sir—"

"But you aren't like that around your boss, huh?"

Wow, just when I thought he was praising me, I realized that I was thinking the wrong way.

"Pardon?" I smiled, pretending I didn't hear anything.

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"I said, why can't you act like how you act with them around me?" he said, not letting me get away with it.

"Again, Mr. Parker, I am your secretary, I'm not your colleague. You're my boss, I'm your employee." Well, in fact, that wasn't the real reason. I was avoiding him, I don't want to be involved in an issue.

"Is this because I gave you a hint that I like you?"

I almost spilled the water that was in my mouth to his face. What the hell did he just say?

"Sir, do you even hear what you're saying?" I looked at him, furrowing my eyebrows. This is ridiculous! Luckily, no one heard him except for me, because I don't believe that no one here doesn't know Mr. Parker.

"I clean my ears every day and I don't store earwax in it so yeah, I do hear everything that I'm saying," he said casually like he doesn't think it's a ludicrous thing to say.

I stayed quiet while he was staring at me. A smirk rose from his lips which made me feel more uneasy. Is he teasing me?

Finally, our food was served. I can now escape his gaze just by eating my food. Hopefully, he knows how to be quiet while eating.


"What?! The CEO of the Parker Hotel just confessed that he likes you?!"

I laughed at Alice's reaction while we were talking on the phone. She's at her other friend's house, they are having a mini-reunion tonight.

"Well, it's not like that but—"

"But it is!" she shouted, like she really did want it to happen.

"I just didn't expect him to say that," I said. "Hey, you go on with the party. I'll talk to you tomorrow." I didn't want her to consume a lot of time for me while she's with her friends.


Days have passed and I still can't act normal around him. I think it's for the better not to tolerate what he's feeling, or maybe he is just messing with me.

Today, I plan on visiting Emily. I just can't stop thinking about how she's doing right now. Besides, I think I'm one of the reasons why her mom chose to send her to rehab.

"Hello again," I said and it seems like the clerk recognized me. "I know, I'm not a family member but can I just see her even just peeking from her door."

She stared at me for a few seconds like she was getting annoyed by me. "What's your friend's name?" she asked while browsing her list.

My face lit up when she asked, it means she's letting me see her. "Emily Smith," I gladly said then she looked for her name.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Ma'am. She was discharged five minutes ago."

My head was filled with confusion and I was about to ask her something when I heard a familiar voice.

"Ms. Olivia," Emily's mom called me. I turned to face her.

"Oh, hello," I was surprised.

"What brings you here?" she smiled as she ask me.

"I was just... Uhm... I just wanted to visit Emily. But I heard you sent her home," I said.

"I did, and I'm here, getting her things too. She's in the car, do you want to see her?"

"Oh, uhm. I don't have to, I just want to know if she's doing great?" In fact, I'm confused about why is she sending Emily home so soon. I'm pretty sure she hasn't recovered yet.

"Well, she doesn't look happy. But I'm trying to make her believe that there's still hope for her to change, to go back to her old self."

I now believe that she's a sweet daughter back then. It might be because Emily couldn't handle her emotions anymore that's why she did all of these. I know, it's somehow unreasonable but I understand. I'm hoping that she'll come back to her old self just like what her mom wishes.

"I wish for her luck." I gave her a small smile.

"Thank you, Olivia. I'm pretty sure she'll recover well by the time we get back in Texas."

Texas? So, Emily wasn't lying about going back to Texas.


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